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Portfolio Gallery, until 1 Sep.

Satirising rural activities: Deluge, 2000-2001 by John Goto

.Iohn (‘ioto's latest series of digitally manipulated images of the 18th century gardens at Stowe. Housham and Stourhead are built on the stark contrast between society past and present. from the clashing combination of computer collage and cl; ssical composition to his chosen theme of contemporary attitudes

to the countryside.

'What I'm trying to do is look at the present. but through a historical tiltei.' says (-‘ioto. ‘On one level. these gardens represent a kind ot arcadia. fiut the contemporary tourists' relationship to the countryside is other than ideal, so they create an ironic contrast. There's a disruption because the people look out of

place in their enVIronment.’

The images also operate as satires on rural activities. showmg everyone from liuntsmen to day trippers clashing With their surroundings. my pictures to have an undertow of satire.' Goto confirms. ‘The series is addressed to an urban audience. pointing out that we are mistrustful of the countryside in a way that we weren't 30 or 40 years ago. when it was seen as

benign or benevolent.‘ (Jack Mottram)


AIR WORKS Talbot Rice Gallery, until 7 Sep.

Patricia Macdonald has witnessed many dramatic changes to the

landscape in recent years. Since 1986.

Macdonald has photographed the land and sea from the bird's-eye Viewpoint ot a fixed winged aircraft. capturing both the beauty and destruction of our natural enVironment.

In an exhibition of new and recent work. she overhauls many )f her previous works. replacing the single image With diptychs. triptychs and multiples. This composite approach to her work is particularly fitting to her new studies of clouds.

"I'm actually moVing through the medium that I'm photographing.‘ says

Macdonald. 'With the recent work with

clouds as a s‘ubiect matter it was appropriate to show this moving platform. The clouds themselves are changing. Our position in the air is changing. and I'm trying to express something of that.’

Dealing with modern seientific ideas as well as polemic and environmental issues. Macdonald's beautifully realised photographs reveal a different story from the air. The serious problem of overgraZing and its disastrous consequences are highlighted. ‘When you're flying over Scotland. you realise what a moonscape it

is.' says Macdonald.

But the story's not all negative. Machnald and her pilot Angus Macdonald are continually experiencing the beauty of the land. Sometimes we go looking for things but sometimes it's serendipitous' she says. 'That's one of the excitements

of doing this' (Helen Monaghan)

66 THE LIST as Aug 20:):

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Detail of Sonnets to Orpheus (ten part work), 1995

ART i'N‘fHE cm! «0 City Art Centre. until 2 Sep.

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tts artists. Scfit into .a' 'i-is ate-tor es. the exhibitmii itixtaimses 3‘“,- or: the new. chroniclirg the "’iarigiiiy; ‘;i:,-; .‘ Edinburgh aid art o.er ti‘e '..ir.es.

Ir: t'ie ".‘isitors' section tite's: v:' ar- "'r drasiirig of FrI‘r‘irxirfiih Castle :.. Mr" I-‘.:.; describe’t it? an iriiinertiate rest/,r‘x-xa nos.’ inflated iI‘ galue to treasurer: a't. I'm- (L()l‘.I‘:IIIl)OT£iI”,' ‘3(;(;°iI()l‘i regeaii; Chad McCail's colourful. simplistic r,,cie o‘ it; .‘xhere basic roixgts pla, .'."ir‘r ant ire; UTCTI‘.’ 'nuch .-.hat the "est cf us reali.

Beside I/IcCaii is Batu". C) ;.:.':'<: I" 'I":.

Ia,ered .'.’IIII rneanirig and ti‘oiugh a small kiIted Acticr: Mari about t', Latter another one with a huge tu'lgie s tcr trit-

more astute to decipr‘ie". In the '.‘.’»’,r'ki.".r)' sectioi‘. Kate Dowriie's charcoal an'I =iik drasxirg of the ra'".'.'a,' and coal sag/ins is '.'./or‘idertuil‘,' observed. bavvi I/Iach's match head of Richard Dr;ii‘.2i";r, lit the 'portrait' section is. as usual. .er‘, ingenious and amusing.

Although exhibitions of this sort car appear rather staid. the; are ai'.'.'a,’s a chance to see varied and acroiiiplished art. IlsabelIa Weiri



National Portrait Gallery, until 30 Sep.

Coinciding with the traditional surnrnei ct Orange marcht»;sar1<i' ‘.'.IIIIESII‘.; biosariii. The King Over The ‘.i'.’ater is a fittiitr; exhibition for this time of l.ear. E;'xr,ir,r'.r~.'; the life of the shunted Jaccbzte. Jane; Stuart. heir of King James ‘/II. it documents throur h portraiture the ro,a' outcast known as "the Old Pietertder'. Prevented from ascendar‘c,’ by V“.“.,iil!{ti'7. m Orange. the precipitating aizd coritmuirr political ILITIY‘UIi brings ‘.‘.ihat coiiir: Le a

rather staid collecticn of 15th sector].

pamting snto a more pital Iigl‘t.

Europe's top portrait artists the da.. such as Pierre Migi‘ard. Arutcr‘iio Dam} and Rcsalba Carriera were called fl. record James Stuart for insferih. recognised as he .'.’as. across the channel. as Kir‘g of Englandt a'1’i Scotland. The exhibition takes ,oii a visuaI tOLJr tron his not 8’) hurricie beginnings to his rather more irrir'icie

ending. These exquisite carntings, rescle'irterf

in all their ‘Et'i century decadence. are coupled .-.“.I‘s hgiii, coii‘icreherts'.e informatc'i caters to cut the :ess are: ITTTOIIT‘QCI 0f LIB "70V: 1'." fi'rf: IJI'XLA"; T" ‘,

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SEBASTIAO SALGADO: MIGRATIONS «on City Art Centre. until 2 Sep.

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INFRALIMINAL on Stills, until 1 Sep.

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