
Life in the Big Shoes The Bongo Club out of the blue. 8—]8 Aug. «‘5’. l5/mt. Wayne Anthoney in an autobiographical tragi- comedy about how he gave everything up to live with Aboriginal Australians.

A Lite in the Due of Stanley Bishop Metro Entertainment. C. until 26 Aug. [2.45am New musical featuring the cream of His sounds.

Lite In the Folds Sine’arl Raslie and Jenny Boot. Hill Street TIN’UIII'. 5—27.4113'. 2.25pm. Prose poetry with cutting-edge lrish dance and jazz rhythm.

A Light Gathering of Dust .\'.\"II Gateway 'I'lieatre. 4~27xliica H. l5/mi. lirotic study of the damage inflicted on lovers by a state which institutionalised personal betrayal.

Like Thunder (ii/(led Balloon a! li'i'lof Row Home. .l~37x’lia:. 4pm. Psychological family drama by Niels l-‘redrik Dalil about avoiding the truth.

Lilla by Libby Skala (ii/(led Balloon 'I'lieatre. 3~27Aran 2pm. The mother- daughter bond is familiar territory for novelists and playwrights. Less usual are the complex ties that skip a generation. Canadian-American actress/playwright Libby Skala reportedly fills that gap brilliantly in a warts-and-all tribute to her domineering grandmother. Lilia Skala. AUstria's first female architect and a respected actress. she lied Vienna in NM). learned linglish and within two years landed on Broadway after working in a factory. Oscar-nominated for the 1963 film Lilies of the Field. she died in 199-1 age 98. Would grandma approve of this dramatisatioii of her life and character“? ‘She‘d be grateful that I took some initiative.‘ the younger Skala says. ‘She always said. "It’s not enough to be a pretty girl. You‘ve got to do something with your life!"' (Donald l-lutera) Lines Deniareo Rocker l’rmlra'tions. Rocket (0‘ Royal College Mair/genus. 7—lo’ Aug. l.l5pm. New musical about live strangers whose only connection is a daily train.

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Royal $9-13 . lid-5200) —’

58 rue LIST 2-9 Aug 2001

Love and Other Fairy Tales Pleasanee Cavern. Fri 3—Mon 2 7 Aug. 5.30pm. After writing and performing stand-up. going on to radio. then television sitcoms. Nick Revel's latest project seems quite different altogether. 'l'his rather literary. but still very funny piece amounts to an adaptation of Chaucer's Wile ()fBatlr 's ’liile. and with England's Scarlet Theatre performing. it promises a night of instructive entertainment.

The original tells the story of a woman. late in life. describing her several marriages. and the sexual and emotional adventures tied up with them. "l'here are things that haven't really changed over the

centuries. and the relationship between sex and power is still the same'. Revel says. ‘Alison. the central character. starts off in control of the men in her life. but she makes a final marriage where she‘s disempovvered.‘

Revel maintains that much of the humour of this tale lies in its shifting perspectives between varioUs tellers of the tale. ‘You're forced to see things from different viewpoints. and that helps with a process of transformation. which happens to both the characters and the audience. It’s kind of a fairy tale that both teaches Us. and reaches in to very primal things about us.‘ Sex. primality and humour. What more do you want'.’ (Steve Cramer)

Lingo rlIoI'e Home School. C. until ll slag. lluni. Teenage study of how to communicate without \Hil'kls.

Lip Theatre Co. Presents the Curse ot the Sinister Tree and the Party St John's (’liio'r'li. (i /I sing. ll.45anr. Double bill comprising a parody of The Hound of tlie Bil.\l\('l'i'lll('\ and .Vlikail (‘howdhury is The Party.

Little Hero l"l() Theatre Company. (ireyfl‘t'ari Kirk Home. () l3 sine. 5.30pm. A choice between a maths exam or the kiss of a married woman in this play based on two stories by Dostoevsky and (‘hekhov The Little Mermaid ()n A Role Productions. Augustine's. (i lo' sine. ll.()5am. A grown-up look at the world of childhood magic. Joanna Mary l’iiiro's play weaves together llaris (‘hi'istiaii .-\nderson‘s classic. with new stories and tales.

Little Tragedies [frills/r Rimmn 'I‘lteatt‘e I’m/eel. Rocket (0 Royal College of .S'rogeons, 6- ll Aug. l3/mi. l’rorir farce to tragedy with classic Riissian author l’Ushkin.

Little Voice Harlanil llanrstt‘ines 'I’lieatu'

Company. The .S'aliii'av. 5 l‘lxlag. (i/mi. Entertaining musical comedy by Jim

he moving in "’ iinor's strike it

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(artwirglit about a girl who has an incredible singing once but only in the iiglit mood

Loaded .\'.\ l. (iati'nai llir'atti'. 5' .Vi glue. \./“/mi ('omrc iewelleiy heist play by the award w inning young playwright l)a\id

lirow n

Locking Horns llu/lio/u' I’Iorliii irony. llill Mn «'I [lit ill/(_ 5’ .‘ilae. T/HH l)l.llll.t abotil aggression and friendship.

Lolita llrilrsli Rrrssiaii llicali‘c l’ioiccl. Rocket («I Royal ('ollcge of Surgeons. (i ll \ug. i illpm. l.‘ lHAug ltlpm, New version of the scandalous noy cl by Nabokoy about the \lcsllc' ill a lllltlrllc .tgctl lli‘all llll .t l-lrycar Ultl girl.

LOOK About You llli’ Rl't/ lillll l’lilu'ry. Illr‘ (iii/ace. 5 l‘lglae. /. l5/ini. l’olilrcal laicc set in the lzli/abethan era.

Love and Happiness (‘olimilira

lllltr'l \ll\. lltr' l'iirli'iln'lli. .5 /:\'.'lire.

J. l5/mi ['8 comedy about a woman's relationship w Illl a lll‘dl'l'lc‘tl man

Love and Other Fairytales I’lmumr « li’ytrial ot lliealu' JUUl. l’li'ayanr i' ('oialiatrl and ()i ('I' l/lt' Rural. 5' jqxillk’. 5..\'II/nn. 'l'hc highly *i'atcd eastern liuropcaii- rrillucnccd Scarlet turns its attentions to the May liiiglisli (‘haucei w itli help from comedy writci Nick Rcycll. .-\ proiiirsmg combination. Lucid Dreaming lliixli l’Iorlia llHII\. ('too. lllllll .‘5 .liie. lthmi. l’hysical tliealic meets cognitnc science ma play about the

Lyrebird: Tales of Helpmann .'i\\(’ltll)l\ li‘ooinx. .i' lilac. Jill/mi. (ilor'iotis celebration of the life of choreographer Robert ("liitty ('liitli li’ane liane llelpmairn. back after winning a fringe first in I‘N‘). Macbeth l'IaIIlIi Ri'illtr'ail l’t‘mltu llotry.

(in \lI'lrlH Kill. liml .llarn (iatey. .5 37xliie. (i..\'II/mi. Accomplished production of Shakespeare's tragedy given added atmosphere by an al fresco performance in (irey mars Kirk Yard and beyond.

Macbeth (illili'rl Bil/limit llti’tlll't‘. .i 3/" .liig. [ill/mi. lhe Scottish play relocated to the l.ondori gangland of the Kr'ays. Macbeth .ill'r'lmt‘ll llieatri' Company in (Hull ration iillll ll '( '/’(i. Stage liy .S'raei' lzrlrnliia‘gli .‘it ailenry. 4 “Blue. 5.40pm. Shakespeare's tragedy in a production that makes use of puppets.

Mad Dogs and Englishmen (ii/(led li’alloon llii'atri'. 5’ 37,-liru. .i..‘)ll/)Ill. .-\ biographical and musical esploratiori ol the paradosical life of the man w ith ‘a talent to amusc'. Noel (‘owal'tl

The Maids xii/('l’tll‘ll Ilteatre Cont/ram Ill asyoi IrllItIII it ill] l.l ’l '/(1. Stage li\ Stage l.rliIilirog/i .it rule/m, J lrb‘xillL'. fi/nn. Jcaii (ieiict's infamous oiie-acter' about two sisters iplayed here by meni who mimic their titlslt'css lo tragic coiiscqucnccs.

The Makars Literary Tour .s'r tilllyll /.Ilr'Ir1I\ loio (tint/HUM l.lil. llre ll'I‘ite/"s .llim'ion. ll/llll ."I sing. .i‘lmi. .-\ dramatiscd tourney through Scotland's Literary centuries Man in the Flying Lawnchair

.'i\\( Ill/’l\ li’uoiny. .i’ 37.4143. .i’pnr. ('omedy based on the true story of Larry \Valtcrs. an .-\riicrican truck driver who. with the help of fifty surplus weather balloons. launched himself to INN)“ feet in an alurirriiium lawn chair.

Mannequin lmlr lr/rmr/ I/mrm. (‘lw/lr u'IIL'i li " .‘5 .liie. fr .i’lI/mi. l'nncry mg black coiriedy with two friends passing a night together amid thoughts of murder and infamy.

Master and Margarita limb/r lrlei lll'ania. Ill! l’nrlerlielli. 5 Shine. " ~J5/mi .»\daptation of the liiilgakoy iioy cl staged by i'.lUll students.

The Matchmaker-rm Illl'l\ ly'ooiny.

.\' J‘sliig. l.-J5/ini. .-\n unusual choice for the .-\sseiribly Rooms. this two handei has proved popular in Ireland oy er the past 3.5 years. but has little of the rimoyarron you seek on the l't‘lllgc. Adapted limit the tio\ cl by John ll. ls'earie. much on ed in Ireland. unknown escept for Illi’ l-n'lrl elsewhere. it's a bitter-sweet pei'foriiiance about .rrr elderly gent i|)es Keogh) who sets up blind dates between isolated singles in rural Ireland. He and .-\riiia Manahaii play all the characters. in a production that‘s gently amusing. but that rests on the kind ol ioiiiaiiticrsed \ isrori of Ireland that has been soundly rejected by a younger generation iMark l‘isher'i

Mates llieatri'lali. ()ll/ St l’aal'x (law II A Hall. J // .‘illL'. Spin. :\ musical play about a Judo fanatic whose life is torn apart by disability.

McEwan’s 80/- Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour Si ortiyli literary 'loro‘ ('oni/iany l.til.. 'Ilie lir't’llll‘r’ Inn. ioitil .i'l .'lll£\'. llttli'y ial'r. Jolly pub crawl through .illll years of Scottish w ritiiig.

Medea .‘lyyr’ltll)l\ li’oo/ny. (i 35 slag, N/nn Now slated for a world tour by the British Council. 'l‘healre liabel's production took the hinge by storm last year. l.r/ l.ochlicad's adaptation into contemporary Scots seemed to capture the atay istic spirit of liuripedes' classic. With a compelling central performance by Maureen lieattre as the mother who kills her children to aycnge herself upon a faitliless husband. the production attracted a hinge l‘ll'\l. and packed houses, Success was a long time coming for artistic director (iralrarii'eii's crcatrye and hard working coriipany. but with acclaim for this. and King ()1 Si otlanrl at last year's l‘r'inge giy mg the company the rare honour of two l-irnge l‘ll'\l\ in the same year. liabcl is now a theatre company to watch. (Stey e (‘ramer i Medea Japan Ill/H’I'll’llt e. the (la/age.

5 37mm. .i’.-l.5/mi l-ciiialc impersonator Jiii lliroshi rises Noh. ia// and L'\Ullc costumes for (‘oriipany liast's (ireck tragedy. Medea UNI/(ml. l’I'lHlta Ila/Ix (UH/rials ly'irl Home. 6 jivlue, hi-l5/inr Drawing on bureaus play as well as that ol lilir'ipitlcs. and incorporating w ritmg by company members. this \crsron of the (iieek tragedy features three performers in the title role Meet The Authors (farm l’rurlia llIIII\. Hill Street llieatn'. .i’ 37x‘lrie. [JEN/rm. :\ historical c\ploratioii into how the creatiyc process allcclctl llic liycs ol l.otlls;r May Alcott and laimly Dickinson.

Melody (I ('of. 5’ ll glue. l/Hll. A world of iukcboycs and glitterballs as Molly and Dirt become .5st starlets oy er night. Memories of the Sea Stage In Stage l;rloi/na'eli xii (It/('llll. 5 // xlrie. l.-l5/mi. Multimedia y ideo montages and performance inspired by Mediterranean myths.

Mental Lynn l'i'ruuwn it Step/ten l’oiiell. .'i\\(‘ltll)l\ Roomy. .i' 37.4112, ‘/.Il5/nn. Despite the fact that .lli'nta/ includes a sandy of outlandish characters. and ey en Jesus (‘hrist himself. Lynne l-‘crguson and Stephen Powell are keen to ensure that their latest black comedy exposing the daily grind