Rich Hall 8.." '.' ,»\.: i. “W” Hm? “my.

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Brought to book: ‘Corporations have no loyalty'

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Hi' ’lf: \. moths. (mango

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Mark Steel So." if Aalil.

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Having slain the dotcom dragon and conquered New York, MIKE DAISEY is back in the doghouse with his humanistic attack on globalisation. Words: Maureen Ellis

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rccognixe. either li‘tllli the inxide \\llCl'L‘ the} \mi'k in a iiiihelieuihl} in deht and the laxt time I checked the}

cuhicle in xoine lacclexx hureaucrac}. or on the outxidc xtill one monc} oti moxt ol~ the hook orderx. xo it’x “"9"

lamina; Les).

ax a ctixtoiiiei'.' quite poxxihle that the\ loxc inonex h\ xelling lll\ hook. . . .. . . ' ' ' ' Kr‘f‘,',/'i 0r ".1. Stricth a monologue. l)aixe\ hringx the tale to lile 11 x hard to tell. )1 '. ~ ' , . (:711’ 34" $0: \\ ith a delt comic touch and llllL‘ll\Cl} human empath}. laking on the might ol a corporation on xtage ix one '

s',W,-ar'..-'rg~. _i ‘r . «Mi/r greet

‘I don't think that I've changed anything on a macro thing. ('axting axperxionx in print ix quite another and xcale. ()Verall it'.x a piece of art. I might do xomc xocial the ‘lcgalling‘ procexx \\ ax length}. The puhlixhing ci‘iticixing htit it exixtx for people. not l'c‘tlll} to help houxe |a\\_\ei”x minutiae check took a in” da}. “lie

[UNA/'C'f) llil‘. .' i;'(,‘.-(/lif) I USU: Leaks 0': may" thug“,

as :0". .2411; ’l‘.;"‘-Uf;. Sine-1'8 ate-32.

moti\atc corporationx into knoix ing \\ hat to do hettcr.' called and xaid: "l)id )ttll reall} ha\ e a co-uorker \Vho NU, , 0...),(13/3.,. (my; cl But thingx ha\'c changed. .-\ma/oii. allegedl} in the people rel'erred to ax the .\ltillct‘.’" l xaid )ex. “Did he ,1.“ 0...“: ,;,J_...,..,)i,c

xx akc ot' l);tixc‘) 'x xlltHV. introduced a 'non- reall_\ xinell'.’" Yex. “Did he real|_\ ha\e an erection that ..~.)C,/_..é..m “mam.” ml.

dixparageinent clauxe' ax part oi‘ a xe\ ei'ance package l'or \xax \ ixihle in hix pantx ol'ten'.’" Yex. .-\nd )otl ilN \il all 8 a" a f;_’,"2~'; .r‘ ")l

emplo) eex. lt wax dropped alter l)aixe} the other end of the phone xa) ing _\'ex. scat'wr; attacm ‘0! :mv-trgrniv;

generated a xtink in the local media. )ex. _\ex lor hourx' ram/an sear, omen. {its hack \Vhilc e\entx in Seattle might ,xeem ln hringing the xhou to lidinhurgh. VINE“. Q'itl/léi’ "‘75 “1‘3- -‘/-"'*‘»‘

“M U milliim milw 11“ at): the l)aixC} ix i‘uii‘iiimg an amhition tit-x w; a;.t"or

,xliock\\';i\ ex ol‘ glohalixation are felt ax hmimmcd \mu. \lud} mg mun“. in (1.9,,ayjagt‘ca(“JAY/ebgid €;x€":"""f: c‘ " N " n ' ' '.'.'r;r'

kccnl.‘ hm" 11‘ in -'\|11L‘I'ix‘il. l_ondon. llix current ot'l-Bi'oadu'a}

. . . . 1‘ r r‘r‘r vv\ Vi’if ; V.’ r" r‘ If "t... ( orporationx ha\ e no loyal}. xtatex xlitm. ll/iui I Learned HI [mu/nit. ix liix " M J- v" 0’ 9'}

l)ai,xe_\. The} ’re dexigned to ha\e all As l'oui'th xolo production to date. F"""5“ f,1m the rightx ot‘ liumanx. hut ha\ e no T w .\'e\eithclexx. it ix 2/ Dug Marx and hix Book Fest/a indnidual \\ ho can he pointed at and \\ i'extling match \\ ith corporate -‘ axked: "You're the had perxon. \Vh} did , .-\nicrica that hax ignited puhlic interext. ' . . ng'fiy " you xend thingx to India?" lnxtcad it'x \Vhile conglomeratex continue their {\ V” thix amorphoux niaxx; it'x .-\ma/on.‘ inhumane tacticx and :\lli;t/t)li remainx l'm confounded h_\ the pai'ado\: in the red. there \\lll :il\\;i}x he a place as". N; Sages. l)aixe} wrote an acclaimed hook haxed on the xlto\\. l‘oi' .\likc Dane). 'lt'x nice to merhear people talking grasp/e \xhich Ania/on xc‘llx on itx uehxite. lxn‘t that huch} ahout the xhon.‘ he xa_\x. ‘l’eople honextl) axk rugggzflg ofpawjggvvng Tm ironic'.’ ‘Sometimex it‘x not ironic at all.' he xa} x. themxeh ex: "\Vh} do u e put up \\llll that?" I don't ha\e 3’3 L yawn-3991‘ wane ’, ‘Becaiixe il‘ you think ahout it. it‘x a corporation. It the anxu er. and ma_xhe l‘d he a hetter perxon it] did. hut an", seed/m ;‘ §(;‘.c;“arlmrj~ doexn't ha\e a pei'xonalit}. lt exixtx to make mone_\. It the quextion itxell‘ ix important. .-\nd il‘ _\ou raixe it. it were a”; (rose more a would ha\'e heen notahle ii. the} ‘d taken a xtand and not reall} doex a lot for people.‘ siege: ‘2' ‘am a”; "em/fliers .ond the hook.’ But ixn't .-\ma/on making mone} a «e Aer Rec: “42 through _\'oii'.’ "I‘liat dependx on him you look at it. Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 1-25 Aug (not 10, I Twas f’om 52-4 5050-

'l‘hefre making mone) in a xenxe. hut thefre alxo 18), 8pm, £5-£11. ' ./ C 2 THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 15