Jacqueline Elnake J“ "mm University at liegas presents:

W881 [1111 E1” Internatinna I! acclaimed nercus- Hillel] nan days ulus 2211mm] nannies [en 5-23 All! [11111 111, 17, 24] “unfit/""3":iall ‘Jlll’ -anne man naneesnnw- nertnrlnen nylnnis 12:30 [1321111] 35.51] [54.511] 5-1211ll915145117145l571531 llalnuraslitell Best lnlnist in lienynrk nyeritie,

- STRING QUARTET - music from his I ' l‘illlflls M38111]. A taIe of envy, lust, greed and newly released CD, THE GATE

em Guides. 13-19 Aug 13:45 [14:45] £1 [£6] 5-28 lull leven dais except 22! “Hill llllzlllll E5 [Ell She fiddles with your funny glands! “Okka' Sty"? 0‘ Japanese drums ‘MNEISEAPES’ ' A 1131131 1131111818381

5-28 Alli] "10114, 21, 22] 13:15 [142151155 IE4]

Medicine Wheel lianee Prnjeet Vnsniku a flute“! The IIIISSIaII MlllennIIIIII ‘Angels 01 iartll’ in the lien Inn clowns Sears "133le Project . . o _ m- ule alumna 5” led by Victor Sochak or Art-Vic this project

brings 8 innovative theatres from Russia. A t A"! From Gogul to Pushkin to Nabakov to "u I l l 35 Chekov. From a Madman’s Diary / First Love I Chekov’s Circus / Back in the USSR / Meet the 2 clowns from Japan. A delightful Queen of Spades / Lolita / Yours Isadora / Butch, evoking the landscape and show that WI" make your heart smg. Darkness / The Mamage. Russian modern

. theatre at it’s best. mythology of the American West.

.1 , 5-23 1111!] [see programme tnr details]

A poetic dance solo performed by John Michael Doyle with the expression of

GARAG E TH EAT R 37.3.1132...“ cm...

Grindlay Street: Court: Box Office 0131 221 9009 http://www.hk.airnet;.ne.ip/art:/

1 f 3.1 Am; 3173-", THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 39