
HMIJH' [\()' (;;if|\:f\'r \,'{\IJ en‘ot'-:)na‘l\,'.' sa\'s di'ector (It‘vr‘zstopher lies'r‘ann. the opposite (l Ht. a we. srnal lisi‘ n‘r‘,~'t't"‘(it.ii moment o‘ h-‘ss. Mavhe an afternoon '.": the park. in? that n‘oht not satrstx \ou intellectuaély it's really ahout considenon 'tt)‘.'.’ ltttle we need as peoplef Herr'tar‘r‘ kr‘ox'xs that ‘if§"‘(l a sr'td’e strck to ("c-ate the essence of a i:-tt-"‘or”‘a"ce reourres a ./~' ‘7'/\ 1\Qr\(:;zi:/ji(\r1/‘;\: ‘ll‘e o'ece is fradio like l‘t‘tfii '.l"«<=::,s

i*r\I‘ in

tin: [\rxr‘rw‘rnrn‘ and

of protest. It's a very happening place. One month of the \ear Frlnthuroh becomes ahout (2%er else and l taranterl to do somethmo aheut the (::t\. HESS”?!

The ptav rs a VISSlOl‘. of the capital l”. the near future '.‘.Ihere old people are shutt!ed off to camps as part of the government's ‘nev.’ programme. But rt zs a ptzh of resistance and hope. Throuoh a series of letters and emails hetvxeen Grace and her (granddaughter Amanr‘la the programme rs

seer the most relevant for our ()‘.‘.'n times. Originally produced at an arts festival in Kiln-Jalt. Sulayihan A! Bassam's script created a sensation :n the arts community of the Middle East as it toured through several countries. Ths version. with an {ll-British cast. nught well create the same furore.

As the Middle East seems to descend 'nto anarchy. thrs I)"C)d'\l(:t:0ll presents the characters of Harntet at a summit

sghed. There. an (-}l“."2‘.l)l(} record for narrator's. performers and directors has evolved. \"Jnen up against the high standards of this theatre (:o'v‘h‘unity of excellent professronals and demand ng aadzences. a particular play items a slew of a‘.'.'ards. you have to s:t up and take notice. Such is the case for Tuesdays an 1 Sandals This rural love story. x‘xhich (I()l‘.lllf()8 up the ghosts of two teenage lovers from the deep countryside o" 1.887. residents of Prince

WEATHER I s o‘ n‘a'“ :t.r<‘lr("‘<:e are tota‘ly chal'eréoed. 'erl is what confererwe. truth the Edward Island. and the Canadian theatre CO“ :-' of fi’?"."t}(.‘°."_}’.l In the separates us ‘rom relevant parties all more familiar territory of prOdUCtion presents l\'-:: " Ht r. ?" (5'11" z'naue then '2 srnntx, anrn‘aisf llAactennan (:oarti'to the added Mardate. has been one Woman‘s Inner t". r fer-w ft l‘-..‘"f2’.fs and a'l 2.01.. scr. says. “Humans are the character (2‘ an arms acclaiined ‘or its tender Storms L. ‘f' :" of 'j" s: '2'. ls a are ll) of or opr ories '~.‘.'h<: change dealer. Throughout the poetry. Dehut KN" . o a tit n :n at, "old "g; st'tfi s th'nos. They're the only piay. screens sl ow performers and writers . r 'r * :.;-: r‘ w. :t' '. ‘2 Anna M? an ches who can do tl‘at.' progected .rnages of the Daniel Arnold and : -‘.' ‘52:: ‘t e. is I blower!» (if-7,70 [.15 She descrrhes hersel‘ current prayers in the Medina Hahn have won 2' , - : \ i"-§:”g ' s " J .’ '1'» Aug. ti o as "xxricliy. terrrhlv ruthlesst piagynatx: awards as host ~ r ' a ' 2 r - v ‘e hat 2' '. - ’i Vt“ 9" w optrrnrszrc'. and [ti/.2?! dance of death heed performers. host script ' x1, l 9v; ‘<le' tin riszspherrxt>5; as enacted east o‘ the and host plat, at the ' ‘z‘ ' r 152‘ WILD testament to this faith. Mediterraneai‘. se‘. éf'éil Canadian : ' ‘1' ' ' ; c RASPBERR'ES ittutn l-ledoesl 'SteX e Cran‘er. fest vals. is hard to see ' ' ' \w ' ' Edinburgh and the I “52:55:53'va). {$56 6:350. I Pleasar‘ce. 55:36 :f as helm; (ill\"."l'lt) but I _ r - :_ r w. aged 9 ':.> Aug. 7 7.30arr‘. r5550. 2—2e Add a w: “mi. ' ' : l ' ' ' "z: Marti ("man's tic-hat 5‘7 vi‘fx'Sti .'.“:”>—-.“:':.:7()v. .“7. 50419.50 I 'Steve Cr‘arnerl ' : ' ": '.' :t a‘. '.'.’ '1.“ f":3§¢:>.’:e"~.>s 's 415.33045.5301. I Pleasartce. 5:56 (55550. : z, ‘f ’. Li'Ilti-“. set E-'::H‘l>uruh THE AL'HAMLET 226 Aug. 2.30pm. . k3. ,,,.-,\:‘ .. My,“ .. an, SUMMIT TUESDAYS AND :‘(547 (5-3415, , , . ., Hamlet given a SUNDAYS ' " ' ' I, A contemporary political Award—winning ' r 'r I :a::'>..'. t ahotd treatment canadlan drama for GLASGOW ' n w : .irn' ‘. $32.33 the Shakespeare has been Mam a theatre critic THEATRE see :- ' r 7 r ' / 7" " :;‘ f'v- §l""ft’. uteri as a metaphor ‘or troritaroantl the world non‘fGStiVal ~' lee“ t.4:‘(‘:'at". 'tt‘err-‘s many a politcal has looked tot'xard magazme r I ;; : ' ' ’:~"$-:‘ " :i fir: ». a our-at 't's'or‘, daandary. Bat this piece Canadian theatre and z r I s v :_ rm TINY NINJA THEATER PRESENTS MACBETH .. . . . _; .~ .‘ The real reduuced Shakespeare company 2' .' or ‘The Ninjas are very good at taking direction,’ says Steve Kovaks, ' ; r 2 r‘ producer of this tiny version of Macbeth which stars a cast of inch 1 r fr» high plastic figures on a 2in x 2in stage. Having just completed ' ' I V I I . ' It Romeo and Juliet, the Ninjas are on top measure and metre form and ' : r I .‘ . ;. ~ are ready for their 50 minute production of the Scottish Play where ' ‘there’s nothing serious in morality: all is but toys’. : - ' r t ' 1 00 The man behind the action is Dov Weinstein, who not only operates . :- : 2 r The bare necessities the characters, but provides the voices and O :- ' r ' of me manipulates lighting and specnal effects wuth his 2' z . ' feet. ‘Dov’s trying to bring out that childish ' ’1 t l‘ "o r v“: v connection we all have with theatre,’ says ' ' - r - ' fl Koraks. ‘I love Chekhov, but he doesn’t take ' ' ' r v if ’. I“ me to that magical wonderful place that I can’t " " ri" ~ .t‘o'r. normally go to in my everyday life. If you sit

.. .. ,. through Tiny Ninja, you really feel like you’ve

r . w r: 1 pr 1 :> I " :>-'-"t;~-’r gone somewhere else.’ (Mererid Williams)

: " z -’ l" -',-"‘ ‘f'w; 'ftfiPx '7‘ I Gateway Theatre. 3/7 3939. 34’?) Aug. 8.30pm I ' the vv‘rss'. 4pm, £78 if?)

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The male man delivers -'


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