A&R (ii/III (I Hal/nun l/II III/I. until 3” glue. (Il’m. I)IIetIII l‘auxtux meetx the reeIIrd mduxtr} III II IIIaek eIImed} II) I’eter \lIIrrIx Winner III the ZIIIII Sunda} 'IIIIIex

I’Ia} \Iritmg Award See aIxII .luI' ()1 (II/MINI. I'IIut‘ xtarx III 'I/II' XI “(\Hlllll Abducting Diana [Ilium/'I l/II IIII‘I' ("unr/IIIIII. Qua/III ,lh‘t‘II’IL' l/HIIH'. Illlll/ // I-Iue. S. /5pm. I)arIII I‘II'x anarehIe IIIIIItIeaI IareeI

Accident of Circumstance [I’m In In Kill U'I'II’III /" /r\',lue_ 531mm. Strung drama aIIIIut a eIIuIIIe \IIIIIxe reIatIIInthII Ix put under xtraIII II} xehI/IIphrenIa. Address Unknown II’IIIII/IIl/II'I Sim/III (I! [he I'I'I'III II IIIIIIIIIII'. IIIIII/ 354143. IIIII('\ Hll'\. I.a ('IIIIIIIIeme SaIxIIn. a l'reneh

ph) xIeal theatre eIImpan}. prexentx thtx drama xet III ('II/IIII‘I'Iera (iermany

Adult Child, Dead Child .0.

(iI/I/I'I/ II’IIIIIIIIII //II'IIII‘I'. IIIIII/ Iii/re. III/II, SIIIIIIkII}. thIx IIIII} aIIIIuI multiple [Ier'xIIIIIIIIt} dthIt'Ilet' xeelttx III he xtIIIet'Ittg Hunt the eIIIIIIItIIIn Itxelt; there are aetuall) IIIII prIIdtteIIIIIIx III .II/II/I (‘lII/I/IIIIIIIg the IIIIIIIdx at the I-I'Inge thIx _\ear. SII‘IIIId Iheatte (‘IIfx eIIIIrt Ix xIIIIIethIIIg III a IIII\ed bag. The xtIIr} Ix tIIIII III retrIpreet. IIII aeeIIunt III a IIIxturIIeIl IIIIII ahuxed eIIiIII \IIIIIxe IIIIagInIu'} IrIenII xIIIIn IIeeIImex her IIIaIe\II|eIIt alter egII, ('lIure

I)t)\\ Ie‘x xerIIIt. apparently perIIIrIIIeII IIIr mental health III‘IIIexxIIIIIIIIx arIIund the eIIuntr_\. Ix eIIIIIIIeIIIIIg mm. and \II‘Itten \I Ith the authIIrIt) III xIIIneIIne \IhII IIIIIiIquh dIII their rexeareh, IIIIII e\ er. It'x II pit) tII learn the direetIIr hiqueII ixn‘t attending the I‘extIIal'. IIII IIIteII uIIIIIeuxed and IIIIIIIIIture perIIIrIIIIuIee and IIIIIII'I} dexrgned xet prexent thIx pla} IrIIIII reall} IIIII'IIIing It‘x IIIIteIItIal. t()|i_\ I.axmeIIII

Adult Child/Dead Child The .S'IIIII'IIII'III Drama ('IInI/IIIIII. KIIIIII'I/III II’II/IIIIII [CIIL’II’ [III/er. until :0 nine. 4. lip/II :\IIIII .-\_\ ekIIIIuru praixed thix prIIduetiIIu III ( ‘IIIIIe I)II\\ Ie'x pla) ahIIut a _\IIuIIg girl hearing \IIIeex. perIIIrIIIed and direeted It) :\Ie\;tttdt'a IlItxx.

Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary ('IInI/II'II/ee ('IIII'I'I‘IIII :l/H' I't’IIHt‘. II’I'I/IIIIII I‘lII'III/‘I'. IUIII/ 35 glue. (I/Inr. Student [II'IIduetiIIII III Agatha (‘hrIxtie'x

Ill} le‘I'}.

The Age at Consent I’II'aIamI'. mm”! It) sine. 5.30pm. I’eter .\IIIrrix‘ highl} rated dark e\IIIIIratIIIII III ehIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII ineext, See alxII ."(('l\’. 'I‘hree xtIIrx III [III Sen/IIIIIIII.

Agnes of God .IILIII I’I‘III/III'IIIIIII. .-lueIIIII/II"I. ll/lll/ [3 lug. SSH/Int Ihe xtIIr_\ III a )IIIIIIg IIIIII \\ hII git ex IIII'th III III) xteriIqu eireumxtIIIIeex. ImextIgatIIInx II_\ II

lIx} ehIIIIIngt and the eIIment'x mIIther xuperiIIr turn up argumentx IIIIIIuI nuraelex. Iaith IIIIII erenee.

cast of

All of this drama is superbly

realised by a

Broadway veterans

As It IS In Heaven

Alex Through the Looking Glass [NW/l II/IH'I/ [III II'I’I. (III .lII IIIII'I it JI'IIII 3” lug. /I Ill/III] I)IanIa InterIIIIngIIng IeIIIx (‘arrIIII \IIth the xtIIr} III a Inung aIIIIIexn

Alice in Wonderland IIIII'IIIIIII I: 1m :0 lllL' J/Inr \Itee Ix aged-up tII eIghteetI III thIx I‘II_\\Ie.II theatre III‘IIduetIIIII. and her xtIII} Ix tIIIII «In the IIIght IIeIIIre her \Ieddmg

Cloned ll/I II'\II'IIII Ill’l'lt IUIIIIl :— lue. //..I‘lI/Im Iqu he“ Lllll IIIIIxIeaI IIII the quIIeet IIt genetII‘ eIIgIIIeeIIIIg IueIuIIex a In e rIIek muxIe erIre and ex en xIIIgIIIg xheet‘ \VIIat IIIIIre eIIuId _\IIu \Iant

Alpha Beta I’II/Im/III I! I’IIII/III IIIIIII. (irI'III'III/I III/'1 III’HVI /-1 3‘ lug "Hi/nu I‘V.‘ drama IIIIIIIII a IL'IIII‘L‘\'III‘II\ IIIaIIIage perlIIrnIed II} a next I'IIIIIIIaII}

Am I Losing My Mind or Just My Figure? Pregnant Pause I’Innam I. mm! 3" lug. // Jinn. (‘IIIIIedI drama aIIIIut a KILxIIIIIethIIIg IIIIman'x pregnane}

Amy Evans’ Strike I. II‘.I1I'I II lmagt.

II’III let I” lI’InII/ ('II/lI gr III \{UL'I I'm. II/III/ .‘fi glue. 5 JII/IIII III John I‘IIIIIeIIIIIIe‘x ne\\ [Ila_\. :\m\ Ix qut tue|\e \kltt'll xhe detrdex III gII IIII xtIIke She eIIIItIIIuex In turn up IIII xehIIIII hut I'I'Itlxex III IlII an} \kIIIk

('u/II/IIIIII. (‘ II'II/(II /.‘


An Audience with William Saroyan II'IIIII/II/II/I ~\IIIIIIII “7 IIII llt'Ht II IIIIIIIIIII'. /." /\ lllL’. [I'll/nu. '\IIIL‘III’IIII aelIIt‘ Vltlllkl “'I‘IIttxkl returnx III the I-IIIIge III play the human and eIIIItrIIIeerIII \IIIerIeaII Anachronisms “I’HIIII'I It /\)l't kt'l I’l‘I'I/HI'III’IH. RIM At'l l” All/k ()Illllll/I I“ /I\‘ glue. J/Im, Rnalrtex and paxxIIInx arIxe IIetueeII II ngIuII III aeadenuex at It eIInIerenee. The Anarchist Plays Rm m In N: .In/m "I Ila/l. [Hill] 1“ lug. mm \ IIII'I. IrIxh xtudent (Ulllllllll) [II'LWL'IIH I);II'IU l‘tI‘\ .‘l( I II/I'IIIII/ IlI'IlI/I III (1’! .vlmm IIIIIIIqu a tIIIIIeaI erlueI III Itx IIII II Angel II’I’I/AIII I’I‘III/III t/IIIII. II’I'II/Imr IIII'IIII'I: IIIIII/ // glue. II/Im. IIIaek eIIIIIed) aIIIIut IIIII Irieudx xeperated II} death. and the

“Men ettlIIIlI III (ind.

Anger and After XIII/rm San/III; ('IC. (HIII/ // glue. “Hal/UH, I’erIIII‘IIIIuIee IIIIetI'} \\ Ith tragte. IIut upIIItIIIg eIeIIIeIItx.

Animal Farm lm ('\I('I'\/Ill'¢' IIIIII/I ,‘lI'I\. SI I-IIIII'I (‘ImuIIIuIIII (’I'IIII‘I'. N 35 .Iue. ()IHIIII YIIuth theatre prIIduetIIIII III ()ruell‘x IIIIIItIeaI xatIre.

Animal Farm l’III'I/I (‘III/I/I'I'n 'I I’III'IIII'I'. IIIH'I'II'Il/I ('IIIII‘I II Hall. I“ IN glue. IImI'I \(ll'\. (‘hIIdreu'x theatre prIIIIIIetIIIn III IIIIII\ e. Animal Farm .IIII'm/III II’IIIIIIII. IIIIII/ 3‘ xlllL’. l/am. (Eu) .\laxteerIn'x IIIIIIIqu and InueII aeeIaImed IIIIe-IIIan \IIII\\ Ix thIx )eat' perIIIrIIIed II) III/IIL‘ \VIII‘t. an aetrexx tIpped ax a t'Ixmg xtar.

Anniversary (Atelier Oui) Japan I'fI/II'I'II'III'I'. I'III'(I'IIrI1eI'. llllll/ // ,IIIe. 4.,I’lI/IIII. Iapauexe [II'IIIIuetiIIn \IIIIeh IIIII'tI‘II} x a draInaIIealI} Interupted anIIIIeerIr}.


Anorak of


by Stephen Dtnsdale

6.159m £5.00

Brighton Beach




Simon 7.45pm £7.50 (£5.00)



Bedbound 0000

'I'rIII'I'rII' I'III'IIII'I'. until Sun /2.I1Ie. IIIIII'I I'(II'\. \\'hen I \Iax II but \\ e

Iixed III eaII them xhyxterx. 'lhexe IIII}x the} ‘re ealled entrepreneurx. 'I'qu xtIIr} III the rixe and Iall III a particular ('eltie tiger and hix relatiIInxhip \\ Ith II daughter erippled II_\ IIIIIIII Ix at the eentre III thix tale h} Iinda \\'II|xII. \IhII \Ittl'lllt'tl the IrInge u ith I)I\I II I’Iex in I‘NS

IIere. Dad (Liam ('arne) I tele IIx the xtIIr} III hix me In Iame and glIIr} trIInI II ('IIrk Iurniture xtIIre IIIIrker. III a xalexman. III the II\\ ner III an III-xtarred eham III xtIIrex III l)lll\lIIII IIix particular greaxy [IIIIe ix xtained \\ ith IIIIIIIII. IIIIII he IIemIqutratex that \ iIIIent pxyehIIxix ix the one indixpenxaIIIe \I'eapIIn in the armIIur} III a IIIIinIexxpeerIn, IIix tale III amIIitiIIII Ix intereut \\ ith the quIering III hix daughter I .\'IIrma SheahaIII \IIIIIxe IIII II IIeIIrIIxix ix eweerhated III the lIIxx III her IIIIIther. IIIIII a eIItIIIIIgue III IIIque IIIIII IIegIeet IrIInI the lather. \I'IIII hax walled her mm the tiny. reIIIItiIIgI) grim} IIedrIIIIIn \\ hieh aetx ax II xet.

Walxh‘x pieee ix Iull III dark. px}ehII|IIgieally UPPI'L'\\I\'L‘ [IIIII er. 'I‘he reeurreIIt [IIIetie imager) III hix exprexinInixtie xeript ix III dixtIIxteIuI aIIIItIIIIIieIII IIIIxexinInI 'I'IIIx Ix II IIIIII'erIuI night III theatre. hut IIIIIy IN the IIIIrIIiext eIIIIxtitutiIIn. ISteI e (‘rIIIuerI.

Anorak Of Fire .IIL/I //II III/I (‘IIIII/IIIIII I/II'IIII'I' .lI‘A/I’. /.\' /.\' Inc. /I. l5/Im lx’e\r\al III IIII IIeeIaImed xatIrIeaI eIIIIIeII} aIIIIut traIIIxIIIItterx

Antigone ,lIIII'r/I I/II llIg/I S. IIIIII/ l/II'IIII'I ll'\II\(1/.('IIIIII/l/lll/I/II'IIIIIIIlNII/l/l/lg’. II/III'I IIII'\. ('Iaxxteal traged} IIeI'IIII'IIIed II_\ xtudentx

Antigone’s Last Dance - A Multi- Media Dance Rock Opera Jill/'(II'III/lll IV! ' [rum the (NI. VIIIeI' /’\ \‘IIIeI' l‘.I/III/HII‘L’/I .ltIlt/(‘IHL IIIIII/ I‘llue. .I'..\'II/IIII. l’rIIm the eIIIIIrIan} that IIIII an Imprexxn e IIIII gII ing IIIerI‘x Ian‘I/H III III(’ ll'l’l’ll'tl htgheteeh III N a text )I'III'x agII. eIImex tIIIx IIIutImedIa IIeeIIIIxtruetIIIn III SIIIIIIIII'Iex Apology for the Life of an Actor - Paul Pfeiffer /’/I‘I1\IIIII l'. (ml/l jilue. ll lit/Inr ReereIItIIIII III the IKth eentur} Iznglixh theatre. iIIeIIIdIIIg xIIme III Itx IIIIIxI IIIIIIIqu Iigurex.

Artaud in Wonderland I’I-I-I/I/mn lm; A'IIIIII'I/I'II II’IIIIIIIII lzIIe/I' [III/gm. IIIIII/ :0 lug. run“ run. .\ \IeIrd eIImed} IIIIxed arIIund :\rtaud. III\eIItIIr III 'I'heatre III (‘ruelty and I .e\\ Ix ( 'III‘I'IIIII

Arthur Kopit’s BecauseHeCan II'IIIIII/ I/II'IIIrI’ l'\(' (NI. /)I'HHIHIIIII(/ ('II/II/IIIIIIIH I'III'IIII'I‘. until .7" lug. J/I/n, III‘ItIxh preIIIIere III KIIIIIt‘x thriller. part internet thrIIIer. part pxIehIIIIIgIeaI III} xter). Artts International Presents: Not Guilty? I’II'IIIIIIII I'. Imlr/ /.I' lug. //._‘/IIIIII. I)rama \IhIeh e\pIIIrex IIII apparetttl} \ IIIIent erIInInIII quIerIng IrIIm a [IxIeIIIIIIIgIeaI deIIrder

As It Is In Heaven 000. II’IIIIIIII. IIIIII/ :"lHeI [35pm Stxterx are IIIIIIIg It IIIr themxeh ex III thIx [IIIII erIIII muxIeal drama II'IIm Arlene IluttIIn aIIIIut nine Shaker \IIImeu xurx I\ Ing hardth III IKI‘IIIx Kentueky I)ex[IIte theIr eIIIIeetI\ e IIrI\ e In eIIn\ Inee themxelx ex III theIr ( iIId- gn en l'tIIpIII. IIne III their number e\[IerIeneex \ IxIIInx III angelx and It‘x not long IIeIIIre madnexx and h_\ xterIa are \ueepmg the Shaker eIIIIIn}. III IIrder tII eurII the madnexx III‘IIught IIII II} thIx IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIle predreament. InterrIIgatIIInx enxue u hIeh threaten tII dextrII} the truxt that IIIrmx the IIIIIIIdatIIIII III the ngIup

\\\( III/I/I

\II III IIIIx drama Ix \IIPI‘II\I_\ Ieahxed III a eaxt III IIIIIIIIIIIa} \eteranx e\IIeItI_\ gIIted III \IIII'dx and muxII \kIIIIIIII IIIIeI‘teII. thexe [IerIIIIIIIeIx glide \\ Ith eaxe IhIIIugh a ehalleugmg and thIIIIgIIt IIIII\IIkIIIg III-IIIIII [Iieee that Iexx [IIIIIII'II'III IIeIIIIIIIII-Ix \IIIIIIII xtruggle tII IIII IIIxIIee III I( 'atherme IIIIIIIIIe} I At the Fringe a Beggar’s Opera . . . I/II‘ I\III'II III I'IIIIeI' II’IHII/(l/II'III IIII'IIIIIIII'K, IIIIII/ I" Ina}, IIHII'\ IIII'I IIIIIIaII xtreet entertamerx IIIIII \\ ItII an ltngIIxh IIIIIgIeIan III tell their IIIIII xtIII_\ I IIIIk IIIIt IIII the eIImIIaII} IIII the RII}.II \ltle Autodestruct: The Ultimate Cure for Cancer /\’III lei “1 \IIul/I HUI/gr /\’I IIIIHI I' ('I'HH'IL llIlIl/ // Inga (I J i/Im I)rama aIIIIut genetIe IIIIIdIIieatIIIII and I'IIIItlx III t'ltt'e eaIIeeI Ay, Carmela! O. II/III/ l: I/IL'. IIIIII \ Itll'\ 'I he_\ xa} that gIIIIII IIIIIxIeIIIIIx IIIIII It hard tII {Ila} deIIIIeIatI-II IIaIII}. 'I'he xame mIght IIIIIII} III aetIIIx Ihere‘x IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIg the IIuaIIt} III (ieIr_\ \Iulgreu ax eItheI aI'tIIr III IIIIeetIII and here

III/I ('I \l' I/II'IIII'I‘.

he appearx III IIIIth eapaeItIex \III eIIuId ('atalma IIIIteIIII he tauIted IIII her aIIaIItatIIIII III thIx elaxxIe But the attemptx In the Inn III {Ila} a hIIpeIexx and haplexx part III reIIIIIIIIeaII eaIIaret artIxIx \\ hII ha\ e IIIIIeII IIIIII IIatIIIIIaIIxt handx durIIIg the Spanrxh

en II “III xeemx III drag III plaeex Ihe IItheI xIde III thIx IIIIII |IIIeIII narIatrx e. uhreh xeex the gIIIIxI III the IIIIIIIIIII re\ IxIt heI Inan aIIeI her murder II; the natIIIIIaIIxtx Ix mth xtrIIngeI than the Iiaxhhaekx III the eIenIng III heI Iinal IIertIIrmanee I here are xIIme tender mIIIIIIIItx. thIIugh. III the exIIIIIrIItIIIII III the emIItIIInal relatIIInthII at the IeIItre III thtx l\\tIAII;lIIthI ISte\ e ( ‘raIIIerI

b9 - Clinch Mountain Lookout IIIIUII HUI/II, ( I II(/( IQIIIIIIIII (ml/l 301143. [um I turn l’erIIIrIIIeIx IrIIm arIIIIIId the \IIIrId eIImIIIIIe III a xtIIr} IIIIIIUI the degeneratqu III III\ e and IIIIIIII}

For hour by hour daily listings see

Listings Supplement.