


I Film Festival programme change ' :,.2, 19-: 'fi 'l-':':'_, . ,l’, li'lé‘vtu

Famous .'. '."'.-' Ti 'le _ 'ii'rlii: 1' til i;:

Dionysuos , l , ,, I I I I 3le .I/ I\ I. 4;: Khan ¢z H - .l _, l.. .\/. l l -l .l 'tf. l' I,’ K“, . Li

They’re the most famous actors in the world. And you’ve never heard of them. The Fringe is; i: ‘1‘ ' ‘l‘lxj‘l‘f; who in ~ ;‘:l;_il?"‘-Lr'l', lJQ-fvx are major celebrities in their own countries yet mean nothing over here. There‘s Nikos Diony.» :. (ill-wees " .- 1,.':-:.- ::°’ :1" val-:4 , (17" - most famous actor’, making his Fringe debut in Rite of Passage at the Assembly Rooms. Tl, ». 233' -.' ~: was: is: 1‘. Tuncer who sets tongues talking in Turkey, starring in Ordinary Miracles at the Gateway. ii'll <lmn . Alain:

who is being celebrated by the Film Festival, not least because he is to Bollywood wliw' v: Z-lollvwood. i : -“1'\ "ii‘i :

And we shouldn’t forget that Gateway and Hill Street supremo Tomek Bork is one oi “it !w ll‘. Delisli TV. '. ' ~::- is my: Apparently there are two actors called Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon in some show V lyil ' : l 5:: l Lyceum, 14~16 Aug) about the collapse of the World Trade Centre being a bad thing, lull: ~ 1* l; lliem. . l. , l" ._:,.::,'. git

ill Mob rule Express news Heart? .4 " ..: , 1 lll(:l)()f3l(3l'(llffll'lllilflml1(3éllli (Dunk of? IN: Pam "l Tli-f: 'r i _. I v '.‘ " (it illi: (Ellzllrd Balloon him} gong; stakes. AWN-nut, '- . ’va .‘ . l£i|l€:.'l l’)li| ()l HM} all; '5; Italian Il‘.1(:lll{i’_l<lllzil llélfi éil‘llfi,lu'"Z-'r’l w I, fillil‘ll‘illlll‘,'. /\ll(:ll‘.l)lll‘.{l to put Ill-3'15)! 0‘ mom; l f; . 2 x :4; ;<;f;l<;lfs 0" An Audience (L()Y‘f;lfl(:' llgi l;<::~;l(l.'.'rliz_i 1':;:, l with the Mafia '2‘} Allgl, (.-::;l":; l '(:€:(l(‘l?‘ <;" l kilnsuc ,' ' ' l ll‘:(:‘}.".(: been /\’.'.£il’(l l)". llli: Ql'.'.;:l’l ,5; ' :- ' l ' ' I.2ilumen‘(lltleliisly (:llilcklxl llll: 8WD]. tint l‘u'kfél l. ' .: ' x (All of lt;l|.;:ll ."()f;'l£lll"£llllf; gum (Illéillffllglii) you‘ll/:7»: ii'i’l '- ;: :' Paul Zenetz (:‘tlii ~mops .‘."ll()f;-i: ().'.’ll-i:lf; 'lltiliilgilltt; fllzifllfif" 2' i 1‘ t . resent being; :;t<;'<;(it,il(;<i Elf; l)(:lf;(}(ILill.'7_lf,l'l, l J"’l:-’ ' :' :' ' 710(le321l‘lfl gangsters. \.i".’(,- liil(;l(>t;<:r;i;<- r,.-:' l"-'- y " "g l)|£lll‘€: [illo- \()\()[)l{1/}()f;. '.'.'(,-(:-'k$; :11; Le: Born African 1

/‘\ll§;l.t;ll'l<:'l;l. Cargo If i W Putting the ring ‘Plixxfxllgrn'p. Pritham i. into Fringe Chakravarthy "."t": l l..: . -- . . . 5v a ' ' Hula" l‘ll'udfrlill {ll‘fl Kézllll Cleansing um -'.-"::-i,-’:'. Paul Danan : . . .vx ' ' l " J;l’741l<:f;l"<:fgmifnl ill Lori,- Diversity 2002 [)r.-’r'i.~ ' 3 ' ?~ '~1 " ' if .'.«"ll3<,- .'.”,."\l'l(} zl‘; box office /\tllgl(:lw;i‘~f; . Dog Well I ' 2' ' H", ' ‘V W 1 ' staff at the Pleasance Done (Ll Masks '()l..;iv" ' : : . .: lx'l' N‘s.” (infill;Iliulilrililmll HUI-3. ll/lfzfilll‘uf/lllhlfidt'. My : ' ' l ' ' ' ‘.'./ll(;l:; the. ll‘~¥:l(:lf;.'(:. SWAN) England ' ' ' ‘\' Illa, lululzixrsllii‘milwl,lull ‘l)l(:{lfl{:'l"l‘7, : I”: .‘(1l‘l.' 30.17%: [Helm/X ()ll Nothing to . ' I SElllll’lEl, ’-?/'\1.<_illf;l. (hula/r: Declare ' ' l)(:’.;£:ll‘.(:’,l\.(;£ll Iltl; ‘l)i(:£lf;{:'E’I€::. " Plnzlxgulrx: 13.7,. lull‘l lllzll will What Can "

‘;.'.W:l:l'/ I Do with My Paul Zenon: turned away