
A Piece of Monologue A'Ulllt’tlltl l’rruliu‘timix. Krmu'iliu Roman ling/e [xii/tie. l7 26.4w. lt).4."um. Samuel Beckett monologue in which a static ligure in a iiightshirt recalls his life.

Pipedreams Arena Nari/i. (' \i’nue.

I‘) 2().'lll_L’. 3.45pm. Fascism meets farce in Jim liowler‘s political satire.

Play . Slim? (Hit! (iil‘lit’ ].Il('llll'(’ ('0. (‘ leniu'. until 2/) :lug. 11.30pm. I really wanted to like this offering more. It's still relatively rare to see an all-lesbian show and we need more of them but Play is not it. A cotiimunity show from the London-based coriipany, playwright :\..\l. liit/gerald takes that old chestnut ol‘ 'let's put on a show right her'e’ as her starting point. l’aiidcriioniuiii. drop-outs. tantrums and eyentual bonding ensues. The script is not good - not funny. perceptiye or truthful enough. The seyeii actresses on stage seem to be enjoy iiig themselyes. but we in the atidieiicc don't really get a chance. Surprisingly. the material is rather twee and decidedly urisexy. (John Binnie)

Play On! :lnu'rieun Hie/i .S'cluml Theatre Festival. (‘liun'li lli/l Theatre. [7 3.3 slug. times i'iiry; l‘arcical comedy about a small theatre group attempting to put on a show. Plum Mouth liiiltii'uy~nmi'lu'ri’. 'I‘lu' l‘nilerlu'l/y'. until 2/) glue. Ill. l."pni. liyer'y‘ night. ari exclusiye gathering of sixteen will join tour perl'oriiiers at the dinner table for this Warwick company 's new piece I’lum .llnutli. where audience members w ill be enticed into participation through that most tiiiie-honourcd of routes their stomachs. Pooh and Prah .lKl/lc. Kmm'ilm .S‘i Step/tens. until 27xlue. Iinti’y run. .-\bsurdist theatre l'rom a St l’ctersbiii'g ayaiit-garde company drawing on l)tislU}‘C\ ski. Kharms and Kaiitor.

Popcorn Bi'tti’t (‘rtth [U't'.\('lll.\ [flirt/t illtil .llunu't in [IN/[\M’Hl’tl. (' \i’niu'. until 26 slug. 8.30pm. lien liltori‘s comic thriller.

Port And Lemon: The Mystery Behind Sherlock Holmes .Vetlu‘r/um 'I‘lu'utre. Illslug l .S'e/i. .i’pm. John (‘ai'gill 'l‘hompson's take on the popular lictiorial detectiyc.

Postcards from Maupassant 'I'im I’ru'iuls l’t‘tttlllt‘lltllti. Kmni'iliu Runuin line/e Lot/gr. until 35 Aug. 5.5(l/iiii. l)esii'e. reyengc and w it in 19th century lirarice. Postscript Hire/1w .-\ttl'iu‘ti(iti\, 2!) 25 Aug. 7.15pm. Showcase lor new writing.

A Pot of Gold - Desperado Uit‘t’t'u' .-lttr(u'timi.\. 2t) 25 .‘lllL’. ‘/./5/mi. ('oniic antics iiiyoly iiig misers. marriage and

Princess Plimsole - Incarnate C... l’leusuiu‘i'. until 27xlue. tum/t. Tired of simply hearing about the adyentures that lie otitw ith the palace. l’rincess l’limsole

Ricardo I Elena (tilt-‘1. Kings 'I'lwurrc. 2l~23 slug. 8pm. It's not often that an opera comes with the warning: ‘Contains scenes which may offend some people'. but (.‘arlcs Santos' musical spectacular Rii'unlu I Elena has exactly that. Sung in Latin. it is based. to a large extent. on the lives of his parents. and his own Roman (‘atholic upbringing. although he insists that the piece is not autobiographieal.

Although there is no plot to speak ol‘. there are stories throughout the piece that are linked by images and symbols which share a common theme. It is these images which are likely to cause ot’t‘ence: religion is a delicate subject to deal with at the best of times. btit when you add sex into the mix. you run a great risk of offending certain sections of society - just remember the scandal that ensued alter the release of The 1.1M! flan/tuition ()_f(lll‘l.\l.

Rimnln I lz'lenu reportedly contains some highly erotic scenes. and the whole piece is charged with a sexual energy that comes across in the pure phy sicality ol' the performance: in some ways. this is quite a circus-like piece. with acrobatics and a comedic edge. ()n the whole though. it is a dark and surreal opera. containing stunning and somewhat disturbing imagery. tKirsty Knaggs)

longs to experience them for hersell'. So. accompanied by her laithl'ul t'riend lir'eakt'ast the butler. she sets oil on a journey ol sell kll\CU\ L‘t‘}. 'l‘he \\ little cast giye ellllillslasllc btit understated pertiiriiiarices. allowing this seemingly simple tale to be interpreted on a multitude ol' le\ els. .>\s ridiculous as it is poignant. this wee l‘ringe gem is deliiiitely one I’or all the lamily. l:\llll;t .\li|lari Private Angelo \iiliniui A'- (iiillii. until 35 glue. lttttr'y ltll'\. liric l.iriklatei"s tale iii an ltaliaii soldier. witli music by Dick 1 cc. l‘oui’ stars in [in l'.l'(’lllllL’ .\'i'ii \,

The Proof l)(' ()lH/(I'llt'llllllL'. .l/ttiii'i'li. RU\(I/ I,\('l’lllll l'lii'iiti'i. 3/ 35 .lue. tuni y run. See pi‘cyiew panel.

The Proper Charlies .vt/‘ar l’nu/ui tuin\. ()lil St l’iiul'y (‘liui‘i li d- llii/l. tuitil 3/) .lue. III/mi. ('oiiiic dialogue and phy sical antics lrom three stereotypes To”. “Me Boy and Yank. (‘omes w ith a warning that it may be ol'leiisiyc to some eyes and ears.

Pull My Strings O... Nat/anal Slur/Ht! [IV/H'UII'I' (in INS/I it. ('lir'lli glllg’i'li'. until 2/; .rlue. J/mi. ('aptiyatirig pertormarices and a dell. l'unny script combine to make this play about a hermit puppeteer w liosc home is rudely iiiyaded by ‘drariiatlicrapists’ seeking to rehabilitate him mto the outside world one ol' this years more iiiipressne l‘riiige ol'l'ei'irigs.

Quentin Crisp/Resident Alien C... [it Mr li’uui'iu'. .\\\('IlI/’/\ lx’minix. until 3—..lllL‘. ll.."tti.'ni. .-\ stand out per'loi‘maiice by llette llourrie holding court as ()tieriliri ('risp. botli lurmy and poignant. \‘s'iiiriei' ot a llei'ald .'\lt_‘_'t'l.

Rasputin 0000

ll rt/tluni In t. Konu iliii li’unuui litre/t [iii/er. until I: .lue, .".-ltI/mi. Who was Rasputin .’ Misunderstood healer.

\ rle riiariipiilatoi' and Russia‘s greatest loye machine are all descriptions that teed into modern conceptions ol a riiari

\\ liH lids l‘t‘ctitttc .ts much a cy pher .is a historical figure. l’ei'ipltirii Al i'ee's tr'eatriierit ot' the myth begins w ith a shrouded. eerily lll stage. and throughout this pei'lorriiaiice. a simple plot is rather obscured by stark. brilliaiit choreography and riieriacirig strings. Despite its car'ettilly rehearsed moyes. /\’ii\/iutin still leels like an edgy. dangerous piece ol work. and its description ol the ti'ayels ol .\lorik (irislika ti'orii the swamps ol Siberia to Prince

Vietnamese and a piano playing genius. Oh, and she’s got magical powers.

Redwood ()tirtairi


Ristorante lmmortale 00000 l"l.()/. Assembly Rooms. until 373mg. .‘-.4(lpltt. (iet ltisl (iol’tltill Ramsey. there's (i new chel in town and she couldn't giy'e a stull about .\lichclin stars. lii lact. she's probably ney'er heard or them. She's a lag smoking, saucepan wielding. accordion playing bruiser and she could have Monsieur Ramsey any day. 'l'here are only two seats in Ristorante liiimortale. btit there's no need to book. because no one

e\ er cats there. In this great production. the stall ol‘ a shabby eatery rigorously prepare for the impending nonexistent customers. We meet the smarmy ow ner w ho bullies his skill and Iinds the water lettllll‘t‘ sexy; the sleepy idealistic scrul'l who thinks he can trarist'oi'iii the late ot’ the restaurant with a bunch of dal't's: the primping priiicox who loves nothing more than his own reflection; the shuttling oldie with a suitcase full of memories and. of course. the cook. As they set up for the eyening ‘rtish' they become caught up in petty jealousies and (‘hapliiicsque biil'l'oonery. 'l‘iglitly choreographed chaos preyails: doors are slammed. tea towels are I'licked arid waiters are battered. The the masked pertormers are extraordinary and the use of both the props and the set is inspired. .‘yliiiie at its best: t'iinny. moy ing and utterly charming. (Viy l‘ttlll/Illttlllll


.’\lL'\Cl.\ l‘etlsltlt‘ ls L‘Uttlpelllng. ltlttl liiltl with a sense ot impending disaster that recalls the blcakest ol tragedies. tJamcs Smart) Rather Me Than YOU (I‘ll/(It'll Bill/(mt). until 3,".vlue. (i/mi. :\ new play about what happens when you t‘cil1o\c someone from the Mod cliaiti. ()iie star in [he Iii'i'ning .Vi'it'y

Raw .00 I’li'iiyiini'i'. until 3" slug. 3.30pm.

l’or'tray irig the iiiurdcroiisly \ iolcnt outbursts ol' lemale street-kid l.c\ and her gang. RUM dal/les with bursts ol' aggression and lilttslies till intensity. Readerl Murdered Him l’li’uyiint‘i'. until 37 glue. 3pm. (iothic laiitasy meets romantic larce iii this corpse-sti'ew ii coriiedy.

The Red Shoes I’li'uyuni'i'. until 37xliie. .i'..\'tI/ini. Based on the popular t'olk tale by Hans (‘hristiaii .-\ridersori. 'l'lu' /\’¢'il Slim \ is a kind ol anti :lairytale which seeks to combine a distinctly dark seiise ol humour w ith certain current social theriies. Redwood Curtain 0... [lie

I’m/u 1. Surge lit Xingu lzilinliuruli :li'iuleniy. until /.\ .lue. .i'..\’lt;mi. What makes you who you are .’ (ieri is the adopted daughter oil a wealthy .'\lltt‘l'lc;tll couple. She‘s Vietnamese and a piano play mg genius. ()h. and she's got magical powers. l)L‘spllL‘ till “in. she ain't happy and the question ol' her identity looms large. In a quest to lind her natural lather. she goes In her .ttllil‘s Redwood plantation in (‘alilorriia to stalk and harangue any ‘.\’am \eteraris she can lind. But when she discoy ers the bedraggled and damaged l.y riiaii l’eller's the was there. maiii liltllltg out in the lUl'esl. (iel'l's search takes an une\pected turn. In this production ol' l.arilord \Vilson's play. the riatur'alism ol the perlorriiaiices is striking and the direction makes good use ot a surprisingly timiiy and spar'ky script. r\'i\ l‘i'aii/iiiaimi Rehearsing ‘Reversing’ RI ‘1).8'. .lueuytuu ‘y. until I".liie. l.."."/ini. 'lwelyc pai'ts are shared between tour actors in this tw istiiig satirical play.

Reorganised Crime l’lll'fllt l’riuliutiuny. ()lil St ’itul's (liurt It A3 Hall. until .‘5 .lug. l3..\'tI/mi. .\'ew comedy li‘om Steye (mm which poses the question 'w hat do you get it you cross an l'.ast land gangster w ith a management consultant." Reservoir Dogs (A Tribute) 3 Hm .llirmi' I‘ll/II (lllt/ Ilu u‘ti‘i’ l’i'iului tinny. Krinuilui Ix’unuin Intel. liu/ei'. until 3/) lug. (uni-y \ii'l\. ()tientiii ‘l'ai'aiitrrio's script is brought to lile Inc on stage in this adaptation ot the cult t'l;t\\lc.