
A&R (itlrlnl Balloon lllt utn. ." 3Hxlue. /)/)III. Doctor l‘attxtttx meetx the iccoid induxti'y in a black comedy by Peter .\lorrrx. Winner of tltc 3lllll Sunday 'l imcx

l’lay writing Award. Scc alxo .let (it (iii/He’ll,

Abducting Diana Iva/minty I/r. am (Yuri/nun. Qua/u I' .llt ( tin: llnuu. /) // slug. N lilmr Dario l'o‘x anaiclm [lttllllcdl laitc picxcntcd by l'.d\\..ird\ llicatic Address Unknown /\’rtlt.lrtl/tlt Stilt/III (a Hit [It In It lllylllttli, h 3* .lug. ttnu \ iul'y. l.a ( ‘inquicme Sarson. a I'iencli pliyxical tlicatie company. piexentx tliix drama xet in ('ulntlel cia ( icimany.

Adult Child, Dead Child (tilt/('(l Balloon 'l'lieutl't'. .t’ 37,-lug. l/nn. ('laii'e Dow ie's play about coming of age ax a

xchizophrenic is performed by Lara .\larland.

Adult Child/Dead Child The Statement l)rurnu (inn/nun. ly'unu'tltu lx’onuui ling/e lmlee. .t’ 3/) slug. J. ./ i/nn. .-\lan :\y ckbourn pi‘aixcd tliix production of ('lairc Dow ie'x play about a young girl hearing yorccx. performed and directed by :\le\andra Blixx. Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary ( 'ttnt/ntrlgt' l'nttt'r yrty .Ill)( '. Ital/tun Ilu'utu'. (i 35 .vlug. h/nn. Student production of Agatha (‘lirixiic'x my xtcry. The Age of Consent I’tmxam r (‘uurtuml ulul (her the Ix’mul. ttlllll l‘l glue. int/Inn. l’cter .\lorrix‘ highly rated dark cyploi'ation of childhood and intext. See alxo :th li’.

Agnes of God .llkm l’I'utltu'ttu/iy. sluguxtrlu'a. (i /3 :lug. r\'.3lI/nn. 'l'lic xtory of a young nun w ho giy ex birth in

my xterioux circumxtancex. lnyextigatronx by a pxycliologixt and the conycnt'x mother superior turn up argumentx about miraclex. faith and science.

Alex Through the Looking Glass I'm \ll llltuul 'I’lu'utre. (' Belle Ange/e. (i 3/) :luc. (rill/mi. Drama intermingling l.ewix ('ari‘oll with the xtoi'y of a young anorexic

All Cloned Up l’lt'usuru‘t' Home. until 37 Aug. ll..l’()/nn. Many people belieyc iiiuxicals are to drama ax .llrlly (Hill Bonn ix to litcraturc. Here to end that myth is a intixical featuring hard houxe and a dark. action-tilled plot. Directed by former Hunt] baddie. :\|kix Ki'itikox. and w rrttcn by .\like llennctt. tormerly with The l'all. lltix .xliow leatur‘cx a chorux of xlieep and focuxcx tipoii ti pt‘olcxxotfx desire to clone ltix w tie in order to crcate the perfect woman. ('ult .xttcccxx tit loittlolt liax led to critics likening this production to [lie Rocky Horror Slunr. ‘l’oxitiye comparixonx liaye been made.' say x Bennett. ‘l’eople like to categorixe things and it‘x m that genre: dark but camp. We eycn get people turning tip di'cxsed as SllCL'P.‘

(lx'ik Reidi

Am I Losing My Mind or Just My Figure? Pregnant Pause I’ltmanw ('ourtyttt‘tl and (her the Rotul. utitrl 37.»lug. //.4."nm. ('omedy drama about a 30- something woman'x pregnancy.

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.

Amy Evans’ Strike .lt ltt utnl lnruee. Rm kit (‘3 Royal (it'llt g’r‘ t'l .btll'ut‘ltltk I) - xlug. Salli/mi We all know xtudcntx are la/y baxtardx. filling their time with minimum xtudy and ltl.t\lltttlllt daytime 'l'\' \ rewing But what ll apathy xet in at an earlier age In John l'mnemore‘x new play. .-\my ix iuxt l\\ clyc when xltc dcctdcx to go on xtt‘lkc She continuex to turn up for xcliool but reluxex to do any work, Soon her claxxmatex ioin her In tliix lirgli energy production. the children are played it) .ttltlllx. ‘Ytitt llttltk you remember being tw cly e but you remember ll totally w rong.‘ xayx director Adam Bernard. "l'liey xtand in the moxi bi/arre poxitionx and get their feet tangled tip. They look ridiculoux. but it'x ruxi part of being a kid.' thk Reid! The Anarchist Plays lert \2 Ittu \. Rocket ((1 .Stjulrn‘y llull. (i 35 (lllk'. times vary. lrixh xtudent company prexentx Dario Fo'x xlr‘r'ulentul Darth of (III :ltlttt‘t'lthl plux a topical xequcl of itx ow n. Angel Red-lull I’I‘mltu‘ttmty. [lt‘tlltllll Illt‘tlll't'. 6 ll Aug. .i/mr. Black comedy about two triendx xeparated by death. and the interyention of ( iod. Anger and After Nat/rm suit/m; ('uj. .3 // slug. 7.50pm. l’erl'ormance poetry with tragic. but uplilting clementx. Animal Farm .'l\\t'IIl/7l\ Roomy. .i 3- .lug. llunr. (iny .\laxterxon'x lainoux and much acclaimed one-man xliow ix tliix year performed by tune “on. an actrcxx tipped ax a rixing xtai‘. Anniversary (Atelier Qui) .lapan [filter/crux; lllt' (iumge. 5 // .‘lllL’. Jo'tlpln. Japanexc production which portray x a dramatically interrupted anniyei'xary. Antigone .l/iu'ruun lligli .St'liool Illt'tlll't' l't'ytri'ul. (‘liurt'li Ilrll 'I'lu'utn'. (i /l .'lllQ. trnu'y um. (‘laxxical tragedy performed by xtudentx. Antigone’s Last Dance - A Multi- Media Dance Rock Opera xllll’rtl'tt/llf ISl ' front lltt' l '.Y.’l. .Sltlg't’ l)\ .Slttg't’ l'alt'tilru/‘glt .'l('(lt/('III\. h I‘Llug. .l..lll/mt. Ney er tidy erxc to the Odd hit ol well. oddncxx New Yoi'k'x Sal 'l't'apani. returnx alter hix I‘lll‘) xlicccxx .lltu‘lu’tlt 3W”). Then he made an e\tra\agan/a of Sllttkcspettt'e'x SL‘Ultixlt play (containing the tunex ‘lx ’l'liix a Dagger)" and ‘llold last the Mortal Sword' l. lle hax recently linixlied an experimental one xliow called I’luvt'ng ll'rtli .\I\ yell that the New York 'l‘imex called ‘wildly compelling. imaginitiye and grippingf

'l'hix time it‘x Soplioclcx' lllllL‘lL‘xx xtor'y

sheep' All Cloned Up

Antigone reworked with choi'erigraplier Jen

'l‘urey into a multi-media dance rock opera. xet in a mythical place. yaguely xuggextiye of New York. Ax 'l‘rapani prepai'ex for liix fourth \ ixit to lidinburgli he xayx. ‘I try to make my work ax accesxible to ey eryone ax I can in order to engender dixcuxxion about thexe maxterworkx. I try to prexent my work in a unique and challenging w ay'.’ And who could xay lie ixn‘t doing exactly tliat'.’ r'l‘im .-\brahamxi

'It's dark but camp. We even get people turning up dressed as

Apology for the Life of an Actor - Paul Pfeiffer l’lt tl‘tlllt( (t ’ll'lhll'tl iual ()l( r lllt ly’outl. until 3".\ue. l3. ltlpni. Recreation ot the lStli century linglixli theatre. including xomc ot itx moxt tamoux tigui‘cx

Artaud in Wonderland I’t t‘rpluln In (. Konu (ltit ly’onzuli tag/r lotlet, ." 3’) .lug. tum \ tun -\ w cird comedy baxed around .-\r'taud. my entor ot l'lieatre ot Cruelty. and ix ('ai'i‘oll

Arthur Kopit’s BecauseHeCan l‘t'\ll\ill llu‘utn l'.\'(‘ l',\.l_ llrurnlnutrtl ('onnnuiuty I'lu'titrt‘. J 3‘- .-\ug. 4pm. Student production ol Kopit'x thriller.

Artts International Presents: Not Guilty? l’lc mun” ('oul‘tnml tintl ()lt 1' [la Road. (i l.“.'ltl'\’. ll.3tltnn. Drama which e\plorcx an apparently \ rolcnt criminal xuttei'ing from a pxy cliologrcal dixorder.

As It Is In Heaven .lyu'nrlth Rimmt

.3 37,-lu'4. 1.35pm. The acclaimed Journey ('ompany from New York r l‘l‘l‘l‘x l,t1\l [mm to .Ytlit‘rtt‘lxl pertormx Arlene llutton'x drama with muxic. about young women in an American l'undaincntalixt community iii the lSRtis w ho are afflicted by hallucinationx. At the Fringe a Beggar’s Opera? lltt‘ Axum llt'l'ttuge l‘utttuluttutt. .\ueu\trne'\.

(i 37 'lug. llltl('\ run. Indian entertainerxgroin with an linglixli magician to produce myxtery and xpcctacle.

Autodestruct: The Ultimate Cure for Cancer Rttt'ki‘l li‘tttlt'y. lt’iulu'l ((1 Suutli Ilrulei' It’t'yourt't' (iv/rm: o // .Ilug. 6.45/nn. Drama about genetic moditication and clfortx to cure cancer.

Ay, Carmelalz Out of the Box/Tron Theatre lt’rtt't't‘yi' lltr’tth', ltltltl l3 .rlue. Illtl(‘\ run. See pi'e\ie\y panel.

b9 - Clinch Mountain Lookout llirllu llitllai. (‘ untlt'remmul. 5 3/) due. 1mm run. l’erformerx from around the world combine in a xtory about the degeneration of low and family.

The Bald Prima Donna .l\\luni lltt'tttt't' ('onr/runv. Konu'iltu ly’tnnun litre/e lmlgt'.

.t’ 3/) :lug. {SS/mi. Recognixcd ax the lii‘xt major work ol the 'l‘lieatre of the :\bxurd. lonexco‘x one-act comedy ix giy en a liilai'ioux production by tliix lrixh company. Be My Baby - Baba Theatre Company Int t'ru’ {llll'tlt’llUIlL (i /r\'.vlug. (till/rm. Show about familicx. performed by real life lather and daughter. Bedbound 'I‘mr-u-w 'I'lieutre. until 35 slug. llltlt‘\ l'tll'\. See pr'eyiew panel.

Ben Moor and Janice Phayre: Three Wishes llt'tt .lltml'. l’lt'uutltt (’ (‘ourtvunl uml ()l't’l' tlu' Rorul. until 37.-lug. 7. [Spin Romantic comedy about the ixxuex that arixe when you get what you w ixli for. Ben Moor: A Supercollider for the Family li’c'n .llmn; l’lt'uyunre (‘ourtyunl urul ()l‘l'l' the Road. until 37 Aug. lluni. Romantic comedy t'cy iy ed from xucccxx in l‘)()7.

Beowulf (fi't’lH/(‘l l’nnltu‘ttmry (interim Theatre. 3‘ 37mm. {IF/mi. lrixh company rey iy ex claxxic medieyal epic poem. full of

Ay, Carmela! ()ut nftlte Bar I’nnltu'tiuns. Traverse Theatre. 3—12 Aug. times vary. Gerry Mulgrew' is feeling enthused by theatre again. This is a good thing. Since leaving Communicado in I998. the director has kept busy enough most recently working with Forbes Masson and Gerda Stevenson and Glasgow‘s Sounds of Progress - but for a time he was losing a sense of purpose. 'l‘m getting interested in theatre again.‘ he says. ‘1 was not for a while.‘ From a holder of six Fringe Firsts. this is exciting talk.

And one of the things that‘s firing him is .4_\'. Carmela! by Spanish writer Jose Sanchis Sinisterra. Mulgrew is both directing and starting (with Catalina Botello) in the tw'o-hander. which is about a

third-rate variety act who. having played to the Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War. are made to switch sides and perform for the enemy.

‘Their script has been doctored to be an anti-Republican piece and they have to perform in front of this audience of generals and not get it wrong.‘ he laughs. ‘It's similar to the pressure of performing on the Fringe: though hopefully one won't get shot if one gets it wrong.‘

He adds: ‘It's a tragi-comedy, it elegises the Civil War in a satirical fashion. They're preparing for this moment of doom where they have to perform this totally under- rehearsed show in front of an audience of victorious nationalist generals. It's the audience from hell.‘ (Mark Fisher)

48 THE LIST Q :3 A...) .\ ft

adycntur’e and my xtery

Berkoff’s Hell 8. Dostoevsky’s Dream of a Ridiculous Man (inner llrllon'x llltll llntitn‘. lltll Stu (l llit‘utrc‘.

1' 3~ lac. 5 55pm l‘he moxt accomplixhed lien to the Sim en llerkott throne ot pliy xical lltc‘altt'. (icorgc lltlltttt lL'\ Hes l\\t‘ ltttt‘lt‘xxtyt‘ onc~man pcr'tor'inanccx tiom tlic l-iingex ot l‘l‘lll attd l‘l‘l3 Sec alxo (firm and (Atlltl\llt’/lll(

Best Friends line/nut l’tmtur trons. ('

lu llt .rnge l“. h 3/) .lue. 45pm lxiaeli writer .\nat (ioy ‘x comedy about troubled l‘elltlioltxltlpx betw een three women

Bill 8. Eddie l'rulitu Rt (llu'tul l’roilut‘ttom. ('nmnt' l’lrtjtt Hotel. V 3/) tire. I l‘-[‘Hl, Drama about relationxlirpx .iiid power

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Musical Adventure l’lt minim ('ourtyuttl .1an Hi (I tlu lx’ouil. until l\ slug, Jib-lint. .\loxt bodacioux reworking of the xuperb :\tttt'l'tc‘.llt tilm comedy.

Black Armbands lint-i u- trim. tinny.

o erxluc. ll Jinn. Monologue about a young man on the \erge of a neryoux bt'cakdow n who liax been abuxing liix child. Black Comedy lmt Ilu'titrt' (om/unit. (' turtle/ground. -l l.\'.\ue. noon l’eter Slialter'x clcy er knee in which dark ix light and light ix dark.

Blood l’lt'uyunt t‘ ('uurtyuttl tllltl ()i ('I lllt' Rotul. unttl 3".lug. lllttr’y run, (‘anadian play which t'\.tllllllcx the ll\ ex of two xrblingx allectcd by proxtitution. drug addiction and alcoliolixiii.

Blood & Roses 'Irt'ytlt' Illt urn (‘onr/nrny. ('trmlt'turoiuul. J 3/) .lug. ". l.‘-/’Nl. 'l'licte ix. apparently. a pryoial moment in llritixh liixtot'y that nobod} knowx about. llut 'li'cxtlc 'l‘hcatre ('ompany ix about to xpill the blood and beanx in itx historical drama xet ma medieyal kitchen. and utilixing. tor the purpoxe. the (' underground ycnue.

'lt'x the xcqtiel to Kit luml l/l.‘ xay x the xliow 'x w [Her and director. 'l’oby \Yilxliei. 'aiid tellx the tale ol Lambert Single. a ten year-old boy who. in l-lH7, wax claimed to hr- tlic rightlul heir to the crown. rather than the then king. Henry \‘II. How different tliingx might liaye been ll Single had xuccexxlully acceded. No 'l‘udor‘x would hay e meant no Sliakexpear‘c.' 'l‘ragedy l t(iai'etli Day iexi Book of Secrets .vltne'ru un l/IL'll St'limrl 'I'lu'utn' l‘t’\ll\‘tll. ('lrun'li llt/l ’Ilu'um', 7 // Aug. tunm rury. Student multimedia production.

Born African ()l't'l' t/u' lztler'. .'lllk’ll\lllll' 'y. 6 36.1142. 7. l5/nn. The contemporary lace ol Zimbabwe reprexented by a white accountant. a coloured youth and a black

Bound To Fly llunil'rytetl'. Urey/ruin Kirk l/nuu'. fr 3/) sillL’. 9.50pm. lcarux myth tranxleri‘ed to the Ne ol \Yight by Dartmgton ('ollcgc xltttleiitx.

Breakfast Not Included .Yutltltglutm New 'I'lu'utn'. ('. unttl 3/) due. 4. Ill/nn. Nottingham New 'l‘lieatre prexent .-\|rxon (iitl'l'.\ comedy about the hotel gttcxlx xccking loy c.

Broken Blossoms .Yt'L’tllll't’t/tllh. (1

.t' 3/) :lug. fill/mi. ('liancex are you'ye ney er heard of the inxpiration lor' Negatiyequity ‘x latext production. the WW silent lilm about racial tenxionx and dooriied loye in l.ondon‘x liaxt lind. lfrula'n lllnunnty. ('ritically acclaimed at the time. l).\\'. (irrflithx' xtory ol a street urchin with a (‘hrnexe loy er and an abuxrye lather drifted into relatiye obxcurity. ‘l‘d xeen eyti‘actx ol xilciit moy tL's a few yearx ago. and I caught a clip of one of the iiioxt

\ ixually powerful thingx I'd eyer xecn.' explainx \egatryequity 'x Rebecca l‘ortune. ‘Silent moy iex are \cry vixual. all w e'yc done ix put dialogue to it. lt‘x haunting and therc'x a very xtrong narrative. liyen though the xubiect ix fairly ugly. it ix yery beautitul too.‘ t()lly l.axxmani

Brokenville ()n() 'Ilu'utn' (inn/tum n ttlt lli'yt Suyu't ('ounty Youth Theatre. Knnu'tltu Runiun ling/e bulge. .i’ 3/) Aug. 3. l5/nn. Drama about storytelling and myth-making in it ptixt-aptic'ul} plic world,

Buried l't‘tltttll I‘llt'llll’l‘ ('51.

(Si. l)l'llHlIIlUIl(l ('uniniunity 'I'lu'utn'. .t’ 34 Aug. 7pm. liamily tiex are at the centre of tliix l’ulit/er l’ri/e-w inning drama by Sam Shepard.