Film buffery taken to a whole new level 0000

Cinemania is potentially the most disturbing film of the Festival, if you see yourself anywhere on the sliding scale between regular film goer and film buff. German filmmakers Angela Christlieb and Stephen Kijak’s documentary follows a small group of New York- based buffs as they spend their lives watching movies and obsessing over them. It’s very likely you’ll be able to identify with some of the quirks of these people, and with this realisation may come panic.

Think you have an impressive ability to store film trivia in your head? Well, there’s a buff in this film who can recall the running time of any film from memory, and

if a cinema screens a film that runs, say, two minutes short of its 108, he complains to the management. Don’t like to miss the beginning of a film? Another of Cinemania’s buffs deliberately diets to constipate himself so that he can avoid using the john at any time during the average of five films he watches every day.

While all of this is highly amusing, Christlieb and Kijak aren’t in the business of ridicule. Theirs is a celebratory portrait of people who both love and are victims of film going culture, a film that’s by turns hilarious and

saddening. (Miles Fielder)

I fir/Irmouse. .7 /' Aug. 2.30pm: Cameo. 2.3 Aug. Sip/r).

New Work 2 UGC 7 30pm, [d 50 *[31 Marsre frl'r‘s from the '.'.'or!d's top pop pro'rto and <::)'t"t‘(:-r<;rals urreotors. Take Care of My Cat Cameo, 8pm See Sun 18.

Australian Rules .00. UGC, Sen; Paul Gold'r‘an's trl'r‘. paees Itself l)(}"f€}(lll‘:.. 'r‘o‘.rr‘g ‘ro"‘ the (hr-13!“, elegrae to a no out and err‘otronal elrn‘a . then to a thoughtful <:on<:lus.orr. Du'r‘l>.e and Blackre are two 'trates pla‘,:rtg tor a hush Aussre rules Iea'r‘ Err a sleep, and r'e'r‘ote t'rslrrrrg to'.'.n. Makrng the Grand that :s a 'r‘aJor boost for the i()‘.'.5ll and the par'adoxreally '-.'.'hrte Blaekre sees .t as rrtrxed up ‘.'.'Illl nrs genera; rrtes of

p; ssage ll‘()'lt adoreseenee. But undereurrents of raers'r‘. .'.'hr<:lr ’.'.‘()t'l\ aga.nst the ahorrgrnal Du'rtnre and hrs hlaek tea'r: 'r‘ates 'r‘ake therrsel;es felt at ‘url tr"‘e. Good pe-rtor'r‘arxees (tl‘tl srr‘art paerng 'r‘ake thrs an 'tfffllSUl‘, tehahle trl'r‘. Steve (Jr'zw‘er.

The Son of the Bride 0/ I,

8 30pm See Sat lI'.

Digging for Dutch: The Search for the Lost Treasure of Dutch Schultz OO f-r/mr’rouse, 9pm ll‘e old adage ahout frndrng gold at the end of the r‘arnhozur -s New n thrs ::l‘.ar'r‘:ng. hut long (l()(lll.’l‘,(}l‘.l£tl", about olmessrzre treasure hunters rn a

s'riall A'r‘errean rrrountarn town. l‘herr guest rs to trad a hox. '.'.'hr<;h legend has rt. rs tu’l of |( o .vorth 'r‘rllrorrs. lt .‘xas hurred re 1.93:") l», gangster Duteh Senuix. da,s hefore he was shot dead. Laura levrne starts the nanatrz'e deelarrng If she found the rrehes she would rr‘ake a llr'l‘. ahout rt: so we are ed to helrexe tro'r‘ the outset. that she .‘xvil. lhe shot (,‘orr‘posrtrons < t the .‘rerr'tl arid ‘.'.'onder less folk she rnter‘xre‘xxs ; .‘e rrr‘agrrtat we; '.'."‘rle their stones al>o .t Sehuit/ areal :;:;r‘.tradr<;torj,. You'd he ehelled to catch th.s or: the tell}. l)t.l ~.'.'at(;nrrrg rt 1‘: the ernerr‘a. rt krno of goes on and on a o't. rCarolrne Mason..


Breath Control: The History of the Human Beat Box 0...

UGC, 9 if): rrr, £4 50 It's ear". ;;...a' I. at).

(1. JUL. \,:(l {:\l:) \i\/\I'\1~l.\, .(i . ‘(hu It ) I . u‘ (Ln [A u " ;r\’III II Ir_r-' v ' 'r t“(, V \I ,(1 )‘ {A t > .’ ‘I \) 'V'lr I I I ° II 0 , o Cu u I 0' <1.(/ '11 b 1 N\ 1' I \l /{ ) \l '\ 'A 1‘ ' ) '. I ( K ' l (i but I \la { '

thl.u \ {Il:1;LD\;..)(1 \l L/xlklu L

I .g"\ I I. m llr,l‘° 4‘. It' b Kw ‘I ; l 2.) ' t. t... t, tau: .>' r/ :1 mt, ,.,,,‘ HI"\/‘H [t o o ;\ ,\ ,\,. ,VA ,~ l \I it» 5 > I \I\,<l ' l l(‘- .

' /\ t .) (1) u 1 l I) i K s

\r . ) / l . I A.’ (A \/(‘A l ' ' l'\

Burr le‘, All About Lily Chou-Chou O... II/rrrnotIse 9 Wolf. See Sat

The Trespasser Cameo, IO {Op/r:

Ft“). a (in (ltlut/ti. \l\l l. “MIL \llK,<l ti ,t, ,, ,, ,.o. 6,.,_,, B 3,. L5 ,to En. . ' '.r\(" ’.7' "r '1' Ir-II '1‘! ’/,r ’.’I I‘,/i‘

St Etienne London Film Project fr/rnnouse, 70 30,017), I .70 'le 7501 St Etterwe pa, a .e 'r1x o. t'fe so.."»:l'."'>':v<s t ' e "he"? n s.

Wednesday 21

The Importance of Being Earnest O. Odeon, I lam, { 3’ rsen/or (rtr/e/rs' s< lee/mtgr See Sat

Fires on the Plain (Nobi) l‘r/rn/rouxe, I), l.‘>p/rr, {/1504 )’r Kon lehrka-xxa's ar‘tr ‘.-.'ar trrrrxs recounts rn harr‘o‘.'.'rug detail the experrerrees ot a Japanese soldrer lost rr the l’hr‘rpprr‘e 'rrotrntams.

Broadway, Black Sea 0... l-r/rrrnouse, l/ {Op/7r See Mon 13). Detained f‘l/Ili/lUt/St’, I 15pm See Sat lI'

Cinevvorks film/rouse, .2 30pm Slto.'.t;ase of short trims n‘ade {trough the (Erasgosr hased censuses; * rurnakrng outtrt.

Loving Couples Ir/m/rouse 3pm, £4 50 '13! Mar /.e‘.te' rng's t."derrate<r ’iir‘s (:lassrt: ll()ltt S.'.edet‘.. a iook a’. the .'.’ar of He sexes as :tet’."ed througrt three ‘.'.'()llr(:'l o". the sarne rrraternrt‘, ~.'.’a.'d.

I From the Other Side 0.... Frlrrrhouse, i lbp/rr See Mon 19. Confession O... ILr/rrrnouse,

4' 30pm See Mot: l8}.

Skillset: Careers in Film UGC‘,

4 30pm, free event You wants to '.‘.u"k lli trlrn’? lnrs sessron rs esoeerarl; desrgrred tor peopre at school or college .'.no .'."a.'tt to ‘.'.erk n the rndtrst'}..

The Guru .0. SM: 8(ii l r'.

The Idol f-r/rrrnome, .5 J’Oprn See Sat lI'.

Explosive Fragments 4 Him/rouse,

(mm r)'<,.,"a'r.'r.-., s".:.'. it s an at

(a/rreo, 5 .30pm

Le Souffle UM, 6pm. be. . (il\l|/ tIl(1.t .)».)<ll/(1.>L\,d \I<1.<t ‘rIny‘ IxIxt I. IV. ;,,-~',\ 4" $.i,',,o [>i,,\{;,.


I Rabbit-Proof Fence O...

OH, () fOpIrr See ‘8.

Sex is Comedy 0.. fi'rttfntnme, /,.')/rr loose, oaseu .>r‘ tr‘e rnakrr‘g of A Ma Boer/I". hut (:orrtrnerttl'rg o"

()afhe' r‘e Hetat's '.'.orv< ge"-:‘:"a:l.. Ame Parnasd r:~.‘:',s a tact 4e :: "eetor '.'.'no"- stop at ":;'.""g to get ftta'. "t mate rrr:>rrt<:'rf or‘ seree". lifeliat's 'r.rn s a". arrr..s"g :,;:'n watts" of se‘P :i-zap'et:ator‘ are set agg'a'rd serner‘t. [Zea lire at .s"". as '.'.(;t(l r:ornr:o..s as she's preseotea here: on t

nettle s s"e at. te it‘e sex :1" ‘egs

o' ‘. ') ,‘p t“ ,‘ “HI: ,,‘,\ l,t1't .' '1' trltlxa \.\r..)<lf) ‘3' tl‘J,’ OWN. / (l tutu/I. . :11“, .. l! . (, :)(:(:i\/» \. .)K,X\It‘.

'..lll<l(,l, \/.' Multftf' LYKHJZI) . ll. \).?'\:':) (i Iv... t(lrt,(:tl er: (is '.l t.‘ (left/Kt \2 glut"; \ItJI' (i'Vii N4<i:)\ixll(i£i t".

lor‘j. Mt:‘r<t:t7'

,1, -. ,4“.

Surprise Movie UGC, 7pm The trot treket of the l'rlrn l-est \.a!. (loud

i) : a euft ‘tlrrw rPu/p fr< tron was a )t'(}\.:()t.f$ surpriser. <:o.rld he arthouse :S/rroke. or :t eould he hloekhuster '[A (ont’rdentra/r. You don't gets to kn: t.l‘ll tne (:urtarrts part on the rught.

To Be and to Have OOOO (.a/rreo, /;)/rr See ML)". ‘9. Revengers Tragedy (arrreo, 8pm Alex Cox updates tl‘e Jaeohean (:lassze. "e:ot:atrr‘-g It to post apoealyptx: Brrtaarr. Derek .Jaeoo. Christopher l eelesto'r and l ode l//ad star. See teatere.

Thirteen Conversations About One Thing UGC 8pm See Sur‘ rs. Out of Control film/rouse, 8.0m

lne latest stroe of' ‘.'.'()r'l<r"g <::ass ~te T'rorn [)orrr nre Savage the you-"g Ke" Loaen to sorre- tollo\.'.'s tour teerat ho,s as the dahhle n petty e' we as an es(:at)e frorn titer tttif;(?7’£il)l(3 'xes. Document: Shorts elm/rouse, 9pm Short t'.|rns that are aso <toe..nrerrtarres. see'.’ Int: ".rzlng one. SA); H/gh. aheat an t (lll‘l)t.'"§l" roofer ‘.'.rho (1:):‘s‘,'ogaorr top a"'tgs. All or Nothing 0... r’lrrrhouse, 9 30pm See lrru 1:").

One Hour Photo 0.0. UG(‘ /, 9 {Op/n On the (2\.r(l(:~'t::~::- 1’ l‘rs as: three rnoxres. Roan ‘.‘.’rl :a'“:; has ltttitht'l‘.'.'(El(1()fl‘(}(l(}(2rf;()'7f()f£lr\{:()'l 'r‘tre‘t darker. rnore t'rterest ng roles. a It"t) :d as a good tlttrtg, lr‘ th s ()(l(ll‘\, rr‘o‘. so: l>t.r'rrr‘g that e". \.'.’ lnarrts t2'a‘,s Parrsrt Io" tl‘e photo a lonel‘, ser‘ror elem .r‘ a Stil)(}"'l‘.{t"vfl(}f pl‘oto eer‘t'e .'.ho heeonres

dangerous; oleessezl .'.:'.h see-rmr‘gg,

rrroue that can orrl‘, he (res:

()(;(il .(ir'ul. \' {I V()"\l.';.). .. .'

per‘fet:’. .rrereasrgl‘, drs'...rl:r."g resuts. l’tt‘; tzr‘t .s arr :rrrpresszze t"'s‘. feature ’ror" poi: ororno d'reeto" Mark ROHXi'KEK. {if‘il \‘."r. =ar"s grues a ter'rrttt: pt;"f't>r‘r‘tgt"::(> that's not": ere-er), ar‘a 5;",lt‘l)£illt(1-l!(1 at the sarrre trrrte. lvlattl‘ev.’ Turner

Reel Warp UM, .70 50pm, [/1 50 r13: See i 1‘. ‘1‘.

Angela .00 ('a/neo, 70 30pm ‘ir‘os 2 glar"<;rt:t.s .'.orrren \,:>.r see eookrog tlrer gout; thers pasta a"d herrg f;'t‘.;t(:iv\(?12 around l); their

g xxrtelats. Hotter'ta lane's Sterlg. set diarr‘a foeuses on one ot’ these troads 'ather' thar‘, the lat grease halls settr‘ lilln of l>err‘.g ".'.rha(:ked' and 'ntade' s thus relegated to the >a(:kgrour‘< . along nurth the drug deals Angela's Mafra hushand rrtakes ‘.'.’lll‘. the hoys the haekr‘oorrt. lorre lor'egr'ounds Angela's trgt‘trope unalk lrt’estgle. as she serues as a go l>et'v.'.'eer‘. for hapht's Mot) and a drug rrng. a.l tlte trrrte tlfl(l(}.' polzee sur“.er|l.'rn(:(:-. Atoough, as nurth rts Anter'rean eou'rterparts. Ange/a ends )'t a err'r‘e does not pay tli)‘.'.’l‘:l)(}tti note.

.orne'r are usual]; rnar‘rred to.

the sul:st.tutror‘ of rrra<:ho ‘.'roler‘::e ‘.'.!tt‘. Ange‘a's personal dralerr‘vra rrralxes tor a ref’reshrng addrtror‘ to the gt r‘gster rr=o\.re genre. 'Mrles F-elder A Private Affair OOOO

Min/rouse, 70 900/7) See lue 2’0.