Alice in Wonderland Sit/gr tn .y'iagi [Lilrnlmrglt .'l('(l(l(‘l)l\. 6 l‘lAug. llfl’U/nn. Stagc adaptation ol ix ('arroll‘x timclcxx claxxic. Linda Bandelier St ('utlrlu‘rt'y l’urtxli (’lruri’li. (iii/'irgi' (‘lui/nu'uu. 0 III Aug. Illa/n. Story and xong Iroiri church irirnrxtcr. Bandclicr. Chipolatas in Groovy not Gravy (it/(Ital [fill/min (ll tow Row Houyi'. /) [.3 Aug. l3..i’U/mi. ’I‘hc cra/y. xtripcy -trouxcrcd trio at'c hack Iollowing Iaxt ycar‘x Ii\ c xtar xhow_ with crrctix xkrllx. xtor‘icx. xongx and Iotx ol iritcractiy c I'un. Cinderella .lulrn l’i'r'l l’u/t/n'h. St Hit/l. '\ ('nrtirrurn (lunch. 6 lh'Aug. lUflIirni. (iloyc puppct adaptation oI‘ thc cIaxxic Iairytalc. xpccially dcy‘ixcd I'or 2 (i-ycar' oldx. CircoTeatro Udi Grudi - O Cano (ii'orgi' Squirri' l'lu’irtri’. .i' H Aug. /..iU/mi. Iiiitcrtaining Bra/ilian clown coiripany which pickcd up I'our xlat‘x Iaxt ycar' I'r'oin 'I'lu' rm ax chI ax a llcrald Angcl. 'I'hink I.aur'cl and Hardy mcctx thc 'I‘clctuhhicx. The Comic (iirtoon I'lu'utrc. (‘ li'nui'. l lh‘ Aug. /2..t’5/mi, 'l‘hrcc pcr'I'or‘mcr'x xtcp in and out of thc animach action. in thix uriiquc xhow about a cartooiiixt who thrcatcrix thc cxixtcncc oI Iiix charactcr'x hy rriixxing a dcadliiic. Les Réves (The Dreams) lii‘unu tlu' (loan. (1 / 3/) Aug. Illfl'lhrm. llaying coriqucrcd ,xtr‘cct I'cxtiy'alx arid childrcn'x particx. Bcano thc ('Iown IiriaIIy rriakcx it into thc thcatrc with Iiix cra/y miy oI iiiuxic. mimc and xlapxtick. Suitahlc I‘or' agcx 4 and OGreyfriars Bobby I’I‘irntu' Rt'll/It’dt/ l’rmlui‘trony, (iri'yj/ruirx Kirk liml. () 37 Aug. l/uni. Scc pr‘cyicw. 0 Greyfriars Bobby .Vt'tlu'rlmu 'I‘lu'iitri'. 4 IN Aug. 3pm. Scc pr‘cy icw. OThe Graffan lit/l Sloru'y. (‘ too. 3 3/) Aug. 3pm. In a xca of had childr'cn'x litcra- turc. (ilaxgow -haxcd w ritcr Julia l)orialdxon hax proycd to hc quitc a liIc raft. Ilcr col- Iahorationx with rIItixtr'ator' Aycl Scth‘IIcr' hay'c produccd xomc of thc moxt wondcrl'ul picturc hookx ol‘ rcccnt ycar‘x. including thix ximplc yct cxciting talc ot' a xriiall mouxc who iiiycntx a monxtcr only to conic Iacc to Iacc with Iiix imaginary crcation. \Vith xuch .xupcrh raw rriatcrial to work I'i'orri. chil- drcri'x thcatrc company 'Iall Storicx would hayc to go .xonic way to rricxx tip thcir xtagc adaptation. But rncr‘cit'ully thcy tr'cat 'l’lu' (it'ltllitlo with thc kid gloy'cx it dcxchL‘x. pouring cqual iiicaxurcx oI' cutc charm. gcri- uiric humour and Inn xorigx into thix innoya- inc and wholly Iikcahlc production. thIIy Aptcri The Happy Gang’s Singalong Saloon! (I‘lldt’t/ Balloon irt 'Ii'i‘uit Rori' Noun. 7 Jo Aug. 3/mi. (‘hildrcn‘x lay‘cx Mr I’. Spat/ and Nicky arc hack with morc .xingalong I'un. thix timc out in thc Wild cht. The Little Prince (‘utrj/nmm li'ui'i'l li‘oupc ot’Sirn l"I'irIri‘r.y'i‘ii. Rocky! (0 Sour/i lirulgi' Ri'yourci' ('i'nm'. 7 [5' Aug. lUum. Vidco. niuxic and liyc action conic togcthcr in thix rnorality talc of low and loxx. Magic Bob’s Mid- Morning Magic Show .Vi’tlti‘rlunc Ill('tll"¢'. 4 lh' Aug. llimi. Magic. comedy and audiciicc participation from thix I‘ringc xtalwart. Monsters in my Wardrobe 'I‘lu- Stu/til ('onu’ily' (‘lulh .i' 36 Aug. noon. Scc prcy'icw. Mr Boom Children's One Man Band 7711' Famous .S'pu'gi'ltcnt. 5-35 Aug. IIUHI. (‘oxmic fun with thc Ioonicxt childrcn‘x cnlcrtaincr in thc xolar xy xtciri. Musical Fairytales Surgi' By Stagc [filr'nlmrgli Acuili'my. (i—ll) Aug. 1.45pm. Fairy'talcx and muxic t'rom xouthcrn Italy for adultx and childrcii. QNot Now, Bernard Bound/m


The Grufialo

measures of cute charm, genuine humour and fun songs

llu'ittrc‘ (inn/nun. (I l 3/) Aug. l.’ .‘lenr. SL'L' prcy rcw. Older Kids - Capoeira and Hip Hop Dance Workshop Hunt iv trim Nut/mull ( 'r'ntri tor [hint i'. f) N Aug. 3pm. Icarn to mm c Irkc thc char'actcrx iii li'Alxi n in thix cool claxx lot I: Iti-ycar-oldx. Pandemonium rim/wt l’nului tinny. (' ln'lli' ittigi'li'. /) 3/) Aug. lUJVIimr. (it‘cck mythx rcworkcd Ior childr'cn oI all agcx hy Jcnrtcr 'I‘okxy rg. xixtcr oI Sandi Audrey Parks St (‘utlilu‘rt 'x l’irrryli (‘lruri ll, (iirt'itgi' ('lur/trtcitu. N .Iug. l/(Ull. Stor'ytcllcr I’arkx chiycr'x r'chgroux tach lrom around thc world. The Princess and the Pea (I l 3/) Aug. /l.3lliun. Karina \Vilxon adaptx IIarix ('hrixtrari Aiidcrxcri'x claxxrc tarry talc. incorporating axpcctx Irorrr Ilu' l’rnu t \\ (Hill [In Sn lllt'llt'l't/ and flu I'JII/H’I'UI‘ (llltl tlu' .Vrglitrltguli' along tltc way. l'iot' agcx 4 and Robin HOOd (‘iilt/ot'trui lmrt'l I'mu/u' of Sun l'rirni'ryi‘o. Rocket W South Ii’rulgi' Ri'wuri‘i- (‘i'ntriz I) I,"Aug. Ilium. Rohin'x good lady. .\Iaid Marian tr'ayclx hack in timc to impart talcx oI' hcr huxhand'x good dccdx. Rollie the Clown .S'r ('urli/wi‘t Pam/i ('lruri'li. (iii/'iigi’ (lltl/lllt'tlll. 7 9 Aug. lttiini. (‘hurch rnirirxtcr' Rollic Bairi corrihincx clowiiixh antrcx with woi‘dx Irom thc good hook. Shalamazoo - An Interactive Childrens Musical Aumm/IH Zy't [rum tlu' (IVA. Konu'iltu Ronutn ling/c lmlgi’. () [‘1 Aug. llunr. lntcractryc muxical haxcd on Joc Shahoo'x hook. .S'lumuilir.“oo in which Aurora thcati'c company my itc you to Icai'n xongx. play gamcx and hpr huiId a hcautiIuI caxtlc with thc I'Ihx oI‘ I'Ihariia. I‘or agcx 4 and oycr. Tales of the Arabian Nights (inn/nun of Ali’n. Auguytrnc'y. 1) l/ Aug. llfi’S/mi. A tni\ oI liyc action. original muxic and mum lt‘oln thix award-w inning company. QTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Come to Tea! Inutgrniitron l’rmlui'trmix. l’li'iiunu‘c. / /3 Aug. //.45iinr. .\loyc oycr \Viiinic and I’addirigton thcrc'x a ncw hcai‘ in town. and hoiicy and riiai'maladc arc I'rr‘m- Iy ot't‘ thc mcnu. I‘unny w cc Bruno Bcai' ix Iar inorc partial to a xpot oI' cakc than a xticky pr'cxcry'c. ax thoxc atlcnding Iiix tca party at thc l’lcaxancc will xoon lind otit. 'I'hc Iatcxt I‘urr'y I'cIIow to cmcrgc I'i‘om Sur‘r‘cy -haxcd puppct company. Imagination I’i'oductiorix. Bruno ix Iaxt hccorriing a cult Iigtrt‘c on thc undcrfi'x thcatrc xccnc. chling out w hcrcyci‘ hc roamx. Ilix ('onu' 'lo 'Ii'ri.’ xhow allowx kiddicx to xay c thc day' hy pop- ulating Iiix party with thcir ow ii tcddicx. whcri Bruno‘x palx tail to ar'r‘iy'c. Songx. nurxcr'y rhymcx and laughx arc all pr'oriiixcd and all w cII-hchaycd tcdx w ill gct thc charicc to chat to Bruno himchI'. tlx'clly Aptcr) OThe Thirteen Clocks 'I'lu' lloli' in HM (irounil 'I'lu'iitrc ('oni/niny. llrll .S‘tri'i't 'I'lu'irtri'. .i' 37Aug. lt).4()unr. I)cxcrihcd hy dir'cctor. Jamcx Hammond ax 'I'antaxti- cal. dt‘c‘amlikc‘. liul alxo iiiacahrc'. 'I‘Iu' 'I‘lu’rtci'n ('lm'ky ixn't likcly to hc your ay'cr'agc pink. Ihit'l‘y. chiIdrcri'x drama. I’rinccxx Saralirrda riccdx to Iind hcr knight in xhining armour. hut thc xiriixtcr Dukc hax othcr planx. All thc cIockx arc xtoppcd at tcri tninutcx to tiy c. and in a Nar'riia-quuc way thc world ix I'r'o/cn into an cy iI chill. Swaxhhuckhng anticx. dr'iycn hy thc qucxt to xayc Saraliiida xhould kccp thc pacc dy riariiic htrt will thc truc loy'c match xury iyc‘.’ (‘ari thc world xhakc oil itx I'rcc/c'.’ Who can xay. hut thix imagiriatiycly wrought xtory. xophixticatcd and juxt a littlc incriacirig. prorriixcx to hold thc w holc family xpcIIhound until all ix rcycalcd. (Ruth Ilcdgcx) Three Little Pigs and the Ugly Duckling “lift-t" l.l.‘ft¢' A" I‘Il'llt'llllk .-lugu\trnc'x. () —l.\’ Aug. ll)..i'()i1ni. I’uppct fun for thc littIc oncx iii thix charming douth-

Not Now Bernard

(‘ li'nui'. until .36 Aug. lla’ll/nn

'I'hc road to pcrI‘cct parciiting can hc a hurnpy tcrr'ain. with a Mix! cachc oI ncw xkrIIx to hc acquircd cri routc. And knowing w hcii to Iixtcn attcntiy cly to your child‘x dciiiaridx and whcii to I'oh thcrri oil. with a y'aguc. ‘ycx dcar. that‘x iiicc' rx pcr'hapx onc oI thc moxr cxxcnriaI. rI thcir xaIcty and your xanity arc to hc pr'cxcr'y cd. I 'nIortunathy tor young Bcrnard. thc cponymoux hcr'o of Day id .\Icl\'cc'x popular xtory hook, Iiix pai‘critx muxt hay c hypaxxcd that particular junction. 'I'ircd ot thcir‘ xon‘x Icr'tilc imagination. thcir' icporixc to Iiix claim that a

hugc monxtcr ix in thc gai‘dcrr ix xiriiply ‘not now Bcrnar'd'

w ith tragic corixcqucnccx. 'It‘x

quitc a dark Iittlc childrcn'x hook r'cally. which rx ax much about [Mlc'lllx ax it ix kidx'. xay x .Ioc Hancock. Ioundcr oI’ ( ilaxgow 'x Boundlcxx 'l'hcatrc (‘oiripariy w ho hayc adaptcd thc hook for thc xtagc. "But w c'\ c takcii out a lot oI thc hlackncxx and triadc it a much moi'c tun xhow.

with Ioadx oI' muxic and dr'carir xcquciiccx.‘ .\'ot that thcrr audiciiccx will mind gohhling up xmall hoyx ix manna I'r‘om hcaycn to thc aycragc T

hill ol Iait'ylalc Inycx. Tom Thumb .Vi'tlu'rlmu Ilu'ittl‘i'. J /i\' Aug. [Jill/mi. Ilighly rcxpcctcd puppctccr. Shona chpc Itixcx muxrc. xtoi‘ytclhng and thcatt‘c to pro\ c oncc agarrr that on docxii‘t Total Biscuit: Marbles l/ttI‘I‘itlt l’t‘oilui‘ttnny. ('I'ouni' I’lum lloti'l. 0 ll Aug. lpm. 'I‘hc hogcy man. rrionxtci‘x uridcr thc hcd and horrid nightmarcx kccp a poor III-ycar'»old awakc at night. Btrt mcr‘citully. xIccp and a happy ciiding arc in xrght. Treasure Island tit-ii Sim-m llu am. .Vi'tlu'rlmn' I‘llt'tlll't'. 4 36 Aug. RAVI/int. Rohcrt l.olti\ Stcy ctixon lldtl nonc ol thc iriodcrn-day romantic notionx axxociatcd with piratcx rri hix original childr‘cn'x iioycI. An cpic talc ol a young cahin hoy who tindx himchI hound to I'oil thc pIanx oI (‘aptarri Hook and xayc thc crcw oI thc IIrxparioha. thix ix a challcnging adycntur'c. And \Vcc Storicx arc attcmptrng to captur'c lhc grim cxxcrrcc oI Stcycnxon'x noy cl rri thcir‘ xtagc adaptation. I)iyu|grrrg thc xtory in an critcr- tairiirig and thought-proyoking way ix thc aim. and according to co-xtar Andy ('ariiiori. rcxpcctirig Stcycrixon‘x work ix paramount: 'I‘m \cry kccn that childrcri know that it ix a hook that ix hcrng adaptcd. and lot mc. onc oI' thc idcal thingx would hc alilcr xccrng our li'i'ityun' /\l(llI(/. chrldrcn would want to

_\L'tll‘lll(l. (Kclly .Nplcl I

rcad it or hayc xorirconc rch it to thcrrr.‘ i\Iaurccn l'.lll\l

Vintage Theatre Company 8/ ('ut/ilu'it'y l’irltylr ( llllll lr. (nintgr (lltl/lllt'llll. IN" “lust llimi lharlia. dattcc and corncin troiii thix ( 'hiixtran thcatrc company

VOlpan Iln irtn lhi li’tmrrrrx_ (ii/Iiigi' (lirt/Htt'rtti. < V Irrg. .\'/nn 4- h/Uii ('lrrrih riixrdc lhcatic drr Rixoirrrx‘ gypxy carayan and drxcoycr thc riiagical atlyciiturcx oI thc IittIc Io\ and rahhit hiding inxidc.

Why the Ostrich has a Long Neck Iliulttlrt. It’uuil liotimn (ltlltll'll l,ilinliurgli, ‘— 3“ lug. {pm Back hy popular dcrrrarid. thc wondcilully c harrxriratrc I-Icur‘ \Icn/icx ioI lllH t/u' lion li'mirx Iamcr proiriixcx to kc'c‘p ktilx iitr lllt' ctlgt' HI lllclt xctilx \ytlll llL'I adaptation oi thix traditional .\Irrcari talc. .\Icn/icx cyplariix hcr riixprration: ‘I hcard thc xtory Iiorri Imih my iriothcr and my grandmothci It'x (IIIt' oI thc old. old toII. xtorrcx' Itatixlatcd Iioiri tlic original Swahili. licr drarrratrxatiori irrcoiporatcx acting. tldlk mg and diuiriirimg. '\II array oI hr'ightIy coxturricd ariirrialx .lll yic Ior thc oxtr'rch‘x truxt. arid \Icri/rcx rc'~.c'aIx that thcr'c'II hc a cr‘ocodrlc. a Iron. a harc and a hcc. 'I'hc kcy point tor hct'. though. ix ‘to gct thc chrldrcn to It'\l"III(l and intcr‘act.‘ An on— xtagc tug oI war ix uric oI thc thingx you cart c'\pcct. hut |ll\l why thc oxrric Ii hax a long iicck. how cy ct. ix xomcthing you'll only find out hy going along . tRuth IIciIgcxr

The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz .Vt'llH'I/HIH llui/tti'. J /\'Aug i’ (ll/mi. l‘trn ncw titl.t[ll.iifi'ft trom Ian 'lurhitt'x I‘uppctx.

2 .5 2' THE LIST 41