
Richard Demarco and Friends l)(’"l(ll'( r) Rm 111'! I’Im/ut llUlH, Rm kt'l ((1 Royal College of Surgeons. until It‘lxlue. tunes tiny An hour of eonyersation. music and poetry with reminiscences oi l'ir‘inges past

Richard I" In Ii'ur ( nir/I~.( In“. ur.‘ '3; Aug. mmn. llrghly physical \crsliltt ol Shakespeares tale ol one mans killing clairzn lllll'L't' stilts Ilt Iltt' Xi Ul\Ill(lIl

The Ride Down Mount Morgan lull/rlrrirglr lllt‘tlllr ltiy \/ \i/rran's I'lrru opal (liu/i lr. Ii 3" ‘11:" I'm \ 111M l ltl\lll‘.l\l\\ tell the tale ol l,y mari l . It .1 man toggling two lryes and two wives. Ill \1tl1ur \lrller s l""H play.

Ristorante Immortale 00000 .l\\(’lll/’l\ Rooms, ltlllll 3 ' lug, i slit/rm \ lll\ltlllt)l poetry.t11|11e1ly. slapstick. rlarrtc. mirne and masks

Road Music ( ant/Hitler I 1111111111 l/N lt’llllt'. ( ll Illlt'. (III/ll 3/1.lue. / rill/1m \ new play telling the story ol when \lle11(iirrsbe1;_' rrret l'/l.l l’ound

the Room lirlli (lllll l\'(lL"\’l (l l/ti'trlti'. lei'l “1 Air/1 U llt'ltl. /" IV ‘11:]. 1 /‘/w: l’iritei's lirst play esplores the pi retry ol eyeryday speech.

Rope /,1II llu atn . (1/1] .\I l'au/‘x ( hurt I] A Hall. llttll/ /7.lue. /..’ /.‘—am lllatk humour and rrnrrder are on the menu llI I’aliick llairiilton's play. made larrrous by llllk ll\l's ks lilm \ersion.

Ross McGilty’s Dream lam it. (.‘r/n I’i'mliu (rum [/1]. /lu' .\n/mu/\ lt'lll, unI/l // :lue. 8pm. Realities ol the present combine with a lulurrslrc \ Isroii in this corilerirpoiary tale.

Rotozaza/lcarus [Take It, Take It] I)('Nllllt U It’ili kt'l I'Hullti Ill‘lli lt'in l1 I (” XI Juli/rs Hall. until 30 .lue. It) XII/1m l11\ crrtrye technological imagistrc theatre.

Rough Crossing ( ‘airr/r/u/ei’ ('nri t'l \II\ :lllt' lt’llllt'. (' lt‘llllt'. until 30 .lue. 3 ill/rm. 'l'om Stoppaid's take on the romantic comedy genre is perlormed in this new production. complete with In e ja/l.

Rudolph Hess Prince Of Spandau 3

“at Mn mr I'rlnr and l/u’alri' l’Im/iu (rum.

[swan/1aRoman liter} [ruler “Hill .‘0 .lue MCI/am. Black comedy with the l‘uhrcr‘s maniac disciple. Hunt .... lltt’ Pl‘tttltu‘lmrt [.tttt’. Ullrlt’tl Ila/Inuit at li'r Ittl Rim Home. until 3“ slug. ‘lmr ‘\ly lather didn't like me." \lrchael l’hillip lidwards corilesses. but he zespc. led me 111 a way Icouldn't understand' lhis is .1 rri.1ne\pl.1lliiltg tliecorrrples lather son relationship w hich dogged his early Me It's .111 ollenamrrsrng t.1lc.coriti1lently and charrsrnatrcally related. which e\peitly \ll.tl.i\lt'll\t‘\ the .l.171l.rlc.tll larmly ligurcs liorn lll\ clllltllittitil

llut .1 little niore ol himselt and less nl his lather. llt'llst‘ .1 stronger relationship w llll his audience would boost the pow er ol l dwards‘ perlorm.‘1nce ()ther w I\t‘. the rhythmic dynanusm ol his language e\pu-sses well his leelrrigs and err.olrons. creating .1 story ot sellhm »d which anyhme who‘s eyer Ielt like an interior being can relate to. and horn which L‘\t'lybtitl_\ “lltlb e\t‘l lelt superior can ls‘.tl.1 ttiareth |)a\1esi Sailor Beware! Soul/urn lie/rt Ilia/Ira. Il/at klral/ XI ( H/lllllllil \ l’arrs/r ('lrult Ir //a//. I" IN lire. (’omrc antic s cerrtr'rng on .1 w eddrug Sakura - The Bandit Princess .l\\t'lll/ll\ /\’mmr\. lllllll 3 illlL'. 1.)..‘i/rrn Set in Japan 111 the Ilth century. \alura llu [lam/rt I’mu ms tells the tale ol .1 country girl‘s journey lrom young innocent to pow erlul princess. Directed by Penny Bergman. llre one woman play borrows lrom both ls'abuki arid Noh traditions. I'amed 111 her natty e country Ior challenging espectatioris. Kali Karuda takes centre stage playing rrrne separate characters. Sardanapalo I’ai/a/ratm'i, Pall/1's 1C l’ay/ut/luu'y/( 'ullura lire/rm. ('unliru'ntal Slit/ts at St Iliu/e‘i ('t'ntn'. /.i’ 25 due. 3pm. ('omedy


Ra cm Venues

'~’+§§*"‘SHAI(£:R£AR£’: lONGEST NIGHT ' ‘2”(lht1ek Bentley Productions

\\ Ill Shakespeare is ha\ mg .1 bad day

His actors are clamoring lor his

s nest play and his 1 haratters are keeping llllll awake lhat‘s lost \11 Hot"

August 13-13 211.411 120.31“

. E6151

0 Rocker m PARTY TO THE DivaRcs

anternc Theatre (‘ompany

I .cltbralron' ' vul‘ail Hll ls‘lll ‘lklk s \tignst (I‘ll i9.3012l.00i \ngust l3-18 2|.30123.00i C6 1“.

lr‘ t it .tlc lllt ll\l\ til l1“ t is I‘rct \ls ('omt .1111ls1-elrow not i11th r:


In Yer Space

\tartley \\ cbber's secluded lite is shattered by .111 Iltlt‘\|l1‘tlt‘tl hiirliday party tor him in Potter's dark and t'llllllllj.‘ blat l, tomedy

\uattst I3-l5. 20-22 {5 11'31 Rae:ch :23

In \er Space l‘ 1‘ . r.sl1rlti'_'r are irzorieht to lire II! this lllttllt aw

-\ugirst Iti- l8. 23-25 l-i.l51l(i.3tlt

l-t.l5 r thlll

lrrt i'eezrtharacreis berweenrhem. landlord.landlady and aid winning [litltltltlltlll

1933 AND Au THAT BRscm, Wear. & FRIEND:

La Dual Band

I'.£~\I1 .1171l l‘.‘ 'l \1-

£81m Router 2‘: ROCKET 124 Kirk 0' Field ’arish (‘Iiurch

Roam :23 South Bridge Resource (‘entre lrrlrrmar'y Street Hos (lltrce'


llo\ ()llicc:


Hit The l’leasance

1“..1ss11 hits {1.

3’1 tltn '11 lituatlway


\ -\ltgttst 2:13 20.4012L50i

Rom-7 I26 St. John's Hall West lind. Princes Street H1“ Ullit‘c.


Roman 24: Royal College of Surgeons

\icolson Slt't‘ei llit\ ()llrcci


Hop-heads, junkies, stoners and the well- endowed scramble for the bitter air

Sm. Intros. Hook and Roll

tiction from acclaimed Brazilian street theatre/cichs troupe about the life of Alexander the Great. Narrated in English. The Scarlet Letter Blue Line A m Int: Augustine's. until 35 due. 9. Ill/mi. New musical based on llawthornc's tale of hypocrisy. dissent and sin.

ScarietZone Japan Experience. The Garage. rtrrt1127.-ltte. 5pm. Tales ol' wartime manipulation in this physical play.

SCHOOI For FOOIS Kmru'tlra St Step/rem. [5 37.11“; times vary. Atttiospheric Rirssian prtxluction abotrt a boy 's fleeting. lorrriatiye. childhood impressions attending l‘)5lls Soy iet school.

Sealboy: Freak llu'atn' “inky/mp. 9 35 .lue. Illllt'\ vary. ('lap hands here comes Sealboy. Sealo was a 1040‘s American freak show perlormer w ho would ama/e audiences with his shaying.c1gar lighting and drinking routines. Stanley Ber'ent aka Sealo's story is here cross referenced with that ol a modern day actor 'l‘om Shraler who is disabled and trying to get a lilm audition. You may know Mat l’raser as the short armed tdue to his mother taking thalidomide in pregnancy) presenter and actor of (‘4's Freak Out and rWt'It‘Ust‘t‘llulll\' as well as the lilm Qralls. (‘onl'rontational. \ isceral and often downright disturbing. Fraser has taken it upon himsell to push the disability awareness envelope. Part of the Degenerate Festival. this deeply talented perl‘or'rner w ill he taking l'ew prisoners this year.

tl’aul Dale)

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 133/4 l.¢'urulers/rile lout/i .slrts. St .-lnn'.s ('ummunr'ty (‘i'nmz /-l 35.41131. 4pm. Sue 'l‘ow risend's popular nos el adapted for the stage.

Starring King of Easy

Neville Skelly

Semblance of Madness! till/.1. 'u Theatre. (‘ 1’3. untrl 36 Aug. 3pm. Solsmg a murder is the aim of a psychiatric hospital‘s drama therapy group in this dark comedy. Sentimental Suspicion: The Girls Room Hurrah l’rmlui‘turns. (‘mn 'u l’l. Hotel. until [I slug. 5.30pm. Dirty secrets and bitching abound in this comedy drama Sex 81 Chocolate (ii/rial Bill/r 1. in II Ii-i'urt. until Jr‘slue. “dill/rm. l‘rona Knowles taka 'l‘he \lsl-‘itsi stars in Rona Munro's comedy about the important lllllt;‘\ lit lllC.

Sex 1: Death 2 l’lc'ityitltt't'. rtttlll 3 lite. 3pm. l‘hree women channel the \orccs oi se\ workers. luneral directors and tanning girls trsing digital technology.

Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll 000 l’li'ayani‘t'. until 37,-iue. ll. [5pm. .-\ word ol caution: you'y e been drinking in the l’leasarice courtyard in the yarn hope oi actually getting to see a show. by l l o‘clock you linally get yotrrsell together enough to buy a ticket. In your naturally green gilled way you choose something with a titillatrng title secretly hoping for a bit ot‘ solt porn and comical drug use. You'ye backed the wrong donkey baby? liric llogosian‘s trawl through the detritus-licking male psyche is titillating only in its complete and utter nihilism. l)esperate yigriette lollows desperate Vignette. Hop—heads. irrnkies. stoner's and the w ell-endow ed scramble tor the bitter air. The excellent Danny Richrnari makes tip in energy what he lacks 111 presence. at queasy llame on a barren stage This show will either make yotrr night or ruin it. (l’aul Dale)

Sexing Alan Titchmarsh - Doran and Braine I’leayatu'i'. until 37 .lue. [.45/mt. llas .-\lan 'l'itchmarsh been possessed by Satan'.’ You decide.

Sexual Perversity in Chicago (in/Tlmrsturtn $1 ‘luml. Stage In Staei' ILTIlIl/Hllig’ll .‘lt'tlt/t'HIV, /.i' Mitre. 9/1121. David .‘ylamct's second play. about se\ and the dating garlic. giyen the period 'itls treatment by lormer (ioidoristoun pupils.

SWJW in town 6i 60: Musical Explosion of Everythin Hi , (00 an Groovy

Think Cocktails, Think Velvet, Think Bunny Girls