Garth Marenghl’s Netherhead I’lr'uyancc. tmtil 27Aug. [0.25pm. Known as ‘The One Man Fear Factory". (iarth Marenghi is a true master of hor- ror. Novels". poetry. theatre. art: there is very little that escapes this man's dark vision. Last year. his Fright Knight scared the bejesus out of Festival audi- ences (and earned him a Perrier nomina- tion). and left them in hysterics because they didn‘t know how else to react to the horror they were witnessing. Because of this. he is now considered to be a come- dian. but make no mistake. Marenghi is no funny man: he is a conduit to the underworld. and his new show, Aether/read. promises to be a truly terri- fying experience.

Conceived during a particularly nasty bout of flu. Marenghi considers Nether/read to be the scariest thing he has ever written. ‘Expcct everything you dread.‘ he says. ‘I don't think you'll know what your worst fears are before you come to this show.‘ Some believe that his twisted mind belongs in a secure environment. but good friend and cre- ative consultant Dean Learner disagrees: "l'here is a fine line between genius and insanity.' he says. ‘Let‘s call that line (Earth Marenghi. Garth is the best fright merchant in the business: he's the scari- est man l know.‘ (Kirsty Kiiaggs)

Ironic Yanks Boom Chicago. I’lcayani'i' ('ourtvarilaiul ()\'('I' the Road. I 37.-’Iug. fi..i’()pni. .Atiterletlltsjllsl don't get irony do tliey'.’ Well that's what they say. and it‘s ati excuse wheeled out every time one of our comedians dies at death across the pond. with the notable exception of Benny Hill and Monty Python. Well these two l'S citizens are out to prove its wrong. ()r are they"? Boom ('hicago has spent many a successful year at the l’ringc. and veterans Seth Meyers and Brendan lluiit lock horns with each other. and the audience. tackling some of life‘s more important questions such as do Americans understand irony"? Are the linglish arrogaiit'.’ And will America win the World (‘up before lingland'.’ You never know. they might even get round to answering some of these burning issues. (Henry Northmorei

It Woulda Been NICO (il'tlfi' I.ll(ll(’.\. I’leasaiu‘c ('ourtvanl and (her the Road. until 27Aug. 4.30pm. Steven l‘roclich plays all roles iii his own one- man/three-woman play. featuring the principal characters from "Miami in Rio. also at the l’leasancc. post- plane crash.

Noel James And Company Boom Boom at The 'l'ron. l‘lu' Tron. 5 27Aug. 7.30pm. Highly respected by fellow comedians. the young Welsh comic bow s to peer pressure and invites some of them along for the ride. lispect a cocktail of dark humour. word-play. monologues and anarchy.

John And Kevin’s One Man Show I’lcasance ('ourtvanl and (her tlu’ Roiul. until 27Aug. 5.45pm. Acclaimed satirical stand-up duo.

Just Married Freaky Pigeon. (iiltlcil Balloon [1. 'Ii'i'iot. ()~-27Aug. 4.30pm. limma Burgess atid Stewart l‘erris get married on Aug 4 and they want you to join their honeymoon escapades.

PI’III Kay (ii/(led Balloon ll ~~ li'i‘itit. 677/."

I'm not

For hour by hour daily listings see

Listings Supplement.

'If I'm rude on stage, it's in a creative, clever way -

Bernard fucking Manningl'

Daniel Kitson: Love. Innocence And The Word Cock

Aug. Illu‘Vl/UH. l’hil Kay is both ati

interv icw cr's dream and nightmare. llav ing rejected every one of the incisive questions I‘ve posed i ‘I don't Usually do interviews. because I can never think of quick. simple .iiiswers.' i he's launched into an entirely unrelated anecdote. 'Yeah. I was ill ()rkncy and I met this guy sitting in ziiaciix/i and I went in and turned it on arid he was really offended becatisc he‘d never been in a

_iacu//i that was turned on before . ' As

with most things relating to Phil Kay. the question of w lietlier the ()rcadian iactil/i incident finds its way into the l'ringc show is uncertain. Yet. w ith sev cii show s of up to two hours each. value for money is guaranteed. iAllan Radcliffci

Sarah Kendall In War (tilt/ml Ital/min // 'Ii'viot. .t’ 37xlug. 7.45pm. 'l'ake cover. this hotly tipped 34— ycar-old Australian comedian shows no mercy in her quest for world domination. Matt King Is A Child .’i\\t'ltll)l\ lv’ooinv. ." 37.1142. Mali/mt. 'l‘outcd as .-\tistralia‘s favourite stand-up. King is a master of intelligent sttt‘t'eal assoettttlttns and throw s away the script for an expedition into the recesses of his mind.

Daniel Kitson: Love, Innocence And The Word COCK l’lt'avani‘i' ('oio'tyai‘il aiu/ ()l't'l' the Road. until 3.".lug. Illn'II/nn. Daniel Kitson has been reborn. l’rev iously know it for being ‘lewd. rude and distinctly un-l’(". Low. Innocence Aiul 'I'lu' Honl ( or}. show s hiiii in a whole new light. ‘l‘m doing stuff l'vc never done before. talking about things that I care about.‘ he says. 'l’m all whimsical and profound now. Before. it was all about getting the audience into the moment with me. but I actually have material now it‘s greatY' Despite the tttle. this is not a show about the semantics of the word cock. although there will undoubtedly be a certain amount of profanity. 'I don't think swearing and being witty are mutually eyelusivc.' says Kitson. ‘lf l'm rude on stage. it's in a creative. clever way I‘m not Bernard fucking Manningl‘ f Kirsty Knaggsi Krater Comedy Club A‘immti’a Southsulc'. .t‘ :OxillL'. Illttani. lle toured

Scotland looking for a spare part for his car and now Stephen (irant uses his new ly - acquired know ledge to comic effect. ()h. and there's guests too in this late night cabaret. Lano 8. Woodley: Bruiser ’I‘lu' I'aniouv S/iu'ge/tcnt. until 3!) Aug. Spin. Btister Keaton may be the crowned king of slapstick but two young Attstralians are giving the comedic genre a bit of a revival





4.30PM-1 1 PM DAILY


with their new show li‘riau‘r l‘nder the stage name lano iv \\oodley. ('olin lane and frank \\oodley first flew the flag foi slapstick iii their I'l‘H l'i'ingc sliovv linen Since then their unique blend of physical comedy. music and seemingly tin-rehearsed mayhem has gathered momentum. ctiliiiinating iii a l'\’ series of their odd-ball adventures that has now been sold to over 35 countries Back with a vengeance then. Bram r sees the boys in ttouble with a man of considerable iiitiscularity and chances are that soiiieone's going to get hurt it'atlieiiiic Biomleyi

Late ‘n’ Live (illilnl Balloon. .t' .‘ilug. lam. The infamous late-night bcai pit wlieie comics are either deified oi crucified. Laughs And Mad Musical Inventions 'l‘lu' .-\iiia:tng .lli: Snntlt. (‘alton (‘c'nmx 5 :qdllg’. iSJS/nn. liccctitrtc comic musician who's known for doing unusual things with condoms.

Legendary Polowskl Diamond Heist l’lt'tlytlm‘r' (It'llt'lutl'tl (Hill ()t‘i'l' lltr' Road. until 3”.-\ug. /l.45pni. liast lind crook skit that started otit as a five-iitinutc routine and kept grow mg.

Let’s Have A Shambles! ll'liiii- Kali/tit (‘oiiliovx 5 3/).vlug. 5.30pm. local cowboy (iai'th ('ruickshank hosts more lasciv ions futi. games and comic mishaps.

Life I3 Sweat (illtlt'il llillliutll ll’l. .i' [3 Aug. 5pm, l-ast—paced sketch comedy by Vicky ('liarlton w lio's five months pregnant set in a health club.

Lip Service (illilt'il Balloon, .t’ 3“ Aug. 9.45pm. lillen ('ollier atid Kiki Kendrick are two se\ line telephomsls w lio fall in love with the same man and find the litie between reality and erotic fantasy becomes blurred. Lipstick On Your Teeth Bag Ii t'p.’ t '. until 26 Aug. Spin. ’l‘lii'cc Hackney ladies liaiii it up in a raunchy. raucous sketch sliow. Mark Little .‘i\\(’llll’l\ Roomy. .i' Sirlug. [USU/2m. Another Attssie soap star to emerge with credibility. Little lays bare his soul esposing repression. dissension and the lletll‘ttllt‘s of optimism.

uthTE HHBB‘T cums




Join the mildly talented Garth Cruickshank for fun. games. failure and swearing. C'mon everybody - Let's have a shambles!



Trapped in a hotel room and losing his shape. can Darren Wiggins text his way to freedom? WRC's hilarious new play blurs the boundaries between theatre. comedy and tv. cries


.‘ii‘;‘i'1i’:.fl"- rr's cnacxmo, - ~ IT'S eannv PETEBB

Mike Keat. the genius behind The Cuban Brothers presents Baz Peters.the celebrated Halifax Hospital Radio DJ personality. cats


A tasteless blend of high jinx and low humour from some of the best. funniest. strangest and worst acts on the fringe.



3} am $51 seriously...

2—9 Aug 2001 THE LIST 33