
The World Of Spencer Brown I’lrmum r ('ourIw/n/ and (It ('I' I/H‘ Rural. tmll/ 37,-lug. I‘s’. III/mi. l)eterttltued to be a world Imdc-r, Brown hax tuxt emerged lrom xcycn monthx meditation and now hc‘x gagging lot ll.

Peter Buckley Hill And Some Comedians Free IlmwQuinn-n. F _. xllltj. 9.35pm. Six ycarx on and xttll hanging in there. Buckley lllll rcturnx to introduce lour coiiicdianx e\ cry mght.

One Man And His Frog, Free l’t'fl‘l‘ Hut Hm Ill/l. 'I'ltn’v-Quarters. N SJxlue. iii/nu. l't'tttge xtalwart liucklcyvllill won‘t be [tuned by any .‘unphibianx. inxtead c\pect unfettered kooky tnatcrtal and muxical acctitnpanutlent.

Jason Byrne I’lt'mimt (‘ ('nurluml mu/ ()l(’l' Illl’ Rum]. (mt/l 37xluu. 9.40pm. The prcxx tor Jaxon lly rnc'x l‘rmge appearance thix year promixex a brand new xhow. but with hix tree—wheeling approach to comedy. c\ cry night can iuxtitiably be xaid to he brand new leaping madly about the xtage. lux tnamc cnthuxiaxm crcatcx an atmoxpherc not unlike a children'x birthday party which hax become xlightly out of hand. With hIx xhowx ol manic

tmproy ixation. insolx mg audience mcmbcrx. random propx. and xomctimex audicncc memberx ax propx. thc lrithan ix already a hinge lcgcnd. lt ix a mark of an excellent comedian when they can unite the cnttrc audience in belly laughx it ix a mark ot llyrnc‘x ability that. during laxt year'x appeat‘anccx. he had to xtop‘juxt to allow the audience to get their breath back. (Sharon (‘rihbcnl

Cabaret Whores /’/¢'(t.\um'¢’ Home. until losing. 6.30pm. llowat‘d Satttttelx ix Bowie. (‘lary and anything elxc that ticklex your fancy in thix late-night cabaret.

Pat Candaras: Grandmotherfucker .'l.\.\('m/)/\ Rmmn. .t‘ 37xlue. «Slim. Alt outrageoux Brooklyn granny who took tip xtand-up comedy following the death of her xccond huxhand and xacking from her jolt. 'l'lux ix onc woman who‘x not afraid of controyet'xy. See lettltlt'c.

Jo Caulfield: It’s Not That Important I’lmumu' Donn: until 27 glue. ‘lpm. ('aullield ix the thinking man‘x woman. peddling perfectly honed intelligent tnuxingx on life and lose. In her new xhow. xhe‘ll bc divulging xecrctx on achieving maximum happinexx through minimum effort. l.i\e to loaf. ax it were. Chambers And Nettleton: Doubled Up (ff/(It'll Hill/(HUI. .‘i :7 slug. 7._\'(I/mi. Racy female double act toying with muxic. hearts and mmdx.

The Chanclettes - Gone With The Wig (it'm'ec Square Theatre. .i’ :0 :lug. Nth-pm. .-\n .-\|modtwarquue journey through traxh culture from Barcelona gttided


26 THE LIST 3—9 Aug

Pathos, straight-faced nerdiness and bittersweet small-town humour, with a heap of music business jokes

thrown In Brian Appleton: Let's Look At

by a quartet ot (atalan qucenx.

OThe Notorious C.H.O. .llargm-t-z ("lira l’le'uxtmu (Wu/tum! and (Mt I III" Road. 5 3":lue. ///rm .-\ one-woman tcmi- ntxt powerltouxe. (‘ho hax mercome drink. drugx. rciection and near-death. and unlike other therapy -obxexxed Americanx. dch her group xharing on xtagc. Shc'x ballxy. a big talker. xaxxy and now xortcd ()h. and thix ix hcr lirxt gig in liurope. Sec feature,

Christ On A Bike! Ru lmn/ llt'l'l'lllt’. I’luixum v I)(JIII('. / 37,-lue. ‘l. III/m1. lhtx religioux themed xhow lrotn xcaxoncd pro Richard llerring should be a xate bet. Andrew Clover: Puppy Love l’li'uutm‘c' (iuurlttm/ and ()tt‘l' the Rom]. uni/l 37,-lue. SIII/mi. l.axl yeat”x xurprtxc big hitter returnx to take on txxucx of love. commitment and lonelmcxx. 'l‘hc thinking man'x junction of dramatic monologue. imprm and cerebral nuttincxx.

Jackie Clune - Bitchin’ .'l\\¢'I)I/)/\ Rooms, 3’ 27am. 7.30pm. (‘lune ix a brilliant \ocalixt with a xharp ear for a camp pop claxxic; if her banter ix tip to xcratch it could he a great xhow The [it] gave her three xtarx laxt year.

Comedy Cinema Classics l’lt'tlulltt't’ (Durham! and ()H'I' I/tt’ Rum]. tlltll/ 27 slug. [pm A natty xclection of comedy figurex tmmortalixcd on the big xcrcen. l’rom Laurel and Hardy to the Toy Story 'tooiix. each film ix introduced by a liringe comedian. Comedy Clone l’lt'uumu’ Unntt‘. until 27.-lug. /(I..i’5/mi. l‘cxtnal newcomerx Jttxtin Moorliouxc. Luke l’onte and loxie club together for xhared laughter and mirth.

The Comedy Zone I’It'uyunt‘t’ ('uurlvunl um/ ()l'('l' the anl. (0111/ 37xlug. l/pm. Rob Deering. l‘rancexca Martincl. John Oliver and Karl 'l'heobold text the watcrx of the liringe without venturing out of their depth in thix late night cabaret. Lucinda Cowden’s Bland Ambition (ii/(led Balloon. .t’ 37xlug. 8.30pm. .\'<'t'ghlmurs' Melanie launchex a one-woman attitudinal assault on all things mediocre. Crouching Ferret Hidden Beaver [Iv/Hill and Kerr; Kama/[u .S'nuI/ist'r/c. .t’ 26 :lug. ‘)._i’()/im. Their title might lead you to expect a xet‘lex ()l~ paxtichex and piss- takex. but the xketch xliow duo of Richard l)yball and .-\lixtair Kerr xee themselvex ax ‘new traditionalixts'. following the l'oolxtepx of Morecambe and Wixe ax well ax the l'ils! Slum: 'We'll be going for a few of the cheap laughx.‘ xayx l)yball. 'but hopefully there'll be a few of the more expensive ones ax well.’ The pair started working together four years ago. and laxt \‘ixited the liringe in 199‘). And. in tune with their aim fora 'grown-up‘ xketch

very silly with it.‘ (Catherine Bromley)

The Big And Daft Christmas Show (ii/(Ia! Hal/mm Tot-int. .t-27 Aug. 9pm. Edinburgh during the month of August has got a lot to offer -- comedy. theatre. dance. music. film. art and book events. Up until now though it's never had Christmas but all that‘s set to change with the third consecutive show from Big And Daft boys lan Boldsworth. Jon Williams and Rob Rouse.

‘lt’s all really great stuff going on up there.‘ explains one third of the comic troupe. Rob Rouse. ‘but it‘ll be nice to go off and have a complete break. where you can sneak off at nine o‘clock throughout August and actually experience Christmas.‘

With the satne premise as before of three brothers (all with different mothers) who are committed to living together for a designated time period in order to qualify for their inheritance. The Big And Daft (‘hrismius Show bears a more developed plot than previous shows and also boasts guest appearances from fellow comedians Andre Vincent and Adam Bloom. the latter starring as Kenny. the little Victorian boy who lives in the forest.

Despite the fact that it's got a plot (one that involves Evil Santa kidnapping the brothers). Rouse insists that the trio are still living up to their name. ‘lt speaks for itself really. it's big and daft. It‘s not political. it's not topical. it's purely our own. silly childish world created with our three characters. So essentially it‘s big ideas. big jokes. big musical numbers and

xhow. they‘ye been rchearxing at a decidedly civilixed location. ‘\\'ei\c been working at (ilyndebournc all xummer.' xayx l)yball. ‘and they have thexe huge brcakx for lunch for all the poxh people who arriyc by helicopterx. So we itixt rehearxed then they'd not xeen anything like it.‘ (lamex Smart)

Sean Cullen’s Erotic Laser Show (fl/(ll’tl Ifu/lmm. .t’ Jr'slllt’. 9pm. l.axt year'x l’errier nominee brings hix w cird laxcr xhow lit the masses.

Cyderdelic I’lummi (' ('nurnun/ um/ ()l'('I'I/I('RU(1(/. 14/111/ 27 Aug. 9.55pm. lear- _icrkingly funny anarchit-xatirixtx of the eco warrior generation.

The Chateau Storytelling The Maids

Home Movie Lucky Break


lllllllll lllll lllllll


The Natural History of the Chicken




12-26 AUBUSTEW?25