Laid back and funky: Venus Hum, Rob da Bank, the Bees and Alison Goldfrapp

Chilled London club SUNDAY BEST has proved so successful on its home turf that Rob Da Bank is bringing it to the fest. Vt/ords: Peter Stubbs.

\'en the testiVal‘s keenest athoeates \tonld |i;i\ e

to agree that lidinhurgh ean get a \xee hit heetie

met the tnonth ol. August. ()nee -\otI‘\ e heen handed _\‘our 4011] ther and hrzned the swarming. deadly pavements ol‘ tlte ()ld 'l‘o\\n. sometimes not even tnisdireeting a throng ol‘ ensue-seeking; lotlt‘tsls towards Niddi'ie \Viii put the bounce haek in )ottt‘ step. Sometimes sweet musie is the otti} answer.

Sunda} Best. set up h_\ Southatnpton-horn ieonoelast (and one time assistant editor ol .lluyiki Roh l)a Bank. looks like ol‘l'erin‘e a da)‘ ol' peace although it ma} not be all that quiet. Since its ineeption in london in 199-1. the eclectic chill out night has pin) ed host to the likes ol' Basement lass. Ilar\e_\. 'l'om Middleton and Jose Padilla. and Roh no“ presents the li/ue It’uom show on Radio I. laid) signings lo the iissoeiatetl record label inelttded (irome Armada. lemon .le||_\ and Bent.

This summer Sunda} Hest has plznetl a \lt‘ittj.) ol festivals and its \isit to lzdinhureh should he a treat.


‘Our studio is a shed in this big field with loads of cows in’

.loining.‘ .\h it. l-ittnle heinntl thy deer. paih it (it‘ikiiilitil‘l‘ tot (ioltlli'al ti tgtzne _t .1. \enus lltnn all he eraein.‘ the \i;_'t‘ lot i. intuit; ol their \tnt'thtr~ eleehter ~~ttnd~' t-e " \tWett‘ Strean prtn ithtty th- Zt

l’et‘hattstheIto-1Axeztz: litrt it: Eitu t l‘u'tlfll’lldtitee h \l \lt 1‘71 t \itt;.. .’ it til'\\i-.'hl\ the lien. liteir tzyhttt . lhtutt. .l/f‘ \/«. l\ to\ous m ot om \.“lll'fiiillf, regyae. wisps _‘ Hello sunnner teeortl in the nnttttu wt itt\i t r:

and \et; nann to .1 nits newtl tht M I:

ol '\ \huha \lqmat w the .ttotlxtil in =: "xix tnotitl‘»donninglint::;~..:t'te:itt§. u ‘i‘lt lntil last seine ‘te 1.9,“, i. lt \otnethfli' duo l‘ ti [3 t. ‘t o I'leteitet. \iltllilii' ‘.t‘e..i titties _ :tt: nix» »

\\ottntl its on} to etttltlth‘littlt, ih.:t not; ht \ ween augmented h_\ ;n1e\tr;t loin llitl\|elt its on .t ate petting.) e‘~.eitetl_ ‘\\e hue “Ts littittt 1‘. loihminf: t

\ around. lihninfj e‘etsthinv.‘ s henntsetl sottnthng' l lett her. it '\\..t\ t ne itt‘t'Ltt;-~t' the; new niee puts. hut 1 pet the we‘ll!" ttV :wtt: To ltll'tt into one ol' those \tnntl tltuttntnuztttt’ies on .nase lteltt going: them eonllietnn'

'l'he liees~ inlhtenees tittli

twin-.1eaehotltet u litt t tt't‘. i ieleitt‘l ll\l= \ttttv. lth't- lkie" ttti \tlllllkiiitlk‘i‘.‘ hid the \tihes i\\lll. although ll seetns lileli itttlltt' i‘.l\t' ntote tho i: latilr

inspiration ’t )tn ntutho is a shetl in

plot. ides

this iii}: held with hnttls ot eons in.‘ he s;i_\s. ‘So he tnalee as nnteh noise .t\ \‘xe hlee. ll. down this single tratlt toad. .tntt the int~hes seralte the sitle ol _\otn eaz. \\ ltet: son slei inn ot the wileti. it‘s like lteetlotn, Its in tl miles .intl jinn the six) and the hills and there's it‘tlti\ ol siniee and it‘s I‘e;tl|_\ t'elt‘eshingi. Ihat \ltaee is \\.il.ll ne't'e ith‘ixlllf‘ [or in our nntsie.‘

.\n_\one or .I tl;t_\ tint.

Liquid Room, 0870 1690100, 14 Aug, 7.30pm—late, £10.


Keep up there at the back!

I Sunday Best The best in chilled out mellow choons and itfl‘rk‘,’ heats as Rot) da Banks 2 ontion celebration of Sunday woes hits the festival. Full live sets; from the Bees (fresh from

their :‘v’tereury Music Prize nt'iizztriatiorn and Venus Hum.

nit, himself and AliSOn (Boltt'trait-i '1 DJ duties. [JON/U " 7) MOO/00. ill/ed ‘t’ t’),'_>m~/ate, [‘70.



I t()(//7 ', t/(‘E/


I Snatch presents James Lavelle One of the Film

l assess/ale strangest marriages.

t}; 1! nes Layette .t JNK i:‘,’l\/l()"‘.~"“.'at><i and his new :tirrxie. Fire for an Eye. appear a? 1‘ diuhtirtih's filthiest disco

'vnvr; vanitref. “~/’./ttii added DJ detains 2t» ii’tti:3l1ét§)(3()i8i'tiltOlét and Lil) th’iassive Attacki.

L- itttiyl)t'(t\.=‘.' meets lowbrov-r to j_i-:}"-.'It':3;tt'.i":g} effect. [lot/id fie; if}??? :-’.:‘>:'3{). Thu 75 Aug.

.eszr -. riot/x ., e) w ill

I Manga {V‘s/tire hardcore drum 2's; l‘>as:: action as special

{littfifn [JJ {)1} ti ilii (ft/City JOINS) t. i‘i/itil'tta titassit. e. And Honi

Sue's home mate promises to fat-tit; "-r: ortstgto-erit at another giant? and dirty iungle t;,\’f=";{glittéiftx’tt also featuring tutti l‘i'a'ritzot‘: and the Manga (E'?St‘:l7‘ri?it}i ("i i‘viJiC. DJ Kid and t? :r: {'zamerat. [a Bel/e x’t/igle.

/ (2": 22:3 23338. Fri 9 fling}. .' 7.7/7? Slut/7t. 9/0 {.98

I Disco Inferno Not all this (Iittt:l)it‘.tt tiuciness is a serious aitair you know? So join Disco infovno and their soanglg poo tints tor thtftt' tenth birthday

like when ,Xl'i/tt'it/ti was shit planng

(tom: got: torn: inmate house.

\{i’i_fi’\li'1lllffl, it'liiif’xieii

for). /)'t:t,‘t'I/U§.' .1 VLICO. 4/6 .3153; Sat It? /'tt/g. 7!. tgizfiprri (£4217), 5‘8 :‘L‘h‘ m fancy;

I Audio Deluxe One at the original j<)(ii\'f§ from the original warehouse scene. Paul 'li'ott'oie' Anderson, returns to Seotiaitti tor another set of real tie-iii imttse atttion. l‘*'xt.)(}(:t it sitiootii. sanittil and deep as he joins r ?:‘l(i()lii Craig) Smith for this; testival sootrial. [he I;’t>!>t>'.x">.r‘>.‘>. mum; Street

l tit/7‘) (iii/t). 5‘70.