Bellord Road. 634 (i3llll trccorded inlormation 333 220m. Mon Sat

anm (rpm; Sun I lam (rpm. (ale.

Lee Miller l'ntil Sun ‘) Sep. £4 41.3.5“) Joint admission yyith Roland l’enrose exhibition at the Dean Gallery. The largest and lll()\l cornprehensiy e exhibition to date ot the \york ol the \eu York born photographer Lee Miller

tl‘)ll7 77). Miller. a hunter liretu' Illodel.

\yas married to Roland l’enrose. the subicct of a maior exhibition at the Dean (iallery. Snapping people. places. fashion and \yar. the exhibition features portraits ol l’icasso. Man Ray. liileen Agar. Horst and memorabilia from her time as a mu ctirt'espotldettl. See lltllisl.

From Bond Street To Buchenwald: Lee Miller And Vogue Mott (i Aug. 13.45pm. l'ormer picture editor of Vogue. \y titer and curator Robin Muir talks about |.ce Miller's work and loeut'.

Circle Of Friends: Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism From The 19305 l'ntil Sun 3S Oct. The Martins co—edited the seminal publication ('i/‘t‘lt’: llllt'l'lltllfttlltl/ Surrey 0/ (‘onylrurtri‘t' girl. which led to lifelong friendships yy ith leading artists. This small display features \yorks by (iabo. llepyyorth and \Vallis. drayy n from their collection. along \y ith \yorks from the permanent collection.


The Mound. (i34 (i3()() trecorded inlorlllallon 333 33%”. Mon Sat

ltlam (rpm; Sun Ilam hp”).

0 Rembrandt’s Women l'nul Sun 3 Sep. U) (£3.50). The first ey er exami- nation of Rembrandt's portrayal of yyomen in his art. featuring major paint- ings. drayx lugs and etchings drayy n from all m er liurope and America. Rembrandt yyas the greatest artist of the Dutch school. his paintings characterised by luxuriant brtIshyyork and rich colour. and a master of chiaroscuro. lloused at lidinburgh's National Portrait (iallery. curated by Julia l,|oyd Williams. the exhibition \y ill tray cl to l.ondon's Royal Academy of :\l'l\. Among the paintings included in the exhibition. the (ietty .\lll\L‘tllll is lending the first drayying eyer purchased Mule ll'mmm ll't't/t A Snake. and The Portrait (Hfl-i llomun stem] ()3 sold late last year for a record HUS mil- lion has also been offered to the exhibi- tion. ('harles .\lattott\ lilm ly’t'm/N‘um/l accompanies the exhibition and \y ill be screened at the Lumiere cinema (see l'illltt listitlgsl. See lltllisl.


(ieorge |\' Bridge. 330 453 l. Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

The Write Stuff l'ntil \Ved 3| ()ct. Scottish \y riters as seen through the lens of lidinburgh photographer (iordon \Vright. featuring Hugh .\lacl)iarmid. Norman .\lac('aig. Ian Rankin and JR. Rowling.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. (i34 (r3()(l trecorded information 333 220m. .\lon Sat

ltlam (th11: Sun I lam (rpm. (‘afe. l‘ree. King Over The Water t'ntil Sun 30 Sep. £3 (£3). An e\hibition charting the life of Prince James Francis lidyyard Steyyart t leS 170(3). knmyn to history as the Old Pretender. Included in the display are rarely -seen icons of the Jacobite came. a lllVe-sl/e reconstruction of (‘anoya's magnificent tomb to the exiled Steyyarts and an important neyy acquisition A lien ()f‘l’lu' l’u/u::o .lluli. the lh’th century painting of the Prince's Jacobite Palace in Rome attributed to (iuiseppe Valeriani. See rey ieyy. Return To Life: A New Look at The Portrait Bust l‘ntil Stm 14 Oct. This exhibition challenges the

contemporary yieyy er to look again at portrait busts and engage in a face-to- lace dialogue yy ith a remarkably skiltul and inyentiye art. ‘l he yyork ot yyell- know it sculptors Sir Jacob lipstem. Henri (iandier-Br/eska and Sir T‘l'illlL'lx (‘hantrey are featured in the shoyy ;l\

yy ell as less familiar practitioners including Samuel Joseph and Kathleen Sc‘titl.

Return To Life Wed S Aug. l3.45pm. Nicola Kalinsky giyes a talk on the current exhibition \yhich challenges the contemporary \ ieyy er to look again at portrait busts.


()n-line gallery. \y yy yyiieyy contemporary-

Miniatures One The opening exhibition for this neyy on-Iine gallery \yhich shoyycases the “(wk of up-and- coming itl'llsls from (ilttsgtny and lidinburgh \y ith all \yot‘k‘s ayailable to buy.


l4 .\'eyy Street. 55S 7(ill-l. l)ai|y llarri- Ill.3llpm. l'ntil late on Bongo (‘lub nights.

The Games Room t'ntil .\ton 27 Aug. The exhibition space turns into a playable games room during the l‘estiyal yy ith games deyised and created by artists.


5.5. (il & 7.5 Bread Street. 477 4534. Strata l'ntil Thu 3 Aug ((iallery I: .\lon Sat l()am (rpm; Sun llam 5pm). A group shoyy of work by l5 artists currently working in Scotland focusing on landscape. tradition and culture. All artists are recent graduates and the shoyy features painting. textiles. photography and jeyy ellery.

Oya-Ko Sttn 5 Aug Sat I Sep ((iallery l: daily I lam ()pm). liast l.othian‘s Stenton (iallery presents an exhibition of Japanese calligraphy by Shingai Tanaka and painting. yyoodblock printing and ceramics by ('ampbell Sandilands. l’urt offllu/um 300/,

Art From Belarus: Contemporary Vitebsk Artists Sat 4 Aug Sun 3 Sep ((iallery 3: daily ltlam (rpm t. A mixed exhibition of work by contemporary artish from \Xitebsk' in Belat'us. the one-time centre of Soyiel ayant-garde.

A Riot Of Colour Sat 4 Aug Sun 3 Sep. ((iallery 3: open daily I lam (ypmi. Paintings by a selection of artists on the theme of colour featuring John Stoa. l.l/ .\lc('arthy. |)ronma. John l)igby and Jack Ash. plus a display of miniature paintings.


3| St Leonard‘s Lane. 063 l(il3.

.‘ylon Sat l()am 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. Summer Pastures Thu 3 Aug Sun 3 Sep. A selling exhibition focusing on the nomadic yxay of life. featuring rugs. bags. trappings and yy'eayings.


75 7‘) (‘umberland Street. 557 1030. Mon l-‘ri ltlam (rpm; Sat ltlam 4pm. Summer Show t'ntil Thu 9 Aug. A summer selection of paintings by oy er 4() inyited artists including John Bellany'. Leon Morroeco. \Villie Rodger. (‘laire llarrigan and ('hris Bushe.

Lisa Marklew l'ntil Thu 0 Aug. Quirky ceramics.

Natalie Vardey l'ntil Thu l3 Aug.

Jeyy ellery.


I7 I‘) Barclay Place. 477 3933. Tue Sat lll.3()am (i.3()pm.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing selection of paintings including reproduction art :— \'an (iogh. [)ali. Monet. Kandinsky. Miro ~ originals and \york by up-and-coming local artists.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY t\\'ASl’Si l’atriothall Studios. off 43 Hamilton Place. 335 138‘). lidinburgh‘s unique artist-led gallery space H ith an ongoing programme of temporary e\lttl\ilion\.

Unearthed: Works Of The Beltane Fire Society l'ntil \Ved S Aug tdaily noon opin l. The Beltane l'tl'c‘ Society present an interactiye costume art and multimedia exhibition \y ith free \yorkshops in costume art. physical theatre. percussion. puppetry and storytelling. l‘or more mlormation contact the Beltane l'ire

Society on ll|3l 33h 5353.


(L5 (ieorge Street. 33.5 3300. Mon l‘l‘t Illain 4pm; Sat ‘) ll.3llatlt.

A Wee Gem - Amidst All The HurIy-Burly .\lon (i Thu 33 Aug. A sale ol line paintings. lurniture. clocks. silyer and yieyyellery. books. ceramics and sporting items. pltis an exhibition of Jacobite art and culture from the Drambnie (‘ollectioir


l l)eanhaugh Street. 333 733‘). Daily ll.3t)arn midnight.

Onya Attridge l'ntil Hi 17 Aug. An exhibition of \york by ()nya Attridge. the regional \y inner of the l’i/Ia lixpress Prospects 3(ltll competition, yyhich Allllh to promote emerging talent in contemporary art. Attridge‘s bone china food mixct‘ entitled Domestic mm \\ i|| compete against the other regional finalists to find the mend] \y inner yy hich yy ill be announced in August.


l Bristo Square. 556 (3550. Daily lt).3()am ltlpm.

Christopher Richardson Sat 4 Hi 3| Aug. Black and \y hite photography by (‘hristopher Richardson featuring land and seascapes and the human form.

; july 8 August (to 5 Sept)

5 Aug - 1 Sept

ti am - 9 pm throughout.

)2 Aug - lSept


34 Bread Street. 33! 5555. Daily

‘lam 9pm.

eca Sttn 5 Aug Sat I Sep. The toyei ot the Point Hotel becomes the temporary exhibition space tor a selection ot \yot‘k by students trom the School ot Sculpture department at lidinbuigh ('ollege ttl .'\t't.


4.3 (‘andlemaker Kim. 330 NH

.\lon Sat llam 5.30pm.

John Goto: High Summer l'nnl Sat 1 Sep. l’ortlolto\ l’t‘\l|\.tl exhibition features digitally constructed photographs by John ( ioto \y hich sample \ ieyy \ ot lSth century lunghsh gardens at Stoyy e. Ronsham and Stonrhead \yrth 'real lite' situations in present—day Britain. lx’cconstructing them according to the compositional structures deriyed by l'rench artist ('Iattde l.orrain. (ioto creates a series of fascinating contemporary landscapes. See prey ie\y_


35 Marehniont (‘rescenL 33‘) lilo s. Mon l'i‘i (lam 5.30pm; Sat Illam 3pm. Inaugural Exhibition A photographic gallery and framing \yorkshop featuring a range of framed mounted images yy ith space for local photographers to shit“ their yyork.


('lerk Street. ()(i7 7770, Mutt Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Nature As Inspiration: Claire Cooper Walsh l'ntil Tue at Sep (l.othian Room & Hope Scott Roonii. Inspired by the natttral eny iromuent. (‘Iaire ('ooper Walsh creates yyorks in mixed media yy ith a strong sculptural quality. the starting point of her pieces coming from photographs taken in lidinburgh's Royal Botanic (iarden.

('5' t I

wow m :1 /, I (l I K7, 1 \ l /

’Focus on East toting-m", mixed show at Stenton, East Lothian. Six days 12 noon - 5 pm except Thurs.

'Oya-ho’ (calligraphy, painting, printing), Japan 2001 festival at Nexus Gallery 1. 6] Bread Street, Edinburgh.

’Contemporary Scor'tisl‘t fat', mixed show at Lloyds TSB,

120 George Street, Edinburgh. 10 am - 6 pm throughout.

Details on ' or tel Cl 368 850 256. mob 07740 588 168

Campbell Sandtldnds

2—? Am; 200‘ THE LIST 71