Balloon. until 27xlug. 5.15pm. There's usually a moment in one's twenties when one declares the desire to write a play. a hook or a film about the sordid. half lit liyes you and your hum mates live; then you Usually go to the pub and forget about it. .S'liagnasty and Duck has the feeling of such a successfully realised project and big respect to writer Rigel lidyyards for that. 'l'yyo chemically challenged ex-cons huy into a Thai prostihahe scam and run into gangster prohlems. Willi its really silly plot and amateur dramatics- meet-Tarantino gunplay this is not always the most convincing of slacker comedy thrillers. Also a few of the supporting performances are not really up to scratch. However Kevin Hand and Paul Jenkins as the decrepit leads are fantastic. (Paul Dale) Shakers Harlanil Ilanixtringx Theatre (‘0. The Sit/may. until l‘)xlug. 2.30pm. John (iodher's hroad comedy.

Shakespeare - The Good Beer Guide Barking Mail. (. ()2. until 26 Aug. 6.55pm. (‘umhrian poet and drinnker Tim Barker giyes his interpretation of the Bands \yorks.

Shakespeare and Love .-lnieriean High Stilt)“, Tlti'ittl‘i' T'i'slii'al. (Till/ill Hill Theatre. [8 23 slug. times vary. Shakespeare's sonnets are tised as a springboard for exploring loye‘s forms. Shakespeare For Breakfast 000

(' lenue. until 26 dug. anin. You haye to take your hat off to a Illam show that has the audience in the palm of their hands before they've even begun. l5irst they ply you \\ ith caffeine and calories. then they lead you through a highly energetic and entertaining improvised guide to love. loosely based on Shakespearean scenes and quotes. Their

Show Off

An exorbitant blend of stand-up, parody, song, discussion and multi-media

straight acting skills aren't tip to much hut their comic timing makes up for it. Shakespeare’s Dog 0.. Int)” I’I‘mltti‘liini.\. Hill Street Theatre. until .37 Aug. 2..i’(),mi. This gently understated one- man play dey ised by and starring Donal .\lerren is an interesting \york hut fails to ignite much passion. Based around the reminisces of an Irish actor Key in O'Donnell. the play explores the World til- theatre yy ith cley er tise of space and props. Shakespeare’s Longest Night Riu‘ki'! \i’lttii'\. Riu‘k‘i'l “I Kirk U'I'ielil. until lo' slug. (Vain/UH. Shakespeare struggles to end his 30th play. Shakespeare’s Shorts liy Royal I)inip/militnient. (‘ Ii’elle xlneele. until 3/) .‘lllL’. [ski/mi. Banquo i‘cl‘tiscs to die and llamlet \yon‘t shut tip in this farcical tale. Shakespeare’s Women .000 .'l.\.\('l)l/’l\'RUN/1H. until 37 :lue. /l.45ain. A consummate actress and a \ irtiioso performer. Susannah York explores the multi-faceted emotion of loye as seen through the eyes of Shakespeare‘s yyomen in this pouerful one-\yoman shoyy. What could become a guided tour through the (‘nlleeteil lliii'ky is carefully aytiitlctl limy c‘\ er. as York interyseayes Shakespeare's speeches and sonnets \\ ith her my it personal e\perience of the play \\ riglit's prose. We learn him she plied her Romeo iunfortunately cursed \y ith halitosisi \y ith strong mints at drama school and hoyy she made an inadycrtently dramatic entrance \\ hen she plummeted from the halcony while performing The .Uern Wires 0/ llitulxitl' til the RSV recently. These anecdotal stories are relay ed \\ ith ease and York's inspirational grasp ol Shakespeates plays \yill haye you reaching once again for

the \ytit'lss til. Sll'all‘tit'tl's lll()\l cclelil'alctl son.

The King’s Head Theatre 115 Upper Street. Islington N1

BOX OFFICE: 020 7226 l9l6



renowned Off-West End London venue has Sunday/Monday performance slots for hire at reasonable rates for further details please contact Ninon Jerome

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are still


THE SCOTSMAN Fringe 1st Winner

0131 228 1404

by Enda Walsh

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until Sat 25 Aug, eves 10.45pm

Dublin Theatre Festival

((‘atherine Bromleyi The Shamans-House of Deer l’leasanee. until 27xlue. .i/nn. Budapest-

hased choreiigrapher. director and performer

liya Magyar loy‘es lidinhurgh because the uork of her company. The Shamans. has always been emhraced here at l’estiy'al time. With good reason: it‘s consistently iny'entiye. entertaining and rich with metaphorical meaning.

Shards of Glass ('I'ai'en Image Theatre. (‘ ('nileremunil. l‘/ 36 slug. inn. The theme of star-crossed loy ers is updated in this contemporary tale.

Shaving and Plucking [lair-Rafi)“: Theatre ('a. Rainer/iii Roman luau/e Imlge. until 26 slug. /2.-JII/iiii. The story of a \yoman yy ho faces arrest for \yaxing her husband.

Sherlock Holmes: Murder in l'i‘itlilii‘ Rt‘illti‘iul T’I‘iultti‘linns. Randal/ill .S'tiulia ((1 The l-‘reneh Inxtitute. until 37x'lue. .i’._\‘t)/nn. Take a Walk along the Water of l.eith with Arthur ('onan-DU} le. Watson and Holmes as they solve a murder. Sholom Aleichem - Now You’re [JUN’ Sltll' Tltt’itll'i' (it. Hill .‘iti‘i’i'l 'l'heatre. until 27glue. J/nn. Saul Reichlin's dramatisation of the stories \y hich inspired T‘lilillt’l' ()It [I‘llt' Rtml.

Show Off 0... ,'l\\t'))ll)l\ Run/m, until 37slug. 7.45pm. l‘rstila \lai‘tiiiel's latest theatrical outing is a hit of a groyy er. With such an ewrhitant hlend of stand—up. parody. song. discussion and multi-media. not to mention a kind of striptease-cum- conjuring-act. it's little \yonder that some atidience menihers \\ ere unsure u hether to laugh or keep it /ipped. although she “on everyone oy er hy the end. Though hardly seamless. llic (ll\ltlllllL‘tl nature of the piece is part of its appeal. and by constantly

\W itching the mood from ioy ial to serious and hack again. .\lartine/ succeeds in retaining our interest. ller theme an exploration ol the masks yye \year. ey en at our most \ ulnerahle is a time-honoured one. reiny igorated hy .\lartine/'s rcmarkahle

diversity and a guest appearance by Martine/s ex. the fabulous ('armen (‘uenca. (Allan Radcliffe i

Shy Shining Walls KUIHt’t/ltl .S'i Stephens. until 27xlue. times vary. l’iyc poetic hotly-dance movements hy' (‘osta Rica's l)iqtiis Tiquis ahout male-female relationships.

Silver Lining - Player One 000 l’leasanee Dante. until li\'.-lue. ll..\’()ani. Based on a Big Brother style game show. l’lay'er (me questions the ‘reality‘ of reality TV. :\s the dreadful denouement unfolds. class, sex and sexuality issues are threaded together hy the identity questions of Hamlet. The script is not oy erly suhtle. but it is hard to fault Acting imprm ed as the play progressed and the audience “as unayoidahly magnetised in the uncomfortahle role of my ear.

Silver Lining - The Insect Play - The Brothers Capek l’leasanee. until [5' .lug. l/ain. The heliay iour of insects inspires comments on life.

Sketches of the Underworld .Itit llaat l’railui‘tiimy. (iariiee (‘hapiteau (Theatre ilu Riwriuy l. until l7x'lue. 4.15pm. .\lartia| arts. cloyyning and acrohatics in a contemporary \ ision of Hell.

Ski Sluts from Glenshee .00 Theatre llin'ks. Hill Street Theatre. until 27 due. lpin. The title certainly catches the eye. \\ e'll say that for Ski Slutx I-runi (ilenshee. This l\l-l.l the slit)“ to \ isil if it‘s deep and meaningful drama you're after. but it is \soth it inst for the sheer energy and. \\ ell. daftness of the u hole thing. Based around a kind of female lid Wood character making a sci-ft porn ll-moy ie in the Highlands. the plot. such as it is. is a rapid succession of nonsensical tyy ists and turns \shich ends tip iiiyoly ing the Dutch royal family. an ex il identical tys in. an ayalanche and. natch. some ski sluts. (‘haracters are fag-paper thin throughout. hut that's not really the point. and the shoys is basically a panto-cum-orgy u ith a splash of knou ing huffoonery chucked in. (Doug Jolmstone)

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