Bhikuzan [lsugaru] shamisen A ; llanawa _ the 3-slrinued zitller :, E, , - 5-28 Aug 18:15 [19:05]] E7 [E5] 4' , , A Jazz Opera fusion East meets west in this

unusual production of jealousy and revenge.

6-28 Aug [not 14, 21] ' _. E . . > Music composed by Ryota Kojima. Directed by ~ Yuki Watbae. Libretto by Edwin Hawkes.

Improvisation and jazz with an oriental twist.

The dynamic rhythms of the

ffllllll llanayagl Japanese drums grants the White crane

- Japanese names Vibrations 0f the earth 3-23 m 15:00 [15:55] sates-n alsulllzllll [341 Will be at the Garage Chapiteau in Princes St

Allfl [Sell out: Edinburgh 1999] Gardensms‘wenuegs)

'5‘“ "5“" ‘7 '9" 7-28 Aug 16:15 [17:15] A“12:22:23:312':;':.:°::..;::2223m A sum“ beaUW- A puppet theatre for both children and adults.

GA RAG E Ill EAT RE Xiln‘fiaTéom centre

Grindlay Street Court Box Office 0131 221 9009 http://www.hk.airnet.ne.ip/art/

44 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 1/ 2‘1 Aug 2000