Day Planner

Your 24-7 guide to the festival’s hootspots

1 pm Lenny Beige’s Pick of the Fringe The

big ol brow and xhoit of breath xhowbi/ legend .xet'\ ex up hix choice xeleetion ol prime l-‘ringe cutx. I’lt'asaiu'e. until 24 :lllL’ Inn! 20;. l/nn.

George Pena 0.. l’cna'x larger than life perxonalit). coupled with hix opera-trained voice. tlL‘ll\L‘l'.\ cutting commentar) on old Blight) and bc_\ond. (iili/etl Balloon. 2 26 Aug (not I‘ll. [fill/tin.


We’re Gonna Bugger You! 000

Dill} ing cabaret l'rom Wonderhorxe. Pleasance. until 2.5 xlllL'. 2pm.

Simon Munnery ooo tixpeetctl geniux eclipxed b} decidcdl) merage anarch). The Stand. until 26 .‘lllL’. 2.30pm.


Live! GiflSl CC. l'etttttle douth act tipped ax the next French and Saundcrx.

l’li'tiiuttu'. until 26 Aug tttot 2th. .t..\‘5/nn.

4pm Fred Anderson 0000 San l‘rancixcan

wack) entertainer. The Stand. 55.x 7272. until Aug 26. 4pm.

Pablo Munoz Presents Esto No Es Gual Disnei (‘ould a 5(X)kg Spanixh bull xtcal the limelight from .\luno/ in llttx pat'od} licxta'.’ Bongo ("/ul). until 26 Aug Inot IS. 25 I. Jpnt.

The Sitcom Trials You decide \\ ho goex in the .xileottt ltotlxe. (it/ilt'il Balloon. until 2.5 .‘lllL’ tnot 2U. 25’). 4pm.

5pm The Lords Of The Ring Two men. oite

ring and a biting coined) about the world ol Tolkien lanaticx. (ii/(lei! Balloon. until 26 Aug. 5pm.

One Night Stanza Ror) Motion and Matt llar\e_\ get down and dirt) with poem. xong and adtilt literature. Hill Street Theatre. until 26 .‘lllL’. 5.50pm.

Gladiatrix, She Wolf of Rome

00 lndulgent org} ol' xexual exccxxex. l’lt'axani't'. tuttil 26 xlllL’. 5.55/nn.

Auld Reekie’s Oxters Take an armchair tour ol lidinburgh'x xeamier xide with Smart .\lorrixon and Donna Krachan. 'Ilu' Sta/til. until 26 Aug. 5.40pm.

Big Word Performance Poetry

0.. Jeni Rollx and \'i\ (ice hoxt more li_\peracli\e poetic .xhenaniganx. The Iron. until 26 slug. 5.45pm.

Count Arthur Strong’s Forgotten Egypt 0... l’art-hixtoric. part-anarchic lecture. (ii/ileil Balloon. until 26 Aug lttot I‘li. 5.45pm.

6pm Art of Schmoozing ooo l-icxti l'rom

the Melbourne ('omed) l‘extixal. .-\tixtra|ia'x Anthon) Menchetti and Damian (‘larke re- examine the rulex of etiquette. (ii/(It'll Balloon. until 26 Aug. 6.15pm.

Nicholas Parsons The t‘cxtixal‘x t'exltlelll agon} uncle chewx the lat with a lltixl ol l'ringe regularx. I’leaxatu'i'. until 2.5 :lug tnot 20;. 6.15pm.

Madame Galina (’utting a l'ulxome ligurc. (ialina educatex ballet llt)\ icex in the pertect pax-de-deux. l’li'axitnt (' l)onu'. until 26 slug (not 20;. 6.30pm.

HOIIOW Men Sketch coined) at tlx bext. I’lt'auttut'. until 26 .‘lllL’ tnot 2(ti. 6.45pm. Jason Wood moo Spot on \ocal imprexxionx and naught) pla)lulnexx. Pleasant e. until 26 :lug Inn! 20;, 6.56pm.


Spencer Brown C. An extra xtar ix awarded l'or lilm clipx in an otherw txc diabolical xhamblex, (ii/ilt'il Balloon Ii’tlttl.

Noel Fielding Woodland creaturex. bixcuit tin buxt-upx: no lexx xui’real than )ou would expect lt’ottt one hall ol' the liooxlt. I’li'itwtti’i’. until 26 slug. ,_. Ill/tin.

Chris Addison li\olution explored b} coined} 'x poxh poitttlicatot'. I’ltmanu'. until 26 glue Ittot 21);. 5. l5/nn.

Phil Cool lx on heat watch lnx lace melt into a ga/illion contortionx. (Till) ll('\l (U ('i‘ontu' l’la.'a. lllllll 24 glue. int/lint.

He Died with a Falafel in his Hand .0. Boorixli toilet humour xetx the tone l'or lltlx lilttlxltttt'e c‘ottletl}. (itlilt'tl littlloott.

2 26 glue. -..lll/)Itl.

Jimeoin l'.;tx} going xtand-up lroin .v\uxtralta'x adopted lrithan. .'l\\('lttltl\ Ix’oonn. until 26 glue Inot I‘ll. "Hill/tin. Omid Djalili moo The man with the winning xtmle lcax ex behind the glamour ol' lloll} \xood to go Bi'lntul latte/m [.llll \. l’lt'axant t'. until 26 .'lllL’. "Hill/int.

The Treason Show .\ coxnitc c‘ttlllxlotl between biting xatn'e and pop lntx. /’l¢'a\ant 1'. until 26 .vlue. [quill/tit].

Andre Vincent 0000 Vincent lea\cx ltlx \Ic‘k bed to L‘ttlllTUlll lttltoox. (itlilt’il Balloon. until 26 glue Inot I61. 7.45pm. Around the World in a Bad Mood! O... Rene l-‘oxx turnx lrom xnnling trolle) doll) to hard axx huniorixt in her expoxc ol' the airline mduxtr}. (ii/rial Balloon. until 26 glue tnot l‘li. 7.45pm.

8pm Danny Bhoy 00. Smooth ttelner)

lrom thtx bedimpled charmer. l’lrauuu ('. until 26 .'lllL’. Spin.

Dark Side of the Toon Jamex l’ci'guxon. l’aul .\lcNeill atid John \lcllridge lead a tour ol' lidinburgh'x underworld. /"in .llai ('ool'x. until 26 .vlug. [Sp/n.

David O’Doherty 000 Mm mg. melancholic obxet'\aliottx xcr\ ed up w ith an lrtxli brogue and a ke}boatd. (illtlt’rl Balloon li‘tlltl. tittttl 26.1112. (Spin.

Jackie Clune l.axt )ear'x Bitt ltin' lcxbiati getx to gripx with her hetero—xenxual xide. :lur’tnltlx Rittttth. tutti/26.1112. Spin.

Jason Byrne l.axt _\eai'\ xurprixe l’errier nominee returnx to drench audiencex with hix Imprm ixed brilliance. I’li'axant ('. until 26 glue (not 2%. Spin.

Stonewall Gala l.ce l".\anx. Jttltali (Tar). Roxx Noble and Daniel Kitxon are .nnongxt the xtarx lilting up lot‘ Stonewall. I't’\l!trll 'llu'atn'. /6 it lilac. rS/nn.

Jimmy Carr 0... l)\}L‘llttlllt‘ltt[tl\l- turned xtand-up delncrx a deluge ol unrelated one-litierx. (ii/ili'il Balloon li’t‘iol. uttttl 26 glue mo! 21):. 5’. I5/nn.

Kandi Kane The mce little .lcwixh girl with a Pcnchant lor (‘haneL Martini and induxtrial control tightx xharex her neuroxex llig :\pp|c xt} lee. (ll/(l(’(l Balloon. until 25 .lug tnot l‘lt. 52/5/1111.

Addy Borgh .0. Step inxidc the mind

ol litttt'll .llltl lune \i. lllt lt'x inxt‘iwtl 'tltlx"t"x

Le hit parade: Prio their greatest hits at


"it Fro 26 slug tnot 2llt. N’.2(I/nn.

Boom Chicago - Rock Stars 0000 Haw lexx xketch troupe hailing l'roin America and Holland. Prepare to be enthralled. (ii/(It’ll Balloon 'Ii't iot. utttil 26 .lue Inot 22L tS..\'(l/nti. Richard Herring O... llcrring'x real third~e}e opener lit/line (oil. I’lvmani'i'. until 26 slug Inot 2th. SAW/tin.

Sarah Kendall... Saxx} x\ll\ll';lll;ltl xhcila. (ii/ili'il Balloon. until 26 slug tnot I‘li. Swill/mt.

Colin Murphy The Northern lrithan ix a xttre-lire lexlthtl Clo“ dplcaxet‘. l’lt’itutttt (’. until 26.1112. 8.55pm.

Alan Francis oooo Sharp. dark tickle \llc‘kx l'l'ttlll llllx .llt\ltllt‘ ,llilirm (III '\ lit-1: lttt/H‘t'nlolt regular. (iili/t'tl Balloon. until 26 .lug'. S.~l5/nn.

Bob Downe O... The walking. talking. xmgmg. dancing ('olgate ad\et'l ix litter. leaner and lunnter than ex er. .‘l\.\¢'ltlltl\ It’ootnx. until l—xlug. 3.45pm.


Otis Lee Crenshaw The lt'atlet‘ It'axlt- talking. big band xinging l’errier winner comex o\ er all I’l’l'lllt'ltllh. .'\,\\(’Ittltl\ RUUHH. IN 26 xlll'J. ‘I/mt.

Jeff Green The cherubic one continuex to charm and ainuxe in hix own iinpixh little wa}. .'l\\(”lI/’l\ Rootm. until 26 .'l1lL’. ‘l/nn. Reginald D Hunter The xonot'ottx-\oiced Yank philoxophixex on relationxhipx. (it'll/ml Balloon. until 26 .'lllL’. ‘lptn.

Ross Noble 0.. Surreal. imprmixed and quite axtonixhing \\ hen on lorm. I’li'aianu'. until 26 glue Inot 2th. ‘l/nn.‘ George Square llu'att't'. /5. lo'. 22. 25.4142. niiilniu/tt.

Mark Salem The px} cholog} prol'exxor bogglex the mind. :lxu'inltli Rooim. until 26 slug Inn! [(6. 9.05pm.

Sean Lock l’errier nominee and pt‘ool that )ou don't ha\ e to wear to be lunn}. .‘lHt'ttt/tlt Rootnx. until 26.1112. 9.15pm.

Lucy Porter 0.. liringe debutante who ix xo inxtantl} ltkcable. )ou'd be a lool not to lall lot” ltet‘ xtll} xlol'lex. (it'ltlt'il Balloon 1mm. until 26.1112. 0.15pm.

Sucker l.a\\ rence l.eung‘x criticall) acclaimed expoxe ol card xharkx. .'l\\t'llll’l\' lx'oonts. until 26 .vlue. (1.15pm.

Sandy Nelson oooo l‘rom Belle and Sebaxtian to llue and ('r). Nelxon'x popxtar chumx w Ill be out in lorcc. The Stand. until 26 .‘lllL’. ‘/.2ll/nn.

Alan Carr 0... Sharp. xttxx} material with pitch perl'ect comic timing. I’li'aiani ('. until .luu 26. ‘l..t’lI/tttt.

Adam Hills 2lllll l’crrter Notninee returnx to talk about hix predominant lclt loot. l’lc’auitu ('. until 26 slug. ‘l.."ll/mi.

Andrew Maxwell t’int-xi/etl lrixhntan l‘lt'\\t'(l \\ tilt the gll'l oi the gill). (IT/(It’ll Balloon. until 26 .lue tnot I‘ll. ‘l.."l)/nn.

The Nonsense oooo ‘ool Pm- ~v

liddie .\lc('abe get xill}. Honeycomb. until 25 slug Inot [9). 9.30pm.

Pam Ann 0000 Pam ix a.x camp as ('hrixtmax and ten timex ax lunny. (ii/(led Balloon li'i'iiit. 225 215/. until 25 Aug (not l‘)t. 9.30pm.

Rob Rouse ooooo Big. daft and out of control. Rouxe i.x let looxe on the lidinburgh public. Watch him l1}; (ii/(led Balloon 'Ii'i-iot. until 26 Aug. 9.30pm.

Daniel Kitson 0... bond inuxingx and touching .xtoriex peppered with swearing. prolanit} and xtuttering. Pleasance. until 26 slug (no! 2U). (1.45pm.

Men in Coats The double act who ain't taiix ol the warm weather xhould be right at home in lidinburgh. l’lt'asutu‘t'. until 26 Aug Ittot 21);. 9.45pm.

Jason John Whitehead ooo Laid back (‘anadian dread-head with a .xclection of eaxil} digextible obxenationx. I’lc'uxatu‘e. until 26 due. 9.45pm.

1 0pm

Brunton Disorderly Edinburgh-born coutedian (iordon Brunton .xpewx llo on lalltet'ltood. llarley l)a\ idxonx and Scotland. (illlll't/ Balloon. until 26411.9. IUpIn.

Glenn Wool’s 0.. A queaxy concoction of medical xtoriex and surreal meandering. (ii/(lei! Balloon. until 26 Aug Inot I‘lt. Ill/mi.

lch Bin Produkt The .xecretx ol advertixing mixtruxt laid bare b} lrixh xtar James (ioldxbur). (‘ o2. until 25.4112. Ill/tin. Howard Read Read .xharex the stage with hix mini me. little Howard. Pleasance. until 26 Aug tttot 2()i. ll).l)5pin.

Doug Stanhope American lirextarter makex hix liuropean debut in a Male of glory. The li'ott. until 2U;lue. [0.30pm.

Paul Zenon 0.. The Sultan of Swindle and King of ('on demandx to be seen. .'l\\t’lttl)l_\' Rootnx. until 26 slug. tow/mi. Craig Hill 0.. The diva iii-waiting bitcx back at met-inflated cgox. .‘l.\’.\(’llll)l'\' Roonn. until 26 .‘lllQ (not l8). [0.30pm. Peter Kay The Bolton-born .xtar of Phoenix .\'iglit\ returnx lor hix lirxt festival datex .xince hix Perrier nomination in 98. .'l.\\(’ltll)l_\' Rootm. 2/ 26 zlue. ll)..i’()/nn.

Phil Nichol oooo ‘('ork_\' and the Juice l’igx‘ member gixex the audience a good licking. l’li'nxani'i'. until 26 .’lll_L’. /()..i’5pm. Ricky Grover ooo llett\'_\\\'elgltl champ (irm er tacklex the biting ixxuex ol the da}. (ii/(lei! Balloon li't'iot. until 26 slug. 16.45pm.


Brendon Burns ooo Raucoux. foul- mouthed. )et likeable ranting. I’leasatu‘e. until 26 .vlug. ll/nn.

Mickey D 0.. Young Auxtralian turnx out cox)‘ ):t amuxing tare. (ii/(lei! Balloon. until 26 due (not 20;. ll. l5ptn.

Mullets 8. Daughters ooo Sarah Adamx needx more polixh to xhinc. l’leaxunt‘e Dome. until 26 slug (not 20;. //.2l)pnt. Charlie Chuck O. ()ne gag joke monke} gi\ ex eardrumx a battering. (ii/(lei! Balloon. until 26 slug. [lam/tin.

Rich Hall and Mike Wilmot 0000 The two Americanx xet out to prove that (ieorgc Dub) a ix the xingle bext American prexident e\ er. .'l\.\’(’tttltl\' Roonix. until 26 slug. //.-l5/tnt.

Scott Capurro The San liran xhocker gearx up for xome comical group therap}. .‘l.\\(’ltll’l_\' Roontx. utttil 26 slug. I/.-l5/nn.

Silly hours Silky’s Midnight Run Trip the light

lantaxtic with Silk}. (’lult lli'xt (0 ('rowni' I’la."a. until 24.4142. nut/night. Pleasance Nights [.m- Itiuxic. Im- comed} and l’ro-l’lux lor the lixe-and-xtill- ali\e—erx. Pleasance Donu'. l5 /t\'.'lug A" 22 26 slug. l2..i‘ltatn.

The lmproverts Manic improx' troupe xcale the heightx ol' xpontaneit)‘. Bet/lain Theatre. /2 24xlug. l2..\’()atn.

The Establishment ('omed) and niuxic \hcnaniganx. (C until 25 slug. lain. Late’n’Live 'l‘crrilied comedianx face a barrage ol beet xoaketl liecklex (tilt/i (.I