film RIIWII. '

DRAMA Titus ****

Audacious adaptation of The Bard’s bloodiest play

Taking his first serious Shakespearean role Since the 805, Anthony Hopkins stars as the warrior Titus Andronicus, whose triumphant return to Rome is marked by the ritual killing of a prisoner. He chooses the son of Tamora, Queen of the Goths (Jessica Lange), unwntingly setting in motion a cycle of revenge that ensnares the innocent as well as the guilty. Director Julie Taymor IS faithful to the Bard's dialogue Without being tyrannised by the text, producmg a film that’s classical and timely. It’s an audacious and timeless parable on the nature of vrolence, whose rich images and language remain lodged in the memory. A must-see for adventurous Cinema-goers. (Steve Applebauml

I Titus, Dominion, 26 Aug, 5.30pm, £7 (£4.50).


Crane World (Mundo Grua) ***

Working class character study

This tale of a 50-year-old crane operator who loses his JOb and sets off into the dark unknown to seek gainful employment, is a real slice of Argentinian working class life. Beset by economic insecurities, he also has to negotiate problematic relationships With his adolescent son and his new girlfriend. Crisp black and white Cinematography supplemented With occaSional hand-held shots convey the desued naturalistic effect. C0uld be critICised for its lack of dramatic impetus, but that’s not really the pomt. This is more character study, reminiscent of the early teleViSion work of Ken Loach and Tony Garnett, but Without the overt politiosing.

(Davre Archibaldi

I Crane World, Cameo I, 24 Aug, 8.30pm, Cameo 2, 26 Aug, 4.30pm, £7 (£4.50).

DOCUMENTARY The Eyes Of Tammy Faye *th

TV evangelist’s post-scandal existence

Hard to believe that a telly evangelist could end up as a gay icon, but this is the story of the USA’s most controversial bible-bashing broadcaster. Tammy Faye Bakker has tried desperately to make amends since her banishment from public life after the financial scandal which she and lovmg hubby Jim were embroiled in during the 80s Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato's film aims to fill the viewer With a last supperful of sympathy for the crestfallen Tammy. This is achieved by portraying her usurper, the untrustworthy Jerry Falwell, in a very dark light; which is a bit like saying Hague is a nice guy because he’s not Hitler. (Brian Donaldson)

I The Eyes Of Tammy Faye, Cameo 2, 24 Aug, 5pm, 26 Aug, 9.30pm, £7 (£4.50).


The Junction (Torowisko) ***

Assured but grim vision of post- communist Poland

Maria, a y0ung train signal operator in a small provrncial Polish town yearns to escape from her drug dealing brother, miserable mother and promiscuous best friend, but her naivety and poor communication skills bring only frustration. This depreSSing Vi5ion of post-communist rural Poland is skilfully directed and edited With half an eye on the films of liri Menzel (Close/y Observed Trains) and Kieslowski iShort Film About Love). Nothing particularly new here, but the film does boast an outstanding performance by Karolina Dryzner as Maria. An assured, if grim debut from director Urszula Urbaniak.

(Paul Dale)

I The Junction, Fi/mhouse 2, 25 Aug, 5.30pm; Fi/mhouse 3, 26 Aug, 9pm, £7 (£4. 50).

The Last Resort, an elegant chamber piece from award-winning documentary

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filmmaker Paul Pawlikowski, receives its world premiere in Edinburgh. Filmhouse 1,

26 Aug, 5.15pm. £7 (£4.50).

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V 13-27 aug 2000

www.edfi| information hotline 0131 229 2550 credit card booking line 0131 623 8030




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24 Aug—2 Sep 2000 THE HST FESTIVAL GUIDE 61 [J