Alice in Wonderland .Slrlgi' In .Slugi' Izrlmlmrg/I .-li (IIII'IIH, Slugr’ In .S'Iugi' [CI/IIIIHU'QII .-lI'mII'ni\. (’IIIII I‘/ dug. Ill/1pm. Slagc adapIaIion ol l.L'\\l\ (‘ai'roll'x lIIlIclcxx claxxIc. Beautiful Game, Beautiful Girl with Alan Gibbons ('IIur/um' SI/IHIH’ (jun/I'm. /.i’ .rlug. /.Ji/mi. Romancc lilox- xIHIIx acroxx oppoxilc xidcx ol Ihc loolhall Icrracc in (iihhonx‘ ncu hook [or Ill—l5- )car-oldx. The BFG ,.('I( I'\I('I‘\IIII'I' limIIi .ver. S! .lnn'x (‘ummumli ('I'IIII‘I'. /-I 351mg. 3pm. Roald l)ahl'x modcrn claxxic ixii'I an olni— oIix choicc lor a _\oulli organixatioii. 'l'hc lalc ol an orphan xnalchcd l'rom hcr hcd h} a giant. Ihc l\\o xoon hcconic ll‘lL‘lile and ch ahouI Ir}ing Io onp cxil gianIx l'rom lcaxl- ing on xlccpiiig childrcn. II hax cnough humour. calch) \xordpla} and inlriguc Io iiiakc iI iananIl} aIIraclnc. IMaurccn lillixi Chipolatas in Groovy not Gravy (IIII/I'l/ IIIIIIUHII II - Ii‘i'lul. I'IIIII I.) slug, I3.."II/IIII. 'l'hc L‘I'Iil}. xlI'ipC} -Irouxcrcd lrio arc hack lollou mg laxI _\c‘ui"x li\ c xlar xhon

circux xkillx. onricx. xongx and lolx ol inIci'acIn c lun. Cinderella .lulm I’m’l I’u/r/u'li. S! .lII/I'I 'x I'Iiilurimi ('Imri'Ii. I'M”! IN slug. IUJ’IIum. (i|o\ c puppcl adaplalion ol' Ihc Clilxle‘ lair} - Ialc. xpcciall} d0 ixcd loi' 2 (i—_\ciil‘ olle 0 CircoTeatro Udi Grudi - O Cano .... (ir'nl'gr' .VI/IIIII‘I' IIII'HII‘I'. (III/II I), dug. I..i'I)/mi. JIixl lio\\ much fun can _\oli hax c u iIh piping'.’ 'l‘hc anx\xcr. il' Iou'rc (‘iI'co 'l‘caIro l'di (irudi. ix xlackx. l'xing rh}lhin and xuxpcnxc ax Ihc kc) lorcc. Ihcxc Ihrcc irrcxixlihlc ma\crickx xcr\ c up humour \\lllL'll ix aI Iurnx xlapinck and higth xopllixllculcd. ('arloon capcrx. Illuxical pron cxx and xoiiic nondcrl'ul lacial cxprcx- xionx comhinc Io crcalc a piccc ol' Ihcali'c which Iouchcx Ihc _\'oIIIig and old in dillcr- cnI \xa} x. hill in all Ihc xamc placcx'. Ihc cor— nci'x of )our inoIiIh and Ihc dcplhx of )our hcll}. IRth llcdgcxi

The Comic (‘m'imm IIII'IIII'I’. (I ('IIII/ Io'dug. [Juli/nu. Scc rc\ic\\. Les néves (The Dreams) Ilc'miu IIII’ (Inn-n. (I I'nlil 36 Aug. “ISM/m. llcano Ihc ('loun makcx Ihc Ii'aninioiI lroin in'ch Ihc- alrc Io xiagc. Suilahlc l'oi' agcx 4 and o\ ci'. Easy Peasy All the Time with Pru Irvine ('Imrlollc SI/mm' (fun/I713. I) :l/IL'. JJ‘U/WI. l‘un iccipcx \inh cooch \\l/.’ll‘kl. ln'inc. The Eye of Childhood with Tony ROSS ('IIur/ollc Squun' (hm/I'm. I2 .'lll_L'. I/..i’Umn. Kiddicx l'a\ c Roxx rcadx lrom hix rcccnI hookx. Stephen Fischbacher xi (‘uI/i/m-I “I I’urisli (‘qu‘r/r. (im‘ugi' ('Iiupilcuu. ‘/ Ill xlllt’. Ilum. .-\ morning of (‘lirixlian rock. pop and l‘olk” Five Go To Edinburgh! (IUI'IIHIHIHIUI School. .S‘Iugc In .S'Iugc I'fIII/ilmrgli .'l('(l(/('III\'. IA‘ I‘Vdug. mum. II' ainoiic can hrcth lilc inlo Julian. l)ick cl al iI‘x lllix lol. :\nd iI'x l'rcc. hlcxx ‘cm. 0 Fringe Sunday on the Meadows I.‘ .‘lllL'. I/um. ()\cr JIM) l-i'iiigc ach Ioul lhcir \xarcx aI Ihix hugc honan/a of a l'amil} da) oui. .\'oI Io hc mixxcd. Greyfriars Bobby I’l'uimi‘ RI’IIIII'mI I’nnIIu‘Iiom. (ircifriurx Kirk liml - .llum (iulm. ('Iili/ 3,".vlug. l/(IIII. l.carn Ihc mic onr} ol Ihc \xorld'x lo}a|ixl dog. in Ihc \cr} groundx \\ hcrc Iic and hix maxIcr \xcrc huricd.

v_'~. :1v;x

I 21:2":III

.\-( IIII IINH‘. IIimm: unu/ I3 .lug. 3pm. ;\ hi/arrc llll\ ol lhc \cr} good and Ihc rcall) quiIc had

S} I\ la 'l‘roon hax crcalcd o\ cr J” Ind} \xon- dcrlul rod and hand puppch. \xhich ha\ c lioIh childrcii and adulIx cnrapIurcd. llcr characlcrixainin ix inPci'h hui 'l'roon'x dcln- cr} ol llic \\ cc dog'x Ialc hordcrx on Ihc Icachcrl). and Ihc dialoguc hax a hapha/ard lch lo M. \Voth going along |Ile lor Ihc puppch Ihough. iKI-ll} :\pch

0 The Gruffalo 0000 Ian slum-I. r hm. I'nIII 3/) .lug. 3pm. Julia l)oiialdxoii\ Ialc ol a clc\cr mouxc \xho oulxmanx iIx cncmicx ix an ahxolulc pcach ol a onI). .-\nd IhankIul- l). childrcn‘x Ihcalrc compan} 'l’all Sloricx

ha\ c donc Ihc aulhor proud. le'cll} :\pIcri Happy Birthday Mr Men (IIIII‘IUIII' .SI/IIIII'I' (inn/I'm. I3 slug. Ilium. Mr lluinp and Ihc gang hiI Ihc hig lhrcc () Iiclp Ihcni cclclu‘alc in xl} lL'.

The Happy Gang’s Singalong saIOOI’TI (II/(It'll IIIIIIUUII II ~ II'I'IUI. (hill 3!) Aug. 3pm. ('hildrcn'x l'a\cx Mr P. Spall and Nick) arc hack “llll morc xingalong l'un. Ihix Iinic ouI in Ihc Wild \chI.

Ian White S! (‘iIIIiIu'rI'x l’urlxli (‘Ium-lr. (iurugi’ ('Im/Irlc'uu. II .vlug. Ilium. (‘hi'iinaii xingcr xoiig\\ rilcr.

Kids Dance Classes - African Ihmu’ Iqu' ll IIII I/Il' I-‘rmgr on Iii/I. Ihinw Iluu' - National ('I'nln' Iul' Dunn: ‘/ II .vlug. 2pm. ’l'no houron noixc—iiiaking “llll )our handx. lch and \oicc in Iruc Soulli African (‘iumhool xl_\ Ic. .'\gcx X— l 3.

Kids Dance Classes - Funky Ham 1' Busy n III! III(’ IVI'I'IIgI' on Iii/2. IIImI'I’ Iluu' - MUM/ml ('I'Hm' for Ihmu'. I4 3/ .lug. Ilum. |)ancc likc Ihc pop xIaix lll Ihix l'un claxx lo!" 3— l 3-}L‘III'-olle.

The Land 0' NO COIOUT (In NH. .Vlrlgr' In .S'Iugr' ILIIIHIHH‘QII lI'mII'nn. IA' IN-lug. LIN-pm. l‘accd \xilh oIiIxi/cd lairicx. xlugx IlliIl llll'L‘c-lIL'IIIlCIl \Pltlk'l'\. L‘IIII llL‘l'llc I'L‘xlol'c coloIII‘ lo Ihc \\oi‘lIl'.’

Linda Bandelier Si (‘u/hlm-i “x I’m-AI: ('Iiun'li. (iumgi' ('IIu/u'lr'uu. ('Iilil III dug. Ilium. Slor} and xong from church iiiinix- lL‘l‘. llandclicr.

The Little Prince (ii/[forum II'IIl‘I’I 'I'mu/u' of Sun I‘I'IIIII'IH'U. Ix’m'kvl (0 Soul/I [Ink/gr II’I'muI‘I‘I' ('I'nlrc. ( 'IIII/ IN .-lug. [(IUIII. \'idco. inuxic and II\ c acIion conic Iogclhcr in Iliix moraliI} Ialc of lo\ c and loxx.

The Little Prince li’un' um/ Ruggm/ IIII'IIII'I’. RUIII'! (II Kirk (I. I’II'III. In) I3 Aug. lpm. :\nloinc dc Sainl-lixupér} ‘x lahlc l.(' I’m: I’rmi'c ciidurcx ax Ihc philoxophical allcgor} ol‘ l'i'icndxhip and loxx; immor— Ialixcd h} llx xiinplc and cnchanIing liiic draningx. Willi an innoxalnc I\\le. Ihc morc athracI idcax arc hcing placcd \\ iIhin a rcaliinc chIing. xo ax dirccloi' Mai‘k (iril‘lin rc\ calx. '\\c‘\c acluall} lraincd Ihc \xholc pci'l'oi‘mancc \\ iIhin Ihc lirxl Ila} ol' xL‘condiil‘} xcliool.' (Rulh llL‘Ilgcxl

Magic Bob’s Mid-Morning Magic Show .\'('IIII'I'Imn' IIII'UII'I'. ('Iilrl IN :lug. I/um. Magic. comcd} and audicncc parIic- ipaIion l'i‘oin Ihix l‘ringc xI;|l\\;Il'l.

Maisie Goes to Japan! with Aileen Paterson ('IiurIuIII' Squun' (inn/I'm. I5 Aug. II._i‘()um. lidinhurgh'x kilch Iahh} gclx Ii llamur of lllL‘ oi'icnI.

0 Monsters in my Wardrobe C... 'I'In' Slum! ('unmh ('IIII’. until 3/) .lug. noon. 'l‘hc imaginar} landxcapcx cori- iurcd h} Ihcairc conic from Ihc xainc rooI ax Ihc lanIainc \\oI‘lle childrcn projch around Ihcmxclxcx. \xhich ix uh). \xhcn Mark

The Comic O... (' li'mu'. uni/I IN

August. [2.35pm. 'l‘hrcc characlcrx from a

Bruno/Hamli- xI_\'lc comic cncounIcr a prohlcni far morc challcnging than Ihcir u.xua| plighl of moiding Ihc local hull} and rcxcuing pcoplc lockcd in Ioncrx. thn Ihcir crcanr'x inxpiralion drle up. .xo docx hi.x ink hruxh. llc liiixxCx hix dcadlinc and old onricx arc rc-prinlcd in placc ol' ncxx. l'orcing our hcrocx Io rc-livc Ihc xainc advcnIuer over and over. BuI hcing plucky comic xIrip characicrx. Ihc)’ .xci oil on a qucxi Io find a door inIo ilIc rcal norld. aiming Io kick xian Ihcir crcanr'x imagination.

Thc mullimcdia .xIaging of Ihix


l’ciicak Ii‘anxlorinx lnx hcd mm a piialc xhip.

cwrymc can xcc cxacIl} \\lI.Il th up Io llix xliou ‘x L'lglll‘}k'.ll-olIl hcro ix Jnnni}. a box xcaicd ol Ihc nioanch IhaI lurk in Ihc hack oI hix cupboard. l‘unn}. c\ocaIi\ c and cxxcnlial \icmng Ioi .iiI_\onc \Hlll .I lighI h} Ihcir hcdxidc IJamcx Smart»

Mr Boom . . . Children’s One Man Band [III' Iumuux S/HI'gI‘III III. ('riIiI _‘.‘- .lug. Ila/n. (‘oxinic tun “ilh Ihc loonicxI childrcn'x cnIcrIaincr in Ihc xolai x} xlcin. Musical Fairytales Xhlgi' II\ .Vugr ILIIIIII’HI'QII .lI III/um. .VIIIgI' In XIIIgI' [III/II’HI‘gII .li III/um. ('IIIII Ill.lug. I.J."/nn. l‘;lll')l.llcx and muxic Irom Soulhcrii lIaI} Ioi aduIIx and childrcn.

Noddy Comes to Edinburgh! (Inn/our SI/Ium' (IIIII/I m. [Ii/1g. Ilhim. .\'odd} and palx pilch up lrom lo} land. Not Now, Bernard .. IIUIHIIIII'H IIII'IIII‘I' (hut/mm. (' limu'. ('nul 3/) .lug. I3..\‘II/mi. ;\ \xondcrlul purplc moancr and inno\aIi\ c xlagiiig go xomc \xa} lo\\;ll'le xa\ mg Ihix xlagc adaplalion ol

l)a\ Id MCKL‘C'x popular clillIll'L‘ll'x hook. Paddington Bear’s Party (IIIII‘II’III' SI/HHI'I' (IIII'III’IH. [4 .lug. I.~I"/mi. (irah _\olll' mar- maladc xand“ Ichcx and loin in Ihc lun. Pandemonium Him-par: I’m/m Hum. I‘

I’I'III' (IIIL’I'/('. I'nli'l 3/) .lug. Ill..i’I)mri. (ii'cck

unlhx i‘cuorkcd l'or childi‘cn ol all agcx h} Jcnil'cr 'lokxx ig. xixIci' ol Sandi.

0 The Princess and the Pea C... (' li’lllli'. ('IIII/ 3/) .lug. MIMI/n. l'rom Ihc original Ialcx oI llanx (‘hriinan ,r\ndcrxcn. Karina \Vilxon hax dclIl} \\o\ cn 'l‘hc l’l'lllccxx and Ihc l’ca. 'l'hc l’i‘lllccxx and Ihc Sn iiichcrd and 'l'lic Roxc and Ihc \ighlingalc iiilo onc cpic lilll'}l;llc. .'\ hcau- lIlIil pi'inccxx. a handxoinc princc and a lioxl ol camco characIci'x Imcludmg l\\o Ialking pigxi kccp Ihc aclion \ ixuall} compclliiig lol’ lilllc c} L‘x. (Kcll) .kplcl'l

0 Princess Plimsole - Incarnate O... I’II’quII ('. (’nli/ 37.111g. noun. 'l‘ircd ol' xllllpl) hcaring ahoul Ihc ad\cn— Iurcx IhaI lic oIiI\\ ilh Ihc palacc. l’rinccxx l’liinxolc loin.“ Io c\[k'ricncc lhcm l'or hcr- xcll‘. So. accoinpanicd h} hcr l'ailhlul l'riciid llrcaklaxl Ihc hullcr. xhc xcix oil on a pair nc} ol xcll-dixcmcr}. 'l‘hc \xholc c;le gi\ c cnIhuxiainc hul undcerach [lL‘l‘lIll'lllilllL'L'X alloning Iliix xccniingl} ximplc Ialc Io lic inicrpi'cicd on a mulliludc ol |c\clx.

(Anna Millari

Pure Dead Magic with Debi Gliori ('Iuir/HIII’ XI/ium' (IIIHII'IH. /3 .lug. [45pm ’l‘hc cclchi'alcd picIIirc hook illIixIranr prc- xcnIx lici' liI’xl hook l'oI' oldcl‘ childrcn. RObIfl HOOd (ilIIIUI'IIIII Ii'III'I’I 'II‘HIl/II' 0/ Sun I'I'IIIII‘IH'I'. II’UI‘III'I ((1 MINI/l III‘IIIgI' II’I'wurI'I’ ('I’Iilrc. I'IIIII I7.vlug. IUum. Rohin'x good lad}. Maid Marian lra\clx hack in Iiinc Io imparl Ialc oI' hci' liuxhand'x good dccdx.

Rollie the Clown Si ('u/lzlm-I'I I’m-ml: ('IiimIi. (IIII'IIQI' ('Im/H'Iruu. ('nli/ ‘/ .llug. IUIim. ('hurch minixIci' Rollic llain com- hincx clonnixh anlicx \\ iIh \\ol'(lx Irom Ihc good book.

Save Our Theatre (Inn/HI! (‘nu‘g i'uuih IIII'IIII'I'. RUIII'I ((1 SHHIII III‘IIIgI’ RI'IHIII'I‘I' ('I'nm'. /.\' l7.'lug. IIlum. l‘ind ouI hon a lhcalrc \uii'kx. ax l’iIx. Talk and H) lloor

imaginaIix'c xlor} ix ingcnioux. :\I'l\\ork ix projccicd onto a hack xcrccn. coanruclcd in Ihc xhapc ol' Iwo comic xIrip fraincx. 'l‘hc caxI of Ihi'cc two Minnic 'l‘hc Minx I}pcx and a naugth boy pcrl'orin agaian Ihc projcciionx; pulling lcavcrx. hrcaking \x'indo“ x. cining Ihc l‘ramc xIagc lcl‘I and right. 0 cu Icaping through iI. 'l’hc ccnIral idca thVL‘lpr along inIcrcinng inclapln'xical liiicx. which will hc loxI on Ihc )IiIiiigcr incmhcrx ol' Ihc audicncc

'l‘IiI' (‘umir’x characlcrx cxcn cxpcricncc cxixIciiIial angxi. But. Ihc caxi hrcth xo much life inIo Ihc xlion'. pla) ing iI aI Ihc lcx'cl ol' panioinimc. IhaI Ihcrc'x plcnIy Io kccpx all agcx inIcrcxch. (Milcx l‘icldcr)

Dynamically acted, riotously funny and utterly riveting

Treasure Island

IighI Io kccp Ihciix opcn

Shalamazoo oooo lam/u ll ( 1x1 Air/m (In; Roman IIIgI'I Ina’gi. :HIIII I" lug. I/Imi \inc cxcapccx Irom II ."I'\IIII‘I‘\ land and onc naiialoi Icll Ihc Ialc oI lIo\\ Ihc l lhx o\ cicoinc di\ mom in l lhania and Iind happmcxx Ihiough laughIci and IIckling High on c\ciIcnicnI. lo\\ on naiiainc Tales of the Arabian Nights (innpum u! If H. \uguxma ‘x. I IIIII II lug. I.‘ 35pm \ ini\ oi ll\ c .Iclion. original muxic and minic Iioin llllx .I\\.llIl \\ inning conipanx The Tartan Snow Baby lnmi lx‘.

I" firing, Ilium. \lIixIcaI laii‘)Ialc Iioin l'i'ingc icgulaix lx’iplc} I‘hcalic. lcaIuiiiig a loxI hah} and a Ialhci Iiappcd in a ino\\ oniin Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Come to Tea! 0

Innigumuun I’nuIm Hum. I’IIImmII. I IIIII I.‘ lug. II II mm lillL' logic ill holding a xhon Ioi puxhchan ladcn lainilicx in .I liixl Ilooi \ciiuc xccinx Ilaucd. liul IlIcn xo Ix III: \\llolc Il'I/I/\ liIIII c\pcii cncc. (‘hildicii .iic .ixkcd Io hung a hcai \\ iIh Ihcin Io Ihc p.Ii'I_\. liul a pacilici mighl hc ol Inoic uxc IMIchacl .‘\[‘lI'l I

The Thirteen Clocks IIHII‘ III IIII' (IIUHIIII IIII‘IIIII' ( '1'. \III'I'I IIII'IIII'I'. (1111/ 3* lug. III Ilium Ilicanilikc Ialc in \xhich Ihc \xorld xlandx inH \IthI .In C\ ll xpcll xlopx .ill llIL‘ clockx.

Three Little Pigs and the Ugly Duckling C I)I.'.‘ii' Irin- II' I‘I'II'IIIIL .luguxlimo. Imlil IN .lug. III..\'IIIun (iloi'ilicd childicn'x pai'I_\ cnIciIainInciII \xhich hax .I lcxx iiiIcicxInig inoincnlx. linI gcnciall} lailx Io In c up Io Ihc qlldlll} ol Ihc Ialcx in qucinon.

Tom Thumb .VI'IIII'IImn IIII’IIIII‘. (in/II IN .lug. /.‘..»’U/mi. llighl} icxpcclcd puplx'lcci. Sliona chpc lIixcx inuxic. xloixlclling and Ihc alrc lo pro\ c oiicc again IhaI xi/c docxil‘l mallci Total Biscuit: Marbles IIIIIIIIII I’rmlmI/unx. ('mnm' I’IIIJII IIuII'I. I'HIII II .lug. I/im. 'l'hc hogc} man. inonxlcix undci Ihc hcd and horrid nighIinaicx kccp a poor lll-}I';ii‘-IilIl anakc aI nighl.

0 Treasure Island 0000. III-II Slur/m IIII’IIII'I'. .M'IIii’rlmn IIIuiI/I'. [HI/II 3/) .lug. 5..\'II/mi. (‘laxxic lilci‘aluic uxua||_\ gocx doun ahoIiI ax \xcll \\ ilh childrcn ax a plalcl'ul ol hroccoli. \xhich inakcx \\cc Sloricx' pi'oduclion ol Rohcil l.ouix Sic-\cnxon‘x lio\cl all Ihc inoi‘c pi'aixI-noilh} [an X and And) Y pla} Ixxo xcaincii inand Cd on II dcxcrl ixland \klio. liol'cd \\ llll hananax and hrokcn inxlruiiicnlx. dccidc Io I'cad 'l'i‘caxurc lxland Io cach olhci. \ol oile docx Ilnx plo_\ gi\ c Ilicin an cxcuxc Io pla} all Ihc characIcrx lhcinxchcx. iI‘x alxo lll Ihc xpiriI ol Ihc original - Slcwnxon \Iax hiin xcll a lug laii ol oni’icx \Hllilll xloricx. Ranixhacklc propx arc c\pcrll} Iixcd h} Ihc pair \Ilio kccp Ihc kile ainnxcd \\ ilh gruc xoinc aclion and xnigalongx. and Ihc aduIIx chuckling \inh x|_\ axidcx. l)}Il.‘illllc‘;ill_\ aclcd. i‘ioloIixl§ lunn} and uIIcrI} rncIing ilaiiicx Sinarli

Uncle Billy Being Silly with Michael Rosen (III/I‘IHHI' .Sqium' (inn/nix. II .lug. lab-pm. ()nc ol llrilain'x inoxI populai poclx rcadx lroni hix IachI collcclion

Volpino IIII'uII‘I' I)” Ix’lwrim. (iui'ugr (IIII/lIII'HIl. I'IIIII 37.-lug, 1mm \(lI'\. ('limh Inxidc llic g}px_\ cara\an and dixcm cr Ihc magical adwnlurcx oI Ihc liIIIc lo\ and rah hit hiding lllxlIlL'.

Water Babies [.4’II IwII'I'qu/‘I' lull/II .l/‘Ix. \I .-lmi'\ (irilI/IIHIIIH (.I'IIII'I’. H 35 .-lug. Illa/n AdapIaIion ol ('hai'lcx Kingxlc} ‘x no\ cl. When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town (II/(It‘d HUI/mm // II'lIUI. II I7.-lllg. III.,I/IIIIII. Scc prcxicu. Why the Ostrich has a Long Neck IIIIIIIIIII. RUN/I IIIIIUIIII (IIII'III‘II In/IIIINII‘g/I. (hill 27 Aug. .i’pm. :\Il;ipl;illoll o! a Iradi- Iional .-\lrican Ialc.

Winnie-the-Pooh 75th Birthday Party ('Iim'lnm' .S‘quun' (INN/(7H. // slug. [Hull/um. Join in Ihc lun aI l’ooh‘x hinhda} haxh. The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz 'I'Iu' .VI'IIII'I'IHIII IIH'HII'I'. .VI'IIII'I'IHIII IIH‘IIII‘I’. ('nii/ /:\'.’lug. ill/pm. l-un nch adapIaIion l’rom Ian ’l‘urhiII'x l’uppclx.