
4 A Desire to Kill on the Tip of the

Tongue “in part I'riii/iii tinny. (. iini/i'i't’iriiinil. J 3/) glue. ‘1 .i/l/iiii Sec prey icw patlel

Detox - A Simpler Life in 1 Easy Lesson [hi (’I'\(’ ."Hrtlt illtlty. It // .‘itlL’.

5' .iU/tltl 'l'wo controyersial lile gurus r'eyeal modern day techniques loi sury ryal.

Diary of a Nobody :lyyi'ni/ih Rim/try.

." lilac. J .i’5/nn. Back hit another year. loirner l.ikely Rodney liewes plays the haiiiilcssly pompous .\li l’ooler'. 'l‘hree stars last year limit [In /.t\l

Diatribe of Love .lyyi'Iii/ih lr’iuiiny. 4 3," sill'c'. i/ 55am. You're iieyer really alone with an audience. but l.iiida Marlowe returns with her second oiie-\I.oiiiaii show. haying played single-handedly in he. prey ions l'ringe and West l‘.lltl production In rkot/ '\ lluiiii'n [HUNT/’1'“, [,1Ilt’ is llottl the bestselling and Nobel l’ri/c~w inning author ( iabrrel (iai‘cia \lai‘iitiel. and tells of (iraciela. a woman stuck in a loyeless marriage and feeling increasingly detached from her husband. It is a haunting and poetic study ol this woman's dilcintna.‘ say s Marlowe. (iraciela looks back on her lile w ith a combination of sadness and irony. and lot' a tale about feeling isolated and alone. it is only appropriate that the production should be a one-woman show.

(k ittt'ellt l );t\ test

Did You Used To Be R.D. Laing? lit/tuna if- (hilt/Ill. 7 3i glue. tinti'y ran. .\like \laran Productions presents its acclaimed story of the radical Scottish psychiatrist.

XII/k fl” (Milli/I [\ltUltl liti’itli't' (om/rain i. Quaker Meeting Home. 0 35 .‘illk’. :.."U/’Ilt. l’hysical theatre perlormance about abuse. torture and discrimination. Dinner In Suburbia ()Ii/\ titling (mi in' Productions. Hill Street Theatre. .i :éxill‘c’. //..i'Uani. New play about suburban lite and \alues in lisses.

Dirge Qll 'Iilii’atri' (‘imi/rany. ()li/ St l’aii/‘s ('liiiri‘li A" Ila/l. (i // .‘illL’. (MW/mi. .-\ new lunereal comedy by Phil (iilbert. Disappeared the. [tun-im- imit .X‘ii'iil. lilt' ('ni/i'r/ii’lly. 5 // :liie. 5pm. l’hyllis Nagy is thriller set in downtown Hits New York. Doctor Prospero :lyyi'in/t/y' Rooms. J 37 xlllk‘. 4.05pm. lie was popular btit «Her-rated as Shy lock. .\'ow (iareth Armstrong does the historical treatment on the man at the centre of Shakespeare's 'Iilii’ 'Ii'ni/ii'yt.

Dogs of War I’iri'iiy l’roi/iii lions. Koini'i/ia Roman Iz'aeli' Lodge. 3 35 sliie. lit/U/nn. A military e\periinent goes awry in this black comedy enjoy ing a second run.

Doing Something (or Educating Linda) l‘ri'y/i Ii/ooi/ iii/It'tlfl't'. (.IN'HU anei'li'. o .‘o glue. 3.45pm. ('omedy about the adjustment of a young woman to education. with 'l‘S liliot one of the targets.

Dover Soul Hi‘l‘itit' (.Utl I’I'tti/tli'liittty. (iri’vtriary Kirk Home. () /‘/.-liie. It). Iii/mi. .-\ surreal look at life and impending death. Dracula .y‘ at .It PI'Ui/llt‘iittlh. (' iiiiiii'i'eroiiiiii. 4 3/) sliie. inii/iiielit. Surely tlieres no better location than lidrnburgh‘s haunted \aults to witness Bram Stoker's \ampire classic.

Dredging the Fish Pond (iiiiliiimiii I'lti'atri'. (iri'rti'iary Kirk Home. 6 I: sliie. 5.55pm. New play esploring how someone's troubled past might affect their present Dybuk-iment 20 International Theatre “(Witt/1‘0 Riti'ki’l I’I'iti/lli‘liitlty,

Cirque Surreal Meat/mes Theatre Big Top. Fri 3—Star 26 Aug. time vary. One of my first ever reviews was that of a circus. many years back now. In it. a group of heavily drugged. overfed ‘wild' animals were paraded before a similarly afflicted press enclosure to much appreciation. But I was uneasy about this as spectacle. and much later became aware that some members of the circus profession were also disaffected by this kind of thing.

So. there arose alternative eireUs. a form very much of our age. with no animals. just the thrilling skills ofcireus in sweaty proximity to its audience. One of the fittest examples of this form is Cirque Surreal. who combine their immense physical

talents with a genuine storyline. Their latest show. Voyagers sees a group of four lost folk wandering around. trying to find fulfilment. Taken in by a circus. they discover skills they never knew they had. All of this happens under an all-knowing. mischievous moon.

The moon is played by Antonio Ramirez. who at 65. is still in peak condition. and is widely regarded as the master practitioner of the cloud swing. that is. trapeze on one rope. With a cast drawn from places as far afield as Mexico. China and Russia. this is a truly international circus. Thrills are promised for all the family.

(Steve (‘ramer)

Rm kt’l (" Rituli (iit/II'L‘i' it/ .‘kll'k’ft'IlM (t [V .liie. tinii \ iary. 'l'he accomplished .-\rial 'l'heatre return w ith a ( ierinan. Polish and lsreali allegory. set at the time ol the Riissran pogroins.

Dystopia llai’n It k ('niii'ryity Drama Soi'ii'ty. lilt' l'ni/i r/ii'lly. i 3/) glue, 3. III/tin, l’hysical theatre and masks. looking at loneliness and identity. Successlul student production.

East l.oyt 'l'lii'atri' ('oni/iiiny. ('iiniii'reroiiiiil. 4 /i\'.-liie. I..\'(I/iiii, l’erennial l‘rrnge layonrite. Stey en lierkofl 's drama subiects l.ondon\ ltasl lind to a raw and physical urban poetry Educating Rita liar/anti Iliiniytrines 'I‘lii'atri' (inn/tam. 'l'lii' Sir/may. 5 I‘l.-liie. 4.30pm. \thly Rttssell's popular two-hander. a modern-day

I’y ulna/ion. is a political comedy about class and the education sy stern.

Edward liti' /\’i'i/ liii/l l’layi'rs. 'l'lir (iaraei'. 5 I‘lxliie. ‘l..\'(I/iiii. (‘hristophcr .‘ylarlow e's tremendous classical drama about lidward's loy e for l’iers (iayestori.

Elegies for Angels Punks and Raging Queens (till/Stimuli. [ago and (hit. 4 3/) nine. ()._‘)U/)Ili. :\ll)S-era collage of gay \otL‘es performed by Hall l'niyersity students. Embryonic Dreams I’o-iwiimi'ii. l’li'ayani'i' (.UIH'IHUYI ani/ ()l't'l' the Road. iinti/ 37,-liie. [Iii/int. Young Israeli physical theatre practitioners Zohar .\larkrnan and Michal l.ehrer. together known as l’y romania. can't be said to be out of touch with their generation. 'l'hey 'ye play ed such eyents as the (ilastonbury and Reading festivals to great acclaim. but they feel that their new piece w itli music by DJ l-lat Stanley. is moying them on. ‘lt's about the impossible but necessary relationship between men and women.‘ l.ehrer esplains. ('omplete with fibre optic cables that cut spectacularly through the darkness onstage. and a fully professional film as an accompaniment. this is truly a multimedia eyent. with a more ambitious design. ‘\\‘e wanted to dey elop more of a challenge in communicating with our audience. and w e'ye been able to work with some great people in doing that.' adds Markinan.

tStey e ('raineri


It's satire of showbiz luwies in a posh brasserie as the poll tax riots go on

Dahling You Were Marvellous

Encounters: Traverse Theatre Company Iran in Ilii'iitii. it .‘ltliie. Slim. British and international playwrights and practitioners discuss new writing

The End of Innocence in. \Iiam't )itlli/t I/ii iitri'. l/ii' (iii/tier. 5 // .liie. lit-15am .-\nti-war di'aina.

Equus Nailing/rain .\.(’H I/ii'iitri’. (1 until 3/).liie. //._‘tI/ini. l’etei Slialler's l'i‘inge layoui‘rte about a young man who blinds sis llotses.

Euripides’ Trojan Women: A Secular Oratorio l/iiriai'il- lli'yt/iiki'

Si liirirl/Ii’i Iii/iikir l’rir/i'i 1. /\’iii km (N St .ltt/III '\ Ila/l. o If) .\iie. J/ini. ()pei'a and spoken word combine in this (ireek-inspired premiere with liye musicians and a choir. Eve’s Tail Haiti/ire [let's l’i‘iriiiii'tiony. It’iti'ki'i (” KII‘k ()‘l‘li'iil. (i 3.? lug. N/mr Return of the ['8 comedy to capitalise on prey ions l‘ringe success.

The Executive Lear Iiii' .\'i'tt Kittth i/itt'itlt‘i’ (inn/tarry. Hill Street 'I'lii'atri'. ." 37.‘ll'c'. 4.05pm. King Lear transferred to the modern-day board room. The Exorcism “(’Ittitl‘i‘it It’m-ki'i I’I‘iti/tti‘ltiilty. Riti ki’l (” lt’iHiI/ ( iii/(ifi' it] .S'iirei'ony. () lilac. /. IS/ini. .\ chilling paranormal tale in which the past returns to an isolated cottage.

Experience the Innocence (‘nm at .S'taei’ (’oni/iam. (iri’ytriary Kirk Home.

() /i\'.'\llL'. Illlll'\ rary~ William Blake adaptation.

Fairytaleheart ()n() I'lii'iiti‘i' ('oin/iany with West .S'iini't (‘oiinty )iiiit/i I‘Iii'atri'. Konii'ilia Ix’onriin Iziie/i' [xii/er: J 35 sill‘e'. 3.15pm. l’hilip Ridley play about the power of storytelling.

Falling Off All .-l/ioari/. (illif' It’oya/ I'i‘in'c’i' Theatre. 4 :7.'\ll'e'. .i'. Ill/mi. .\ 5‘) year old looks back manger in (bits l’arker's new play,

Falsettoland National Xiiii/i'nt 'I'lii'atri' ('uni/riiny t.\'.\"l'( it. I’li'ayani’i' Home. until 37 due. 3.30pm. :\ production of the William l‘inii/Jaines l.apine musical about a man who leayes his family for a younger man. w liicli comes with a clutch of awards from the students at the l.i\et'pool institute for Performing Arts. Reciuninended.

A Dark River Theatre Workshop. 9—18 Aug. 2pm: 20—27Aug. I lam. ‘To what extent are our lives and loves the result of destiny?‘ asks Uzma Hamecd. writer- director of the Big Picture Company. In A Dark River. she uses Lorca‘s classic Blond Wedding as the source for a triangular love drama between modern. second-generation Asian Londoners. Their turbulent story is told via text. choreography. music. film and design.

‘We‘re keen that theatre is a vivid. sensual experience.‘ says Hamecd. ‘We’re also trying to break away from the stereotypes associated with Asian theatre. Our work isn‘t first and foremost about cultural identity. This show is about the big issues of love and death. and a conflict between head

52 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 20-01

and heart. It just so happens the characters are Asian.‘

Although the performance questions the value of the ephemeral ‘grand passion'. Hameed hopes it ‘inspires people to believe in the possibility of love that transcends lifc.‘

Physically. the show draws on flamenco and Indian kathak. Is this Spanish duende meets Islamic transcendentalism‘? ‘We‘rc not using either as a gimmick.‘ Hamecd says. ‘but trying to distil their essence.‘ A virtual moon character is danced by award- winning choreographer Wayne McGregor. Hameed describes it tantalisingly as ‘a romantic. astral body in search of ever more energy to sustain itself. and finally demanding blood.‘ (Donald Hutera)

Farewel: Prairie Theatre Exchange (Canada) lraii'iyi lizi'atii. anti/1‘- lire. tinti \ iiii\ 'lille dispossessed ol any ttallotl are a lotgollcn people. but ll seems a cruel irony that indigenous peoples ol colonised countries stiller particularly from lira/il to :\llsll.tlld to \ietnam. there are people left marginalised and persecuted throughout the world lan Ross, .i ('anadian :\l\\tllf_' writer. comes from one such community. and his tale ol such hard doing was originally retold with much pow ei by l’raiire llieatie l'.\cll.tnge in two. l'his. the (‘anadian company ‘s l‘.lll'ttpt‘.lll premiere. tells the story ol .i tribe abandoned by its chief. who has departed to his \egas with their w ellare cheques. proy iding an authentic \ ision ol the llle ol lltest' lolk. .-\n acclaimed ol'lglnitl score accompanies the piece. iStey e ('rarneri

The Fatal Englishman Illt' Ila/ii [It the (il'itlllli/ I/ii'atri' (inn/ram. sliieiiytini'y. (i I" .liie. A’QIt/iiii 'l'hi'ee generations are scarred by the tall of an empire in this adaptation ol the Sebastian l'ittlllks rioy el

The Female Samurai stink“ Iiii. (‘iiii' Royal l'rinei' //ii'atri'. until 30 xliie. 5.40pm. Samurai drama set amid the modern world of computer games and global commerce. Ferdydurke Konii'i/ia St Step/rem, until I." .‘illL'. Illllt’y Itll'\. See pt‘cyicw panel,

Fern Hill.l\\i'iiili/\ Roomy. i ji'xill'c‘. .i’..".\'/iiii. (iuy Masterson. who made his name perlorining ('nili'r .llilk llimil. returns to l)y laii 'l‘hoinas tor a montage of three short stories and a selection of poems.

A Few More Lessons in Love

Si ar/mroiie/i l’ro/i’i't: I'lii' ('iiii'i’ryity at liiii'i'. (iati'niiy 'l'lii'atri'. .i /J.-liie. [It/It. l.i\ely strident look at the alienation ol modern technology.

The First Chapter of Peter Xian/an! ('iiii i'i‘yity Department of Drama. (iati'iiin 'l/ii'atri'. J 3/) JillL’. 9.40pm. A messed tip boy tries to blame the world for his problems. First Impressions Halli/tin Theatre. (i.

5 3/; .-liie. //.45ani. Jane .'\ll\lL'Il performs and discusses Jane x\tlsten.

First Love Iiritiyli Russian 'I'lii'atri' I’rini'i't. Roi‘ki't f” Rma/ ('ii/li'ei' iii Siirei'ony, f) // .liie. Jill/rm; I} /r\'.'liie. Hill/rm. Samuel Beckett‘s story about a strange loy e between a young prostitute and a tramp in a version that lids beeii seen all in er the world, Fortress xlltti't‘ti'illl Hit/t .St'llfllil ill/it'll“? I-i'ytiial. ('liiiri'li IIi/l Theatre. 0 // xiiie. illilt‘\ \ill‘\. .\ boy discoy ers he‘s adopted and retreats into a world of his ow n.

Four Dogs and a Bone Ill/I .ttunti'i \. (iriytriary Kirk Home. 6 lo :liie. frill/mi. John Patrick Shanley 's sharp-toothed tale of celluloid lame.

From Ibiza to the Nortolk Broads Iiny Dynamite it‘- The [iii/l I‘lii'atri'. ('. until 2/) xliiu. ///mi. l suppose ’Wanna lie In My (iang' has taken on a diflerent resonance these days. But the appeal of glam rock seems to sury rye like a cockroach after a nuclear holocaust. If you're among the folk who still prefer to (iet It (in with a Ballroom Blitl. this black comedy could be for you. Written and directed by Adrian Berry. this piece looks at the nostalgia culture through Martin. a contemporary teenager obsessed with David Bowie. On top of problems with his dysfunctional tarnily. he‘s got an undiagnosed illness. so the shit is piling up so high he needs wings to stay ttboye it. ()h. and he also can't get on w ith Britney. S ('lub 7 and soon. but he‘s not Robinson ('rtisoe there. (Steve ('rameri