
Hour by hour recommendations for the best festival theatre.

1 0am

Looking Up 'l‘rape/e meets theatre in this .\'ew York two-hander about a eireus eseapee and a bartender. .tls'st'mli/y' Rmnns. until 26 .Iiug (IN)! I}. 20). /()..t’()uin


Traverse plays A different running order eaeh day (not .\lon l. btit at l lam you're likely to see it’ll Hui .llu/nlnii .l/(‘I'l .qun. a lull-settle Bolly'wood tnusieal tends It) Aug). The Blue ()rp/utn by ('anada's (‘atalyst tstarts l-l Aug) Shut Eye by Philadelphia's Pig Iron eotnpany. [run by Rona Munro or Outlying Islands by l)ayid (ireig. 'Ii'urt'rs't’. (lines and times vary. Project 9/1 1 One ol‘ the most alleeting responses to the attaek on the 'l‘w in 'l‘owers. this produetion is the true \oiee ol‘ seyen young .-\merieans. .-\sst'nil)ly' Rmnns. 3 36 .-lug (nut I}. 3“). l/(lttt.

The Frog Princess Dayitl Mamet is best known for his foul-mouthed. hard- liy'ing dramas. btit here he turns his attention to a kids show that is equally appreeiated by the grow n-ups. xiyst’ttt/tly Rinnns. until 26 .‘lllL’ Inn! 5’. /.\’. JUL ll..\’()tun.

Wild Raspberries Iiti/uheth Maelennan. the widow ol~ John .\'le(iratlt. stars in her own aeelainted play about global warming. l’lt'uyunu' /)(nttt'. until [2 :lug. ll..‘-Ull//I. Hyperlynx John Mt-(irath's t'inal play. a broadside against the multinationals. l’lt'ustint‘t' Home. 14 2() :lug Inn! 20!. /l.5(ltun.


Horse Country Highly-rated new Ameriean play by (‘J llopkins about eontemporary lil‘e. Assembly Rim/us. until 3/) Aug tnut IX). tttunt.

Zipp! - 100 Musicals in 90 Minutes All this and (iy les Brandreth too. .'l.\ Win/21y Rmnns. until 3/) Aug.

Traverse plays A different running order eaeh day (not Mon). but at noon you‘re likely to see The Ilrtnt'nt'tl World by l’aines Plough. Stir/ting by Anthony Neilson. lli’utlu'r by ('anada‘s Voleano or .S'nli'ty liy' I,'nlitnitt'tl l'lit'ttti't'. 'I't‘urt'rst'. (latex and timer i'ury. Oleanna [)ay'id Mamet has stoked a million dinner party eonyersatitms with this gripping drama about the battle of the sexes. xis'st'nilfly' Rmnns'. until 36 .Ilug (not l2). tuunt.

Bright Colours Only :\eelaimed one—woman show by (ilasgow‘s Arehes Theatre (‘ompany set at an Irish wake. Assembly Rooms. until 3/) :lug (nut I2. IV). /2./5/ntt.


The Chicken Show l'iiyt .X‘lum' aetor liryl Maynard in a show about obsession. sex and dog training. l’lt'usunt't'. until 2/) Aug. llnn.

The Whole Shebang Return trip for the show we ray ed about last year based

on laek Klall's experienee of being


fun) 17'. ,‘

professor of the publie understanding ol' seienee at an international think tank. I’lt'uyuntt'. until 3/) .-\ug (nut ln'i. //)iii. The Complete Lost Works of Samuel Beckett the show with the longest title on the l‘ringe tit eontinues: ‘as lound in an enyelope (partially burned) in a dustbin in Paris labelled

‘ney er to be perl‘ormed. ney er. ey er. eyerf

Or I'll sue? l'll sue from the grayelll't is a send up (it the 20th eentttry 's most haunting play w right. :lyyt'tttltly ly’mnny. until 3/) .lug inn! /.\’). [SS/Ht]

Fish Dancing .\ l‘ringe regular ti‘om Vermont. l-‘irelly has been well liked by The List in the past. This new eomedy about what it means to be human when

part of you is a lish. Smut/Mule. until .7."

:lug l/IU/ ll. 15'). l.."()/nn.

Intimacy The Hand Kureishi noyel about a ltist-tuelled allair that was adapted into a moy ie with Mark Ry lanee and Kerry liox. made eontroyersial beeause ol‘ ll\ esplieit \L‘\ \L‘L‘Ite\. l\

giy en a lirst stage adaptation. .lyyt'in/i/r RUIN/H. until .36 Aug tnnt lli. /.-/(//Htl. Filler Up On stage baking in this aeelaimed one-woman show about aeeeptanee in a skinny soeiety. .tsst'in/tlr Riunny. until 3/) Aug tnut /.ll. [JP-Inn.


Firetace Last seen here in the lidinburgh Internatitutal l‘estiy'al. Marius yon Mayenburg's play about teenage angst and tire raising is rey iyed by an enterprising yottng lidinburgh eompany. (ii/ilt’tl Balloon. until 3/) :lug lt‘l’l'll nuinln'rt'tl tluu's unlyi. 3pm.

Tiny Ninja Theater presents Macbeth ()1in on the l‘ringe would you diseoy er Shakespeare's Seottish play being performed by ineh-high plastie toys on a brielease stage. Long liy e the l‘t‘ingel (it/lt’n'tn. until 35 slug tnut /.i. /-l. 31);. ln’ll/nn (ll/(l -l/nn.

Tuesdays and Sundays l-iy e stai- rey iews in its natiy e ('anada l‘or this play about the truth behind a yottng eouple's romanee. I’lt'uyunt't' [hi/nix until 3/) .lug tnut l‘lt. Jill/tin.

Jerry Springer: The Opera is it

.. I ' ‘_ Tc i. The Arches Theotre”COr‘npan9‘o. Only plays at the Asgmbly

theatre‘.’ ('omedy 1’ ()pera‘.’ \Vbo eares'.’ ()ur eoyer-starring tribute to 'l‘\"s taekiest entertainntent show is set to be the big hit oi the festival. thanks to its rare eombination ot‘ musieal and eoniedie talent. .'i.\\('ltl/ll_\' Rooms. 2/) .lug tiuit /.t’. 20/. 3.35/nn.

Penetrator A ehanee to see this disturbing play by Anthony .\'eilson

w hose Stilt/ting is at the 'l‘t'ayerse. ly’unu't/iu Runuin Iz‘tig/t' l.Ul/_l"(’. l.’ 35 .rlug. 3.40pm.

The Mute who was Dreamed l‘rom lran. 'I‘heatre Ba/i ereates a terril'y'ing \‘isiott ot‘ a deal-mute ehild and an oppressiy e earer. 'l'lu'utri' llin'lts/un). /.t' /b' Aug. Z/nn: .3!) 24 slug (ll

Quill/HHS 35 3/) glue 6pm and Spin.


Goner 'l‘he inspired Amerieana Absurdum troupe in a li‘antie blaek eomedy about three doetors struggling to saye the ['8 president. See pre\ iew. Assembly Rooms. 2/) \ug (not /.\’i.

J'. l5/nn.

Hammerklavier Yasmina Re/a is the toast of the West lind thanks to Art and The (.nttt/n't'u'tl .llun. Here her memoir is adapted for the stage. trailing raye rey'iews in its wake. .vlsyt’inlrly' Rmnns. until 2/) Aug (nut IA’. 20;. 3.30pm.


Auntie and Me .lunutluin ('i't't'ls' star Alan l)a\ ies makes his professional theatrieal debut in this aw ard-w inning ('anadian blaek eomedy about a tnan tending to his supposedly dying aunt. .'\\\(‘/II/)l\' RUIN/M. until 3/) .lug (not /.i. 30;. 4pm.


Quasi-Murder (‘anadian play about the ugliest man on earth. whose loy e tor a sublime beauty t'uels his rise to tame and tall l'rom graee. 'I'lu' (iii/tier. until 35

slug. 5pm. [7 I15).

Diarmud and Grainne Ireland’s aeelaimed Passion Maehine in Paul

.\'lereer‘s eomie reworking of a elassie (‘eltie legend as a Dublin underworld ady'enture. .lsscntbly Rooms. until 17

Aug. 5.35pm.


Caveman, Inc The multi-yoieed Kerry Shale plays a host of eharaeters in a stone age theme park in this satirieal eomedy. I’li'uxunt‘t'. until 26 :lug (not [3. 20;, (1/0an

The Insect Play what I Wrote lntriguing-sounding six-legged roadshow. Kinnt’diu Runutn ling/e Lodge. until 35 Aug (not [4). 6.10pm. Macbeth .»\eeompli.shed otttdoor Shakespeare. (Irt'yjli'iur's Kirk Yard. until 23 Aug Inn! 10, [2. l7. [9). 6.30pm. Jon Fosse ()ne-ott ehanee to hear the author of The Girl mt tlu' Sig/ii in eony-ersatitm in the Book l‘estiy'al. ('luu'lutu' Square (fun/ens. 624 5050. [2 Aug. 6pm.


Born African Baek alter rave reviews last year. Zimbabwe's ()y'er the lidge otters three Views of its eountry today. .'lllg'.\llltt".\'. 9. ll. /4, [6. lb'. 2/. 23' (ll/(l .35 slug. 7.45pm.

Victory at the Dirt Palace The Riot (it‘otlp. winner ol‘ a liringe l'lt‘st in NW). turns its uneompromising attention on TV, royalty and sex. The (image. until 36 slug. 7.30pm.


Go Go: the Boy with the Magic Feet Look otlt for members of one of the most talented world music groups in 'l'heatrum llotanieum's latest outdoor l‘eelgood speetaeular. Ruyul [tutunit' (iurt/t'n. until .\’()Aug. b’pin.

Bambi In l‘).‘~b the .\'a/is banned Bambi for it‘s allegorieal relei'enee to the treatment of Jews in liurope. 7. Theatre (‘ompany seeks to re-inyest the elassie tale with its original politieal weight. ('I‘tm‘ttt' l’lttfu l/(Itt'l. tttttil H) slug (tit)! ll). NAN/mt.

A Pornographic Fatality Surreal

y iew of theatre and life. (iutt'u-uy‘. I5 26 Aug. 51/0/1121.


Red, Black and Ignorant Parents and ehildren battle to find a sense of humanity in a world ruined by war and soeial division. Snutltsitlc. until ll slug. 9. [5pm.

1 0pm

La Davina Commedla 'I‘he eelebrated l)ereyo returns from St l’etersburg on top form with a shocking new big top show. :lsst'tn/ily Big 'Iiip. until 3/) .-lug (nut 14. 2/). lU/nn.

A Solemn Mass for a Full Moon in Summer .\liehel 'l’remblay‘s brilliant Quebeeois drama slimmed down in an aeelaimed produetion by lidinburgh students. (ititt'wuy. until :6 :lug (nut l4. 3/}. /(//tttl.

Taboo Return alter more than a deeade ol' this highly entertaining one-man show that probes your darkest seerets. (ii/(It’ll liu/limn li'l'lttl. until 2() .lug Inn! 12/. initlnig/tt.