Michael Ondaatje (181;. I: Auu. l/..i’(lum. Michael ()ndaat'ie must surel} harbnur mixed feelings Inwards his best— knnxsn nnx'el ’I'lu' line/(sh I’ulimr. Selling millinns. “hitting the Bnnker pri/e \sith a subsequent lilm adaptatinn that unit almnst as man) ()scars as [It‘ll-Ill”. the haunting rnmantic traged} ell'ectnel} eclipsed an impressn e back catalngue nl nmels and cnllectinns nl' pnetr}. 'l'he tltlllltll"s Bnnk li'stihtl appearances are an nppnrtunit} Inr thnse pre\ inusl} acquainted nnl} with Ralph and Kristen's stilt-upperlipped attair In e\perience the unique pnt'll‘} nl ()iidaatie\ nther nnxels. His latest \snrk .lm/‘x (i/un/ e\plnres themes nl alienatinn and cnlttttltlltlt} thrnugh a _\nung lnrensic scientist \xhn returns In her hnme cnuntt'}. Sri lanka. (Allan Radclillcl Michael Ondaatje 8- David Malouf (181}. /.3 Aug. (LAW/m1. '\ literal} match made in item en. David Pirie (XVI. /.1’ Aug. /ll._\‘(hmi. ' l’irie tells the untnld still} behind the unrld's mnst latnnus literar} detectiw. 'l‘llal‘s Sherlnck llnlttles. Poetry Pamphlet Publishing ('50. /5 Aug. 6pm. ('elebrating the practice nl creating small pamphlets. Political Satire (181;. In’ Aug. 5pm. lliltcst‘ tlt'L‘ pt‘ctlllttt' lllltcs lnl' satire. \nl nnl) base \i e had Brass lii't' declaimed lrnm the lt‘nnt pages and leader cnlumns li'nin almnst Her} dail} next spapers but we’ve had The Sun. qunting Jnnathan Swill in snme l'nrm nl' muted del'ence tn the l'ntllltll_\' cnndemned (’hris .\lnrris. (‘nming l'rnm an era when _\nu had a better idea \\ hn the bad gu} s \\ ere. the left—wing cartnnnist Stes'e Bell and satirist Brian llnmer cnme In lidinburgh tn prnmnte their u r} dressing dim It nl' Blair's 'l'hird Way rhetnric ('luu'rmun mun-s little Rt't/ Bun/t. 'l'he l'nrmer lll'tttll (ll. sntllc till his satirical sketches. Rny llattersley inins him as dues the piss lllklllg Sc‘tllllsll cnnspiracy—thenrist ('hristnpher lirnnkmyre. ('l‘im Abrahams) Ian Rankin (XVI. H slug. l/n’lium. Scntland's biggest—selling authnr meets his adnring public. Which cnuld till the \shnle nl lidinburgh. ne\ er mind a small cnrner nl (‘harlntte Square. Jeffrey Robinson (181;. // Aug. 5pm. Watch in a“ e as the pharmaceutical llltltlsll‘} meet the best selling authnr's \\ rath. 0J0" Ronson ('XU. /4 .lug. mum. l"nrmer cln'nnicler nl the ‘l luman /.nn' dncuments his ad\entures with extremists in 'l‘lu'm. See l‘eature. Bernice Rubens (181;. In‘ slug. 4pm. The linrmer llnnker \\ inner reads l‘rnm JII/li'tlllk‘t't'. David Sedaris (NU, /3 .lug. 6.45pm. The criIically—acclaimed cnllectinn nt' essays. .llt' 'litllt I’I‘t'llt ()m' l)u.\'. is the culminatinn nl the l)a\'id Sedaris \llL‘L‘C\\ stnr). With a trim ie nl‘ 'létlk Pretty in the pipeline. the future lnnks bright l‘nr the 14“) Nnt‘th (‘arnlina satirist \\ hnse career began dncutnenting lite \s'nrking as a (‘hristmas ell at a Ne“ ank department stnre. llis autnbingraphical musings haxe repeatedl} tnpped bestseller lists. an ering amthing l'rnm his father's penchant l‘nr rntting lruit In the machn pleasures nl~ being mistaken l‘nr a pickpncket nn a Paris subxsa}. Sedaris' disarmingl) hnnest cnmic nbsersatinns ll;l\ C gleaned critical success and a hugc l'S t‘anbase. ranking him amnng the hnttest prnperties in cnntempnral'} American satire. t()l|) lassman) OAIan Sillitoe ('50. IS slug. [Hill/nu. ‘Dnn‘t let the bastards grind )nu dn\\ n' \\ as the line that launched a hundred .-\ngr} Ynung 'l'}pes in Sillitne's Salim/tn .\'ig/il.\'um/t1\ .lIn/‘ning The

David Sedaris

He covers everything from rotting fruit to being mistaken for a pickpocket

bitter ntlsprmg nt' I)”. [an rence and Rnbert 'l‘ressell. Sillittic"s earl} tictinn reeked nt' the piss-streak‘ed entries tn Nnttingham‘s tenements. llis themes

\\ ere absa} s percen ed tn be that nt reginnal dead ends and the British lack nt' stistenance l'nr the \snrking class snul. Alan Sillitne e\entuall_\ gnt tn grnxs nut nt' such sterent}ping and “uh him his cnnsiderable readership. His recent bnnks It‘muml'x llill' and 5mm ship embrace themes nl ageing and nppressne cnnsumerism. while his appearance \sill ha\ e him reading lrnm Ii’irI/u/m. the nlllcial sequel tn.\l1tunla_\ Night In er it) _\ears nn. tl’aul l)a|el John Simpson (Mi. // slug. XXII/mi. The man \shn has pt'nbabl} had the \Hil‘tl ‘duck' shnutcd at him mnre than amnne at the llll(' discusses his man} dangernns tra\e|s.

Matthew Sweeney (‘8( 3. l2 Aug. I2..‘\()pm. Visceral \erse and pntent ptlt‘lt').

Tapping Into The Market (181;. // Aug. 6pm. (‘rime \u'iter Paul .lnhnstnn dishes nut imaluable ad\ ice tn budding authnrs.

John Tusa & John Caldert'xti. 14 Aug. Rpm. 'l'he t\\n lnhns tliscuss the lnture nt' culture. \Vhich shnuld take mnre than an hnur.

Jane Urquhart 8. Shena Mackay (181}. 15 Aug. Rpm. .-\\\ard-\\inning ('anadian authnr l'rquhart inins the l'K's Macka} l‘nr a naIIer.

Keith Waterhouse (281;. I: Aug. (rill/mi. l.nng betnre ('aptain Bnb walked the plank. Keith \Vaterlintise had his ntnnber. But \sh} e\actl} did be part cnmpan} \\ ith 'l‘lu' .llirrm'. a paper he scribed l'nt‘ tht'ntlglt three decades. \\ hen the bnuncing (‘/ech tnnk tip the helm‘.’ ‘l atn rather in l‘ax'nur nl larger than life nexs'spaper bnsses. but he was a bit Inn large.’ Authnr. dramatist. cnlumnist this current hnme being the cuddly-n uddl)‘ Hui/r .llui/t. \Vatei‘linuse is pt‘nbabl} mnst l’nndl) lltnttghl nl' linr his

run el [filly Liar. The phrase has certain!) entered the cultural lesicnn bill it \\ as tint. accnrding In its instigatnr. a rags In riches tale. ‘lt was mnre suede shnes In (incci . . . nnt that l mu \snre (iucci shnes. but I cnuld il' I wanted tn.‘

(Rndger lix'ans)

Mike Watson with Brian Taylor ('St}. /5 Aug. Hum. .-\ pnlitical debate rellecting nn the Parliament’s achiex‘ements sn tar.

Alison Weir (ISO. [5 slug. 3.30pm. The bingrapher nl Mar) Queen 01' Scnts glVL‘s us her perspectn e nl thnse mad regal times.

Susannah York (181;. II slug. (mu/mi. lllL‘l'L‘ l\. nl- course. no L‘l‘lllctll ltldllsll'} bigger than that nl' Shakespeare. (‘ritics. academics. and theatre—gners haVe lilled man} a page nn the subject. But the mnst prnt'nund cnmmentaries prn\ ided are nl‘ten thnse nl the pert'nrmer. 'l‘he e\tensi\ e e\perience nl' Susannah ank is an anabtical asset \snrth pursuing. ller

\ iexss nn t'emale rnles in Shakespeare cnmbine greasepaint credibilit} and astute te\tua| thinking. Sn it"snu're \mndering \\ll) Miranda \\ as quite sn passix e in The 'Ii'mpt'st. nr (‘nrdelia \\ as sn dedicated tn |.ear. nr es en \\ h} ()phelia didn't just get In the nunner) as her man recnimneiuled. this might be the nccasinn tn ask. I can

\\ itness that ank is agreeable and intelligent cnmpan} in cnnVersatinn. sn dnn't be at'raid In pipe tip and ask questinns_ tStex'e (‘rameri

For hour by hour

daily listings see Listings Supplement.


index Books




9 tr”) Aug 2401 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 23