Humphrey Lyttelton 80th Birthday Celebration [funk n/ .3} nt/um/ Ift/III/tul'ult .lur.‘ (UNI [Hum l'i’\lll'(l/, Quu‘n '\ Hull. 3.11m. 8pm. 'l’hc i'L'\ll\di pap Irthutc In l,nttt\ .'\rmxtrnng [lib )car. hut hc I\ IInI thc nnl) grcat [ti/l trumpct \L‘IL’I'an In hc hnnnnrcd. l'nlrkc :\I'III\IrntIg. ultn dch m W71. llutriplirc} l.)llcltntt l\ alixc and null. and \Irll turning nut \ntnc Iinc |a//. nnI In mcnttnn unmpcrmg thc popular radtn qm/ \ltn“ I'm Sum Illutm 'I I1 ('lm in l]l\ nun mtmrtahlc. quick-v. tttcd l;t\lIIUII. lltimph Inrncd fill in .\la}. and that landmark \itll hc cclchratcd III the lit/l lL'\il\ill.\ gala t'nnu'rl dcdtcatcd In him. II lcattircx llumph‘x t‘tirrcnt hand plltx a \Irmg nl gut-xix Min haw \inrkcd \Hlll lmn nwr thc )carx. Int'ludtng srngcr SIacC} Kcnt and \ét.\t)pllt)nl\l 'lnn} ('nc, thnn} .\l;IIlHL'\t)IIl

Jam Session Bunk (I! St uI/und [film/Hugh JIIQ', uml li/l((‘\ I't'xtitttl. Rmu/ ()lt ru'm lutgtu'. 3 4 :lug. l/..i’(l/)m. Ht'nri '\ .luif ('r/lm; 3 It .5 dug. HIltIIIlQ/ll. lhc rcnnuncd l‘k-xtixal Jam Scwnnx arc hack attracting a rangc nl' It]tt\iL‘ItttI\ l‘rnm Ihrntigh nut thc lt'xmal.

Jazz & J0k98 INC: A" ./rIA('\. ('(I/t' an/ I‘l'mut' 'I'ln'uln'. 3 36 .‘illk’. 4.20pm. A \;l\\} mu nl' up hcat ia/l ntmthcrx attd cnmri‘ nhwnatinn lrnm ll1l\ Plélllhl and \ncalnt dun. Jazz Jamaica All Stars Hunt (1/ Sim/um! [ain’t/turd] .luf.“ and [Hum l‘i'sltt'ul. Quu'n 's lIu/l. 5.11m Kill/mt. ('arihhcan

rh_\ thmx lt'nttt thix tixcnt) ptccc hand. \xhn lII\L‘ \ka and rcggac \\ ith a limit} ia/l tnclmatinn. l't‘atttt'ing .-\nd_\ Shcppard. ('Iaudc Dcppa and \‘ttt‘ttllxl l)cn}x liaptrxtc amnng nIltL‘t‘x.

JD Hilton and his American band I’runtn lx’c'd/n'm/ l’I‘m/m'lmm, ('mmtc' I’luru llult'l. 5 In slug. (1.15pm. A [UIIL'll nl' rcal lllt‘ .-\mcricana l'rnm JD and hix hand mixing up hltn'x. CUIIIII).

Julian Arguelles Quartet Hunt u! .X't‘uI/um/ lat/I'n/ttu'glt fur: and [Hum l'i'dtt'ul. Ilc'nrr‘x Jar: ('v/luI: 3 .‘lllL'. ‘lpm. Julicn Argucllm. rccngntxcd ax nnc nl Ihc ctirrcnt clitc nl' lil'llhll lit/l. Icamx up \\ iIh .-\mcrican pianixt (icnrgc ('nlligan.

Ken Peplowski and Marty Grosz limit u/ .S‘I‘uI/um/ Ia/t'It/mrulr ./u;‘: and lilum I't'wlt‘ul. 'I'lit' [Ill/I. 4.41m. lln’Upm. .»\ \Clt‘t'lltlll nI' ducts nn guitar and \;I\npltnnc nr clarmct limit that .laH i't'xIthIl l‘axnnritu. King Pleasure And The Biscuit Boys, Blues ‘N’ Trouble, Preston Reed and Eddie Martin Hunk u] .X‘I'nI/um/ lit/1111mm}: .ltlff ilHt/ BIIHW l't‘.\llt'tI/. (it/t't/nnmn li’n'tu'ri; 5 Aug. «\‘pm. 'l'am \Vhitc cnmparm Ihix qualit} hlnu night lt‘ttltll'lllg \nln \L‘l\ lit‘nttt RL‘Cd ttltd Martin.

Late-Night Jazz .ltlf,‘ ('I’HIII' Nu, /. ('t‘l/tll' Bur .\'n./. 3‘/./u/ 35 Aug. Hum um. .-\ mi,\ nl‘ mpcctcd lnt'al ltlll\lL‘l;lII\ pcrlnrm and jam at thix grcat latc night hangnttt.

Leroy Jones Quintet Hunk ul'M-nr/um/ [film/mtg]: .III:: and [Hum l’i'xmul. 'I‘lu' Huh. 5 Aug. .i‘pnt. Bchnp and Itmk l‘rnm NC“ ()rlcarh Irttmpctcr and lnng timc llarr} ('nnnick il\\UCldlC Jntm.

Louis Armstrong - The Centenary Concert [funk n/ Sail/um] [film/Hugh flu: and [Hum I'kixltt‘ul. Qtu't'n '.\ Hull. 4 .lug. Rpm. l.UIIl\ .-\rm.\trnng hax \ irtuall) hccn granch tun ccntcnarim. llc \tax lnng thnught In haw hccn hnrn nn thc cmhlcmatic datc nl' 4 Jul). NIX), and man} pcnplc cltnxc In nhxcrw that lictitinux htrth datc. hut. a\ \\ ritcr (Ear) (itddL‘Ih I'L‘\ L‘dlL‘tl \L‘\ L‘I'ttl )L‘tth agn. Ihc lt'llL‘ ccntcnar) I'allx nn 4 Auguxt. ZIXII. 'l'rumpctcrx l.crn_\ JnnCs l'rnm NC“ ()rlcanx. Bnh Barnard I‘rnm .-\u\tralia. and Bcnt l’crxxnn I‘rnm Sncdcn. ax \wll ax saxnphnnist and clarincttxt Kcn l’cplmx \ki arc amnng Ihnxc clchrating hix liI’c and “Orig. (Kcnn) Mathimnnt

Melting Pot Bunk (ifSt'UI/(Hil/ [flint/Hugh .Iu:: and [Hum ['t'.\!ll't1[. Ht'mji' 3 la: (Him: 3 Aug. midnight. 'I'rumiwtcr ('nlin Stcclc (Midnight Bluc Band) lcadx hix \ix-piccc



guitar riffage with instruments mangled, stages trashed and mouths shot off in fine

. . And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

thrntigh a dancthmr-mmdcd tan \ct. \\ ith the L‘lllpllthh nn thc Itmlx.

Barbara Morrison III. l'imtuux

Spam [It III. 3 slug. 3pm. l’crtnrmmg \\ tth tltc ltkm nI Ra} (‘harlL'x Kcnn} Bnrrcll and DUI} (illlL‘\[‘lL'. lllh l.n\ Angclw [all dtxa pay a rarc \ l\ll In Syntttxh \ltntL'\

Music To Watch Boys By Am

Dim/ilt In. I’lt'tmmt (' (‘nul'l‘um/ and ()ur I/Ii Rum]. / 37mg. 6.59M” 'l‘hc cu‘cllcnt l’cgg} \[X‘Cldlhl IIII'II\ hut \ngal attcnttnn ntI Ihc ratpack.

New Cool Collective Hunk ut \I wild/n.“ Idm/mrg/I la: and [Hum Int/t (1/. In If: M .lnut It: .i’AIw. 8pm. Dannith |a//. “ml and l.atm numhcrx l'rnm thch Dutch nitixigtanx. 1933 And All That - Brecht, Weill and friends lh'mu/‘I'u Rut/a I l’rmfm’tlultx. RUI'AI'I I“ Rmu/ (ii/lt’i't' n/ Surgt‘nm. _\' IN slug, 8,4(I/mr, .~\nna Zapparnlt pcrt'nrmx caharct \nngx I'rnm Bcrlm In lirnadua}. None Of The Above ’I‘III' Hung“ ('lu/i - nu! n/ [In l’lt'lt'. 5 3/) .lug. NEH/rm. Scc le‘h Otis Grand And The Big Blues Band, Dana Dixon Blues Band and The Detonators Hunt n] Sim/um! lat/m/nu‘ult./t1.‘;‘tun/Mum l‘thlI (1/. ('u/t't/umun lil't'iu'n. 4,1142, Knit/pm. 'l'attt \Vliitc cnmpt-rm llil\ night nI' high cncrg} hltit‘x. \u ing and Itmk

Paul Harrison Quintet Hunt u/ .VI’HI/tlllt/ lit/tubing}: fur: um/ li’ltm l't'iltt'm’. He'll/w '\ Ilug': ('t'l/Iu: 5.11144. ()lnn. .\lndct‘n ia/I lrnm kc_\hnardixt llarrixnn. \xhn ix alrcad} making nan-x in ial/ cit‘t‘lcx tlL‘\|‘llL‘ lll\ mndot )carx. Pork Chop Quartet Hunt n/ 51 uI/(Im/ lat/I'n/mru/I .lui.‘ um/ If/mw l'i'ilt'i'ltl. It’mu/ ()l’t’I'H’IH l.¢'uutu'. 4 .Ilui'. l3.,"(I/nn. 'lntti l"inla_\ 'x \mall hand lillcd ntit h) Rick} Stcclc nn ham and .\lurra_\ Smith nn drumx.

Rosie Brown and This Rum “NIH II. (I

/ 3/).lllg'. mil/night. .»\l'tcr \nmc lllglil) t'atcd gigx at Rnnnic Scntt'x \ingcr-xnngnriIcr Brim n and hcr hand bring their \wll craltcd \nngx In thc l‘ringc.

Ruby Turner, Mafia and James Hunter And The Jokers limit “I .S‘uiI/um/ Iz't/t'n/mru/I Jan“ and [Hum I‘m!“ (1/. (‘u/i't/umun lfn'iu'ri. .i' .Iluq. Suit/pm. lam Whitc cnmpari‘x thix night l'caturing Rtkli and \Ulll di\a 'l‘urnct‘. NC“ ()rlcanx \Utllltl\ l'rnm l)tlltthL"\ Malia. \thlt It I;I\IC nli Slh R 'tt‘ [3 tthmk l.iltlc Richard and Janth Brim n) l'rnm lltmtcr and lle hand.

Rumba Caliente Hunk u/ Slut/um] lat/t'n/mrgli .lur." um! li/ll('\ l'iwlt'i'ul. llt'lll'\ '\ Jul"? (ll/m: J slug. mmn. Si\ ptccc hand lcad h} Salxa ('cltica tninipctcr 'l'nh} Slnplx'}. prm tding Ihc lillL'\l in hnt raunch} Latin \nundx.

Salsa Celtica Hunt at .S't'uI/uml [film/Hugh ./u:: and [Hum l't'\l!l'tl/. /.(l Iii’l/t' .‘iIIL't'lt'. 4 .vluu. 3pm. .»\ hcad} mi\ nI‘ _ia//. Alrican. l.atin and (‘cltic rh} thmx.

Scott Hamilton Quartet [funk n] .S‘I'nI/um/ lz't/I'Itlml'g/I ./u::‘ and [Hum I't'xlitul. I'III' Hub. 4 .'illL’. «\‘pm. 'Ik'ttnr \a\nphnm\I llamiltnn I\ intncd h} lln\\at'd -\ldcn nlt gtntar I'nr a \clcctinn nI \\\ ing IIIIIIIik‘I'\ Scottish National Jazz Orchestra play Basie Hunk (if Sim/(mil lit/Inltm'g/t Jan“ and [Hum I't'ilrml. 'I‘III' Huh. 4 .‘lllg'. -“lmr. 'l‘hc mccllcnt Natinnal Jan ()rchcxtra pla) thc lk‘xl nl' ('ntint Bit\lt"\ m ing \tttllttl\. Sheila Jordan with Tony Coe Hunt n/ .S't'uI/umllit/tubing}:./¢1::IIIII/lfltu'\ I'i’xni'ui. 'I‘III' Hit/t. .i.'ill1'. 12.50pm. 50 )Cat‘ \ctct'ati \ncalixt Jnrdan pcrl'nrmx \\ illt clarmctttxt and \a\nphnmxt (‘nc.

Soweto String Quartet and Their Band ,'i\\('lIl/’/\ Run/m. 4 34111:. 6pm littnk. pnp and cwn clawical \nundx Irnm IlIl\ ntitlit all cnmhmcd \\ ith up hcat traditinnal Snnth .-\l'rican rh_\ thmx.

index Music

57 "m: talcuman fimumw

bear it auntie am mrwart’tn‘ tr «alanine,

tum, Miitw am mill. lumen... anthem: «sexual-I band. am «mum, Witt. bandit? (marina

arm-Ilium tiu ‘Hextmii (rm;-

l9." 8: A‘.’ 107% M81 q Si???“th 'T'l'l‘tl NiRllS

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Itii {:atettnntm BIIEWIV‘, ‘31 Slzttnlnrt Rnatt Hllnhlllnl

- @ervo HM Milli .. /\l lixtra

New cool " Collective

a fresh and exciting mix danceable Soul and Jazz rhythms, spiced with Latin flavours - La Belle Angele, Fri 3 Aug, 668 2019

CeltiCa 1'

La Belle Angele. Sat 4 Aug, 668 2019 '

Jazz Jamaica All—Stars

Queen’s Hall, Fri 3 Aug, 668 2019



FESTIVAl 2001 2—3 Ax; 202-1 THE LIST 45