Karusnt Ltd presents by arrangement . with Vr'vrerrne Smrth Management; 3.,» _ rer: 020 7240 1420 ' . Email: vsvsm@aot.com I;

('oluurlms ('Irildren‘s 'I'heatre’s The Druid Try; . “wickedly smafmy” Hollywood Reporter I\liorI'lld contcnprgnlzlrriy; nitrsical’onr(‘eltij :hemes by Joy u - r n ' cr y. at r usso. am i enton. cr ormer 1y young Jerry Lew's 8 long 108‘ nephew New York Tlmes adults ( ((1-2 I) (rom ('olurnhus. Ohio. USA. shim I'catures cnvi~ - * -.. u. ronmcntal theme. ecltrc sly Ie music tk dance \srlh In c hand. Appropriate (or b .1an up. «5‘ (3,, r Rtu‘Iu'l 124/ ms nu/ Au -. 7-1 1/ £6 (£4) *' BERI KREISCHER PAIRICE 0 NEAL ' *~ “Outrageous material the grown “The audience rvhoop and -up alum aruiarsky nme Our, Nyc holler... lullrng Village Voice RNTA Thom“. “Us PAN") 0N “MS...

('Iassie ('hristmas humour. only in the middle of the summer! (hurt ("or children ol‘ all ages w ith villians and hero's. and a In ist in the tail! I’anto on 'l‘oast provides a wake-up call to match it's free toast and eol'l‘cc.

Rocket l26/ Aug. 7-l2/ l0:2()aru/ Free Coffee and Toast

Shooting Blanks llilarious black comedy by a young. 0 Q award-xx inning [1.8. play“ right explores \s hat makes Americans . "go postal." gttttnitlgtlrmtt eycryone around them. Finish your -

es ening \\ ith a pint from our hat and 5() minutes of laughter at

IIIL' in the US.

Rocket l23/ Aug. 7-l8 (not l3) / llput/ £5 (£3)

. . 'I‘he (‘oru lete Wives of Ilenrv VIII 'I‘wo actors )lav er 'lttcctt . . . . t- ° , parts in this vvilty and vivacious comedy musical. Written by

IIAI- IA award nominated composer. this riotous romp dcprcts

.3 . the li\ es and loves of Henry and his wives. Forget about (‘harles and ('amilla. this is the Royal soap opera to end them all! Rocket l6/ Aug. 7-l2/ 8:5(lpm/ £6.50 (£4.50)

1 August 3-28 (not 7 and 14) 11 pm Assembly Rooms Box office: 0131 226 2428

Tickets and details available at: www.karushl.com

blue edge theatre presents ever after

Acclaimed new “thing combining modern day fairy tale and \ . _. tense psychological thriller. A disillusioned journalist r'ckindles Kim’s") “0 Pgb‘b)’ afia‘gemem WI") VlVlenne Smilh Managemem? a lorlridden romance from the past in this posscrl'ul tale of l‘anta- N320 7240 “20 Ewe": V5V5m@a°'~c°m s). obsession and the search lot happy endings. 'Ililarious. dis- ' Iurhing and rnacahre' ((‘amhr'idgc Iivening Nevis). " ~ . [(06141 no Aug. 7.26 / 6pm/ £6 (£4; Pl, ~- , - J The Suicide or Mark (ireyson . , . I Iiy cs holted shut. and a gunshot; suicide is a quick march. save #2 p perhaps for Mark (ircyson. An American who refuses to die :1 ' . ) like countless others. on a quest to (ind and then kill himself. ‘1‘” " Rocket m/ Aug. 742/ 9:30pm / £6 (£4) “Startlingly “A barrage of . . _ . .. . . . . . . ,, . . ,, Dancing luggs Production s lue s Iarl Inventwe mIanous gags "Make los c all day I" llrm '.’ Well. t'ollow live as she straddles a Telegraph The Stage stranger through l)r. (icuder's human sexuality classes. 5 (any w characters. |i\c|_\ music. comedy. drama. dancing spcrrnzl I‘ rr'nspired “Very, very yxlouranl aura llo/aniclt hr‘ought do“ n the house..."San Diego . u - nron Irrlrunc. su'feahsm funny Rocket l6/ Aug7-26 (not l3l/ 5:40pm/ £5 (£3)

Evening News Scotsman

Edinburgh l7niyersity Savoy Opera Group's The Zoo

Ily Ilolton Rmse & Arthur Sullivan. Acsculapius ('arhoy has decided to hang himscll at the loo refreshment stall. oddly the stallholder I'ccls a corpse would affect passing trade. 'So begins a tale of love. attempted suicide and penguins.

Rocket I6/ Aug. 8-“) (not l3l/ 7:35pru/ £6 (£4.50)

».y.‘ bapphrre‘s Inellth Night '9‘ The team a ho brought last year's punch-packing Richard III are hack \\ ith a tight adaptation (it"l'sselt'th Night. At times macabre.

hilarious. touching and dal't. this is an edge-ol-your-scat roller I'- coaster ridc you \\ ill nc\ct‘ l'orget. ‘- Rocket l26/ Aug. 7-26 (not ll. 20) / 8pm/ £5 (£3)





Featuring Dr Gregg Dupont as seen on The 11 O'Clock Show, CH4 Star of 8805 We Are History and the voice on Don 't Smoke da Reefa ' R‘K‘ket '6 R‘ICket '23 ROCK?! I24 ROCket '26 Assembly Rooms 9.20pm August 3 -28 (not 7, 21) Theatre Arts 5""‘Wridw' K355313311 Sr John's Hall Tickets: or 31 226 2428 Centre Rcmm‘ Cent!" ' ' in mm. s. a It) Has ies St. lnlirmary Street I’lcussmcc (Road) ' tickets and details can be found at: www.karushi.com Il(r\ ()lltcc: Bus ()l'licc: BM ()I‘Iit‘t‘l “m” 0mm 667-6666 558-9991 667-9555 667-6666

10—1 7 Aug 2000 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 29