M i Waverley Nights In. Ha. n. Ira

lhrx Inlmlalc \cnlrc llax

3‘- l/(z'. {1mm .u‘l". hccn .rl lhc hcaH ul l «lurlnruhk Hmhlrnnal and lull. mum \ccrrc In! \lklt.lklk'\ Ihc \uurd l\ lllal Ihc ( 'urrrw [lL'llHllllL'kl Ihcn l'rrxl pin crrjgaccmcnl hcrc hut lcar HUI. lacc up \hntx and chcm} \‘..ll\ch.ll\ arc lun: _~_'<>I1c lnxlcarl )«ru \.lll chr-mc carl_\ n: latc mum. and Hum an aura/m: \I} ll\ll\ nancl} Ihal Ialccx HI lam \\ hilt-K hlucx \mm ( iarrcllk purl.” \klllx. l\hhc| \lac \xchHKHachc mil-.3. l‘.ll/a ( aner '\ l.l\ll\.ll l'lllehll hurl» |a//} lA-_\hua|«l \Hlnmll} Irwin l)a\ c \lrlharan and \Hrlnn lhnmmlc. and llllk'hlt'lldl prprn: Hum 'Rcll I ml

\lnirlwn lH \lllltx'll\. and all up c lmc and \lallL'Clth :\anan (‘halmcrxr

Ray Wilson Unplugged/The Storyteller Tour Rm lll/uw. Aim/mu

/\’¢ mill/(1111A Hm. {HIII/ 3/: lug. v\/’Ill \luirc\ aml lllll\l\ lIHllI lhc c\ (lk'll\'\l\ and Silllka \mycr \HH;‘\‘.IHCI Ra} \MIwH l’lapnp acwuxln luncx lmm lll\ lnrlhcumlnj: wln alhum .l\ \xcll ax Hlxlk'l Inalcrral llHlll (it‘ll\'\l\ aml Slrllxkln.

Wolfwind and Anne Cessner / mum “um I: \IHu/, ll'lmlll l’lHAlt \, .MruI/I/un/w. /‘ \uzz. 3pm .\ «lnuhlc hill nl acnuxllc cmcmhlcx al Ihrx allcmmm'x l'hpxnlc \luxrc l'cxmal


Anne Evans and Dick Lee lit/1mm A ('ml/u. IHIII/ J‘— .lllg’. mm \ um. l'ldlllhl aml [H.lllhl ham and lL'L'(l\ p|a_\cr 1 cc Incch lllll\lt‘.llll} aml llllllll m llll\ mnul pmg'rammc

Annie Gill, Glenn Kesby and Friends Iran/u /\'« (Nu ml I'nu/m Hum. (’mu m /’/uc'¢1//uI¢/. (ml/l Ill.\u;'. lztlznhurgh llk'I/H wplanu ( llll and .-\u\lrahan cnunlcrlcnm chh} picxcnl lHlll


\Hll): lL't‘llulx

Peter Arnstein /\’¢'I(/ ( 'um . H Hall.

/.\' Iii/('4. .l/un "Hill/rm; lln/ /. ////’Hl. .-\n1cncan \ lllllnxu planlxl and cumpmcr. .\rn\lcm prcxcnlx lll\ pcrwnal \'\pl<rl'allnll\ ul Bach. .\lu/arl. and ('hnpllr


Bach Piano Concertos /’/:z;/;r.nm~:zr.v ()n in \.'l(.. I \lit’ Huh /-o' lug /ll “WW; l’ranN \mhm \hrll pcrlwrrm all Hachk p1ann cnnccrtm m c1 1w» c‘. cmngx ~nc\I curlccvr lhu lrw

Boris Guckelsberger: Requiem for Viola Sola \' Wan" A H.‘ (Lu/k ll Hum \.' \Iml \ I IJIIH'IIU'II ( rum 1; /H /‘- lag. \lr'n; \llarlalh \hhcrl ‘\1Hla| [‘l.r}\ cpnchal \cv. \lll\lc \kllllx'lll‘}‘1}«‘llllg(icllllall crrllll‘lwcl

Breakfast with Bach Rm] in» Rm”; (L: In ax /: (rum /-1 /q \u: ‘1 "’hm: l’IaIlI\l\ \larIm (‘nlmn aml \|c\ l.!}lr'l arc It'lllk‘kl h} lhc l.l\k'\ \Hlng (Juarlcl and \l.lllll\'lll\l \Ilrarl K111}: In! ‘.\Hll\\ h} Bach aml llcclhmcn

Cathedral Festival Choral Evensong \{ Hun ‘\ ( “fin Jud. [mt/l 3-1 lug /" /-1 lug " .‘V/‘Hm, /* lug-1pm \lll\l\ 1mm lhc ( allmllal (hull. Including a \‘dllltl plcmlclc h} \r\nl’aH rrl1\\ul 15 Cathedral Festival Choral Sunday Service \1 Hun '\ (til/U lllm’. /_‘ .luu.

III .‘thm A 1' Wm; \lummj: and allcllhmll pcilurmancm 1mm lhc ( ~alhcxlral \llHll Chopin Distilled \z \Ia/u n '\ A x;

(it Hth '\ (him /1_ /-1.\u::. lf "II/m1 chlall \\.rI/}c‘l\1ptrlulnh('hnpnh 3-1pm [Ill/l \c Christian Zacharias 8: Members of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (jm n: '\ Ila/l, /-1 lug. II’HHI, Rcmm nul \lu/arllan [Hallhl /achana\ pcrlnrrm tun «[mnlclx h} \ln/all and Ilcclhmcn.

City Classics 8/ mm H '\ A 81mm.“ '\ (‘lum II. // lug, _‘V iii/rm, l'cmalc quarlcl cmnprrxrnf: IllC/IU wpranu. clarmcl. ccllu and pram»

Classical Guitar./uImI/mn I'mg. ("an I\’u\u'/ III/1m lln um. uni/1' .‘ " ,lugn SIN/rm. ,\ mncd pruprammc hum llm lalcnlcd purlanxr

COSl fan tutte blur/Hugh I: \mu/

[/11 um. /,\' A /5 .lug'. / {/un. :\mlla\ Schlll cnmluclx lhc l’hllhalmnnla ()rchcxlra ll] lhlx cullccrl [M‘rlnrmancc ul \ln/arlR puplllal’ upcra.

Crusaders, Courtesans and

Capers l,(.‘1r:/mr:i: A,(’lu'1\\u'll(( Hula!" NI ( “1.7a; \ Huff. // /\ lug. humhcdpcnml1n~lrumcnlxlcnImmclam and Ihrcc \lalch‘h cumc h»chth lUl an cwmng u! l'urupcan. Scuttlxh. \lL'kllC\.ll and lx’cnarwmcc lllll‘lc

0 Die Zauberfléte [din/3mg}; ll \mm’ list AIM N. If) A I“ lay. 15pm lhc (‘hucur dc l'( )pcra nalrunal dc Mon and lhc \cumxh (‘hamhcr ()lclk'\ll.l prcxcnl a \Iagctl prmhlcllun Ul \lu/ai'1\ upcra. Scc

T fill/n»; ()nc

pIc\ rcu East Renfrewshire Schools Senior Concert Band ( } III/ml Hrs/l. /." ,luc.

/_‘ Nil/WI \ \clccllnn ul \prnlcd .-\mcrrcan \wrlo Irnm Ihcxc yum; numcianx. cumluclcd h} Kc\ lll l’rrcc

Edinburgh Quartet \u/rmm A (Tu/la. l“ M Vlug'. Hum l’crlnrmmg \lrmg quarlclx 1mm Scullaml. l'rancc. (icrman_\. \uxlrra and llal)

0 Edinburgh Quartet 51 (ix/l \'

('uI/u (llul. /,\’ lfl ,lug. Ill.\'II/rn1. \la\lcl\\\\ll\\ h} \lL‘lltlL'l\\ullll parrcd \\ Ilh Icccnll} chhxcmcrcd gcnh lrum lhc \cnllnll rcpcrlmrc. Scc pic\ lL‘\\.

The Edlian Piano Trio M .llll/I'c'u ‘\ A .V (1} mm A ('lum l1. Ill-lug. 3._\‘lI/nn. \Vorlxx h} \lu/al'l. licclhm cn and Smclana. Edlian Piano Trio N! Mark '\ III('¢1\I/(‘

ll Il'u'( (. ‘1 lug'. //un.‘ l-J slug. 4pm, .-\ Ruxuan programmc lcalurmg lhc lanmm Vzmmhnu /I luv,

Felsen Trio M :lm/H’H '\ A* S: (imru'x ('lum ll, /." .lug'. .‘J'U/mr 'l'hc wprann. plann aml clarmcl lrm pcrlmm \an'lw h} Schuhcrl. chul/cr. (Bordon .lacuh. l’lll/l and a (‘tllllLNl prcnncrc

Festival Masses (Hr/x1 I’uul'x (‘qu-«h A" Ill/ll. l::\ll;’. Hln‘lhmr l’crlnl‘mancc nl plamchanl.

4-Mality Live! I’hr lfungu (‘lu/I. mm/ 3,“ .vluu. f). /_"/nn, Scc Ruck and Pop.

Free Lunchtime Concerts 5'1 .lIm-A \ III (lul/c /('I'I'(l( r. ‘lxlug / Sc/I. l/nn. .’\ \arrcd progralmnc lrum «lrl'lcrcnl Immcianx cach tla}.

From Bach To Haydn .81 ('u :lm'x Hall. H .luu. TAU/rm. :\n mpluralmn nl' lhc llhlur} ul lhc harpxrchnrtl.

Gershwin 8. Porter - From Broadway To Basin Street Mm I/\ .X'unumm: Sim Hun/2c linuu'. l5 :5 slug. 3pm. :\n cwnrng nl lllll\lL‘ lhcall'c and |a// Inlcrprclalmm.

A Grand Night For Singing - Rodgers & Hammerstein mm m Sung/mun .X'Iml/n‘u/ur IIUHH'. llllll/ // .'lllL’. 8pm. l'l\ c \Ingcrx and hand pcrlnrm \Iamlanlx and rarillcx.

Harpsichords At St. Cecilia’s Hall SI (’m‘l/(uN Ila/l. l3 :5 xllllf. Illnlllmn. \Vul‘lu pcrlnrmcd on anliquc harlmchurdx. chamhcr nrganx and cla\ lchnnh l'rum lhc thwll (‘UllL'L'llUlL

Hip Harp Fantasies .Iluwmbh Rmnm. uni/l 37111:. /. 15pm. Yul! \lnn‘l gcl man} harp aclx. \lrll l'cu cr um cll} harp aclx. llcrc‘x unc lrnm Dchurah llcnwnl'unanl

\\ in) tll'L'\\L'\ llkc a \hmxgll'l. lcllx llllL'\ hchxccn lhc plucking: and makcx a wuml hkc Jum llcndrn.

I’ll Sing it My Way lnm I’lu/ll/M. SI ('ul/z/u'rl'x l’urix/z (him It. lllxluu. 7.30pm.

One of the world’s

. greatest

Irish bands


Queenls Sunday Aug 12, 7.30pm

CM SIM Edlnburgh EH8 9J6

Sungx h} llnag} (Iumrchacl. Kur1\\cll. Sundhcrm. (\marcl. (lL‘f\ll\\ m

ldomeneo M umxlz (Varmint (In I'u‘xnu'.

I \lzu Huff. l3 lug. ~ 15pm SH (‘harlt‘x \lackcrrax cnnduch Ihc SH) 1n llm cunccll rx'rmrmancc ul \ln/arIK opcra Ingolstadt Youth Chamber Choir (} Izrmz' Ila/.7. H .luc. 133'“er Saclctl and \cculai choral muxlc 1mm llll\ (lcrman chm! J S Bach Mass in B Minor 5': Han \ ("AI/n (Ind. l.‘ .-lu;’. \‘pm I‘hc Sculllxh (‘hamhcr ('hnn. accumpamcd h} 81 (lllcx‘ ('hamhcr ltnxcmhlc and wlmxh hum lhc Duncdm ('onwrl. pcrlurm liachk popular \urrk

Jonas Kaufmann and Helmut Deutsch Um ( n '\ Hall. I" :luu. llum l‘hc [cum and pranu duu pcrlmm \qun h) Schumann and Richard Sll.lll\\ Journeys and Memories Kama/m x“: Sup/rpm. l5 Ilkluu. (rpm (ilmguu‘x 'l‘hcalrc ('x)plxc cnmhlnc mum" and Ihcalrc lur lhlx hrghh \ l\llal. crllrcall} acclarmcd PIL'L'L'.

Just This Side of Midnight \‘rm m Sim Una/cc Huzm; [U 3" .luL'. /II__\’II/mz. l‘axnunlc mugs and nhxcmc part)


lnccc\ La TraVIam (l/li'lrl I’ll ( Ulll. l/Ii‘ lil"ll’ll\ l .\/m u/n Ill. unit/34411:. 4pm, \cnh'x lllU\l popular upcra. pcrlurlncd lll l1|\ ccnlcnar} _\car.

Ladies Who Lunch 5‘: .lm/Inr \ A‘- .x‘: (ic'uru‘x ('lum h. /.\' glut. /_‘ I'll/ml .\lu\rc lrnm wpranu l’ranccx (AmpL'l and Pldllhl (‘lau‘c llmlrn.

Late-Night Candlelit Contemporary .x’z .llun '\ (In/mlml.

[J I!) .eluu. III..\'I)/mr. x\ lllllll‘lLNl ul \mrkx h} Arm Part and Jamcx .\lac.\lll|an. lcalurrng l’arl’x Stu/mt Main 1 H Aug ). \lachrllan'x I’I'unu ll'urAx ( IS Aug) and l’arl\ (‘lmm/ uml (hum nurln l 10 Aug l, Les Troyens (Part 1) Hm .8} «IIIh/I Mmp/mm ()nlu'xlm. l'x/u'r Hall. /3 Aug. N/rm. 'l‘hc lll'\l parl nl llll\ cnnccrl [k'l‘lUl'lllullCC nl licrlrw'x npcra. I’arl lxw lullmx \ on Sal IX Scc prcx 1c“,

Let’s Kick Mrs Worthington [firm 2. 'I'ln' ling/Hr .S‘lml. [4 If) .‘lllfl, Nun/I. \lrrxlc lrum (’mxanl and l’nrtcr. cmnplcnwnlcd h} churcngraph} and a qurrk) \crlpl h) Marian l.llk'\_

Ludus Baroque: B Minor Mass ('ummmm' Kirk. ll) // .luu. 7.30pm. .-\n cwmng ul Bach \\ 11h l.udu\ and limit) Baruquc.

Lunchtime Concerts Sr .llun '\ (‘uI/m/I'ul. /.“ 35xluu. [III/rm. Var-\In‘u pmgrammc pcrlnrmul h} lcadmg muxiclanx lrmn Ihc l'K'x [up unncrxllrcx and cunxcnalnrrcx. Mahler in Hamburg (m u/ Rummy/mm Sump/nun ()n/uwlm. l'x/u'r Hull, /5 Aug. "Hill/mt. chhca programmc (rl a cnnccrl cnmluclcd l3} \lzilllL‘l‘ in “Ml

Mandolin and Guitar Virtuosi \éllrmm A" (‘m/lu. Illm'x mm. .'\ll\()ll Slcphcm and (‘ralg ()gdcn pla} rnlcrnalmnal

Matthias Goerne and Alfred Brendel ('xlu'r Hull. H :luu. «\‘pm. 'l‘hc harllmic and plant) duU pcrlul‘ln \mrkx h} licclhm cn and Schuhcrl.

De Dannan ! Queens Hall .

Box Office 0131 668 2019 I