Supper With Robert Burns .\‘etlierlunv 'I'lieatre. until I Sep. (LEN/nu. 'I‘raditional fare with song and poetry in a celebration of the bard.

The Surrendered Wife Show 0... l’leyteilatul Brawn. RUt'lst'l (U St John's Ila/l. until ISAuu. (i. l."/nn. The people beltind ('aral Sniillie li‘aylteil .llv Rmnn return with a xhow about the joy‘x of marriage.

Swallow “if/((7! (I‘lu‘atre. (' \i'nue. until I!) sing. noon. Sex. death and triple xcc combine in this black comedy. l‘our xtarx in The Scotsman.

Sweeney Slime l)‘\’ Slitg'i' lz'rliiiliurgli :it‘aileinv. until IS Aug. 5. [Spin The demon barber lookx for t'c\ enge iii Sondheim‘s musical.

Sweet Bobabola llni/mllui lllt'tlll't'. l’leasani‘e. until 37.1142. 5.50pm. Double-act creating a world w here alien bakers attempt to destroy the planet with their irresistible cakes.

Sweet Charity l.i'it'e.stervliii'e linitli :li'ly, St ."llll 's (‘aininunitv ('entre. until 35 slug. mum. \Villt hits like ‘Hig Spender" and ’Rhythm Of life'.

A Tale of TWO Cities Brig/t! (’luiiee l’railuetiany. Randal/ill Star/u) (0 'l'lie I’reni‘li ltt.\titttte. until ASK-lug. .i‘..\'(I/)iii.'

3t) 25.4w. 2.50pm. ('ambridge l'niyerxity- based company perform Dickenx' classic tale.

The Tale that Wags the Dog :is‘senilily Rooms. 2!) 3/).vlug. anin. .'\(Ul(”;(u.\ exploration of romance and relationships w as originally inspired by the tragic true story of star-crossed and culture- croxsed lovers Admira and Boxko. encotmtered by the two main actot‘x talxo a married couple) w hile touring in Bosnia. Framed by a Sarajeyo setting. The 'lale 'I‘liat ll'aes The Doc cncotttpaxscx a variety of love stories. including talex front The Arabian Sic/its. an old Jew ixh tale. (‘reation myths and stories from the Highlandx. ‘We tried to develop a xhow that was abottt male and female relationships. about wltat love wax and we went through all the xtoricx that we really likcdf explains director (iregory Thomas ‘\\'hat became important was the relationships themxelyex. becauxe really. the greatest joy in our lives ix the relationships we have.‘ t()lly l.axsman)

Tales of the Fat Cat lz't/i'n/nu-gh (7niversitv 'I‘lieatre (’a. Bet/lain Theatre. until 35Aug. 12.45pm. Stories.

Taming Of the Shrew llte ('aiiiln'itlce .lluininers. Augustine 'v. until 37-inch 5.10pm. Shakespeare's comedy turned into cabaret and self-help manual.

Tartuffe Stage liy’ Stage [ailinlnirgli xli‘arleniy. until lo’due. tiniey tarv. .\'cw adaptation of the .‘yloliet'e comedy performed by the Theatre l‘actot'y. Teacher! Karter- l' I’roiliu‘tiinty. Augustine's. until lilac. ll./."/nn. New musical black comedy set in a gills xeltool. Teechers 'I'lte Rep lillt'ttll‘e (it). (illlll. until 3/) :lug. times vary. John (iodber cotnedy.

Teechers llarlaiul llaniytringy Theatre (it. The Subway. until /(/.'lllL’. l/nn. See above.

The Tempest .Itamllit‘ \i'nue. ()lit ('allege Quail. 22 36 Aug. lftll(’\ vary. Shakespeare‘s final fantaxy. performed out of doors. We gay c it a cool fiyc xtarx laxt year for its energy and extraordinary Use of space.

Temporarily Yours COO. I)i\tillerl Spirits 'I'lieatre. :liigustine'v. until /‘/.-\u;'. IUQII/nn. ()1in four pcrt'ormanccx left to catch this scorching two-handcr from New York. Beautifully designed in bold red and black. and directed w ith imagination and woe for the intimate confines of Augustine's, two courageous performances are at its centre. Playwright Key in ('onnell is full of sexual bravado as Tom. a young rent- bo} kept by a rich lll\' positiye man. litto 'l'om'x life comes l’axha. a thirty -somcthing female book editor. Performed by l.y nn Marie Scott with glowing luminosity .xhe brings an emotional centre to the drama. Her evocation of Sunday family gatherings. as site cradles a distressed 'l‘om ilt her arms. are particularly ttto\ ing. Despite the script being “ii—’1‘”) loo long. it xtill packs an incredible

punch. and ix ample demonstration of w hat can be done w ith limited resources. l)on't mixx it. t.lohn Binnie)

Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters llinulerlanil l’i‘oilia‘tiony. (‘ \i'nae. until 3/) .vtue. 3.JtI/)iii. (‘oiiiic antics with the [)ixcworld w itchex. ‘l'hrec xtarx in 'l’lie Seatvinan.

Testing 1, 2, 4 . . . ()n ('ue l’rnrliu'tiany. Hill Street Theatre. until .3— .-\uc. ll.~lll/llll. \Vith thottxand of guextx and no performers what w ill happen'.’

Thick as a Brick llai'laiul llainyti'ingx 'l'lieatre (il’. 'l'lu' Sit/mm. until l‘lglug. S/nn. (iodber comedy about a failing high xcliool. Third Angel: Where From Here 'l'lteatre Hails/nip. 3U 35 lug. (1.15pm. When an e\perimcntal theatre company decides they re going to doing something ‘eyperimental for them‘. it'x a little intriguing. l’or Sheflield'x 'l‘hird .r\ngel. thix meant forgoing their usual relationship with new and old tcclmology and inxtead creating a completely featurclcxx xct inhabited by two performers. 'lt‘x a bit like fly -on-the wall documentariex but w here the people are aware the camera'x tltcre.‘ xay x artistic co- director .’\lc\ander Kelly. Although thix ix the company ‘x first \ ixit to lidinburgh. the show received critical acclaim oti its recent tour of the l'ls'. ‘( )n the surface a lot of people read the show as a relationship drama.‘ xa} \ Kelly. ‘but the other cottcern of the piece ix how people fill their liy ex with hobbies or work or socialixing and not actually dealing with their internal life.‘ (Louisa l’eat'xon)

Poesia This is London! S! that ‘v m ('aytlt' li'rrat't. 31/ lilac. l3..)‘(I/)iii. Semi- xtaged recital of lb‘th century poetry.

3 Dark Tales 'I'limii-t t). .'l\\t’lnltl\ ly’runny. until 2,".luc. ’nnn. Return run for the ‘l'otal 'l‘heatre w imter Illllll. a collection of three mini-dramas about liycx gone wrong. Performed with perfect precixion. Three Fat Ladies: A Murder Mystery l'lu Stani/ ( "(ninth (‘lulh until 36 .'\!lL’. Itine\ vary. l't‘ec cake. c\p|eti\ ex and an interactiye mystery. 'l‘lirce xtarx in [la Seats/nan.

Three for the Road .tmt‘n't an lllg'll Sir/unil lllt'tlll't' l‘i'\l1\t1l. ('liui't'li llill illlt'llll‘t'. l~ liking. tinu'v t'tII'\. ('clcbt'ation of .-\merican one-act play x.

The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol The Royal Status/i .lt'atli‘nn at .lluyit aiul l)raIna. \i nue l.". until lSlue. tiniev ttII'\. RS:\.\ll) xtudentx t'extage the play made famous by 'l‘licatre dc ('omplicttc. a haunting. physical and cottnc tale of the life and afterlife of an outcaxt and smuggler. The Threepenny Opera l.t'!t'('\l¢ ryi'tii'e liiulli xlt'ly. St .vlnn '\ (‘annnunin (it'll/HI until 35 .iue. Spin. The lit'ccltt/“cill standard.

Tiny Dynamite COO. It‘ill'i'l‘st' iii/Il'tlllil. until 1‘- .\ue. tunes tart. :\bi Morgan's script ix a xliyei of an idea. not xo much dc\clopcd ax padded out in an elegant. xontctintex da/lling hall of mirrors.

HR 2 the Animls 000 White Rill’l’ll (’oulim s. until 3/) .luu. "pin. The salesman has hardly been a respected figure since .\li|ler first made him a by word for c\ixtcntial ill\. and despite the fact lltttl increaxing numberx of us spend our day x in the xery ice industry. he hasn‘t got any more popular. Darren \Vigginx ix .1 telecommunicationx salesman with a xtupid xuit and a bad hangoy er. who needx to make his sales and attettd a time mattagemcnt power brunch to stay ahead of the game. Aided and abetted by a t‘e|a\ation tape. a ttioti\ational guru and his various communication toy x. \Viggiiix tries to xtay abreast of it all. with only limited success. :\x satirex go. this critique of the information age ix a broad but /iextgiest_\ piece. t.lamcx Smart)

Tom Boys and Sex Objects Iii-ism! l'ikl’t'l'llllellltll [Ii/It'tlll't'. lillr’ (iill'itg’t'. 3” 3" .'\llL’. ll/nn. \Vomcn turn on each other in thix tale of xe\. \ iolencc and humiliation. Tom Jones [Ii/.l). Slime lt\ .SIttL’t’ lit/inliui'gli .-\t’ailein\. until lSiue. ‘llnn. .'\d;lpl;lllttll of Henry l‘ielding'x bawdy romp.

Tom Thumb Iinn/oa/ert l’rarlia'tuins. .lueuyline‘x. until lilac. Alli/tin. ()ff-the-

Too Late For Logic .000

deliver a keynote lecture on Schopenhauer.


unprepossessing lot. (Steve (tamer)

(If/I") K ing 's Theatre. until 185mg. 7.30pm; matinee l8 rillg'. 2.30pm Do we make the world we inherit? If we don't how responsible for it are we'.’ 'I'hese old questions seem to lie at the heart of Patrick Mason‘s production of Tom Murphy’s Nb“) hit. In it. ('hristopher. (Duncan Bell) a middle-aged university lecturer. whose ostensible suicide opens proceedings. surveys at life of dysfunctionality at a point where his academic career seems to be about to take off. One is reminded of Henry Kissinger's old adage that the politics of Harvard were far worse titan those at the state department. because the stakes were so low. as he crows over an ugly accident which gives him the chance to

Schopenhauer. of course. told us of the primacy of our subjectivity. ‘The world is my idea‘ is printed across a backdrop of Francis ()'(‘onnor's cold. mock-marble set. but events in Christopher's life tell its otherwise. He's got an abandoned family. a dead sister-in-law. and a brother on a grief rampage to contend with. All the aggravation brings on a breakdown in

.-\t'terwardx. we see the wake of his sister-in-law. in which each of the plays nine characters seek out their own self interest. with little time for death.

This is a compelling production. which deploys its central idea through complex strategies of movement and language. The performances are strong. but there's a coldness at the centre of the play. whose characters plead for sympathy. btit get little. for they're a very

wall contemporary rextaging of the fairytale.

Tomorrow Never Knows I’leasant‘e l)rnne. until 33 Aug. ICU/nit. Story of loye and deceit with muxic.

Tonight, Matthew, I’m . . . O. .'\l't'II(l Sort/i. (1):, until ASH-lug. noon. The story of independent. successful Susie. her

cat Matthew and her numerous dates chosen

from the lonely hearts columns. 'l'hix two

liander ix nicely performed by limin l-‘ow Ier

and .lim Hartley both handling the gaping xtei'eotypex and stodgy dialogue with considerable xtoieisltt.

Too Late for Logic 0000 Royal

[area/n ’I‘lieatre ('a. King’s 'I‘lieatre. until IS

glue. limey vary. See review panel.

The Tragedian 'I‘lie l’nnlical 'l'lieatre ('a. The l'iulei'lielly. until ltS' .lug. noun. l)ramatixing the life of lidmtmd Kean. 19th century actor and hellraixcr.

Travis’ Prophecy lira/e ('ulture. Hill Street Theatre. until 2.”:lll‘4. 7.55pm. l)rama about a psychic called 'l‘ray ix. 'l'hree stars ill The Seats/nan.

The Trial of Peter Grimes Silt‘er .lrnm. (‘ (‘nilerci'auiul l‘l :(lxlllg’. Sum/int. Broken characterx hide on the beach in thix haunting tale.

Les Trois Mousquetaires 'l‘lieatre lliirksltop. until 3.? :lug. times vary. Dumas" swashbuckling epic performed in French. linglish and Spaniin by 'I’heatre Sans lirontieres.

The Trojan War Will Not Take Place 0.. [it .-\Itittt(t¢’. ('02. until [8 Aug. ll).2()ant. [)ogmatic diplomats. belligerent warriors and desperate statesmen clash in this tale of Ancient Troy. Hector returns from a victorious military campaign to find his brother Paris has carried off Helen. precipitating war with the powerful (li'eeks. Rather than rubbing his hands at the glory and poetry that such a conflict w ill inevitably bring. he attempts to avert war. knowing its grievous consequences. Set against him are the wiles of the unpredictable Helen and the battle- hungry Trojan senate. lix-Animae's production of Jean (iiraudoux‘s play eontexttialises the classical myth with scenes of modern tipheaval. and a somewhat portentoux list of more recent conflicts. But it is an engaging treatment of one of literature's milestonex. and one that. despite its xense of impending tragedy. is often very funny. (James Smart)

presents m

1 9-26 August 1 0.30-1 1 .30am


225 5105

‘(3-2’2 Aug; 200‘) THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 71