BOB & ROBERTA SMITH: ALL ARTISTS ARE A BUNCH OF COWARDS Art not to be taken too seriously 0...



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Camouflague - Multi II by Miroslaw Pawlowski

mes three assistants to achieve

gar/elec is: of course orin one of eight fascinating Polish artists who will be taking eyei the expansive

L4 by Ludwika Orgorzelec


Enlightening visual art practice

“We're going to burn all her work when the exhibition finishes and sell it as bags of charcoal with ‘Ludwika Ogerzelec' printed on the bags.' says exhibition ce-ordinator Suzanne Dunn. winding up the lady with the broken English who is standing arneng a pile of splintered weed. Ludwika Ogor/elec laughs and then tells of how one gallery in Kuntshaller lltdlvltltlétlly sold off the pieces of wood from her work. She loves the idea. which is not surprising really as her work is deeply influenced by the legendary theatre director Jer7y Gretewski whose experirizenta the 80s inspired a '.-.rhole generation of artists from the city of Wroclaw. her home town in Poland.

"My work cernes from objectivity not subjectrvityf says Oger/elec. ‘Grotewski helped me and pushed me to decide that my work Will cerne from the objectivity of nature and never from the brarn.‘

Oger/elec's site-specific work is remarkable. all raw ‘.veod scaffolding reaching upwards to create Space Crystal/rsatroh ta system of lines

work in

intersecting one another with a certain "”2-f:' ll‘ilf‘» "‘(,(lil';.l!ltl a (l(}l(}!"l‘|ll(}(l space. shattering it into smaller componentsi. Her work is so huge she


(Georgi'ari s’:iil_t)t;ir(:- studios at the [CA during the Festival as part of Dialog 2. a joint illlllilll‘JU between BWA

f\‘.'.;i'i;i;‘:r<ia n \.".'r(><:la‘.'.'. Dialog it; i2(

‘()()i saw a group of Etlint)ur'gh-based artists make the first pilgrimage.

l"~.s :s 't‘i‘f-I‘: ‘.'létl‘ Just an. exchange exhibition as Su/anne Dunn explains: “These artists arc- coming into these wars that will l‘.()‘.(3l' be gallery duality and creating a live exhibition. They are each given a studio. a time limit and "‘ater'ais, It's a til'tlttl‘(?t3fii‘.'(} exchange that can erily create room for intelligent acade'iiic debate.‘

zght artists spar; three generations of Polish \"ISIOHHI'IOS. There's the old school Il‘. the term of Stanislaw

[)ruxa; (Z.;"::rett:- Poetry and Barb; ra Ke/lex'xska ipainting and lltSlélllélllOlll. There's the dadaist hobbyist Piotr

\J'frfl'.";v'i}.'.‘;t\i plus the

./ lyre/:3. \Jtilixitt..’ll,/,

’t-f:’,’-.t~’_:. in? the work here '.'xrll stay ‘.'.'|ill you forever. (Paul Dalel I l tie/Veer) (if/tr}. 2;“ ($000, It) Aug-- 8 Sop. free.


Trailer flash

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«.erj. best ir‘. tlr‘a‘.'~.riiig_ sculpture and perferr ‘.ance as represented by Janus/ Baldyga. lo'i‘as/ ()panra. Seti Vexmer‘ and Oger/elec. Ephemeral the show n‘ayhe by its very

etc. but vatheut enough distance. the effect is alarmingly disengaging. the second section of papersrerks offers some respite tron‘ the onslaught downstairs. The work here is cleanly hung, less frenetic and more Iyrical in approach. Campbell seems relaxed here. and exer‘ail, these leeser' works are were successful. the final section is a collection of ‘.'."()lt\'|llt) studies often on scraps et

:4, ‘5: Aug].

No evidence painting can explain the fact that there is no rug

in Psycho 1/2

paper ‘.'{HiCl‘ rte "tte to infern‘. and are alrr‘est flht‘flt enable as to then riier'it.

No one ca". accuse Campbell of being Iii/3.: the sheer volume of work on displa\ is a testament to that. but as to nah-ether this show succeeds :s another question. Personally l found it irtter'tmtirigly underwhel'i‘ rig. iMichelle 'lhen‘as‘i I lit/lit)! Hrce (ill/2W“ ese 2;)! l. until ,' Sell. free.