
AUNTY .AND ME drsengager: irie. Yo.. exen perforini"g one of degree of authentrety really pretty slight. naked hodres to trtrllate a D'e'hard I'ght Comedy might see t're t‘.'.’rs’. r‘ the toadsarios o‘ throrg" decor and the pair are later West End audience. and .... the tale at t"rs l)l(}(l(} <1;‘:str;t‘.:;"st"at ltaira" rnr1'essr‘.'e costinte vsited by a succuhus. the usual "in denial"

This Isa play. which irlxe he‘ry'e it arrives. hut t's hoys s.r*’lere:: "'(E’t‘. des g". it lams pace a'x: who demands they business from mother. most of what you see at all carried o‘t B; l‘ul'fl'K} on a tar s t<: ofr’er an, v'ea reveal their deepest brother and fiance. In the Assemth Roonis enough wit and style to ltrxtixxz lamast". "sgnt "t:: V. loe's sexual fantasies. hut this fairness. the audience Ballroom. could he strr' he oreakiy funny. l>er1<l'i‘-::~sly/to"texei'rlr's rhult‘ar otis ex ster‘ee. seduer‘r:e isn't as funny found it all pretty

:..;ed atte' h, llis reatrwsnip as the play seems to agreeable. and there are

desrgned to transfer \t'\.larrer‘ is hrrliant in a dart "1 straight to the \Nest l "a rirffieult. oecause so ()asanoxa. and ‘r‘al‘, a Base s oer: eteo as think. We redeemng some good Without a hair out of d'a'ogue light role. and freax " V ::°.:>"ia" ‘.a"--::t,. pr:-t.i.a"t ar‘d exptertatee factor is two good perlOrmances. but one place. It's not exactly a Davies rs as eharntrrtg as His :3 ng rig s a yoy. " s ant: " s relationship ‘.'.’l'.i‘ t)(?l’t()l‘llt£tll(2(}8 oy Sarah couldn't claim any stake fringe play. lll other eye". \l‘u’hat is sad ahout <:"-a'a::t-:>"sat on :;..t>e"r: Constance total; shoe" M<:(3ur"rte-ss and in the future of theatre words. out let that pass. the alr :mat xi a"d aw: " s ~:,-"t";.srasn‘ ::-:;-‘.'el:;:;r‘:o. But t"e"e are Beryamrr Brown. wrth for this piece. for the piece has a Kl'l(t t'orgotten I“ on" sot: e23, Iléitf"‘l"t{l. l)ire::tr:' l ex sovrre o'er,- rzert'orriiaht:-::-s the latter particularly (Steve Cramerr oT' Capra like (:l‘arn‘. has been said hefore. Ferd-wand}; stylish am: in s s o, "f: ll‘t);t"f3 strong. iSteye Cramer; I Assembly Rooms. about it. (:ausrr‘g ore to hut t’iev‘e's a good :lea ::!‘<,:i..::t.:." 11:3" ext-s tea a" .."i;:easant ::.-:;-<:-:3 :>‘ I (St/(led Balloon Tet/rot. 226 2428. until 26 Aug grin ott' reser’yatrons. of fun l'l Its teilvng \‘Je‘l pathos '.",€,- s-:;.:'. :;" drama ast a 'apeareo 226 2.75) .7. until 26 Aug. (not 13/. 2pm. FIG—ff] l ":strzrt; " ::"-:,-. /\':'ia Mla'v \I§.'/Jt:}')’7i. 518.50 «519.550 (YO—HO;

In it. Alan Dét‘.’l(‘:t§ does tarorth the yisrt. aeoat the last ’i. his Alan Davies with a rSteve :t'éill‘r’il' the 8 st "-:;- (Far-:2. I (.‘. {LE-TH? [f2 (it'53fil’llil‘0"'€ti WU”?! n‘an I Asserrroir Rooms. " ‘:iT..’9. ' ,r*:,-f»:: ':‘ art, .7": A19}. (fix/*1 called title-ht; to the 226 X128. J’lf/‘HIK; "1:; .r, r:-:,- r:. a '«1;:;’;'.: .-'7'-€_:'\(> i.‘-‘/.:':If‘/_ OUT 'N THE bedside at a" old dying 1/?(7f202. «In/7?. .V 3 . ii:,"‘l1;t"../.\"iil)f$f1..f:: GARDEN _ Aunt. l'te aunt. Mare f.“ 7(2» 5" it. :ie .:"'.. t‘3'i" -:;- BLOOD L'ght comedy W'th gay Warren, rs sor rex'xhat I lit A marriage that theme ... reluctant. tho-agh to do TRUE on it? A...» passeth a“. l“ s B'ti'rirnre ‘a"(:e is the rroht t'rrno.‘and FALSETTO? : : . underStandmg ... agr‘eeal:.e enough fare. d ‘1 Drama With balls lire guestron "nor. do hut a<:'‘y rattle" dd do lge tor another year. .... IVJA'LMDESCAR you tell a storj, that fas'mned .n ooth style

despite tirst "(1112", hur’s. I". IN} r‘t'mate (,ar1a'e. " (tm: se"se:

Nothing to go Wilde

/.:)(z~-: r'i.\)(//.

proceeds to (:off n-

and <:o"tent. The stor‘.

ther‘. more r'nrrtedrate har. malt] talented. ortens the :;'r::.'.. arid r‘. :>' a .rtilng 'i‘a!~ ‘.'.r"<: about 00 _ r ,— ‘_ threats. tner‘ near utter engagrr‘g l t't‘t353ff‘ does; 1“ :s fl‘fsflil'niklf; "is g;a;.".<:-ss « * homicidal acts tr'<)ll‘. *rer Tomasivti secretly Sit fl; 1 success‘s‘ .. EL? '."e ta-f: a‘te' a sexua e":::>u"te" NO dischutted and impatient teaches us groom. t"-::~ '. .r .. '.;r"'t tsef. 1.. try-gain! M tea-z: a 'r‘ettea‘ st..::ent FOELVIEELE nepi‘ev' lneyztao“ as castratr Or‘ a" "-9.: '-:;-"l-’;"‘::e' a lt"l: E l.'.tt'flf2 w" a ét'ttl ‘1‘ sf‘es .ri: "(M-13:2 , "‘ ' " . Masters of their tune goes or: l‘e heg-ns l"(}(}'ll()tlf3. (:onstat‘t \. ':..’:t-:,- " t'vr: meat ilativx /\"'-;:vr::a" "an "is mon‘ 33 :zaix ‘.£tl':2 . t; r t I . r _; . I 10(3"l0‘,-'lil<1'iiii'ltnéi'l‘i. 0? transfo"'ll “St. '1‘ " 'i‘a' " 'r‘~:<,-': 'l'w'; r: a. a"_: g: '.-i' r' :2," .'.:>"‘an '.'."'..'Y nrn‘ or‘. the exe o' - ~

the aln‘rost completely proseenrs'ri are t set. .'.;‘:3~ a great fl...‘.T-"~fl.‘:. ‘a :2..':;i-:~':x. n loxe n s .'./(Efl(l ng is Bran As France's leading silent old iad‘y. and lo”‘as~'r (rat/s ..s n t: r:..‘. "wt; gr..r:-::'“:-:: .'.;::: a :>" 'rgr. " .lgr"‘:rrrta. Rix ."."()"'ll.éi"12£itlt..£tllt. physical mime speaks more (it " s own the emot ona gits a"i:. ’lfégi‘lT-Ir'.' ar‘ : an: " art-x: it. a pretty 835; ll‘. <:::"tent. company, Compagne egually ‘oi‘eiy are literally. pails o" the st::"j.. rut,” : r-z» ~ _; .e" :2 . '1, r ' t'fltlffd; :: here are enougr‘ Fiat Lux are masters

of their craft with SAFETY extraordinary timing Photojournalism in the dock 0.. and famal expressions they merge clowning. acrobatic theatre. song and dance and are utterly indefinable. This year's show tells the story of a happy couple's trip to a quiet little spot on the Breton coast in a bid to get away from their hectic lifestyle in gay Paris.

To their infinite horror they realise that the locals are far from friendly and what ensues is 3 Here 's the nexus l .'."ir.-r<.- ifl t'tt; l‘~‘.-.'.";. On “I. 'a:: . la . papers. Il‘tEl-I‘: rs 'lt?‘.'.‘t$. tt()\.'.’f;. funny little piece nex'xs. Hut tt‘e s.;"'et ill itrztrr‘atrnr :2 not union-er: it]. a surfeit of understanding. We take our allowing the company neu'xs in hrte size: err-arms: all sensatv >r‘ and no explanation to stretch themselves

And at the forefront 'it t're >'i‘()t{tll"t‘itllt 't?‘.<)itltl().’t are the photographers and reporters who with their continued n‘ust stare disaster .'i the taee. ll‘ne rtiggev the disaster. the better the story. The more horrific attempts to perfect the iri‘age. the greater the 'epatatio" of the ;ourhalrst. the ‘art of clown'. For

this Is the tt)(iilf; of (l'rrrs l'rorr:<:'s same. the lol'ov.‘ iii: to the l r‘rnge First t'xrnnrng Statxr: and the duration of the the second r". an intended t'irg‘. h. llnlrrnrted lheat'e. llrs f§tit)l(?(:t is Michael. £1‘.".’£il' piece. incredibly. not photographer. <:-::lel,rat-:,-rl let his ‘rrrrrta pictures of rieatl‘. ".’l()i(?ll(lt? and staryatron. whose a WOrd passes

pr‘ot :ssronal lltfitlll’if tr; eapture ltlt: n‘ost extren‘e rn‘age has usurped his hurnan | tstInct to between the seven help. players. This is a

H O ' m Played by Steven [)‘I,l\es ii: suitably steely fashion. Mir:hae| il'tttf‘, tummy” Ut](’1l)l(} to [08mm “'8 speclahsed an and is “"21"("‘)"""‘l“tl th’stilllil. ’Hll‘lr‘irltrcatewith his art.» or exert engage in a streeesslully sure to be an

passionate affair thing". .'.:tr‘ .'.’.:Tl‘rrll as eruderj, rlra'.'.'r‘. as the two here. I can't say I blame incredible viewing

him, experience—miss it

r‘t‘. r‘rr ‘. ,ri“, ""gr';=t;'=s~: ‘t1; ; x s > rss > g ' ‘I' l 't 'l. B IEMWRWJ but t , . or r r ..l, irr. rl.. r, l t. rr l(,t(,l r. tr n r.. thr. dr rrnatrt. rnon (,nt. Surely a n or(, at your pen rt E

where-sting persperfi .r: mould l;(: the that ol tlze <‘hara<:ter ‘-.'.ho resists hr‘utalrsatron, who Ines (Anna Millar) 62 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE "' . .' ; ."

'.'.rrti‘., ever celebrates. the "')"l'£i<llr:'.i(>llt; oi thr- l()t,‘. And surely the greatest point of conflict is I Gateway Theatre. in r>'.'r'sr‘:i'.'e:;: .'."t, .'.e. as news rtonsurners. create the den‘anri that makes such robs exrst. 3773939 (Fringe

l o' at: his ideas. ll‘orprfs ar‘al.s::, that had frontline (txllr’i'lllrlltit? equals had rharrrage is too Oil/y). 75—26 Aug, e; s‘.. too partrr'u'a' and. thr: nlesrrtg happ. ending. too tliltt. IMarlx l rsherr 2pm. f8 (f5).

I Iran/ewe [heave a“ I’l’li, gr": .1; x’iJf}, tunes '..'1/ r"(r "flit.