
The Philanthropist ('mtti'tl. ('mn Ill’ Plaza Hotel. [2 26 Aug, .i.."/l/mt. (‘omie drama l'rom ('hrixtopher Hampton. \ereenpla) w riter ol Hungrmux tram,”

The Picture of Dorian Gray Iran: amt RUL’L’l'tl lllti'utn’. Rmki't (‘1 Kill 0’ l‘li'lil,

l.i’ It‘txlue. 3.15pm. Regular l-‘ringe perl'orinerx return with ()xear Wilde‘x L'ld\\lL‘ tale ol corruption.

Pieces of Life Rur‘ki't m Sum/i "I'lt/L’t' Remun e (‘entnz until ll :lug, 4,_lll/)IH. Michael ('hekhox l-‘oundation prexentx llll\ one-man performance. exploring lite'x man} rolcx.

Pigs (' ieniu'. (' hl'lll' unei'lt'. until 26 'lue. /2.45/mi. See danee \ection.

Pinstripe Suite Boulder I’luir'rs, (iutt'iuii 'I‘lu'utre. until [4 Aug. 6pm. Alienation iii modern corporationx explored in ('onstaiiee Alexander‘x play.

Play Short and (itrlu' 'llieuti‘e ('uni/nini. (' H’Illlt’ until 2().'lllL'. //._i’()pni. Kitxeh eomed} from thi\ gaygirl theatre company

Plum MOUth lull/int\'~Itmi'lt¢'r¢’. 'lltt’ Underbelly. until 26 Aug. lU. l5/mi. liier)‘ night. an CXClusch gathering of xixteen will join tour performers at the dinner table for llllx Warwiek company‘s shimmering new pieee l’luni Mouth. where atidieiiee memherx w ill he enticed into participation through that mod time-honoured ol routes their \lomaehx. POOh 80d Prah xl XII/1A. KUNH't/ltl St .S'teplu'ns, lS~27xlug. llIII('\ l‘tll'). Ahxtirdixt theatre from a St l’etershurg axant-garde company drawing on l)o\loe\‘\l\‘}. Kharmx and Kantor.

Popcorn Benet (‘utti' [’I'i‘H’IlH lilton iuul Mamet in Holli‘woml. (' venue. until 3/) Aug. 8.30pm. Ben lilton's award-winning eomie thriller.

Postcards trom Maupassant llt'u l'ru'nili l’rmliu‘tionx, Konu'rlui Runutli litre/e Lodge. until 25 Aug. 5.50pm. l)e\ire. re\‘enge and wit in l‘)th eenttir)‘ l'ranee.

Primary Symptoms of Name Loss Konieilut St Stephens. until /.i :lue. llltl(‘\ Hill. A performance haxed on a diary found in a remote Sm iet “'ihllrtitilll sounds a little

.‘lllL’. 4pm. lmaginatix e

untmial. hut llll\ l\ preeixel} the haux ot 'l'eatr Noiogo l'rontaK contribution to the Aurora- .\'o\a World Theatre l-'e\ti\al at Koriiedia St Stephenx. ltx e\plorator} pl'k'\L'lll.'tllt‘ll eomprixex a di\er\e lll\lUIl ot theatrieal \t} le\. lrom danee and mime to elow ning and

imprm I\Lllltin.

Princess Plimsole - Incarnate l’li'uiunt r. until 3' .'lllL’. nimn. See ladx

Private Angelo llllltllltl rt ("nil/it. l” J‘- xlug. lllll(‘\ lill'\. lzrte l.iiil\later\ tale ol an Italian \oldier. with muxie h} lhek Lee.

The Proper Charlies xt/‘iu I’m/m tiun\. ()ltl St l’uul'x ('liuri Ii d“ Hull. unti .‘v’i \u'e. III/mi ('oniie dialogue and ph}\iea| antio lrotn three xtereot}pe\ loll. Wide Ho} and Yank. ('omes with a warning that it ma} he oI‘I‘eiisii e to wine e}e\ and earx.

Pull My Strings Notional .S‘tiulent llu'iitir ('oin/nmi' INN/t ‘t. (‘ belle uneeli'. until 3/)

award-w inning new theatre l'rom York l'nivemt} in w hieh a puppeteer goes into hiding alter hix I'atlier‘x \uieide

Quentin Crisp/Resident Alien

0... Bette lluui'iu'. .'l\,\(’lll/’l\ Romnx. until 37.1w. l/.5Uum. See renew panel.

Rantin’ Rovin’ Robin Rutulol/ili .X‘tiului (a The I-‘n-m-h Initituti'. until ll xlllL'. lit/pin. 'l'wo aetorx pla} twent) eliaraeterx in thix race through the life of Robert Burnx. in rh}iiiing Seotx

Rasputin l’ei‘i/iluni lire. Knitter/u! Roman litre/e [xii/ye. until 33 xlllL’. .t’.-IU/mi. Rt!\\ltt\ greatext love maehine revealed,

Rather Me Than You by Brandon Reed (it/(It‘ll lltlllimn ‘Illt'tlll‘t'. until 37.4112. (rpm. A new pla) about what happen\ when _\ou remove \tilllL‘UnC from the food ehain. Raw 0.. l’leasaiiee ('ourtyrrd and ()VL‘T the Road. until 27 .-\tig. 3.20pm. From the


out of canada:

see Rural M,” North ’- America

through ' the eyesr

Dazzles with bursts of aggression and flashes of intensity

Htllwl. ‘l'heatre .-\h~olute\ Run atm~ [o xhoek. Opening with a grim!) indu~trial ;iiiihieiit/trip-hop xeore and epileptie lighting. a haekground ot hlomlxtamed gre) metal xetx the \CL‘ITC tor a iouriie} into the p\'\ehe ot .i teenage thug l’ortra) ing the lllllrtlcrnthl}

\ iolent outhur~t\ ot~ t'emale \treet-kid l.e\ and her gang. Rim da/llex with hurxtx ol aggrexxion and Ilaxhex ol llllL‘lhll}, 'l‘he llll\.ttl\L'nlllrL‘\ ol~ l.e\ are harrow mg to

w ateli. a griml) compelling \ll.lp\llt\l ot .i \earred woman. l'ntortuiiatel}. other eliaraeterx are ill-det'ined. and \lrllL‘lllI'dll). the \tor)line ne\ei lull} mature\ Although the uneoiiiprtimmng llllL‘ll\ll} ol' the perlormanee lia\ perliapx inad\ertentl_\ eomproniixed the depth ot the \tor). it\ hard to remain unatteeted h} llll\ \ lL'lUll\l_\ [ill}\lL‘;Il and ttIlfJNI-Iltltlcll protext pieee. t()ll_\ l.a\\iiiaiir Reader I Murdered Him I’li'tixiint‘i'. until :Txlllu. 2pm. (iotliie lantax} meetx I'tillldlllIL‘ laree iii llil\ eorpxe \trew ii eomed}.

The Red Shoes I’li'munt‘i’. /.\' .‘Tlue. .l..lll/iltt. llaxed on the popular lolk tale h} llanx ('hrixtian .-\ndei‘\on. 'l'lu' RH! Show is a land ol anti» lair) tale \\lllL‘ll \eelxx to combine a dixtinetl) dark xenxe oI’ humour with eertain eurrent \oeietal themex. partieularl} llioxe oI lt‘llllllhlll and Itlt‘lllll}. Set man tinxpeeil'ied time period. the play ll;I\ an eeleetie \otiiidtraek that range\ from Wagner to thumping drum & haxx. eoa\ing the on «large aetion to a \tomaeh ehuriiing elima\ which in previoux perlormaneex litix been known to induee L'plxtitlcx ol laintiiig w itliin the audienee (Iltthc unlaniiliar with the \lor)‘ may w lxll to wait and we what exactl) lk‘L‘UlIlL‘\ ol the epon} lllttlh \earlet footwear). ('omhining. among man} Ulllcl‘\. L‘lL‘lllL‘Ill\ ol ballet with eonteiiiporar) danee culture. Kneehigh hax created a theatrieall) diverxe

Of an Africalifi VAnthrOplogist



prodtietion \\ liieh \hotild pioxoke ax iiitieli rexponxe in lidinhurgh a~ it hax elxew here tlileanor .\le(il_\ nnt

Curtain [llt' Pl'i'li‘t'l. .\[(l\'(‘ l’\ Sitter lit/inl‘uielt “( tit/uni. until /t\'.\ue.

.i‘ .i'tlpni .-\n adopted VlL‘llldlllL‘M‘a‘\lllk‘l'l\'.lll piano prodig} \earehex tor her real lather in l.antord \\ ilxonK \tor}

Rehearsing ‘Reversing' Kt I).\. Jlllk’ll‘llllt 'i, l< :~,'lllu. / 55;nr; l‘welie part\ are \ll.thtl between [our .lelith in llll\ tw ixting \aliiieal pl.i_\

Reorganised Crime I’m/m

I’Izului Hum. ()/(l ,\t Iliul'x ( lint. t: A l/iil. l." 3" ,‘lllL'. l.‘ iii/mi \ew \oiiieth tiotii Ste\ e (illlll whieli po\e\ the \{llt‘lltdl ‘wliat do _\ou get ll you no“ and LN l iid gangder w ith a tiianageiiient ettlhlllldlll " Reservoir Dogs (A Tribute) 3 Hr“ .lliim/ Ill/It iintl llu'titn' I’Iiulut ltiilh. Kunmlui lx’ointin litre/r lot/er. unti/ If) \ue. llHli’\ itm ()tientiii 'laiantino'x «tip! I\ brought to lite ll\ e on \tage in llll\ adaptation til the (till el.t\\le

Resolution .'\\\i'lttlil\ li’rmrni. until 3" slug. .‘-..‘"/ilii. l’ip l'tton\ .‘lt/i’ll l\ reiiieiiihered ax one ol the moxl challenging l‘ringe prodtietionx ol reeent war» lll\ latext pla) li’i'wlution \t‘t‘\ the wrtter/peilotiiiei entering eqtiall} dil'lieiilt territor}. tackling tlllk‘\lltill\ ol itixtiee. guilt and mere). Return to the Forbidden Planet (m xl Role I’rmliu lIUIH, (ii'u/ei' Xt/utm' Illt'tlllt'. until /_\’ slug. .ljll/tltt lloh('ailtoii\ lllll\l\'.ll ereatex a (tillhlttll between Sliakexpeaie‘x 'I'lu' li'm/u'it and elaxxie roek ‘n' roll Revolting Young Men Sitter to Maui- I’lilllllllll'ull ."t rule/iii. until /«\'.’lue. 3.45pm In their Soho ol'liee. lotir gradtiatex plot to o\ ertlirow the go\ erniiieiit in llll\ \atii’e reworkingCassandra li’miini' lit/mm I’I‘inliu‘tiuni. (iuti'iuii 'Ilu'utn'. unlil 377xlue. 2.30pm. l’rmoking \l\ll£ll iiiiager}. \l}ll\t‘tl gexttire and \otllttlxctipc\ leature iii llll\ New York retelling ol the ('axxandra lll_\lll Rewrite :lri'nu North. (' l'l'llllt'. I) IN :lue. 3.45pm. ('omie drama l'rom (‘ariiia Rodne} with unrequited lt)\ e and ham \andw iehex.


by Andre Alexis

directed by Ross Manson stage managed & lit by JP Robichaud & starring Yanna McIntosh

“The Actress Of Her Generation” - Toronto Star

A European Premiere

by the Award- Winning Canadian Company. Volcano



@ the Traverse Theatre Venue 15, Cambridge St., Edinburgh Fringe August 14 tO 25

tickets £9 (£4, £6 conc.) Box Office: 0131 228 1404


4 E