
Frank and Rosy /)~:1' 1/1.-1

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Fringe Sunday on the Meadows 13 1.1:: 11.111.- 1111- 1111.11; 1111'11111‘.1‘\1111111'\l:'.ttllt'.‘.s. '.‘.111.1"-.'l .illll 111112'1‘ .111s pcttotttttrt.‘ »1:1p;1.‘1s 11? trtttst. .11111.'1l_‘. 111.-.1111'.11111.:".1.11111.'I1-'11.1111‘ From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads G... /11. I) 111.111.}. .1 /1.1 /1'.'1”

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From the Ashes \I11111I’M/1,1111111111111. /1'111l1/ (1’1 \11111/1/1’111/131 /1’i 11111111 (1111111 / 1' /1\ .1119. I1 XII/1111 \l.1s1.s .11111 litttttakti style puppets

Fucking Asylum Seekers [11111111 /1’111\11111 lln 11I11 /'111/1 1 /1'111l.1l («1' /1’1111r'/ ('11//1':'1 11/ \111‘13111111. 1111111. /\ .1111}. 1111111 11111.. \11'111111111111‘1a11s111111111gt.1111111 p11|i1 11's 111 litttopcatt 1311\1'111111c111s. \ 11'1111 811111'11.1k‘s play is .11111111 ‘11111111'st' .1sy 111111 \1'1‘111'1\ w|1ot.1k1- 1111-1 1111- 11111111'111111111y. A Fumble in the Dark //11 .1111 11111A1/111/1. ‘1 /\'.\11:3.1l/1111. \\1111‘1. 111-111111111‘1 .111111'\ stand up 11111111 ,11111 \It'Shatiy e\ploics 1111.11 happens when you .111'111-1111'11 .1 big 1119111 11111 .11 the pith

Theatre Sans Frontieres 111 1 11.111111.


Gagarln Way 0”. Traverse Theatre. until Sun 26.41111. times vary. Someone once said of Lyndon Johnson that you could only dislike hitn while he was out of the room; once he was with you. you had to be channed. This is the LBJ of plays. There are moments where one character in particular is way too authorial as a voice. there are implausibilities where businessmen and working class folk have too much knowledge of such arcane areas as existentialism and turn of the century anarcho-syndicalism. But it's very. very funny when you‘re in the room with it.

John Tiffany‘s production of Gregory Burke‘s first ful|~length play uses the author‘s dialogic wit to good effect. In it. Eddie (Michael Nardone) a homespun philosopher. japester and violent psychopath discourses freely on such diverse subjects as Jean Genet. global warming and sexism, which he describes as ‘a cunt'. His listener is Tom (Michael Morelandi a security guardjust out of college. They‘re joined by Gary (Billy McElhaney). Eddie's mate. a rather two- dimensional sentimental lefty and Frank (Maurice Roevesi. a business consultant kidnapped and brought to the play"s breeze- block factory location as art act of misconstrued political terrorism. From here. it gets violent.

Politically. the play isn‘t sophisticated. finally seeming to suggest that we're all the same as Rupert Murdoch because we have to participate in his society. But if an individual can’t do everything. should we use this as an excUse to do nothing? For all that. Burke's nihilism comes with the charm 111 the script's gag-a-minute pace and combines with splendid performances (especially from Nardone) to seduce and frighten you into laughter. (Steve Cramer)

FUR / 11111111111111. ./1 111:1/11 \ \)('1111111. l111l11l11ll., l: .1/1 111:}. ‘p/n 11111111 11111-111.1111'11'111-1111'1'11.1p1't shop 1111111-1. .111.1ppc1 .11111.11.1g1'11111*.1st

lit/1 lit: till, Ill! ill/'1

.111211111111'1 until // Aug. /3.5(I/1/11. .\Itistcal show about fate h} ('hris Annetts. with the Palace Youth 'l‘heatrc. K11111arnock.

Gagarin Way [1111-11111 flit-111111. I:

./11/ 25.1111'4. 111111'1 1'111'1. See re11ew above. The Game of Love and Chance 5/1111! llitil 1k .8’11/1'1. l1’m'l1‘t'l ((1 Soul/t lll'ltlg't’ l1'1'1utll'11' (it'llll't'. [.1 35 sillk’. //..1’,"111n, \etl Bartlett's translation 111 the

\Iart1att\ comedy abotit the pursuit of low.

Gas and Air [’01 1-1-1 111111111

/’1'111/u1 1111111. A’onu'ilui l1’111111111 latte/1' [111/31'.

until 311.1111: /. 15/1111. lntcrtw ine1l tales of 11111 women's loss and lattghter by Royal ('11ut‘1 young writer

l.ottisc Ranisden.

Ghost Shirt Theatre by Design. The l'nili'rlu'lly. until 26.111111. f1..1’()/1ni. A native American elder crosses the Atlantic in search of a tribal shirt and finds it in (ilasgow. Acclaimed (ilasgow company. Ghost Stories . . .A Late Night Fright C... The Pita/111111111 [.1111'. I’leiixuni‘i'. until 271111.11. l/..1’()/1111. There's no shortage of plays. films. and books which promise 111 scare the living daylights 11111 of yoti. yet they rarely deliver the goods. This show. on the other hand. does exactly as it says it will. Richard. the host of the show, relates a series of incidents which happened to his sister while she was living iii a small village in Argentina. a place where spirits and

The Gasman A demons are an integral

Cometh (it/11111!

part of the cttlture.

11.11.... performance 111.111...

37.1112. I. 511111. A

believe his words or

celebration 111 the songs a not. they have the of l‘lttlttlt'l's and Swann. desired effect; l'tn 11111

Geeza . . .

the kind 11f person who

Memoirs of an Ex is easily scared. bttt

Football Hooligan

0.. /’/1'11111111‘1'.

1111/1/ 37.11111. 4. l5/1111. ‘1);1ngerous' Dennis \Vatson.111111.11‘e\— 1111o|1gan. stops 1111 111 lidtnbtit'gh 111 promote his forthcoming autobiography. g11 111g handy lighting tips and showing hooliganism 111 a new light. It‘s a topical concept. but for all his hard work. and 11b1111tts taletit. \Vatson. aka Dominic ('11Ic1nan. has really only 1111111.]t1kes1111w. 'l’here are cle1 er and tttttny moments throughout. and breaking the performance into shorter themed sections dealing with 111111-1‘ent elements of thuggery helps

prey e111 11 becoming entirely monotonous. btit the show 1s ne1 er really de1eloped tiiitil near the end. w 1111 Watson’s awakening to the stage through the prison theatre group. Still. 11's a 1111 111 a lart. know 11 hat 1 inean‘.’ t(iat'eth l).111es1.

Gemini .-\11'1'lu11'11 ’Ilu'utn' ('11111/111111 in 1111111111111111 11 11/1 LI '1 "I-(i. .S'tiizt' l)\ .S'lut't‘ lzilinliuru/i :11'111/1'1111. 111111] [1351112. 2.30pm. l’octtc 1111111111 about 111st 1111c.

The Getaway Bus .'l\\(’ntl)l\ Ron/111. 111111/ D‘Aum 4/5/1111. Dark cotnedy 11f murder and public transport when a lad trotn l.eeds unw 111111eg emigrates to .-\ttstr.'tlia.

after I left. I had to go and have a good stiff drink before 1 was

From Ibtza to the Norfotk Broads “bk. m {m walking

home alone. (Kirsty Knaggsi The Gift .0. (it/(led Balloon II - li’t'iut. until 271111.11. 3.45pm. Lou Reed's short story "l‘he (itft' exerts the kind of fascination only possible with a sitnple yet brilliant premise. Anyone with a dog-cared copy of the second Velvet Underground album can tell you all about the Iovesick misfit who posts himself to his girlfriend in a parcel. The temptation to expand Reed‘s bare- hones story into an hour-long comic play was too much for writer Tom Lister to resist. and he‘s done it extremely well. building up a Wit/tnuil-like dynamic between the pathetic John and his smueg assured mate Ben and packing in plenty of witty dialogue. It's all capped with a refreshing twist on Reed's original concept that comes as a genuine surprise. (Alastair Mabbott) Glengarry Glen Ross The Atre (inn/11111.1. (' venue. until 26 Aug, [0.40pm. David Mamet's brilliantly observed study of real estate salesmen increasingly desperate to close a deal.