He won an Obie for his New York performance as Quentin Crisp, now BETTE BOURNE is bringing Resident Alien to the Fringe. We spoke to the celebrated cross-dresser about Diana, philosophy, Montana and housekeeping. \‘Jortts: Steve Cramer

_\. )titt look a lrcxh )titirig thing] \a_\\ Bcttc lionrnc. hrcc/ing in to mch mc. ‘.\rc )oti a l'ricnd ol l)tit‘titlt_\ is?

‘l)oroth_\ \\ ho)" ix m_\ Lll‘\L‘lll*llllllleLl rcxponxc.

.\'c\t to mc. \tritcr 'l‘ini lionntain hnrxtx into h_\ \tcrical gigglcx. ‘.\l_\. thix 1.x going to hc a \plcndid morningf Hournc dranlx. "You chcr knon \xhat lun )on might ha\ c. Stu c.’

I look at m} \hocx. m_\ \hirt cull. thc tapc rccordcr l “ax liddling \\'l[ll \\hcn l ga\c m) ganchc rcpl}. and rcalixc l'\c lost uhat littlc aura ol' mctropolitan chic l inxt had. 'l'hix \xill hc actor Bcttc Bottrnc‘x morning. \\ ith ahlc axxixtancc lrom hix dclt \\ ill straight man. l’onntain.

And it hcgan so \xcll. l‘d tt\t‘tl thc old intcr\ic\\ci”\ trick ol' arriring a lcn minntcx carl_\ and \\Lt\ l‘olloncd up thc tront \tcpx ol~ l’onntain's Notting Hill l'lat h} thc \xritcr. hcaring lli\ morning mcssagcs. a littlc lat/ct] h} m_\ o\cr—pnnctnalit}. llc ttcnottxl} small—talkcd mc into his kitchcn and c\claimcd. ‘Bnt \xhcrc arc in} manncrs'.” ('asting about :15 il‘ hc might lind thcm undcr thc tca cox}; hc linally prodttccd a colch machinc. l ~\cttlcd do“ n thinking that I‘d got thc whip hand. l‘d gct thc xtnt')’ l \t'antcd.

'l‘hcn thc star atrium and with llix opcning gambit. cnsnrcs that for thc ncxt hour l'll hc tcascd. taunch and to_\cd \\l[ll. .-\nd l'll haw a thorougth good laugh.

it _\on

The play, says Bourne. is 'a very definite journey, but it's also like an hour in his room. at home with him'

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