Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester ('x/ivr Hull. 33 .‘lll_L’. 8pm. Ivan I-‘ixchcr conductx workx hy Strauxx and Mahler. accompanied by xoprano Amanda Roocrolt. Harpsichords At St. Cecilia’s Hall St (‘t'i‘iliu'x llu/l. until 3.5 :lug. /(l..1’()iun. \Vorkx perlormed on antique harpsichordx. chamher organx and clay ichordx lrom the Rum-H ('oIIcction. Hip Harp Fantasies O. :lsxt'nililv Rim/itx. until 37.-lue.

/. 15pm. 'I'hix ix one ol thoxe cross-genre xhow x which dcliex cIaxinication. and at timcx delicx watching. I)chorah Ilcnxon- ('onant ix one part comedian. one part storyteller and one part harpixt. which xlottcd into a caharet xhow would prohahly charm the pantx oll you. But xtrctched over an hour. the novelty ol an electric harp played hy a mini—xkirted. cowhoy-hootcd hippy chick w earx a little thin. lIcr Iiva (‘axxidy—xty Ie vocalx couId xooth it" they

w ercn't xinging ahout I'rench dogx. heautilul trccx natned Belinda. Iix ing your lantaxicx and her dead mother. .-\II of which invite comparixonx with Phoehe lrom l'i‘u'nilx except olcourxe. Ilenmn-(‘onant can play her inxtrutnent. \Vondcrltilly. ll only xhc‘d xnek lojuxt that. (Kelly .-\pteri

In Tune-Live Ill“ Rut/in 5’ Live l.lII(’ 1]). [Mine BtlH'. 3U 34 slug. 5pm. Scan Rallerty with a mix ol Iiye muxic and

intcrx icw x.

Joscelyn Steele St .tturk ‘\ in (“mi/v It'l'l'tlt't’. /t\'.-lug. 5pm. Pianixt Stchc perlormx workx hy (hopin. I.ix/t. Rachmaninov and I)ehuxxy among otherx. Journeys and Memories Ix'immli'u .Si Step/nan. ll) 3/).rlug 6pm: 3/ 37.4112 lift/mi. .'\x much muxic ax theatre. (iIaxgow 'x 'I'hcatrc ('ry ptic hring together workx hy Stc\e Reich. Ixtun Marta and .\IIc_\ m. and putx them in a highly \ ixuaI xetting. w ith the help ol wondcrluI dancer (’Iarc I’L‘ltc‘ttk‘.

Just This Side of Midnight Strut/\- Sung/inn. .S'tin'A/n'ulgt' Ilium: until 3.5 :lug. ltl..\’/t/nn. I‘axouritc xongx and ohxcure party PlCCC\.

Kantaro St .l/ttt'k '\ ttl (tut/c li't't‘ttt't’.

In 35 slug. «Spin. (‘ontemporary rhythmx played on my xtical prc-Inca Andean inxtrumentx.

La Traviata ()pt't'it I’it't‘oltt. lltc l'itnutttx .X'pit'gi'lti'nt. until 34.1ug. 4pm. \L‘l'tll‘x moxt popular opera pcrlormed in hix centenary year.

Late-Night Candlelit Baroque Si .llurt 'x (‘itt/u'tlrul. 3/ 33 slug. lUJ’ll/nn. Violin. organ and xoprano trio perlorm workx hy Bach. Ilandcl and Purcell. Late-Night Candlelit Contemporary St .l/ury ’» ('(II/tt’tlt‘ttl. until l/i slug. [Unit/Inn. 'l'hc ('athedral choir pcrlorm choral and organ workx hy Arvo Part.

Le Plaisir De Versailles Si :Itult‘t'w'x & St (it'ni'gy'x ('liurt'li. 33 Aug. 3..t’(l/nn. Intitnate I‘rcnch haroque. Leicestershire and Leicester Arts in Education Symphonic Wind Band .Vttlltnutl xlxxtn‘tittttnt (ll lint/ll

()n /I(‘\II'(l\. (’cntt'u/ Hull. I7.»lug. 7..l(//)IH. (‘onductor Alan IIollord Icadx the young orchextra in workx hy IIart. \Villiamx. 'I'chaikox xky and more.

ii“. 4;“: 2.. .,._. .,.... ,. _’,_V..,'....r.‘ .. .. “,1 ,,-. .. WWW?” ._

Les Troyens HIM Scottish Svnt/iluiny‘ ()I'(‘/l(’\/I'(l. ('xlu't' Hull. /«\'.-lug. 7pm. Donald RunnicIex ix at the haton lor the xccond part ol thix concert perlormancc ol Berlio/'x opera .

Let’s Kick Mrs Worthington “inn 3. The Ifngine .S'lu'il. until If) slug. tunnt. ('oward and Porter with choreography and a quirky xcript hy Marian Lunchtime Concert (tin/rims tx‘trt. 3U 34 Aug. Itmnt. (‘ompoxer Rohert Rogler and Iixtonian violinixt and xoprano Katariina Sarapik prexent a programme ol original. cIaxxicaI muxic.

Lunchtime Concerts St Mary "s ('ut/u'ilrttl. until 3.5 :lug. /. Ill/m1. I)ain perlormanccx from leading muxicianx lrom the l'K’x top univcrxitiex and conxervatoirex.

Malden Young Strings Mir/"mm! :Ixxin‘iutiun n/ lintt/i ()t‘('/t('\lt‘(l.\. (‘t'ntrttl Hull. 33 slug. l3..\’()/nn tk‘ 7..\’()/nn. (icoi'ge Stey en ix at the haton lor two mixed programmex hy thix young orchextra. Mandolin and Guitar Virtuosi lit/mint tk‘ (‘m/lu. I6 A'- lh'dug 6pm: /7 .Ilug l/um. An international mixed programme lt'otn :\Iixon Stephcnx and (‘raig ()gden.

Melangerie SI :ltttlt‘t'ir'x A" S! (it'm'gt'w (littl‘tlt. l7.-lug 3.30pm: l‘lxlue 7.50pm. Songx hy Ray eI. Milhaud. ('agc. I’t'c\ in. Mozart at Teatime /\’(txl.-It'tx. It’mu/ ()vcrxi'm League. l/i l7. 3/) 33 Aug. 5pm. .-\ changing line-up ol inuxicianx perlorm workx hy Mo/art.

Music for the Feast of All Saints St (‘ut/ilu’t‘t'x I’urixli (‘lum/t. l‘lxlug. Spin. (‘horal and organ maxic xequcncex pqu plainchant and workx by Bach. McndeIxxohn. Bruckner and othcrx. Music of Stuart MacRae [trim-n .Stttlttttttt. i/ltt' [/tt/t. IVA/IQ. lll..\’(//nn. .'\t the age ol 35. Stuart MacRac ‘cxpoxcd' hy 'I/u' /.i\t a year and a hall ago ax a natnc riding high on an axccndant xtar maxt xurcly he the youngext Iix ing compoxcr cycr to haye an Iidinhurgh Ii‘xtiHiI concert xpecilicaIIy dedicated to hix muxic. I’ndcr the haton ollamcx MacMiIIan. w hoxc ow n protile hax heen immcaxurahly heightened hy prey iotix I‘extiyalx. the Britten Sinlonia \\ lII pcrlorm tt di\crxc \L‘Icclion ol MacRac'x work. ('hamhct' muxic includcx the world premiere ol MacRac'x new lll/Il/ Quintet. ax \x‘cII ax hix 'I/iri'i' l’it't‘t'v Iiir (t’l/U :lttt/ I’tttltu. written o\ er a period ol- nine monthx lrom 1008 to 199‘). Dating lrom a little earlier and lor larger lorcex ix l'lti' ll'iti'li‘x Kin. premiered hy the BB(' Philharmonic in I997. It ix a work with a numhcr ol axxociationx tor MacRac. among them the work ol xculptor Barhara Ilepworth and a xhot't xtory lll/(ll hy ()rkncy writer (ieorgc Mackay Brown. In it. a young girl who ix xuxpcctcd ol hcrcxy ix xuhjcctcd to torture and hurning. "I‘hcre ix. how ever.‘ xay x MacRac. 'no cotmcclion hctwcen the muxic and thix xtory other than that I w ax mox ed by it while writing the piece.’ t('aroI Maini

Neapolitan Songs \tilnmu A'- (‘m/lu. I7 35 ultlL'. (Spill. Philip ('ontini and hix hand play xongx and tell xtoriex lrom Napoli.

Neapolitan Supper and Show lil/l‘ttllu A'- ('m/lu. until 3(lxlug. 6.30pm. .»\ Neapolitan xuppcr ix xervcd ax Philip ('ontini and hix hand play xongx lrom the region.

None of the Above The Buin (tub. [‘2 :lug. «Sill/int. 'I‘oday'x xhow hax perlormancex lrom Bag o‘ (tits and their xoundxcapcx inllucnccd hy Scotland. Iiaxtcrn Iiuropc. .»\lrica and India; a mix ol electric harp and \oeaIx lrom Shine and authentic Iinglixh loIk lrom \Vatcrxon ('arthy.

Organ Recitals .S'i Ant/mm it’- .S't (ii'urgv'x ('ltun'li. 33 glue. l3..i’(I/nn. I.con (‘oatcx perlormx workx hy Bach and Bellini.

Organ Recital (it't'tll‘ltlfl Kill. 3/ slug. /./(//)I)l. Morley \Vhitchcad givex a lunchtime pcrlormancc.

Organfest - Festival of Organ Music St ('utltln'rt'x l’urivli ('liurt'li. until 34.4142. /3.J5/nn. Lunchtime recital on acclaimed \Valkcr organ giycn hy organixtx lrom (ircat Britain and beyond. The Organs of Edinburgh 'l'lumim 'I'mttt'r ()i'gun. (irev/riurx Kirk. l7. 3() AI 33 slug. (nun.

The Oxford Belles David lilting (nil/cry (I/ .l/ut'ic' ('ut'ii' l/ouxi'. 3U 35 glue. 3. /5/nn. Acappclla all lcinale group ol ( )\lord tindcrgraduatcx with their own arrangementx ol popular xongx. Parthenogenesis [tr/um .x‘tn/mnu. The Queen 'x Hull. l‘hlug. 5/nn. Scc panel.

Miklos Perenyi 'lilu' llu/t. 22 slug. ltln’lt/nn. 'I'hc chIixt pcrlormx workx hy littc‘lt tttttl \t‘t'cxx.

Petra Lang & Charles Spencer Qtu'i'n'x Hit/l. l7.'lug. l/(ll/I. Soprano I.ang and pianixt Spencer pcrlorm workx hy Brahmx. Strauxx and Wagner. Philharmonia Orchestra t‘x/m- Hull. /7.\uc. «Spin. Andrax Schill conductx lrom the piano. workx hy Bach. Ilay tlll and Beethoven.

Piano Recitals .x'i .ttmt '\ m (mi/tr li't‘t‘itt‘t’. ll) :lug. —/._\'/l/nii. I’ianixt Mich;th I.cxtct'-( 't'ihh pct'loi'nix a xclcction ol Bccthm cn‘x xonatax.

Queen Marie-Antoinette /.u team .lt'tixti’. (it‘t'vlriitrx Kill. 33 34,-lttg'. 7.570)“). Soprano Rhonda Bachmann ttlt'cxxctl like the Queen herchl) ttlitl pianixt I’ctci‘ (icIIhorn pcrlorm workx laxourcd hy Marie-Antoinette. Rachmaninov Cello Sonata .S't sliulri'n ‘\ A3 St (aw-gm (‘lum/t. l‘lxlug. 3.."U/tltl. .-\lc\ Mathcrx and lint Rihchcxtcr pcrlorm thix chIo inaxtcrpicce. pqu workx hy Scluunann. Martinu and MacMiIIan Ricardo i Elena by Carles Santos ('uni/ntntiu (Var/m Sun/m. King 'x 'llu'utri'. 3/ 3.".vlug. N/ini. ‘('ontainx xccnex which may ollend xomc pcoplc‘ ix not a regular caution on I‘ll. progratnmcx. Riiunlu i lili'nu ix somewhat dillcrent. Iixcn itx poxtcrx hax c elicited a ‘dixguxted ol Morningxidc‘ rexponxe. Behind it all ix thc (‘atalan ('arIex Santox. w lltixL‘ ow n company ol xcx en pcrlormx hix xcript and hix muxic. all under. olcourxe. hix direction. \Vt‘ittcn in Latin. It’u'itt'ilut I‘./(’/ltl takex itx titIc lrom the nanch ol

Parthenogenesis Britten .S'inlnniu. The

Queen's Hull. [Qt/lug. 5pm. Il you don't 3:}

know already. it meanx reproduction without lertilixation. Or. more ximply. virgin hirth. In contemporary times. when L cloning ix an ixxue ol increaxing concern. ‘5' James MacMiIIan'x choice ol : Parthenogenesis as subject and title ol hix newest muxic-theatre piece ix onc ol relevance to ux all. It is not. however. Dolly the xheep which ix the source ol hix inspiration. hut a young woman. caught in the horrors ol a hoinhing raid in Hanover in I944. l'nahle to reach a xheItcr. xhc wax thrown to the pavement. xullered minor

injuriex which xhc recovered lrom. hut gave hirlh to a daughter nine tnonthx later. Medical evidence proved that she wax a virgin and that the hahy w as undouhtedly her own. t('arol Main)

50 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE "’3 2? Am; 257)

Santox‘ parents. He claims. however. that it ix not strictly autt)hiographical. although it does evoke memories ol hix Spanish Roman (‘athoIic childhood. By all accountx xpectacular. xenxuaI and xhocking. R/(‘Ul't/U i Iilonu. in Santos‘ own words. ‘is a work about myself. done with caution. with energy. with humour. with xcrenity and alter having assumed cverything.‘ t(‘aroI Main)

RSAMD Junior Academy Orchestra National :lxxm‘iutiun (if lttIlI/I Orchestras. (‘t'ntru/ Hull. 30mm. 7.30pm. (‘onductor James Durrant leads the (ilaxgow orchextra in Arnold's 'Iiim ()‘S/utnti'r ()verturi' Bach's Vin/in ('unt'i'rto and Shostakovich'x Jar: Suite. Russian National Orchestra Usher Hull. lining. 7..a‘()/)ni. Paavo Berglund conductx the orchestra in two symphonies hy 'I‘chaikovxky.

Andras SChift .anut‘l. L'x'ltt't' Hull. [9 :lug. «Spin. The acclaimed pianixt performs xix workx by Mozart. including his Piano Snittllnx in (i. I) (C‘ I”.

Scottish Guitar Duo .S'i Mar/('3’ in ('uxt/c 'li'rriu‘t'. 3() 3/ Aug. 7.30an A mixed programme perlormed over two nightx. including a premiere by Watson on the 20th and works hy Rodrigo and I‘aIIa on the 3Ixt.

The Shalom Ensemble St Andi-mix A'- St (fringes (hurt/i. l6 Aug. [3.30pm. The enxcmhle prexent muxic for all tastes including cIaxxicaI. palm court and gypsy Itelnx.

Some Courtly Gentlemen: Music From The English Courts .S’t ('i'i'i/ut’x Hit/l. I!) dug. 7.30pm. The Iirehux Iinxemhle pcrlorm works from the Stuart period. including fantasies and

di\ ixionx hy Simpson. Jenkins. Lawes and (‘oprario

Song Recital SI .llurk's in Castle 'Ii'rnu'i'. /‘/.-\ug. 3.30pm. Soprano. contralto and piano trio perform songs by Purcell. Mendelxxohn. Brahms and Dvorak.

Southampton University Sinfonietta .Mttitnutl .'l.\'.\'(l(‘l(l//()Il (if )inttli ()n‘lu'xtrux. ('t'ntrul Hull. li‘i’xtug. 7..»‘(tpni (’onductor Paul Ingram is at the haton lot‘ workx hy Beethoven. Stravinsky. Bartok and Mozart.

Squair Mile Consort of Viols Si .llitt‘k '.x in (‘uxtle li't’t'iti‘t'. /7-—36 slug. 5pm. With xoprano Rosie Sweetnam. the conxort pcrlorm early music from Byrd to Purcell.

St Andrew’s & St George’s Choir St :Itulrt'w'x A'- St George 3‘ Church. [8 .lug. l3..i’()/mi. Soloixtx and orchestra perl'orm IIaydn Little ()rgun Muss and I'iattrc'x Requiem.

St. Michael and All Saints Choir St .llirluu'l uni/All Saints ' ('liurt‘lt. 1‘) :lug. llunt. The world premiere of Mass hy Matthew Roddic.

Symphonie Fantastique/Lélio Royal Scottish National ()rt/u'xtru. (Ix/tn“ [It/H. 3(lglttg, Spin. Sir (‘harlex Mackerras conductx the RS.\'() in two workx hy Bct'liol.

Tea With Chopin Ros/Arts. Roy-u! ()l't’l'\(’(l\ Lettgttt'. IO -/7 ck" 30—33xlttt’. 3.30pm. .\ mixed line-up ot‘ maxicians pcrlorm workx hy (‘hopin and ctimplementary composers.

Thamyris Ensemble St .'lII(/I'(’H".\' & SI (ii'ot'gi"x ('liun‘lt. 3():lug. 7.30pm. ('oinhinex the talentx ol .xix Iidinhurgh xoloixtx in a programme of muxic lrom Bach to Kurt \\'ci|I.

2001 Mind Odyssey .S'i xllltll't’lt'h' A’- St (it'ui‘gt"\ (’liurr/i. 3().-lu_e. 3..»’()/nn. 'I‘enor John (‘ox and pianixt Leon (‘oates pcrlorm w orkx hy Schumann. Woll and (Nancy

University of London Symphony Orchestra .Mttiotutl :lxxm‘tution (if litllI/I ()rt'lu'vtrux. ('t'ntml Hull. 16 Aug. XXII/mi. (‘onductor Jonathan Williams Icadx the way in Bernxtein'x ()l'('l'llll'(’

'( 'tuulule' and John \ViIIiamx' Suite/font Slur llitrx.

The World’s Gone Mad Susan Blink. (.113. until 3!) :lug. ‘l/nn. I’ial. Bowie. Queen. opera and more in a caharet xhow by an up-and-coming talent.