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The transfer from stand-up to sitcom is a well-trodden _ 1 path. We chart the fortunes E of five former Fringe stars who went to TV

Dylan Moran lho Porrior 171111101 :5; lho :;<:z1llorl)i'z1ih hohiml the most (:i‘o<l1l>lo sitcom this; axle of Narrow. Black Books sols»; Moran's; alcoholic. (:Lisslomoi'~-loz1ll1mg} bookshop oroprsol 11' Born; :‘(l 2192111153! Bill Bailoy'ss ;1<:<:i(lo.'1l111111112, yo! brilliant. Manny. 'l'ho (:z1lz1111itous goii 11231111 will return for :1 third sorios; moxl yozu'.

Rhona Cameron (>11 Rhona. lovoly l’%:‘-(;i1;1. .'.’l‘:o"<2 ’lli it all go 2711:1114}? lilo Motion-filmy 1 188 13/11:; tiooozl to l)(}(l()l‘.l(} our (lllfiV/(Er to {*i’x’on. 211111“ Rhona was hyporl lo the l1<2z1‘.’oi1s;. But the six oznl BBC? ESOHOE; was; (luller liizii1z1l<hilluzo .'."()(',*'K(Ell(l in -)(>r'tol>oll().

Sean Hughes N10! ".‘111111ii1g lho Porrzoi !": KEEN). BBC. senor; Sean’s Show ‘.'.~'21:; his; (12213111111 111111).'11g1:r::;!"<>;1:11. How (1111(7'163.’ l :- r!<;\.<=li‘-. of ‘~.'.;1l(thii1g thoEg1<:oi1:\:1:111:1121l12111z111<i his (1111". l)<:~ :1i:;-:t-<i 121111; vsom oll.

Al Murray Six; ()mp- 1:l:;1!1‘.i>iorio<1 w’liiii‘zr, l1::;Pul) 141111 flow: 11111811. In Time Gentlemen Please lvlurmy 21.111: his; g1:‘z1l1io ()l<l(2 E 11115; ml 12411.1; ‘-.'.';1i.'1‘.o1l the cookies; of

:1111111, (1:100! l11115;1(?!(:1ll‘.(}11.’1.

Tommy Tiernan \‘."11'1t

11113151115311! mu 11‘ 1,:1111111: r115,

mun-:1 to tho linlzc:o:;::1\. 7.1200

Small Potatoes tr; .1 :t‘-\'::Io.'\'. ll1111'L31111'11‘11I-1 {ac-n14; ;". .'.hi<‘h l11=.'.'1.1."- :‘Ii‘..:u' ' 5111:; 11 1.11101)

alum our: -«"‘:‘11!'11:::;11111.