Bognor power

(1‘ r‘ '. I, :. E; l' I I r. ’r :r" at [r’r‘ft ) 1‘ >

t'r» ,tw‘ lr r 'I(/" ‘1' HIV." I. lrrr;rr i,qu "'rr'l

u-r inrr riw rrn'rra'rr'r r“

l"-- 'r-‘rrrit at ‘.." ‘. tr! e‘ Hair/tilt: 3.48.9" /)',.«;‘...«'rr:.‘;u" ’llrrrl’. [ ".iw'fi". ,tli’I uratlrzrr ; sun/la :rt ’ril'. H'Vt’lrrirx .‘.rrt :rr‘r'l '7r(,'l"l.'i r-r r;rrr,'rrrr f. [‘14- l rr'try: ‘. until-tel; to lie ffi'rmrl 'er -’ Mr] 3 mt Anrern arr r agntalrs'rr, but fSarrw'nrurrrlr, errtlrumram'n should be (flit/llrlli to :frstrrrrrursb lrr'rr turn the rirt)r.'.'<l:;. 'lt's an hour of rtrrxger.‘ explains the New Yorker. '| (lorr't tutor. If rt rs turrrr,, but rt rs tlri- truth. bane to lautiir (>tber‘.'.'rf‘.e :1r‘.. A'rrl peoplerlort't .'.arrt to (r, otherwisetirefrl all sta‘. at borne anti ‘.'./at<;b Heart/‘es.’

rtlarnet; Stubbsr

l EAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST The downfall of a screen legend

fi"f.‘7'l/-\‘£L'Ir/ rw, arr/rut ’rrr star/1e. lri ar 1, .Wu “Mill’l Hit. l‘e -'-' ."ir'r’r ":(t‘;t:"‘. in.» utalvl iii» u’nrrr', arv: t..'f.’ll.'(,‘:l is mentigs‘, nut at rrorfke‘. after rr‘.rt “u; “dyer 'r-w-“r‘. rr-rrerrrlJr’rr‘, lr:.'..‘. tr, r.|a, a alrarrt, iv; a‘. tl'w- i mirrlorr I)€tilr'i’lltl'll. l f:.'.'lf; .'.¢if; tr: w~r era.- a lrfetr'rrt: arlrreyerrrerrt a'.'.'arrl. tut <:o|lap:;r»<l backstage. seeorrrls before he was (lue to appear on stage. 'lle tolrl tire conductor of the orchestra "If fall, image we." it's pretty.


sinister start.’ (heel‘r.

llrr: <:harrt, exer‘t .‘xas tallerl Hg.” 0'7 {aurfl‘fer arr:l irarl pregrousl, leaturerl

got an opinion about a Show?

Sage salutes beach power

.r .. '1'. xv O. fp,“f .0 n. LIV r}; r / .r : rim r' r, r ' i.‘ y J I' r, 6- '0 fit. )’ /r' 'r {‘4

erv wante'. ‘* s {r{11"itll rf'rrr’i'twort : LU’ r‘tie.e'1,Masai?! time ‘>l»""'. at tt‘r- L A ti”? ’le’ irir.‘ .Jr'r", [eras expe'rer‘r:e. 'He was the inquest star rrr Hull. .‘urorl tor a .'."irle.' hr.- errrrrhasrses. '1 think He sa.‘; (1 bait ‘ull theatre anrl if .'.as upsettrrrrl'

rMauruen film

I 7/70 './r.>/rur.>, (MIN {’96 g) 75': 7. '- (‘3': Aug).

5-? (a‘(),')rrr, 57"? 5‘5)



Be upstanding for rhythmical king ranney

II'ML' the fabulous mt. 'a'rg; before hrrn, ‘r‘artr‘ej.' 's resoluteh aower ease. lhere's rotbznr; trrry about the nat‘ve New Yorker's Talent. though. ‘.'.'i‘r(:b (:ar‘. only be (IfffS(IY'II)(?(I as 'rrrultr‘, A stanu up ::o'rreriran, <::)rnt>(:-"e exfraor'drrrarr'e arrrl bro bop sarn poet. the lirrnge veteran will be tarrrrlrar to rnany frorrr ast year's The Bomb» iffy of Frrors as well as hostrng} the Pleasanee [)orne's slarn poetry and treester evening. and various stand-up turns across the erty Devotees of ranney's sharp. ernotrve stand» up. outrageous characters and powerful verse are rn for a busy trrrre thrs festrval. wrth the premier of two spanking; new shows rsorry. 'one-rnan Jarns'r: It's 'ranney' {llKl And the Horse you Rode Ir; On. The latter features DJ Kevr". 'Sugar' Sl‘a'rtl. a Borrrtrrtty and Donkey Show performer, and was greeted wth a standrng <)\.'étii()il at its Dubir'r prernrer. rAllan Hadeiffe I /."s ‘rarrrtet '. T/‘e Venue. 226 27:”: 7. i~25 Aug; «no? (5. 24%. ‘. {63—514) ELI—Lt. I Arid The Horse You Roue /rr Orr. Cafe Royal. 8—9 Aug. 2.30arr7; 70—25 Aug.

7 5.30;.1’77. 276.50 r236».


Twrce as nice

Look up “Live! At the Mausoleum‘ on the internet and, among the unsavoury websites, you come across something very promising. Cicely Giddings has written and performed with Newsrevue and The Four Horsemen, Abigail Burdess is appearing in So you Think you‘re Funny and her debut film recently won Best Screenplay at the San Francisco Short Film Festival. Last year they performed their debut show together at the Fringe.

They received amazing reviews, but despite the rash of rave write-ups. their audiences were middling in number. ‘We would often play to rows of journalists and two tourists,‘ says Cicely. ‘This year the show is more tightly put together and we are involving video footage. We do big characters, voices and funny costumes.‘ One of their scenes features two tramps handing out advice about etiquette. ‘The humour comes from their basic mistakes. But it’s very surreal, and it’s really fun to have people laughing when they maybe don't quite know why.’

However, they’re still not sure about the name. ‘It is rather long. Live! At the Mausoleum presents The Experts of Wrong. Perhaps we‘ll win a prize for the longest name.’ Watch this space. (Anna Shipman)

I Gr/(led Ba/loon Tet/rot, 226 27:3 7, 7-25 Aug (not i l, 79:. A,.’f()prr;, i 7.5075‘8330 /f.‘6.:30—£‘7.:3()r.


This one‘s not for kids

Kids TV rss cool. and Ba/arnory. BBC Scotland's Toberrnory- set technrcolom serral. has brought hundreds of srnall chrldrerr to Mull. But Miles Jupp. who plays rnventor Archie. rs hoping that his Frrnge stand-up show (toesrr't attract too rrrarr, nrppers. ‘I can't help feeling that they'd be appalled and (lrsapporntedf ne says. ‘I don't think id like it if there were lots of Children rn the audience and I domg Jokes abom people putting their frngers up their


Jupp has been a fixture of Scottish corned; for some ‘lxears. starrrng rrr Lr/e Floor Show. winning So you Think you're Funny rn 2001. appearing on radio and perforrrrrng at the Stand. It's easy to forget that. desprte hrs confrdent INC act r‘l do the usual thrngs but rnake them a bit different). Jupp rs strll a

(lr',’lllli‘,’ student. "It leads to some terrrble hearllrnes. There was a picture (L€I[)il’)ll rn The lvfera/d tha sard “Stand Up for Jesus". .vhmh one of my frrends noticed. It was one of the most errrbarrassrrrq lunchtrrnes I've ever had.' lJarnes Stubbsr I (Sr/(Jed Ba/loorr fer/rot, 226 2 7:3 7, 7-25 Aug mot 77, 78/, 9. 75/)m, {15413. :30

' a- ‘i«..'; 2' THE LIST FESTIVAL GUIDE 31