non-actress ('armen ('uenca. \* ho Ix the guext Once again. Martine/ xayx. xhc"x ‘challenging the definition of theatre and fucking with audiences as to what Ix real and xpontaneoux and what ix xcripted and I‘ehearxed. ('an one ev er truly be theIIIxelyex onxtage. or ltixt I'eprcxenl a version of tlieIIixelycx"' Martine/ and co- authIIr/diicctor \lark Whitclaw are bound to temper their high coiiccptx with touching Irony and xheer entertainment value. tl)onald lltitcral

Silver Lining - Player One l’leayatu e Home. 7 INA/4g. Hull/am. A new play where 'l/amlet meets Big Brother lneetx l'riitenity ('hallenge'.

Silver Lining - The Insect Play - The Brothers Capek l’ll'tlwtllt e ('uurtiard and ()l‘t‘l' the Road. 7 IN Aug. llant. The behav tour of inxectx inxpircx coIIiInentx on life.

Sirens: Behind the Screen Rtlt'ht'l lenuei. Rm Le! (a South [fridge Rewuree ('entre. (I /4 .'I!lL'. limes i'arv. A new musical exposing the double lives of xtarx of the silver xcrccn.

Sketches of the Underworld .ii/ llaat I’I‘m/ta‘ttnlt.\, (iarage ('hapiteau ('I'lieatre da Riwriust. 5 l7xlug. 4. [Spin Martial artx. clowning and acrobatics all form part of thix journey into a contemporary \‘ionn of Hell.

Ski Sluts from Glenshee ’I‘lieatre Harts. Hill Street Theatre. 3 273m. l/mi. ‘.-\ Iiiad Scotxwoiiian ix making a Scottixh porno. she can't afford to go to Aspen in ('olorado. xo xhe finds this ski lodge in (ileIixliec where they try to make thix very bad xlock Jock moyie.‘

(‘laire .\lac:\uley. adltiinixtrttlot' for 'l‘lieatreworkx ix trying to explain the plot of the Iiew play to come out of the excellent (ioyan based (ilaxgow Workx Project group. Artistic director Robin Wilxon is well know Ii for hix many award winning productions: .llesiengers. Dream State and laxt yearx‘ exceptional Interviews with the Rest ()t'l'he ll'ar/il. 'lt'x a real departure for ux itx kind of lid Wood Ineetx (‘arry ()n [p The Ski l’axs. We're going to get accused of touches of Austin Powers too because w e've got a handxoiiie .ku instructor and dollx in xalipets with handgunx.’ Magic. (l’aiil Dale) Skin Deep Strnde's ‘I'lieatre ('nni/ranv. (‘ underground. 4 ll :lug. l/arn. Physical theatre from women who know about women. with (ireek myths and contemporary images explored.

Sleeping Beauties Shams ('law'n Theatre. (1 until 26 Aug, l/mi. (it‘ottnd— breaking clowning focusing on a heroic explorer who's hopelessly lost in the Arctic. Smile for Me The Never .llind Theatre ('ani/tany; Amnedia Sauthside. Jr 26 Aug. 3.45pm. Dark coIIiedy-thriller which puxhex the joke right into the audience.

The Shamans - House of Deer l’leasanee ('aurlvard and Over the Road.

N 37.-lug. .i'pm. Budapest-based chiIreographer. director and performer liya Magyar loves lidinburgh because the work of her company. The Shamans. has always been embraced here during l‘extiyal time. Willi good reason: it's conxistently

FIO Theatre Company presents the World Premiere of


A play based on two stories by Fedor Dostoevsky and Anton Chekhov

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Inventive. entertaining and rich with metaphorical meaning.

llerc Magyar. tixex dance. gcxtiiic and .I panoply of theatrical deucex Iiiaxkx puppetry. gorgeoiix lighting and lllthlc that reckx of liaxtcrn lauropean lllL‘l.lllcllitl_\ - to render a Romanian lolk tale of .i woman‘s supernatural transformation lioiii hunch to deer, Thix xolo xhow ‘x themes oi xcll dixcoy ery. alienation and deteIIiiiIiation hit home for \lagyar. who continually xtiugglex for support in Hungary 'x patriarchal .IItx xy xtem. But the production hax iIni\eIx.I| resonance. 'llow are people to pioccxx tlieii llltll\ iduality xlte .kax. ‘lt‘x .I piobleiii of our day x.' il)onald lliitei’ai The Song of the Fool It“. A. t i; run x. Rm Let (‘1 Strut/I llru/ge Ix’i mum ('i um. (i // Aug. (AW/mi. The xymbolixiii of the Tarot card ix the inxpii'ation behind thix production Sparkleshark Uni) ‘I/Ii atu (mu/mm ii'ith Hint Sasset ('nulm li’lll/I Ilieatri. Knitter/Ia Roman Izagle lodge. 5' /“ lug. 2. /."/im. Kids get together on top of a towel block to tell a fairy xtory. in l’hilip Ridley 'x play. Speaking from the Clay .luu III an High Sr IlUUl 'I'healre /'(’\Illil/. ('liuu ll l/Ill Theatre. 7 ll dug. Ilnli'\ iari, ()riginal adaptation of traditional .\'ati\e :\iiiei‘It.IIi lillL‘\. Speed-the-Plow Iienet ('atti [m with [chair and Ila/Net III Hal/\Iiiuul. ('. lllllll 3/) Aug. 7pm. I)a\ id .\lamet'x xatiI'ical take on pow er in llolly wood. Spiritual Nuggets tt‘e'n My: \mm 4/ let'. (irey/riars Kirlx Home. fr Iii/re. 8. /5pm. l‘ocuxing on summer day x Iii the li\ ex of young friends. The Spice Trail lllt‘ltlt‘llltl llutanu uni. Rural liotanu (iarilen lz'dinhurgli. J 35 Aug. 8pm. See prey iew panel. The Spurt of Blood 7 and .ll\ lla/e Ken. llu' ('rulerhe/h. 5 36 due. lip/n. Artaiid'x dark tale brought to life through phyxical theatre and induxtrial xoundxcapex, lieaturex adult content and Inteiixe xoiiiid Spymonkey’s Cooped syn mun/at. l’leasanee ('nurtyaril and (Her the Road. until 37.»\ug. 7.25pm. See pi'e\ Iew panel. St Nicholas .'l\\('ltll)l\ ernn. .\' I'xIIig. 2.30pm. Brilliant monologue by (’onoi’ Mel’herxon. author of The Heir. about a theatre critic w ho goes off the l‘.tll\.

The Stand In I’ueri/e ('omerli (our/ram.

(ii/(led Ital/nan at l’e/I/rernunt lounge. .i’ 3"

Aug. 3pm. Visual comedy about an unuxual new job agency.

Still Lives QM Theatre ('o/n/rani. ()lt/ St Paul's ('liureh & Ila/l. () lo’xlug. Ila/n. New play investigating four paxtx and futures.

Stitched Rite/(U! li'tllt¢'\. Rite/tel (“ Sit/Ith Bridge R('\Ulil‘(‘(' (it'llll't'. A, ll .'\llL'. 8pm. Weaving a tangled web of deceit. Antipodean thexpianx ('I'excent 'l‘heatre e\plore the depthx of the human pxyclie. Their latest black coIIiedy tltlllltlc‘d‘lll. Stitehed ( '1) brings together two xtoI'Iex of double-dealing and duplicity: I‘lexli li’lmul And .lIi/k. a manic hoxtagc drama. and ()ne I'e/l ()ut. which tells the story of an engagement party w ith tragic conxcqtienccx.


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Viva La Diva Pleasanee Cabaret Bar. 1 —2 7 Aug. 1.30pm. Variously hailed as the Margarhita Pracatan of opera. the diva of din and the mistress of miss-notes. the legend in song that is Florence Foster Jenkins could well be this Festival's most terrifying prospect.

Jean Boht (best known for her role as Nellie Boswell in Carla Lane's Bread) will be axxuming the role of the real-life American songbird with gusto. although she won't actually be reaching (or missing) the high notes herself in the comedy drama written by Fringe First winner. (‘hris Ballance. ‘My singing‘s exactly the same. it’s appalling.’ Boht says jokingly. ‘I could have sung some of the songs myself but we decided we‘re going to use the real thing instead.‘

An original recording of Florence Foster Jenkins doing her worst at Carnegie Hall in I944 will provide the musical backdrop while Boht and her co-perfonner lan Angus Whitc explore the diva‘s indomitable spirit. ‘lt‘s an extraordinary piece really. It‘s very funny but also quite profound and a great piece of writing. It’s all about putting on a show and the right to do that. And she did have a massive voice. It was massive and it hit enormOUsly high notes. but not very nicely. not very nicely at all.‘

((‘atherine Bromley)

Sweeney Todd Stage by Stage lidinhurgh deadenii'. [8 Aug. 5.15pm. The demon barber looks for revenge in Sondheim's musical.

Sweet Bobabola Hui/mllni Theatre. I’leasanee ('aurty'ard and ()l‘t'l‘ the Road, 8— 27 Aug. 5.50pm. Double-act creating a world where alien bakers attempt to destroy the planet with their irresistible cakes. Taming of the Shrew ’l‘he ('amIn-titge Mummers. Augustine's; (i 27/lug. 5. [Up/n. Shakespeare's battle-of-thc-xexcs comedy turned into cabaret and self-help manual. Tartutte Stage hy‘ Stage Edinburgh Academy. 4——Io':lug. times vary: New adaptation of the Moliere comedy performed by the Theatre Factory. Teacher! Karier- Y I’I‘ndta'tians, Augustine 's, (r—27/lug. ll. I5/mr. New musical black comedy set in a girls school. Teachers Harland Hanistrings Theatre ('ompany, 'I‘he Subway. 64‘) Aug. I pm. Predictable John (iodber comedy.

Tell Me You Love Me Urhanw'ay l’rmluetians'. (2 until 1/ Aug. 4pm. Lee Weston's tragi-comedy of a gay man‘s need to adopt a child.

Temporarily Yours Distilled Spirits Theatre. Augustine 's'. ()~~/() Aug. times vary. Hailing from New York but now residing in London. enterprising husband and wife team. director David Scott and actress Lynn

x\nd theI'e'x eycn a free :\tlsslc wine tasting xexxion III the Inter\al. ‘The main appeal lies in them both being so funny. yet so dark. lt'x interexting to examine themes of betrayal from the conti'axting anglex of each play.‘ xays (‘I'exceiit 'l'heatre'x ('ate Rogers. ‘The issues are lllll\L‘l'\tll. Who do you trust'.’ Who will you protect" Who w ill you betray I" t()||y Laxsman) Stories l'enue L". .i' ll slug. 6.30pm. Two phy xical theatre coinpaniex join forces to force iointx.

Storytime liirt/ill'rite Theatre. (1 until 26 .lag. II/mi. ('hilling new drama in which a brother and xixter'x fairytalcs become horror

Stuffing the Turkey (ii/dell Hal/(ran at

lei mt Raw Home. .i- 27Aug. I. [Sp/n. ('onfexxionx and revelations fill the air as a traditional family lunch turns blackly humorous.

Sugar and Spice .\'inet\' Degrees l-‘lat 'I'lieatre ('ompanv. Stage hy Stage lidinlrurgli ."t rule/m. 5 ll Aug. 9.30pm. Accusations fly between friends at a university reunion.

The Surrendered Wife Show Plexlt'd and Brim/t. Rm‘k‘i’t (0 St John's Hall. 5- lo' .lug. II. /."pm. The people behind ('aml Smil/ie 'lraxlieil .IIV Rrurnl return with a show about the ioy x of marriage.

Swallow ll'i'eked Theatre. ('. until 2!) Aug. Iltnlll. Se\. death and triple xcc combine in this black comedy.

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2—9 Aug 2001 THE LIST 63