Edinburgh Thursdays


I Countdown at Rush. 7pm lam. l't‘et'. Weekly. \Vllll all tlt'ltlks at eseeedingly loyy priees tuntil llpmt. you‘ll be eountmg tithii to a lairly hetty hangoy er at this ehart and party pre—eluh. I Eccentric at Bam Boti. 0pm 3am. l'ree. 2 Aug. l'ortnightly. New residents Stuart Sandeinan (Nakedi arid l.ee .\ltirray ioin lauan .lames arid l’hil York as they play quality l'S house and liuropean ttanee tor the diseerning pre—elubber at this ()t'iental style bar.

I Dysfunction at W]. (‘tiristies.

()[illl lam. ti 2 Atig. l-ortnightly. The latest llti\ ol nit-metal. hardeore. skate- piiiik attd industrial has temporarily

moy ed here lor aii itttitiiate pre-elub session. l‘or tnore iiilo. see

yy yy yy.iiightneys s.net.

I Flashback at l'ilashbaek.

S. illpm lam. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. [)1 Venus shims no shame iii playing top tunes li‘om the (ills. 7tls and Slls. l)rinks promos a boiitis.

I Immersed In Music at l’iy‘o.

llpm lam. l'ree. Weekly. Smokey & 'l'he Bandit (Senses! tear tip the lunky house highyyay iii a bid to entertain the drinking hordes at this (‘/eeli-themed style bar.

I La Fromagerie at the .\iL‘;ttl()\\‘.s Bar ttloyynstairsi. 0pm 3am. l‘ree. ‘) Attg. liortnightly. Sample tlte eheesy delights sery ed tip by lidinburgh‘s original li-'/. slea/ies Al atid Kain the .\lullet.

I Made In Iguana at lguana.

9pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. (iareth Sommery'ille breaks the mould of his l'ltragrooy e guise. playing yyarm New York house. diseo and all things sotill'til at this pre-yyeekend pre-eluh.

I Mellow Mellow Right On at The ('aryyasli. ()pm latii. l‘ree. Weekly'. 1)] Sola Boy gets eomlortahle with an eeleetie mis ol'ehilled lunk and nu ja/J. sounds.

I Oxygen at ()sygen. llpm lam. l-‘ree. Weekly. The \yeekend starts early in the eompany ol rotatiotial residents Stuart (iough and Beanie. seasoned entertainers iii the sys itigitig styles ol' lunk. soul. R&B and hip hop.

I Prefix at Bar l'nion. ()piii lam. l‘ree. t) Aug. l-‘ortnightly. ('hris Bryant and Derek Selmes sort the deep and funky

yy heat from the house ehatt.

I Salsa Viva at Baraeoa. Spm lam. l'ree. Weekly. l).l Jorge play s tlte Latino grooy es to make you salsa at this long- standing night. teaturtng danee elasses lor beginners atid those at intermediate leyel. See ‘A Night lior ('tiha' entry tn l'i'l eluh listings lor lull details on the massiye get-together ol lzdinhurgh's linest Latin nights.

I Shadowskill at Bam Boti.

9pm 3am. £2. ‘) Aug. l-oruiightly. (’onl'ueitis say this neyy ()riental sty le bar got plenty good drutn «k bass atid ltip hop yyith [)1 Sam and Redo.

I Ska at ('ity‘ (Kile. 9pm latii. l’ree. Weekly. All neyy pre-eluh teaturing original lamaiean ska. roots and roeksteady‘ with DJ Shaymas.

I Soft Rock at The Pond Bar.

9pm lam. liree. Weekly. .\lullets. perms and poodle heads let loose to some ‘orrihle soil roek in the eoml'ortahle surroundings ol' l.eith‘s premiere watering hole.

I UrbannHangSuite at Banii's.

I lptn 3am. liree. Weekly. light Vegetarian snaeks sery ed to a kooky and eeleetie sotindtraek lrom Son oi l'gly.


I Bar 101 at La Belle Atigele.

l lpm late. l‘ree. Weekly (during Aug l. Late night bar/eale yy till a solid sotil soundtrack sery ed tip hy Sotil Sonie.

I Behave? at The lloiieyeomb. .\lonthly. Next date 27 Sep.

0 Bezique at The lloneyeoiiih. Midnight late. £5 (Hi. ‘) Aug. Weekly (during Aug). ("est ehiel e'est mani- lique’ e'est Be/iquel liighties diseo yyith dress code eneouraged yy'here l.eon 'Silk' Singleton. All ‘Stop that seratehin'. you‘re titakiti me iteh’ l’arker arid (iary lager" ('ostello let loose with ttittsie til. questionable taste. Warning: this is a White Rabbit ('oyy boys production. See llitlisl.

I 6.0. Blooms at (‘1‘. Blooms. ll).3(lpm 3am thar lrom (ipm). Free. Weekly. 'l‘rip the light lantastie to Hi- NRO danee aetion at tltis eyer-popular gay bar.

I Da Break at La Belle Angele will return in Sep.

I Dust at Studio 24. l 1.30pm 3am. £2. 2 Aug. .\lonthly'. (iet ready to roek at this goth. metal and industrial sltoys'ease hosted by the residents laii. Tony and Dave.

I Dysfunction at The Attie has now

moy ed to a temporary 'l'hu pre-eltih slot at WJ. (‘liristies See prereluh listings gtittne.

I Fresh Air at lhe lloney eonib ys ill return in Sep.

I Fusion at l’o .\a \a. llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. l)Js Mark B tStudio (it‘attdl and Murray Riehardson t2ll52tl \isiotii

play mg \ tnyl gems iii the realms ot house. hip hop. lunk and sotil.

I Genetic iii the ('iii-iis (‘tiih

llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. Still a mighty popular soiree that shoyy eases alternatiy e. indie aitd lo-ti. .\o smoking in the bar area. mind.

I The Moneyshot at lite Bongo Hub \in| return iii Sep.

I Muzikisum at the lloiieyeoiiih, lllpni 3am. £5. 2 Aug. .\lonthly. Past and present \y inners ol the niueh-eoyeted .illlflk Bedroom Bedlam title eome together it] this tleys sltoys ease. .\lurray Richardson headlines the tnain room in a dirty house lashion \y itlt support trom (irant .\laedonald atid Ki ('reighton. Through the haek. Adam Bray. Alan Paul and lirik l)a Viking e\plot'e all that's lunky in the tiiusieal speetrum.

I Naked at ligo. Monthly. .\'esi date 23 Atig.

I Nocturnal at .\Joa \s ill return iii Sep. I Playaz2 at ligo. llpm 3am. £2. 2 Aug. l'iortnightly. Rude Bhoy/ arid guests playing iiggy Rth. smooth hip hop atid reggae daneehall greats.

I ReJuvenation at The Bongo (‘lub. .\lonthly. Nest date .il Aug.

I Snatch Club at The liquid Room. It)._‘~tlpm 3am t5am during the liestiyal i. £3.50 t£2.5tli. Weekly. Reliy e the inn and games you had at eheap British holiday eamps like Btttliiis at this ltmky diseo etim eabaret. \y ith your hosts ot' distinetion .\ir llarry Ainsyyorth and Spanky Alesander. Benny llill-like anties \\ ill ol- eourse be file. all thinks are ay'ailahle at l‘)7()s priees atid heeause it‘s the l'estiyal. Peter Parker and his .\lagie Bingo Balls yyill he haek iii loree. (iod help its.

I Sputnik at The Venue ttop llotit‘l. ll).3(lpm 3am. £3. 2 Aug. l'ttl'lliigllllly. Feel the gttsli as Sptttttik roekets right to the epieentre ol your aural eay ities. rupturing your mind yy ith lettlield house mtisie. Resident types l)an l’rantie. llohhes and Lisa Thomson are the pesky kids responsible.

I 3 Piece Sweet at the (‘oeteaii Lounge. llptii 3am. £2. 2 Aug. Monthly. l't‘ottt old to nets. lrom eutting—edge to


Famous Spiegeltent, Edinburgh, Sat 3 Aug.

Life can be a hectic affair. Clubbing’s no different. Most people’s idea of a Friday night out dancing resembles an induced epileptic fit to the sound of heavy machinery. Things weren’t always like this though. There was once a time when going out was an altogether more sophisticated affair.

During this bygone era, dapper gentleman and elegant ladies would dance the night away to real musicians playing real music. Attracting the opposite sex had more to do with a well-turned ankle or groomed moustache than grinding pelvises. In short, clubbing had class or, at least, we like to believe it did. It’s in this spirit of nostalgia that Vegas swept onto the Edinburgh club scene. Its ethos harks back to the days of swinging

show tunes and crooning cats.

lt’s worked a treat too and Vegas has become as successful as its American counterpart . . . well, almost. The reason for this isn’t just the music - a cocktail of everything from easy listening to country - it’s the little things that give Vegas the edge. Not least of these are the limbo competition and the gambling opportunities; upon entry to the club, you’re given a fistful of Elvis dollars which can be used on the roulette wheel or blackjack table with the aim of winning free booze.

And then there are the hosts; everybody from the DJs to the showgirls mingle through the crowd, dressed up to the nines to entertain and amuse the rowdy revellers.

These aspects are integral to the Vegas experience, lending it an atmosphere a million miles away from the po- faced self-consciousness of some clubs. It’s fun and relaxed at the same time and it’s somewhere you can go and dance non-stop or just lounge around socialising.

So on those occasions when you want to escape the rat race (don't get me wrong, I enjoy a shirts-off rave as much as the next pilled-up gurner), you know you can always get dolled up and head down the strip. (Roan


74 THE LIST :‘t Ami '

kitseh the 'no niuste poliey' trom keen to please party girls l'rendy Wendy. Sally land \ieei ney er tails to astound and ania/e. .\nd by erikey. it's eheap oit the thud"

Chart & Party

I Funky Underground at Resolution. lllpm iatn. Ll i£ii Weekly. A monster soundsysteiii. good odds .it ' eopping oil and some handy danee podiums tot attiaeting attention to youi tunky strutting are just three ot the reasons \shy Resolution seems like a good idea \y hen yoii're diiitik

I Ignition at litos l'lite ‘l ‘tlpni ‘~.ini £31£2i Weekly. l ast yeat's ‘Seouisli |)tseotlieque ( )t the Yeah still dtays s the numbers at this big ‘ole eliart .iiid party night.

I The 6, 7, 8 Special .ii \y‘tiy _\'oi' llptii 3am. £5. Weekly. A magieal musieal tourney that takes you through the (ills. “its. Nlls (Hill ‘ltls \y ith plueky stiry iyor l)tseo Billy atid his new lrtend l)iseo l)i\a l)ale. (‘age daneets a delimte bonus.

I The Subway at lite .s'iitmay.

‘lpm 3am. l~ree tor students yy ith matrieulattoii eard; £l otheryy ise. Weekly A mainstream soundtraek plus the odd spot ot indie.

I Sunstroke at 'l'he Suhysay West land. 7pm 3am. £2 t£l Wllll student II) or llyeri. Weekly. ('hrist aliye it’s all indoor heaeh party. leaturing limbo danetng and .\liss Wet 'l' shirt/.\lr Wet i l't'oltls eompetitions. l)Js ysill ol eourse be spinning summer si//leis and there's a tree shooter lor eyery puiitet in

heaehyy ear.

I Thursday In The City at (“liih .\lereado. Spin 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. ('ominereial ehart atid danee plus drinks pt’tillitis a plenty ltit‘ littise Who Want to start the yyeekend lashionahly early.

Edinburgh Fridays

Pre—Club I Bar Union at Bar l'nion. ‘lpm lain. l‘ree. Weekly. Radio l'iorth‘s Key iii .lones ilay s some helty house and garage. Bass:Trap Sessions Ill Bani Bolt. ‘lpttt 3am. l'ree. Weekly. Wise .\langa master (i-.\lae lays on some speeial treats at his drum & bass. hip hop and Rth pret‘ltib. all in the natne oi that eurrently preyalent thing ealled the

.l‘estiyal. i'il'sl up on the treats roster is

loeal breaks merehant Wreekage tWall ()l Soundi. one ol the most yersatile and L‘t'eitli\el_\ gilletl produeers/l)_ls met to graee otir lair shores. What's more. you ean eateh liye reeordings l'rom the Bass: 'l'rap on Radio .\lagnetie tysyt \y.radio- iiizigiietie.eotiii on ’lhursday s trotn

‘) lllpltt. See llillisl.

I BIok at l’opRokit. 9pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly. A regular yenture eourtesy ol Rohiii Styler tSoleltisioni. Bootsy tSuhstanee/( irooy e 'llieory l atid (iregor tl)ouehe .\la 'ltitlelle l. \\ here rare grimy e. lunk. diseo and hip hop yy ill be the order ol. the day.

I Centro at (’ity ('ale 2. ‘)pm lam. l‘ree. 3 Aug. l-ortnightly. A relatiyely lleys yenture tor l'ltragrooye's (iaretli Soimiiery ille. yyhere the play list ineorporates eyerything lrom tau daddies like 'l’erry ('allier to house littsllet's like Deep Dish.

I Chaos Cubano at Bat-aeoa.

lllpm latii. l’ree. Weekly. l)J .\likayel hosts a night ol lunk. hip hop and salsa. I Cuba Norte at ('uba Norte.

lllpm latii. l‘ree. Weekly. Still supplying the broadest musieal speetrtim tor l.atin loyers and still piyotal to the Wiltlle Latin

I Cuts 8. Strings at The Outhouse. 8pm lam. l-ree. 3 Aug. Monthly. The many -splendoured yariations oi house iiitisie as demonstrated by Paul .\lason. Keyin Roe. and Sean Keltie.

I EH1 at lill l. ()pm lam. liree. Weekly. in the sleek. minimalist surrounds oi this syyanky style bar. loeal l)Js supply urban heats tor the head/.