Out and about on the festival

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Why are there so few ‘out’ lesbian performers?

. "‘e' s: i' a l. .: fares are... (“11“fi'“; " (l-T"‘~’""£i. 7’-"":‘<‘ i‘-'-’“ Getting outta here ' ~ 0; r H l“"’2("') ' " <t H ~:°,";i';t"'. em“ '1. \w z .t Lime (31.33:: {iiiit'lfé "<3" " "t " " if 'l‘rr .u: 's "ant: " ' ' t: ' ' ‘: k w \ '::_l" ,r‘;;' t' "'.l": :w” t "lj'f'li “any. in ':: "' ' .... ~:;s;::;‘«." stars. C)t."e's ::-::‘-:‘;:f'. ::" 5; 5‘: "-:;-a ':::;s:,. ‘ron‘; a". 3;:t't :1‘ :;a. :;-r ’1 r . 'e '. w How do you think your lesbian audience find the show? '::garis:, :t‘ est: a" Theaf'éz war xv: :verxamt. iii-.2- .<:%;::.i":; {i'-(: {a .'.a.~; ."e‘imt‘. ..s°. 1." iii;- rner". (i"-f‘:ft, <3'.<:-" Y's; ’:-'-" Iii" '."-"- 'lr 'r "' ‘;v\ ’1. ' " " ". yr n ‘1‘. ’1'.” :;;‘ ../\‘f:°.:7'.'.::i'ie'1"ai.i:':::in<:..l:f:>i"e;i"<is;a(t: "Kresfen " tg‘ilk' :: t’ i, l < 't as ' r ' i '1 Ia' ex::<3"<>"<< l ll‘ " :i'ttr' l ta, 9“ "7;)’ l'i't "‘-::'-:‘-$I'.-:‘-’t newer/:1, so .9 '.' :i".i;"-:,- " 3851133 get ft"‘.."lll"~~13(} ::..T f:"."‘~:: em: a.“ :7"::‘.'."‘s<35:.' it‘e seep " '."Et'. makes me (‘Qt‘ of. so :‘e- f. Do you think women are more fluid in their sexuality Thank you for being such a stimulating interviewee. compared to men? ma". flfa't; :a'e g: 't;; l“, “Add” f‘:‘,.."_ '. +1.itlft'<:f::>ii:'ll:;r‘gil‘lem;‘.'.'::'11e"_Mgiesi:x..2i'f‘. 33531: Yo. ‘.'.':>'.e me :2 me. 'e'. .‘is’. .egi" . awn-0 "1.4,- : 2 "Lt-1' "(E'iiifl‘ltZ-ZZ'" O'a'tani N:>"'.:>" f¥£t.‘."1l f""ee. .l::"" H'we if, "file: “(30:1 ,tx. resea's '.::.i"‘-::- .iseess. You <:a"'f sf TX at IA};5;e”‘.':. Harm‘s. {KW (11.8 .i . " f'. 5‘5} :“(L


Raising funds by raising the roof

Julian Clary: catty campn‘d

()ne of the higgest nights; of the l huge if; the Stone'sral' 8(7tltlJtttft Gala exer‘t. In fact TIES so org :t Is one" t‘.'.'o nights. The (:orr‘erlx (imam of the l r woe takes to the stage to raise funds ‘or one of Scotland's learli'ig groups unork'tu ttt‘.‘.’¢ll(lf3 (E(lll(1lli‘,'£tll(l social Justice for lest).a'l. gay. hisexua are transgenrler people.

So far the confirmed names; are the th’tlfh'Hi-H‘»: l ee l want; on i mm; l‘ltlll! and catty (iétl‘ll)".(?f;f; from .Julian Clary on Satuwlay. Other names; '.'."".i<‘l‘ have been mentioned :ri<:lii(te feelisf's‘1er‘yotsgn l’t‘il Km. .Jgirtke(‘,iu'ie. l'nzi (1. Scott ()apuiro zi'irl Roh Don-me.

‘lhe'noney hasn'theeheannavkerlfor anx l)"ole<tti'lltgl'f:<1.:i'.'t:; .Jaws, Stones/gill Scotland director. 'l’. '.'.'e :io: '.'.'orki'lg l()‘.‘.’£ll(f iegzil .‘inrl f;()(t.£il lustir‘e'

in“. All

‘.'.”|' first ei‘attle ilfl to (‘Jtll‘, on <lo:n<_; what

()iirrent l)l()l(}<1'.33!ll(iEl.(l(}H(?\'f)lt(f Bitlllt?lf§‘.'.’lt'(7lt t; ororlilciht; .i <l"e<73o'\, o" [CHI s;er“."r:es; and a future min is to look into negilfl‘ (are {l'llf the !"(i:l.f§i()fl of the l(?f3l)!£i". (tll(f gag, (:ornvniin-ty So go on, hus, (l t'r‘ke’. zine; .giaigh your heart e‘f for a very good (nurse. nlzine llzirniltor“.

I .()\.'{)/l(,“.'.’(1//.(;(.‘{>f.’.’I/7(f(ht/(l. [rt/Ithurqh fest/tall ."te.'r,"e, 7.? ."Fl '\'r;‘<>w::‘." :59?) ($000, MS a MAI/g. Hon), FIRM) 5‘}




Camp comedy. murder mystery and books

I Jason Wood Hysterical camp comedy and singing from Mr Wood. From Alison Moyett and Barbra Streisand through to David Gray and Pavarotti. he performs with amazing accuracy and humour. A good night out and a damn good laugh. Pleasance. 556 6550, until 26 Aug (not 20), 6.50pm. 28.50—29.50 (27.50—68.50).

I 8 Women inspired by the heady atmosphere of a DOuglas Sirk melodrama. Francois Ozon takes the murder mystery and subverts it with song and dance. The cast includes France's most famous actors: Deneuve. Huppert. Darrieux and Ardant. F/'/r77/7()use. 228 2688. 78 Aug, 7pm. £7 (£4.50).

I Filler Up Deb Filler bakes bread live on stage while she takes us through her life. We hear all about her relationship with her dieting obsessed mum and how Deb struggles on as a big girl in a skinny obsessed world. Heart warming and funny with some deliCious bread. Assembly Rooms. 226 2428. unti/ 26 Aug, 7.45pm, [IQ—E70 /,l_‘8--~£‘9).

I Swimming in the Shallows A lesbian c0uple deciding whether or not to get married. a middle aged women deciding whether or not to leave her husband and a gay man who just wants love but finds a shark. A funny insightful look at gay love. life and relationships. P/easance. 656 6550. unti/ 26 Aug (not 20). 2pm, £‘7——£‘8 (ES—£6).

I Jackie Kay Lesbian author of Trumpet —— surely one of the all time great Scottish novels is in conversation with Glasgow~ based Irish novelist Bernard MacLaverty to talk about her new collection of short stories. Book Fest/val Charlotte Square, 228 6444. 22 Aug, 5.30pm 8 8.30pm, I“ 8 (£36).