
Hipsters, Flipsters and Finger Poppin’ Daddies (ii/(led Balloon at Yetta! Row. ttnti 27Aug. 2pm. Weston (iavin performs the hilarious monologues of the great comedian. Lord Buckley. a champion of jazz talk. Atnong his tnusings are reflections on Jestis and (iandhi.

The Holyiand C... National Youth Theatre. Pleasant'e. until 27Aug. 12.50pm. Hogmany often turns out to be a let down. Daragh (‘arville's new play is set in the student area of Belfast. The Holyland. on the long awaited final day of the year. Performed by National Youth Theatre. this cinetnatic play shows snippets from a day in the life of sixteen characters; from Velvet l'nderground wannabes to the girl who gets on her own nerves. Whether facing drug drought or the death of a friend. it is isolation that unites the characters. Director. John Hoggarth. keeps the action fast. with even the multiple set changes weaving into the narrative. The acting is of a high standard and the script itself is sharp. There is no anti-climax here. tKik Reid) Hungarian Bird Festival Hungarian Bird l'estival. I’leasanee. until 27Aug. 3.05pm. Niall Ashdown in a one-man comedy about going bird watching in Hungary with his dad. Highly rated elsewhere.

The Hunting of the Snark (‘nltjt'in-nt'u Travel Troupe otSan l'rant'ist‘o. Roeket ((1 South Bridge. ttntil ltS’Attg. l/am. Lewis (‘arroll's epic told with masks. balloons and big scary pttppets.

The Husband’s Tale Is‘ost‘t'les. Urey/riots Kirk House. l7~27Aug. 5.20pm. New play about two strangers with something vital in common.

The Hush Hush l’t’odtu‘tions. (‘ lenue. ttntil 26 Aug. 5.10pm. Silent comedy of trenchcoat detectives. sinister mobsters and seductive femmcs fatales.

Hyde and Seek! (‘t-msl-‘t‘re Theatre (‘n. .lliddle Queen Street (iardens. tttttil 26 Aug. 8. I5pm. liollow in the wake of one of Auld Reekie's most famous sons. Robert Louis


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Stevenson. in the very gardens where the boy Stevenson lived and played. I am Dandy Theatre llorksltop. 20—25

Aug. 4.45pm. linsemble theatre from the

David (iale (‘ompany taking an extreme look at contemporary panic.

I am Star Trek sass Skulldttggerv Theatre ('o, (‘ lenue. until 26 Attg. 6.40pm. The story of (iene Roddenberry. Star 'I'rek's creator. performed with a manic energy. exposing the highs and lows of his dream to unite humanity through science fiction.

I am the Walrus sass Theatre ll'orkshop, until 25 Attg. times vary. ('harlie (Nabil Shaban) sits in a white padded cell unravelling the story of his upbringing as the disabled child of upper class parents. Suddenly he switches into the character of Mark Chapman. John Lennon's murderer. As (‘harlie and Mark rc-enact their stories with the help of various Barbie Dolls and Action Men the two tales become enmeshed and confused. Though taking its name from the Beatles tune this is in fact largely based on Acschylus's matt'icidal ()resteia. This is visceral demonic stuff which could maybe do with half an hour shaved off its rtuming time. Shaban is breathtaking. a tortured torso rolling about the stage. Solid direction frotn Robert Rae and excellent set design tnake this a disturbing tale of extraordinary madness. (Paul Dalet

I Have Been Here Before 20th ('entury Blues. (' too. until 25 Aug. l/.45pm. JB. Priestley 's drama about time. I Know What You Want Komeditt l’t'odttt'tiotts. Kontt'ditt Roman lz'agle Lodge. until 26 Aug. 5.55pm. Black comedy returns alter sell-out success and live star reviews last year.

I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change I'estiva/ Theatre ('S(‘ ('SA. Drum/nond (‘omtnuntty Theatre. until 25 Attg. Ill/mt. Mttsical about dating and rotnancc that's been popular Stateside.

I Vant to be Alone The Bongo ('lttb. until 25 Aug. Iilttt'\ vary. Ailie (‘ohcn indulges in radio fantasies to pre-recorded

it!) rout/inc} 'tn’ at. 3 inor's strike



scores and with the aid of puppets. Four stars in The Scotsman.

I, Compare I)emart‘o Roeket I’rodta‘titnts. Burke! (0‘ Kirk ()'I"ield. until /8 Aug. llam. Satirical look at a struggling compere's pursuit of celebrity.

Ignorance The Never .Wlttd Theatre (‘0. Kontedia Sottthside. until 25 Attg. 2.45pm. Triple hill of nightmarish tnodern fairytales. Three stars in The Scotsman.

Imaginary Prisons Angel-[it'll Theatre. The l 'nderbe/ly. until 26 Aug. 3.30pm. Lecoq- trained ensemble gives the physical theatre treatment to Sleeping Beattty. Four stairs in The Scotsman. The Importance of Being Earnest Illyria. Bet/lam Theatre. until 25 Aug. 8pm. Return of the highly-rated treatment of Oscar Wilde‘s most famous play. with men playing women and v ice

The Importance of Being Earnest Belarus National Student Theatre ()n tlte


Baleony. The Garage. until Ih’Aug. 10pm. If

you reckon you've heard Oscar Wilde‘s epigrams once too often. here's your chance to hear them in Russian.

In Bed With Sue Lawley Nottingham New Theatre. (' too. until 25 Aug. llam. ('omedy about a man obsessed with Desert Istand I)l.\( s. Three stars in The Seotsman.

Innocent (when you dream) (iranary

l’rodut'tions. (' o2. until 26 Attg. 3pm. Talented young lrish company in a play about eight people coming to terms with an explosive event.

Inside Leg (ientle l’u/se. (' too, until 26 Aug. 4.50pm. Passion. fashion and building sites are the backdrop to this new musical comedy. 'l‘wo stars in The St‘otsntan. Inventing Max l’endle Borderline Theatre ('o. Rot'ket (0 Kirk ()' I’ield. until IS’Aug. l. /()pm. A man disappears and others are left to figure out why.

It was Henry Fonda’s Fauit Assentbly

Rooms. until 27Aug. 3.35pm. lixcmplary performance by Owen O'Neill. playing a dozen characters in a theatre-cum-comedy piece about the Hollywood dream. A hit last year at the Tray use where The List gave it four stars.

Jack the Ripper Diverse Attractions. until 25 Attg. /..i()/mt. Patrick Prior digs at the truth.

Jane Eyre Asvetnbly. 2()Aug. 6pm. Lisa Hayes in a one-woman version of ('harlotte Bronte's classic tale of love and mystery. Jerome K. Jerome’s Novel Notes Beset Theatre ('o. (irevtriars Kirk House. until 27Aug. 12.35pm. A tale of sex. death and turnips.

Jessie Kesson Nether/tow Theatre. 2t) Aug / Sep. 8. l5/nn. Jenny Lee of Attic 'l‘heatre recreates Kesson‘s lll2lls backstreet Scottish childhood.

Jesus Hopped The A Train 0000. (iilded Balloon at 'Ieviot Row. until 27 Aug. 4.45pm. See panel.

Joan l-fndut'ttnt'e Theatre. (too. until 26 Aug. .i/tm. linergctic New York ensemble rcimagines Joan of Arc for the new centur)’. Joe Stalin’s Empire Dentin-m Rot‘ket I’t'odttt'titnts. Rot'ket ((1 Royal ('ollege of Surgeons. 1‘) 27Aug. 7.30pm. lixploration of the arts under the president's maliin rule. Journeys and Memories Is’mneilt'u St Stephens, until 27Aug. timev vary. As much music as theatre. (ilasgow‘s 'l‘heatre (‘ryptic brings together performances of Steve Reich‘s ‘l)ifferent 'l‘rains'. lstun Marta‘s ‘l)oom - A Sigh‘ and Alleym's choral Miscrcre and puts them in a highly visual setting.

Justified Sinners soc (if/(It'd Balloon at 'l'eviot Row. until 27Aug. 5pm. Alan Millar's double bill of short plays by Tony 'l‘hompson and Mark Kelly is patchin successful. but both could Use more variety. The Kaos Voipone Kaov Theatre. theatre ilorksho/r. until 25 Aug. 6.30pm. lien Jonson's l7tlt century comedy is a brutal satire that should lend itself well to ls'aos‘ innovative approach.

The King Is Dead and Other Tales

Shabanis breathtaking, a tortured torso rolling aboutthe

I am the Walrus

Gilded Balloon at Teviot Row. until 27 Aug. 2.30pm. Three short plays about the birth. flowering and death of the old Scotland. King of Scotland sass Assembly Rooms. tutti! 2] Aug, times vary. lain Heggie‘s rude and ribald take on Gogol’s Diary ()fA Madman starring the excellent (jerard Kelly. it never becomes the political allegory it portends. but as the story of a self-deluding bampot. it is highly entertaining. See also Wiping My Mother's Arse.

Knots Shifting Tides Theatre Project. Old St Paul's C hureh & Hall. until 25 Aug. times vary. Divised drama inspired by the work of RD. Laing. Lady Chatteriay's Lover 00. Midland Actors Theatre. C Venue, until 26 Aug. 9pm. The appearance of a naked woman might add to the bankability of David Calcutt's adaptation of Lawrence's novel. but it has some other merits. The quality of performances. though. is varied.

Lady Luck Denutreo Roeket Productions. RUt'Kt’l (0‘ South Bridge. until 18 Aug. 8.}(tpm. Vitebsk Belarusian Dramatic Theatre in a tale of sex. creativity and depravity in a bawdy Paris artistic community where Soutine meets Modigliani.

Lady Macbeth Rewrites the Rulebook Broads with Swords. C too, until 26 Aug. [0.15pm. Shakespeare meets martial arts for the Lara Croft generation. Three stars in The Scotsman.

Lambton Kent Traverse Theatre. until 25 Attg. times vary. A surreal safari through the landscape of rural North America by award-winning black Canadian writer André Alexis.

The Lass WI’ The Muckle Mou' Leitheatre. St Serf's Church Hall. until [8 Aug. 7. 30pm. Popular Scots comedy about family feuding in the [5th century performed by local amateur company. Four stars in The Evening News

Lear The Cambridge University Theatre ('o. Augustine 's, until I9Aug. 1.30pm. Shakespeare's great tragedy reimagined in terms of the American elections.

The Lear Lesson Modern ‘l‘imes Theatet: Theatre Works/top, until 25 Aug. times vary. New York company in a comedy about a young girl who puts herself in the hands of a homicidal tutor.

Let Me Out! .0. Ken Campbell Presents. Komedia Southside. until 26 Aug. 7.45pm. New venitiloquisiic blood has arrived in the form ofex-RSCer Nina Conti. a fledgling puppet-master of only a year. She's pretty good. but Ken Campbell's shallow script needs serious work.

Let’s Hear it for the Boy! (iordonstoun St‘hool. Stage by Stage Edinburgh At'ademy. until I 8 Aug. 7pm. Tribute to the 1984 film footloose.

Let's Sleep On It Komedia St Step/tens. until 27Aug. times vary. [Tnconventional contemporary dance theatre by dynamic acrobatic trio.

Lie Down Jack Coyne Pent/1e Borderline Theatre ('o. Rocket (0‘ Kirk 0' Field. until I7Aug. /./()pm. Comic look at how a book seller‘s life changes when she's introduced to technology.

The Life and Death Orchestra Komedia PI'Ut/lfl'llUliS. Komedia Southside. until I7Aug. times vary. Words by Holocattst survivors and poets.

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Komedta Roman [fag/e lodge. until 26 Aug. 7.35,»;1. Stephen ()xley returns in Laurence Sterne's l8th century comic masterpiece for the first time since his success a decade ago.

Life In the Big Shoes The Bongo ('lub. toitil Io’Attg. 8.15/nn. Wayne Anthoney in an autobiographical tragi-comedy about how he gave everything up to live with Aboriginal Australians.

A Life in the Base of Stanon Bishop .llett‘o Ifntertainntent. (' l'enue.