Theatre '


Mail a l)t?li't.'7lil of

Holi‘y.'.'oo:i’z’ I ane. Mount; §.'".(: :;;:i'i<: l’akisstarii (ftiifivllif 'I Iala. I Must lie (Boinoi' :’ It so. l"(,‘l‘. Zaha'tlass; If» the 'lt:.'. i'itera::ti‘.t: ttahie :‘ha'inei itiis'. Iu.’

llit:\l(itT|tlt?11|\, 70h,

/t1l)(llil(l:):) ltfitlztlllftv “‘1

"tool thuo'igiaoon


tsinee San] l ox I'Itrl


Miek I leetu'xootl. I'he fSi‘t2ikI‘ is; an l)‘.’(3l‘.'.’(:l§l.".l mention: and eit;t=.'./hile neaitthroh of Pakistan. 't-Itaauion. .'-.'lll'(} Hyman iz; mung, hii). (Itfilz‘il‘illt, Hi'tis‘l‘ ario' sees the Asian hantlx'xagion as a .ehitfle to 'i(l(: on heloie 'tittiio t'ie iiiaiiietieani. I'iougih the a(:tion :5; oet’atsioriall‘, a l)|l tstilteo. Iaiizaol‘a'ts i).'()(lll(;'t ()I‘. it; a thoughtful insight iirto a giatsi‘. I)tfl*.'.’t3()ll Elml it1l£tIIUlIi> (illil

\,t.I:LlltZIS. eoiitanieo

Tight-fisted cliches reaffirmed

F.'.’Ill‘illi an ineh perfect IX‘iESIKLIIt} oi eheai, uahie l(3|(3‘.lf)l()Il.

IAIIan Hatittllie:

I I’Iea.~;.’irit,z,= Home.

35:56 ($5150. unfit ."(i Aug «not .’()i. 5). .’(),’)/ii. :7 l‘éa’ tf‘h‘ l‘i'i.

RED SKY o Geek tragedy

Combining; a Sullil‘itl of Antient (Pee/ma. 'iititsit: tioir‘. I :n.nt;-nv anti (T()§Sltllllt}i> anti tilltfltfutlléipll‘, l'()l“.

(jlli. :(1 (z I/i(:t,t: o.

It is, euphemistically speaking, the Scottish play. Fated forever to be Glamis’ second most famous dead inhabitant, Macbeth comes again to Edinburgh for the International Festival, this time in the care of Rotterdam’s ro theatre company. But the production, under the direction of Alize Zandwijk, will not exactly be of the Bard we have come to know and love. For a start, Shakespeare’s text has been adapted by Hugo Claus, and

translated into Dutch.

Since joining ro theatre company, Zandwijk has acquired something of a reputation for her intense and contemporary treatment of classical texts. In 1999, she brought her first production for the company, Gorky’s The Lower Depths, to the International Festival, garnering critical acclaim across the board for its intense and graphic presentation of broken people struggling with their squalid existences. Now she returns with this radical interpretation of Shakespeare’s darkest portrait of humanity.

The focus for Zandwijk’s production will be on the oblique presence and references to children throughout the text, shaping a disturbing vision of family tragedy. ‘I consider the family perspective and the fact that the couple is childless very important,’ she says. ‘A lot is said about children in the play. Maybe the Macbeths had a child that died. Barrenness or the loss of a child has an enormous impact on human life. You could say that he murders his whole family symbolically: Duncan, his father figure, then his brother, Banquo, then his wife and child, Lady Macduff and her son.’

The traditional witches in the play have been replaced by a woman and two or three children, figures omnipresent in Macbeth’s life. ‘Children are evil too,’ Zandwijk says, ‘I will leave no

illusions about that."The Macbeths are a disintegrated family,’ Zandwijk believes, ‘and, ultimately, all great tragedies are family tragedies as well.’ (Gareth Davies) I ..'./’/'a(:.')e:!/‘. Rota: I ,'i

If.l'\,‘ (1(1‘ .7.’)I4 (a, /‘ll(lll.

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I)li§.:)I(/til (liair'.a that's; allegedly IIIESIHTUU I); the exeiitf; of E} I I and the eaiient [JUillitIéil <:Iiinate :;oui:<l&s like a it:t:ii)e foi (lItSéifittfl. \Vllltill loin \"Jiitoi‘v't; ariii>.t.u,i:; lt;‘.'.'t)lt\lllt] oi Cheek (iiaina anti’iology, ,.ii<ioui)te:il§. i:;_

loo i'an’, atgtoiu on

stage a Iota. oi I‘..llt:. liit):SI of then: inept (“Kl lltnltltflll MLIUIIK‘ :shiitss .n a hauha/aio insioi‘ oi the Maggot: of /\ti=t:r‘:; =.'.a." naitat~.e:s of Greek

’Ii‘. . Ruth}; (i\)".‘il)n'l(: IL

ant: the Iroian

ulltniiiuu", (lusi'b‘, til}; t)t:"i:>t: t)? lotioé) i". ll‘-Es iiixKitu IN)“.

Ui‘uxtt'iteer at», roiiit; Hui} 5n, (i:l' :) (x: exuiofirk; chaos t/Ill, ftnltxllt: il ()I. :Sltigltx :(Miti‘iwlit: Hunt-.5. .Pt’ixumi'im'K,\(1ii’f'.t'i/tl (1I7<;()‘-{:/ i"t: Hutu}.

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OBSCENITY 000. Porno wag

|\,\/‘lln(::l.t’1(fl;1[;\11111(: llm: (l 'ln-i‘arlf (1:) l :m. (lfi‘t;.lx;:‘,[ (If. <1tl\i:t,’i’.\.1' \II liftril’t/iiii'atl {1, 5,211,. lzri., .I.<1'.( “fit; (I [2.0th

tjtflt'.’ ,; on; mt oi'_ but 1235 Wu t:Xtiii'. \IL}5i{,t:l)l of aunt/eiat'nt; the non, .’.!Il‘ ilk’illltfim that Il‘m nia, tat, :$ti(II.<,-:)‘)ltiii‘, ehalluria-os.

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I (ti/(JUL: Ha [two/I. anti.

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It takes; an aux/tel lot o" (l()l‘.(jt:llilitlit)ll Io Iliiltfl‘. Io :‘onmone's Illtf tatoi‘, toi o'.'ei ai‘ hoot. oxen naoie :so if that poison}; :»()lIit:t)ll(3 ‘,titi'\.t: llt).t:l fieaio at, It also help:; it that l)(:lf;()l'. is. actually .ntemsiing. Int,- (Ea/fan! Joli/I Joe It; Yi(:{ill‘, III(:i(:.

\"Vt; ineet In:in ex footballer John .Joe Coneannon to.'.'a.'<i:; the end of its lllt: la rather JéKIK of a figure with nioi‘ : {li)fl‘.;,£if>fi.i)lh. a ,oaixg,‘ ‘.ei“, (léiutl'litn and a T'e.'.

‘.'.’hii:;t Iozii II'<;ke,'s;

ltxiiii ftléii(::3.

Hue-I, Ilt:l’it)illitll‘i(,t: at; 'he allii‘ti not mitt“, man :4, atli'iiiahle. tsoiiie ai‘ieuziotet; a'e Iors'. ol‘.(lt:ll‘i(:(illl tilttiléitlltflifSiKi :i.u'v;i:iii‘.,;:; a'i(I Illi(ir\ ave: Its. It takes a ‘.t;ij, attuht “.K,‘ I)(:'E;()II It; 45.1.1}. 'Meitmt: \.".’iI:iaiii5;i I Hausa/xx:- (Zoo/.tia/o tifa.’ Um! Hit: HOW}. '~_‘>‘.;‘I;_'>.")(). If; .75}.

Uzi/log}. IX..’)‘(),:;/h,

fifth tryofj “ti/>0 .“f.5>(/fi

FISH DANCING Cod theatrics 0.

At; 31::)i(lt,’lll I)l£l‘;,\.'.'llt}lll i;,' izieily pi‘ooiietions. Keefe He;in has; xviitten Mm plays; that light? all "iaae their woi‘lo oieii‘ien: at the loinnaioh I ringe Last ~.t:ai ht,- gaze at; Door; a I);).'.t:lltll exploratioi‘ oi I:$t)l£lllt)ll aer eaiahoia :set in a Poem-av hutikei anti {lulitfilflltjtl ox, tniet: at‘loita. t‘.'.<: of llltzlt‘ Mung; ;)-;}ll;)ll"ittlti.

lf‘. /.:;" [lien/(o. 'hu "u'iii:<;r:; a".<i tl‘t: :l‘tr"lt::$ 't:"‘;ii". ..i‘t;3t.irig;<:(l. iSut Elm; Irataareu'io I.’i(3;1a'.:;itl(: t'veat a flash flood a'ia t's all (lone in a toueh, —tee\,_ hippy ante, type \".a,. One (:a'i only ZIESSuI‘iE-j Healy .'.(:I‘.l to Goa in the Jitei.ii‘ to ‘.'.'iite a :vi,thI<:a. tale about a ooat'rian a‘.'.'aiting} the retain of “It; (ia.igilitei"ss inuirnaiti inothei. I'ie language ::; (}\.()(3{ill\.’t? anti Illt: heiloiinaiteet; :;t>tiII(l.l)IilllI(:15§;I|l)I. take: ar. a ‘.'.'l‘.ulc:. .5, .i::;,:i,.tai)le l)(:\t)ll(l I)t:li'§:l_ Uttl'H'illitr Hit,.'li';,. I f;.,..."xx.:t=, he. who.


Write off package .0

litf'i.’lt:‘.'.tfli$ ait; f'aiietl tliiet:toit;. oii'eetoiss aie taileo aetois; £.ili(l aetoits aie tailetl nuinan helngss. ItIoii't know about the lattei part of llllis t;l‘t).'.’l):/ goke. hat aetois do often love to talk about ll‘tfll‘ititil'vtfiS to a t;(;(iitlll', (Iaiiiagiing (iegiee Iieie it; a case ii‘. point.

\"Jrntei herioi'inei‘ Nikos Dioi‘rttuos; g WES; uSS an account oi his; hit: as; a performer (:oinoiete .'.'!I7 aotlitior owes; lion. the Classics. He (Il£,t|l‘.‘.55 that he's; itatl trouble getting; uai’tx heeausst; lIIfS look anti a;,t;<,-i:t an; along. theaggn arother (look-once nieinoei inutteiuo. sotto noee. a'i £iIl(:I'i£ll .te. an<l inoie nlati:..i)1<: explanation which iiiioht lit: iiiieliouts to: III(: to wheat. It toti'i-L: a'i.'.'ai, enough 1;; no to this; l,lt:ti(: of law, sell inoaloent -".U’lf>(:ll§$(:. hiihg; toiriatoets.

'b‘ttm: ()Itilf‘ttlv I x'i2».~;t,‘-ii‘.')i’t. l1)()()/'If§.

K.’(> . w. (2. t/flw ( (l fi.i(j.

I. ‘),','i‘ to H1


Hip hop eulogy


l’lt: star, of 'ahiiu' iLoet actor |(I{)II

luua. Shakur it; a llilgllt‘

2:: «giant; a hit: hoi:

lutiliu, \)i»)\§‘.’\:'(1llli[lllf

"2-H .2." :;(;Ilirit; a'iitii“:;

(ilk) so I'LIu‘Ii ..i‘tiiit:llt;~ti

iIYII)(}l:;L}f2;iIi()" oi Shaker. iahpino a'io all. ano has Iupat: i'esuiino in purgatory » the ghetto reflecting on his life. tii_)l)i'ii‘.ging. his actions when aizxe tilitl why no.3. he (TillVIL)! get to his iiital eternal resting; place \.".lIl‘. ilk; ioietatheis.

A I>ia<:k rnari :sui\.'i\.'iiti |-" the .'ia':;h reav'ties oi helev. the hieatlliize :n Anieixx‘: ‘:; a i>aihthil\ tint: talt: a'ia -.'.l‘.!|t} (Ian's oui‘oiir‘ahee Its of quality ti‘t; airmen

:sur ht Tlllb i>et'.'.t:en

lopau at; :9. iiiJoiit‘

tf‘.t.'.' .T'Itl" .il tl TItItilJIt‘tl