Mika goes to Hollywood

Having played on his Maori roots on previous Visits to the Fringe, the ever- glamorous Mika is branching out into the world of Hollywood glamour as he pays tribute to every diva from Whitney to Streisand. He has the voice and costumes to match, and plays Dynamic Earth at 7pm until Monday, and 10.30pm thereafter.

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‘C (it) t "l lUr’ 2 l l i: i ? Jarvis and his merry hubbub of kitsch mongers have never truly fitted in. Even at the peak of their popularity with ’Common People’ they were still the ultimate in musical quirk. After a wilderness period post-This ls Hardcore, they return on 24 Aug for their first full show of the year at the Corn Exchange with renewed vigour and a rumoured line in wanton experimentation. Expect nothing less than a glorious return to form.