
Alan Davies Assembly Rooms. 3—16 Aug. 10pm. Alan Davies hasn't gigged properly since 9‘). which doesn't mean he’s had a low- profile. What with Jonathan ('reek. those bank ads. and the starring role as a gay man in forthcoming mini-series Bub And Rose. Davies' stand-up origins have been rather obscured by his TV work. ‘lt does get a little irritating when people know you for a few ads.‘ says Davies. ‘rather than the hundreds of stand-up performances you’ve done.‘

This year's Fringe sees Davies return to his roots. 'l'm looking forward to it.‘ he explains. ‘I still think of comedy as what I do. but it's been awhile. It's the Assembly‘s twentieth anniversary so they actually invited me back to do an entirely old set. But I couldn't do that. because I'd just end up doing loads of jokes about the 98 World Cup. So I'm working on new material as well. writing stuff down on bits of paper in my house and sending myself text messages. I had loads stored on my answerphone and rang up to get them but ended up deleting them by accident. So the world has lost some quite funny jokes about Jeffrey Archer.‘

It has. however. regained a consummate stand-up. although he seems unwilling to talk himself up too much on the phone. ‘What it says in the Fringe guide is just blurb really. I hope people just see it and think “Oh. it's that curly haired fucker again. Stick me down for a ticket.” (James Smart)

Damage And De Lacy Rule Birds Prmluetimzs, Holy/mu] 'Iiii'ern. 5 26 Aug. [0.30pm. Laconic Damage and effervescent de Lacy couple for varied sketches. songs and laughs.

Dark Side 0’ The Toon The Stand Comedy ('luh II. 1-26 Aug. /()pm. Three self-confessed Edinburgh ‘gadgies’ take you on a seedily alternative tourist trail the number In bUs route.

QAIBN Davies Assembly Rooms, 3 lo

Aug. IU/mi. See preview.

Dead People Laughing (alt/ed Hal/mm II 'Iei'iot. .i’ 27.-lug. ‘lpm. liaiiiily man Mark Little directs two of his sons iand two bon/a mates) in a show based on their passive generation.

Bob Doolally’s Balls 'I‘Iie Suuul ('omer/v ('lu/i. .i' 2(iAug. 7.45pm. lioul- mouthed Doolally' hosts a vodka-fuelled game show about the not-so beautiful sport.



in the psychiatrist’s Wheelchair WillllESIIAVi - Slllllllli 26 AlllilISi 5.50m

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'PLEASANCE 01315566550,

28 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 2001


CAMERON Mllllllil ia - suunu 19 ruausr 1.15m

BllX llFFllIE: 0131 556 6550

Doreen (fl/(It'd Hit/limit, 5 37 Aug. 3.45pm. Postmodern comedy writers responsible for The Leisure l'irus who want to take performance off the stage and onto the streets.

Driscoll And Message tit/ital Ira/tom: (ll Peppermint lounge. .i’ 27Aue. (i/im. Subversive. cariip character comedy from female/male double act. Alcoholism. transsexuals. drugs and missing A-Iist celebrities; it's all here.

Dublin lmprov (it/(it'd Hit/Int)”. A) 27 xlltL'. “LAW/mt. :\ show case of lt'tslt comedy hosted by Tara Flynn and Brendan Dempsey.

Mike Dugan - Men Fake Foreplay Assemblv Rooms. .t‘ 27xlug. mil/night. The Emmy Award winner is on the lookout for love. But can he find it in today 's disposable society"?

Durham Revue: Virgin Incapable (;i/(l('(l Hill/mm. .t‘ 27Aug. 4.45pm. ('olourfiil l‘ringe regulars indulge in more sketchy comedy.

Earl Stevens - Puh Leez! I’leumm-e ('uurtvunl mu! (her the Rom]. until 27 Aug. x-lfipm. l’aul l’utner takes its on a journey through the life of American stand-up liarl Stev ens.

Jenny Eclair: Middle Aged BiMbO I’lt’tlyttlti‘t' Home. 5 27Aue. «SAN/mi. See preview. Edinburgh Uniringed (:‘ililetl Bill/mm. .i 27,-lue. 3.30pm. A full-scale attack on the l‘ririge launched by eccentric female duo. lixpect an hour of improv. cabaret. theatre and a gerierotis dose of satire.

Emma And Beth Kilcoyne: Live! Girls! Sketch Show! l’lettsrutee (‘niu‘tvun/ um/ Over the Road. until 27 Aug. .1’. [5pm. Return of the energetic ladies responsible for NI" (ilimt ()_/ Auntie l’ut.

Europe: We've Created a Monster!! Boom ('liieugo. I’leusiutee ('uurtuml mu! ()l‘t’l' the Rural. until 27 Aug. It). [5pm. The renowned Ariierican Fringe innovators turn their collective attention to the foibles of liuropean integration rising multimedia. sketches. bundles of energy and trademark improv.

Evolution HMS ('omei/y. (C until 2/) Aug. 4.20pm. Sketch artists strip down the

see on


'I try to present him as a real psychiatrist, the kind of person you'd

Richard and

In The Psychiatrists Wheelchair

peculiarities of lite. loy e and the human lil‘vl}.

Fucking Our Fathers: Scott Capurro, John Cardone .lyvi'ltt/’/\ Rooms, .y‘ 2".»lue. nurture/it. You only have to watch the brain-drainineg enjoyable I'lie Set ret l in ()t ( 's on ('4 to see ('apurro's mlluence on l‘\' land's wonderful horiiotypes \Vliat seems like Melbouine's one and only watering hole is run by a riihilrstic catty queen w ho bears an uncanny resemblance to the i'rsk»gay coiiiedran 'l'he toul»iiioutlied testival veteran tinally gets to come to the festival w ith a diama, comedy lor'iriat follow mg the late cancellation of the .\lirielli play he was supposed to be in last year In I Hi Lure ()ur l’ill/lt'IW ('apurro and John ('ardone play two friends who cruise the (‘astio in San l‘r‘att. seeking yet rejecting the one type of man they both crave the sweaty beclcakc Sounds like another treat from this brilliant comedian. tl’aul Dale)

Far Too Happy ( 'am/wilgi- I‘mtl/tu/tly. l’lettytuii e ('uiu'tum/ and (her the Road. until 27mg. -1.2‘_/tm. ('ambridge l'ootlights area mi\ed bag in terms ot content and quality. This year. on the Zttth anniversary of their Perrier-bestow ed show. they go in search of happiness.

Fat Fat Pope I’leuvtuti e ('otu‘tvun/ tim/ (her the Rural. until 2," Aug. [Hill/rm. 'l'hese live twentysomethings known for their energetic ingenuity are out to challenge espcctations and der convention. l'ottr stars in lite/.1” last year.

The Fat Lady Sings Is'u mu/ l/tt' tilt/mi, Stage by Surge lit/ili/turgli Aem/emv 5 l9 Aug. 7,.i‘tl/mi. Kit and the \Vidow scale the heights of comic opera accompanied by rite/lo—soprano Melanie Marshall.

Fiona & Her Sister (and Some Guy) (ii/«lei! Bill/mm. .i' 27glug_ ‘lpm. Mum of live l-‘iona is already a big star in her native Alice Springs. but w ants to conquer lidinburgh. And she‘s brought relnlorceirrerits.

Fish Supper 'I‘Iie Stunt! ( timer/y ('lu/i II. .i‘ 26 Aug. 3.35pm. 'l‘he ever-popular sketch show take their customary side-sw ipe at Scottish culture.

Fit To Burst - It’s all happening! I’leuviuiee (bu/tum! tuu/ ()l’t'l' the Rom], until 27Aue. 5.15pm. High-energy surreal story lines complemented by music. Imagine the bigotry of Northern Ireland played out by a gay badminton couple.

The Fleetwood Coup-De-Ville Chat Show Hirer! [mm the lhnrkev Slum; l’leuvtmee Home. until 27 Aug. 7.45pm. The hip-gyratingly cool doorman in The Donkey .S/um' Iimbers up for some chat with l‘ringe performers. song. fashion tips and lots of swaggering altitude. Charles Fleischer (it/tier] Btll/(HHI II 'Iei'int. 5 2.? Aug. times vary. llest known as the voice behind w ise- cracking cartoon character Roger Rabbit. lileischer is also a consummate stand-up. comedic actor. mathematical wi/ard and dotcom entrepreneur. no less. Free And Easy The Stand (‘nmet/v (Yul). 4 2/) Aug, l/mi. Stuart and Paul serve up an eclectic menu of riiusic. poetry. sketches and improvisation over lunch.

Aaaaah Dominic Frisby Hematite Hume. until 27Aug. 7.55pm. Intelligent orie- man sketch show. lirisby is known for his silly characters and witty wordplay.

The Fruit And Veg Roadshow The Stand ('umetly (711,)”. .i 2/) Aug, /l.2()pm. ()rganically' produced gags from Stand regulars Reg Anderson. Allan Miller. Steven Dick and John Sinclair.

For hour by hour daily listings see

Listings Supplement.