Thursday 15

Mister Pu (Pu-San) [Mm/rouse, noon, [4 50 [3' F "st f3 m t"e Ko" Iohrkawa "etr‘osifecxrxe. am the first .nstalment of the Japanese 'r‘aster's oomro tr.|og‘,‘ anon! the ar‘re'r‘arkaoe rite of a mathematics teacher. Explosive Fragments 1 fr/rnnouse, 3.30pm. The frs‘. of six p'og'a't‘n‘es of short films ‘ron‘ at ox'er tr*(>'.'.':;ra<1. Soft Shell Man .0. f'r/lnnoi/se, 4' 30pm. T“-s sI ska, ri‘ade fiesta, e

mow e in Andre Tomi." ‘oloxzs underwater ohotodraoher A'ex as "e recovers from a so (DUES a<::: dth n the Indian Ooearz.

Pleasant Days ll/rnhouse, 5 a’ODm Grittty. sexual; (2"{i"§}(}(l oortrat o‘ alrenated youth. Hangar-a“ ‘rs'. tr're fllriirrtaker Kore-:2 M:.."LH‘. to Kids.

Just a Kiss .0. Cameo,

5 30pm. Loosez, :i;>::;.'i‘e"‘. "g; the loose sexoiots

a‘ a oose {I’LIUII :. se~ aosorlea MM area! nut/«sap. Just A

K/Ss (BXdYMl‘tFa -.'e.i:.1:.‘. (,tiid.‘>.'./l,"l(. <.or:s~:3::der\,es o a -.~!l‘o-_.dht

TI<1¥E>()." (.o'r '7‘:.1:(} ': a ' wit} non ' (,atl‘e' he Bro'rle.

The Fire Within O. F/lrnnouse, 6pm ll‘e "::"‘-::~ We. -::- :: :2

nor“; woe ::o;:::’e ~ B'>l: £1"-Zl ' BO‘.'.’(‘:":3. Boo r‘as ::-::--::-" HIV :. < ' ' " seventeen years. lv‘oegi" saz: am i‘. 's :i“<:..°. ‘.:: “."rr‘k o‘ a "‘::"<:~ 'i‘Ei"!l).r£i'q‘.(E12:21:..ft‘ti'féi", "a" t"-::- as'. ‘ex'.’ years. Pas Dar-:1-

Japon C... Hrnnouse, 3pm A ol“;.'s<:a:*§. and -::«rro‘.::"a: ::ri:i:e:: ma" eaxes the ::rt, f::- sown»: 3:... ‘de h '."e £.()L.'l’."“. "- t" s new :;‘ entereatez: beast, ‘Cat'ieri'e 8mm -::~. All or Nothing 0.0. UG(, inn)

After ".'8 sad)" so ::-:>i:a"‘.;."e 'r‘to oer at. 'lrama mt." 7o,.'.)s;,r-7irru,x Nike 1 eor‘ s naok on fan‘.1 ar fer" to";.: e'r‘<>t:or‘;‘:.

reoress’o" and ‘am south east l <>-":::;r‘ (:ou"::!‘ estate. The Cuban Game 0... film/rouse, 8pm Set adaz'st droi) of the QTPUC oasehai! gan‘e net's/eon the Batrmore 0' (Les and the Cohan nat:ona‘ Team. trias f"<>roi.g;hfi.

researched <1.:<!ar~. Jena-Is we

the “aux

l1<3'.‘r.|f}(}."."-(;'tlf3ii)l”, of (Ideas "at :;"a dame.

Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet O... (arneo, 8pm A :arden, saooessfei atte'rm‘. at the much maloeed nortnraruteai. form: f;(?‘.(3li dreofdrs dine sexe" :><:-"so"a. re“. "mote takes o" 'tzme'.

How to Draw a Bunny .0... l/lrnr'rouse, 9pm lasoir‘a‘. (it; ;)(>".ra.'. :2‘ Ray Johnson. The ‘orgiotten not) art's‘. ‘.'."’V_) vs ail too ::»earl‘, ‘.;"(3 gen as 'rz'ssrr‘o .ek {,(E’..'."(3(}l1\Vl'léfii‘ do Kooemg; ar‘d A"dg.' ‘.'.’arl‘o|.

Sex with Strangers 00 um ‘, 9 300m S‘Hi'lg‘llg (:oirnles James ar‘d Theresa. Gerard and Shar‘r‘o" and Calvin and Saral‘. are as the, out 3. living; out thei' ‘ar‘tasres l in o" nussed ()l)l)()r'.ll'i|i es. '(Z‘SSLi‘iliigli n a i)()lllil‘.3f;f;l‘,/ ‘.«'o\,’eurrst:<: exercise. 'l lee'i Mohadhar‘ I Irreversible I... ///rnhouse, 10pm Forget all the "aorta hype ar‘d sitreks of ‘soar‘dal'. (3; soar Noe's Irreversrble deserves 1:; he fif:r‘f3‘t2(3t‘(3<i

on ts 'herlts. It's a (term!) no d'ttt




8 WOMEN cos

French filmmaker continues to surprise COO

Francois Ozon’s prolific career continues to head off in unexpected directions. Following the scrupulously controlled and haunting bereavement drama Under the Sand, he returns with the flamboyant murder-mystery-

musical 8 Women.

Based on a little-known Robert Thomas play, it’s a stylised and deliberately theatrical adaptation, which like the director’s earlier Water Drops on Burning Rocks, is restricted to a single setting, in this case a French country mansion in the 19505. There, while the family gathers for Christmas, papa is found dead in his bed, and the

suspects in the house are all female.

Was it his wife Gaby (Catherine Deneuve), or one of his two daughters (Viriginie Le Doyen, Ludivine Sagnier)? Or his sister-in-law (Isabelle Huppert)? Or perhaps his mother-in-law (Danielle Darrieux)? Perhaps it was the victim’s estranged sister (Fanny Ardant), or the housekeeper (Firmine Richard)? Or the maid (Emmanuelle Beart)? The police, however, can’t be called because the phone lines have been cut, the car won’t start, and walking is out of the questions in this snow. (Tom Dawson)

/i/,Y , / II Iklt1_)':/.

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Seu/ (ont'e tor/s 1/ Stand A/O/lf‘r. "eels

" tin“, ll (‘1' \ll‘\l(, “(1.3% t; (1.x/tiv\i

'.'.':;'r‘.a" Mon'ea Bel;.:::: ::" "e" zia'f.. A'id f"e" en'er‘ Kathe". Noe ‘oohses :‘y oe‘..'~.'-:3e" (Jasse‘ and Be hoe:

.'lr()(,(:i". tttmiitfi'ptffyf: :1:

":)H‘.(} ‘row a .ndrr‘c;

. (120' i (3' Siill‘ii:

:‘l‘e fast traok to the

."(.'<1lt:f>l1,'X'_. ..

f: 3/1”."

«oer: i‘g; {,oar 'ter‘.e. See teatwe.

Lightbox frr/rnnouse, IO 30pm Mirrorhafi oragirann‘e cored. it; the o.‘ the auto" d's tar) ix‘otogir‘aphers N (:k K!‘.I§}"i.Cl’éiltliV1(I[.)(}{il‘. So“. Sar‘dsho .'.«“-:<:l‘ Mus tt‘e 'ine netxree". stir s ar‘d the moved ‘n‘age. James Lavelle: Eye for an Eye Launch [loo/d Rooms, 1030/)rn {‘3 ine Mo' Wax founder oremze'es his ‘ates‘. UNKI i“ frn‘ lye for an [Eye 'a


'.'."‘.h musk: pro'i‘e 'r‘akers

:3 fH/(j. 1’11/7.3/ '5 ".\)(/.

l)(}()li(}.'.".~13". The Happiness of the Katakuris Carneo, [I More Horror sorrow.

a 'an‘w‘. rs" 'r‘o..r".a'\. .r‘v‘.

.2“ t:l~_: t.’ z.- tides. KL;(:I,' .;>oea' "rd.

[)e" -_:' fez: ::‘.‘U' o, .i e standards e.

,Jar:a"'s M ke 'Audrtron' Takashu Friday 16

Billionaire (Okuman Choja) li/lrnnouse, noon, {1150 f?» Kor‘ |<:!‘:ka‘.'.a's :2 aok so"e~.‘.l:a: (I:)'t‘(}:t‘,.

l‘ t'W: f)". MK”? t). ."(t i:()'l‘l,l."v(,i Oi


Hires" ma.

Cinema Extreme: Famous Shorts (mneo, l.) 90;)rn Pushing; the or nr‘dares of short hm storyteluxg. Explosive Fragments 2 Film/rouse, I {Op/n Pr':>dr'ari"i‘-e of short hints from at one" 1?‘<>'.'.r<)".<1.

Marlene Dietrich - Her Own Song .0 f-r/rnhouse, 2 i’Op/n Somethmg of a m-ssed opportunity. Dletr (:h’s grandson J. Davrd Hwa had ante-rise (:ollaoorattve help in bringing the lie STOP, of this \.vor‘-der'ful Prussian Princess to the screen -r‘otahiy TFOH‘. those iterating the Dreireol‘ Colleotoh at the l'lm Museum. Berta» Yet h.s film 18 as dost; and dry as a year old Bl;i"(i(?"l)tll§j oake. l're prohrem lies 1.“. Kanr‘ Kearr‘s' "exerer‘tial ser of. Jaime l ee Ctu'trs' 'lifSllNU reading; of said script and Bree Rothenhaoh's i: oddir‘g ‘HCIUOl‘iéii n‘usro It's oxelt to see the old tootade of the B/ue Angel.

are the detal sinroanw‘g; her wa'trme

Ct 'll(}E>l.

aetrxit'es s :r'rterest'r‘g. no. t" s extraorzrruir‘. :ma" some-Mo‘s; :1ese"xes hotter. Pam Dae Reflections on the Political Scene of the Sixties Film/rouse, 3pm, {(1 5013 Ti‘ree ‘r‘nts - Street Songs. The Brig a":: Guns of the Trees ‘rem Jonas Mews. t'ie dod‘atner of Amerea". a\.a"t -g;a"::e ‘- n‘n‘aking. The Orange FilmFour Prize for Short Film FI/rnnome, Born, {5

{[3 .50 Sx ‘i'Tafrst's files from ‘(300 (,1 res .e ‘or f"e tot: on/e: ten gya'id a":: a" °."':‘-1}()".C"£i!‘i"(?r -1.

Every Day God Kisses Us on the Mouth .0 r’r/mnouse, 5 30pm R(;lil£i"!{tl‘. ‘lvrtn‘ake' Salsa Dragwi's ‘:'n‘ is a oaroes ooml) nation of arm. set: a toned :rnstr'aor..s'r‘- and throwing; n‘eiod'ama. Here the (:entraé character ‘Dar‘ C;)"Lh.t’d(:'i(}i heos a l"a'id‘u o‘ differer‘t '.r'.ro.'r‘er‘. gets to oon‘m.t sexera murders and a! t"e while seems to he going; through some so": at spiritual cr;s.s. What's absent. though. as the presence of trnie rr‘. t"e wage. a 'a Tarkovsky or law. so that the "LVNOU H‘IOIOUFLIH‘HIKJ elements tied to pron/moral oesnar' leave the fm‘ dose to r-s'he. .lo'“, MoKrho'rr Strass OOO (fa/net), 5 ?0:)rn Has the Dodnte exoehreent tzr‘aln, ts (:ourse'? While Strass nan: no ::;:;.::t hate t“e ntarw‘esto's "eaamasters ticking at‘ the '..;es ‘.‘.'.".!(3" this Belgiar‘'ttar3. adheres to so idlii‘fdtiy filmed-'1w'ienttd t ‘ey add "shout at the top of your voice for 83 m netes' to the I'st'r‘u Strass Slfilpl}, oon‘es over as a self-parody at the ‘genre'. rather than

an |"~(IIE‘~.\.(? per‘etratrort "to the ane'ld at
