
Mondays continued

I Scratch hax nnw limxhed at The Venue and will relaunch w ith a new l-ri rexidency at La Belle Angele in Sept.

I Tease Age at 'l he ('itrux ('luh. llpm 3am. £1. Weekly. \nw gnmg intn itx ninth year. thix indie xtalwart llayntlt‘cd \yilh htttlx til xnul and lttttk cnntinuex tn draw a packed and xweaty crnwd week it). week nut.

I Trafik at \na. Mnnthly. \e\t date lb' Aug.

I Ultragroove at In Belle Airgcle. llHllpm 3am, £lll. .1 Aug. l-nrtnightly. Taking a break lrnm their xteady xlew nf quality guextx. rexidentx (iareth

Snmcry ille and ('nlin (’nnk ride the pnnnani nl their hlackalicinux. hntixe hnnty baby. And. if it'x guext actinn ynu're hunkering alter. ne\t lnrtnight'x pleaxure cnmex cnurtexy nl .lney Negrn aka Jakarta and Raycn .\lai/c.

I Vegas at lign, |( late. £3 t£n in xwanky attire). llAug. .\lnnthly. Indulge the decadence nl the lextiyal at thix xw inging xhnwtunc extrayagan/a. \nted hext lidinhurgh club night lnr the )3th twn yearx running.

bVegas at l'atnnux Spiegeltent.

llpltt late. £8 txuhicct lt) l)t)t)king ice). 5 Aug. llell hnt ticket tn kick nff ynur lextiyal frixking. featuring xwinging xhnwtunex. cnuntry kitxch and eaxy - lixtening linrrnrx lrnm ynur dixtinguixhed hnxtx l-rankie Sumatra. Hugxy Seagull and Him) Martini. Ax thix ix a l‘extiyal xpecial fruit) (me Hi the city 'x mnxl pnpular dixcnthcquex. early arriyal tif ynu hayen’t gnt ynur ticket already ) ix xtrnngly rect)mmended. See l’rey iew and llitlixt.

Chart & Party

I Atomic at The Subway Wext Iind. 7pm 3am. l‘ree bel'nre l lpm; £3 t£l ) after. Weekly. I).l (iux Bait) jninx the I‘cxitlcnlx ft)t' xntnc chart and indie actinn.

I Desire at lirnx/lilite. 0.30pm 3am. £5 t£~1)hefnre l lpm: £n t £5) befnre midnight; £7 t£()) after. Weekly. Mainxtream chart and party grnny ex fnr ny'er—Z l x at thix heay ing club. Tn nrganixe a hux. call the name.

I Luscious at Thc Ark. lllpm .‘xam. £4 (£2). Weekly. Smnnth and juicy ax a peach. thix pulxating night nf mainxtream pleaxure w ill becknn ynu back time and time again.

I The Party at Reynlutinn.

ltlpm 3am. £5 (£7). Weekly. .\lainxtream and dance anthemx.

I Saturday Sensation at The ('ayendixh. lllpm 3am. £(i tfree memberxhip and dixcnunted ticketx ay'ailable). Weekly. 7t)x. Mix and Utlx tunex fnr the xenxihle adultx w hn i'efuxe tn haye their eyeningx xpnilt by irritating teenage beer mnnxterx. ()y er 35x nnly.

I Saturday Social at (‘lub Java.

0pm Earn. Free befnre lllpm; £n t£~ll alter. ll .Aug. l-‘nrtnightly. A big ‘nle get tngether at thix xtunning \enue. featuring a mix nf party hitx frnm rexident DJ Dale tl.u,xli) and a xurprixe guext l)J tthc). The night ix alxn packed tn the gunnelx with drinkx prnmnx a plenty and Ia/y arxex whn think l.eith ix a bit nf a hike can take cnmfnt‘t in the free xhuttle xery'ice rtuming eyery 3t) minx after 0pm lrnm Brnughtnn Street.

I The Subway at The Subway.

0pm 3am. Free hefnre l lpm; £3 t£l ) after. Weekly. See Thu.

I Weekender at The Ark. ltlpm 3am. £0 (£5 ). Weekly. Dance and party pap at thix capacity night.

I Why Not? at Why .\'nt .’ lllpm 3am. £3 befnre l lpm; £7.5(l after. Weekly. ()ld-xchnnl hnuxe and upfrnnt dixcn with .\'eil l)nnald and Stey‘e Allan at thix pnpular city centre \enue. .\'n trainerx.

Edinburgh Sundays

Pre-Club I EH1 at lill l. 9pm lam. l’ree. Weekly. A lncal DJ armx himxelf tn the teeth with

78 THE LIST .x-o Aaa

It. . a."

Just one of the horny bunny girls hopping around at Snatch, weekly Thursdays

funk tn face dnw n a placid. Sun drinking crnwd.

I Let’s Tango at Baracna. 5pm lam. Free. Weekly. Tangn and xalxa with DJ Jnel and free dance claxxex tn xhnw ynu hnw.

I SL Records at W]. (‘lir-ixtiex.

9pm lam. Free. Weekly. The SI. recnrdx all-.xtarx play accexxible indie. which they argue ix better that) all that crap ynu get in nther clubx.

I Sunday Sessions at (’uba Nnrte. 8pm lam. Free. Weekly. ()ld encnunterx new. nn a ja/l—funk-xnul tip with Ben. (iay and guextx.

I 2 Urban at Q Bar. 9pm lam. liree. Weekly. 1)] Fabuln/ drnpx the latext prexxingx and jamx frnm the hnt and jiggy wnrld nf R&B.

I UrbannHangSuite at Bann'x.

l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. light \egetarian xnackx xeryed tn a hip hnp and breakx xnundtrack frnm l)nlphin Bny (Tummy Tnuch).


I The Anti-Club til The Btmgt) (‘lub lam 5am. £tbc (free fnr the launch nn Sun 5 Aug). Weekly tduring the l"c‘xti\;il). Raging ‘catixe ynu can't get a drink w ithnut waiting half an hnur'.’ Filming becauxe the li‘xtiytil ix

extending it.x influence bey‘nnd all reaxnnable expectatinnx‘.’ If xn. thix cnuld be the ideal releaxe y‘aly'e tn eaxe y'nur trnubled mind with live mUxic and DJ delight.

I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blnnmx. l().3()pm--3am. tBar frnm 8pm). Free. Weekly. The bext tunex frnm acrnxx the genrex tn .xhake y'nur bnnty In at thix gay' club.

I Club DKY at Studin 24. l lpm--3am. £l.5() befnre midnight; £2 after. Weekly. Jnrdie. (iarath and Ally encnurage a ‘Ynu bring it. we'll play it' mu.xic pnlicy in the general realmx nf rnck. metal. indtixtrial and gnth.

I Disco Kandi at Pn .\'a Na.

l lpm 73am. Free. Weekly. 1)] lnnnutlnr .xuppliex a .xpangly xelectinn nf .xexy. dixcn hnuxe and uplifting ['8 garage.

I Homebrew at Tey'int Rnw Hnuxe ((‘Iub Fextiy'al). l2.3()am-A5am. £3. 5 .Aug nnly. The bext in xnul. funk and hnuxe frnm the talented .xhnp axxixtantx cum l).l.x at L'ndergrnund Snlu’xhn.

I Fiesta Diablo at The Venue ttnp finnr). l()pmr 5am. Free. Weekly tuntil 26 Aug). A brand new hnuxe and technn xhnwcaxe that'x hnping tn grab [idinbttrgh'x club xcene by the xhnrt and curliex \‘ia .xnme free partiex nn Sun and Wed nightx thrnughnut the Fextiy'al.

I Jakata at La Belle .Angele. llpmi5am. £6 t£5). Weekly tduring Aug). Live muxic. perfnrmance and I)Jx at thix glnbally-themed xniree where all prnceedx gn tn Wl).\l thrld Develnpment Mny‘ement) Truxt tn prnmnte cultural exchange.

I Mode Organic at The ('itrux (’lub. llpm— 3am. £2. Weekly. A xweet mix nl xka. xnul. funk. mnd and freakbeat at thix lnng-running tand nnw weekly) (it)x xniree. I Tackno at ('luh Mercadn. Mnnthly. Next date 26 Aug.

I Taste at The Hnneycnmb.

l lpm-3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. l‘ixher 6;; Price live it tip in the main rnnm with garage and uplifting tn hard hnuxe. while back rnnm xuppnrt in a [.8 hnuxe xty'le cnmex ax alwayx frnm Maren Smith and Martin Valentine at thix wildly hednnixtic and gay-friendly Sunday inxtitutinn.

I United at (‘lub Mercadn. lllpmr 3am. 5 Aug. .‘ylnnthly: The Club Mercadn rexidentx tincluding Trendy Wendy. Markell, and Graeme .\’lc('lean) inin fnrcex tn fnrm thix united frnnt nf uplifting and vocal hnuxe. (ieared tnwardx a glam crnwd xn make xure y'nu drexx nice.

I The Wendy House at (‘luh Mercadn. Mnnthly. Next date l2 Aug with xpecial guext DJ. Jn Malik.