DAVID CROWE Offensive on the defensive

"Americans are able to laug'i of fariures like no me else." says comedian David Crox'xe. "It's not that were perfect. we're Just not oppressed by a social stigma when we screw up.'

Lucky. then. for Crone. the latest ‘coiiti'<)\.'ersial' stand-up from the States who bombed on his last \.'lSll to Bl'llél'll. It seems we weren't guite ready for his take on 9 ‘; 1. Hrs \JISII to Leicester. a city with a large Muslim population. was particularly ripe for tabloid fodder: he got gasps rather than laughs ‘.'./llll gags about serving bacon on airliners to help deter terrorist suspects.

Conversely. in the US hrs ‘.'.'rllrngness to use 'that day‘ for material is seen as cathartic: audiences routinely give him standing ()M’é‘tllOllS and he has won several awards. \.r’~./hether he's a Lenny Bruce-like speaker of the truth or a tedious sermonzser like Bil; Hicks remains to be seen. but Crox'ie is unrepentant. 'You know ‘-.'.rhat they say.‘ he s; ys. there's no such thing as bad publicnyf rRachard Rees: I The Tron. 226 0000. 9—74 Aug. IO..’30pm. 5‘7 $15.50;.

ROSS NOBLE Endless tangential banter 00.

The fella sitting next to me is rocking off the bench with laughter. The fella behind me is snorting snot into his beer. A women down the front is hooting, actually hooting. Everywhere in the sold out Pleasance One barn folk are yelping helplessly with laughter. Watching Ross Noble like this is like watching a television sitcom with canned laughter, and I don’t like to be told when to laugh.

Still, it’s not Noble’s fault that he’s so sodding popular festival goers eagerly can their laughter. You get the impression many of the people in tonight’s audience would whoop on cue if Noble told them he’d just burned down their house and fucked their dog.

Nevertheless, Noble has got his stream-of- consciousness, slightly surreal rant down pat. He moves between fire-proof headware, riding camels in the desert and auctioning off women’s underwear, among other subjects too numerous to mention, with the consumate ease of a comedian who’s got game, and knows it. And Noble ties the show up nice’n’neat by finally, finally, finally returning from endless tangential banter to his opening gag about being mugged in an alleyway (the pay off for which turns out to be more lame than a camel with only half a hump).

All of which reminds me of the tortuous monologues of none other than the diminutive Ronnie Corbett. Noble might think that a compliment; certainly for Corbett it is.

(Miles Fielder) I Pleasance. 5:36 (5:550. until 26 Aug met (’30,, 9pm. 5‘10 3".” 418’ Ht».


A real third-eye opener O...

is. this \.'./nolehearte(l celebration of Mr Herring's penis. and the rnuch-inalrgnetl organs of inenfolk generally. proves once again that its initial a comedian

Standing out and standing tip like the talented performer he


does ‘~.‘.’llli his material that counts. No routine retains its flaccrtiity like endless tired knob gags. ixit Herring's vrsua‘ presentation rdecoiistiacting modern altitudes ()l‘. perii; and interpretations through history. ‘.'.'hilst l)i'.’iiidishrrit_i a rather coiner <:t><ipit:<;<;r is perfectly pitcl‘eti at rust enough hazard“. nudge nudgeriess to support \.'.'l‘.at seems to he genurite social e'iguri‘y. Incoipoialriig constant updates l."()lli tiuestzoiinarres posted on lllf3‘.'.’(}l)331l(l’ v‘.'.".'.".'.'.'.;=.ik'rgeticmcz:..ik». the .‘iiis‘.'.'t2's are a real thirti eyt: opener. featuring lll()l(3 eupheinzsrns than you can shake a porridge gun at. slay Richardson; I l7)/(,’('1‘3;.‘1/I<,‘t}, sot; (xx-5o until (’6 Aug rno! £..’()r. h’.(>’(ipn;, 5‘5) S‘lt) If‘i‘a’ 5‘92

THE ART OF SCHMOOZING Playing the game 0..

It's hard to stay afloat Hi this l‘.(?l‘.'.’()ll\lll(]. dating and inating

game that are

Superhuman comlc waffle

forced to play. day in. day out. And that's why Darnran Clark and Anthony Menchetti have devrsed a show to offer us their helpful tips for sure-fire schmoo/rng success.

'l he Australian dOLible act are an instantly likeal)le pair. Playing one as the chatty frontman Clark) and one as the dweeby. dry. strarght guy llvlenchettrl. their act takes on topics such as the ioy of wrnking though to a five-step plan for winning phone technigue.

Banter was a little strlted, but it's their first gig in the cave and their fluency should pickup. smoothing over any awkward silences. If anyone should know how. it has to be these talented schmoo/ers. iHuth lledgesl I (ii/(led Ba/loon. 226 .1’ If) 1. until 26 Aug.

(5. lop/ii, 5‘2'.:')()—-5‘8.:3() l§‘(5.:')'()—r.‘v‘}'.:fi)()).


Big licks all round 0...

A word of \‘l’éll‘lllllg to those with a neryous

disposition: avoid Phil Nichols show. To anyone with a sense of humour who appreciates yelling, invasion of personal space and yes. goddamnit! being licked. Things / Like. / Lick is a great. glorious mess and y0u'd be a damn fool to miss it.

A manic hybrid Of Robert Downey Junior and nasty Trevor from EastE/iders. Nichol has come to Edinburgh to impart some of his favourite things. such as gay innuendo. the Incredible Hulk and a bespectacled Canadian called Shannon. There are pithy songs and outrageous anecdotes aplenty some more polished than others with Nichol's brash energy elevating even the weaker material. (Allan Radcliffe)

I P/easance. 556 6:350. until Aug 26 (not 13), £8. 50479. 50 if.‘7.50—L‘8.:30).


see non-festival magazine