Two shows to transform everyday life

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complétement difiérent

hat haye a multimillion dollar corporation and a hit Broadway

show got in common'.’ (iarages. that‘s what. Dingy. unheated

garages. The places where inyention and ell‘ort combine to produce inspiration and success. 'l'hat‘s where the association shottld end hut. in the case of Mike Daisey and .'\llllt/t)ll. the parallels are l'reakishly sitnilar.

Jell‘ Bexos set up .-\ma/ in Seattle in 1994. He and tour sol'tware designers ran the initial wehsite l‘rom his garage. selling hooks to web .surl'ers in the local area. In the early 90s. .Mike Daisey was a theatre student performing yarious l‘ringe theatre shows in the garages ol Maine. Both indiyiduals grew steadily in repute. hut it wasn't until the internet boom in the late 90s that their starred paths would cross.

Mike Daisey is a sell-professed dilettante. A (ien-X jack ol' all trades and master of none. A prol‘essional artistic sampler. he left college with a degree in aesthetics. 'l l’eel lreakishly over-educated] he says. ’l got ottt into the real world and realised no one needs someone with a degree in aesthetics. And you start to wander around doing one job and then another job and there's no clear path. Sometimes it seems like there's no connection between any job except that your name is the one on the cuhicle that you‘re working in.‘

Ania/oil's recruitment missiye ~ ‘send its your l'reaks' attracted Daisey and the alienated. oy'er-educated others like hitn to sign up as customer seryice dogshodies. spurred on by an interest in hooks and the prospect of lucratiye shares. The working relationship was tenuous and Daisey escaped before the dotcom bubble burst.

.\'ow Daisey liyes. and loyes. to tell the tale. 2/ Dog li'm's.‘ Uni/It: 'Iimt' ut .'\I)I(I."()II.('()I)I opened in Seattle the day alter his non-disclosure agreement expired. In an attempt to drum up publicity. Daisey filmed a Michael Moore-esque moekumentary' Rmr Entry in which he snuck hack into the Ania/on building to lilm the workstations. deserted alter most ol the cttstomer seryice diyision was transferred to India. It helped raise the profile ot‘ the show enormously and 2/ Dog li'urs later transl‘erred to New York where it ran off-Broadway for seven months.

The story is a simple one. yet one that resonates with eyeryone. ‘I think people see in the show a rellection of a sketch of corporate life that they