Ihc llixlui'l I’M/mm. l’:1iIIlt‘I‘l} 111 :1ppi'n:1ch. Hit} :111‘ likc t':111\:1xcx hanging: 111:1g:1l|c1'_\.'l|1c_\ I'c\c:1l Iinl nIII} hci‘ xkill :1x :1 phnlngi'upht‘I‘. hill hcr :1tlcplncxx :ix :1 xcl llt'xigiici‘. 111:1kc up :11'lixl :1I1tl xl_\ lixl.

|11 111ni'c Iu‘cnl \Ini'k. Shaman l1:Ix 111:11lc I'L'lL'I'cncu In lllt‘ gcni‘t‘ nl' lhc \llltllll pni'li‘uil phnlngi'uph. pi't‘xt'nling 11x \inh lhc l:1111i|i:11‘. gluon/3411‘} hacklh‘np :1111l lhc lit-:itl :1111l xhnulllt‘i'x pnxc. Shc h:1x tlcxci'ihctl lhcxc t‘|1:11';1t'lc1'x :Ix Wei) ni'llinui‘} \Inmcn Ihc IHIL‘ _\nII‘1lxpnl in:1xupu1'111:11'l\cl‘.

'l'l11‘nug_'hnlil hci' \\ni'l\. xhc h:1x (I‘mch :1 c:1xl nl

hclicmhlt' cl1:11‘:1t'lc1'x. 'I‘hc 111:1kt' up 111:1} h:1\c gnl hc:1\ici'. Ihc tll\}_'lll\k‘\ 111nm cl:1hni':1lc. hIIl lhc iiili‘iguc iIIIn Ihcii' liwx I'c111:1i11x. \\'c haw ln imunl lhciI' Ill-k‘\l'\lk'. lllL‘ll' \llil'lt‘x lllltl lllt‘ll' plhl. Illll Sherman tlllL'\ lc:1\c 11x :1 lo“ t'llicx. II k'llllltl hc lhu lii‘cuch 111:111it'111‘u1l 11:1ilx 111‘ :1 [1:111 nl hi':1xh} gnltl curringx. l11 lhc L‘Iltl. lhnugh. xhc I'L‘llt‘x till IIIL‘ \ ic\\c1"x pinkt‘l' lil- i111:13_'iii:1linii. ‘I Il'_\ In gel xnii1clhi11g gning \\Il|l ll1cc|1:1i‘:1t'lc1x xn lh:1I Ihc} giw 111nit‘ iIIlnI'I11:1linII ll1:111 \\h:1I _\nu xcc lli It‘I'IIIx nl \xigx :111ll ulnllu‘x.' x:1i1l Sherman ill :1 llilt‘l'\lL‘\\. ‘l‘ll li c PCUPIC In l':111l:1xixc :1hnul IhIx pci'xnn'x lilo Ul‘ \\h:1I lhcyi'c Ihinking ni‘ \\h:1I‘x lll\ltlL‘ Ihcii‘ haul xn | gucxx lh:il‘x like lclling :1 xlni'y‘

Illil equally \xhcn \imxing hcr \Mil'lx. )nlii‘ mintl xl:11‘lx In “nuilci' :ihnul iIx crmlnr. \thl ix th' \llltllil like? lx ll L'I‘:1111111cll \\ill1 lli'cxxing up clnth‘x. 1:1GC 11:1ilx. \xigx :111tl pi'nxlhclic Iimhx‘.’ I)11cx xhc li‘:1i| I'nuntl lllL‘ llll‘ll-l xlllipx (ll. NC“ \illlih Ill \L‘ul't‘ll ill :I lit“ cli:11':1clc1“.’.-\llhnugh lilllc ix knnxxn :ihnul Ihc :11'lixl. xhc h:1x in lhc p:le th'cxxctl up :1x Ilicillc Hall during her \llltlL'Ill ll:1_\x. gnnc In :11‘I npcningx in llixgliixc and men

:1I hcr 1m 11 npcningx. h:1x hitlilcn l'i‘nm Ihc gluz'c nl

public :Illcnlinn. Sn ix xhc ccccnli'ic lll'_lll\l xh} '.’ "Shc ix iIIcI'cdihl} xh_\.' x:1_\x (ilcnn Scnlt \Vi‘ighl. t‘lII‘:1lnI‘ nl lhc .\lli'r Ill/11m" L‘\hil\ilinn. 'Shc l1:11cx:Ill lhc


Despite appearing in so many works. Sherman provokes one question: 'What does she look like?‘

:Illcnlinii :1111l xhc tlnL‘xII‘l \\:111l lhc \lnik In he :1hnul "Inc". xhc \\:1nlx it In he :Ihnul nlhci‘ ixxucx.‘

.I'lllixL‘ lllllL‘l‘ l\\llL‘\ lllL‘ l'L'Dl'L‘M‘lllHlllill Ill~ IIIC l'c111:1|c h:1\ c hccn k‘llll\lillll III ht‘i‘ \\lil‘l\ ll'lllll lhc gi'ixll} 1.1119 :1I1tl 111III'tlc1' \ lL'lllll \L‘l'IL‘\ In llL‘l' 11c“ pni'li'uilx nl' t‘lll\\il\. \Vnrking in :1 111:1lc llnIiIiImlcd :11'l \xni'ltl. Shaman h:1x hccn hugcl} inllucnliul. 'l‘h:1l lll

IIII'II h:1x llL'lPL‘tl In hi'ing In Ihc llll't‘ lhc \xni‘k nl nlhcr

lumulc :Ii'lixlx “lurking: in thc c:11'l_\ 7(lx. ‘l‘hc l'ni‘lhcnmiug cxhihilinn :1I Ihc l~1'11i1111:11'l\cl (i:1||c1"\. .I/lt'l‘ lint/gt". \xill xhn\\ :1 \CIL‘CIIUII nl' i111:1;_'cx h} Sherman. :1lnng \\llll \\lll'l\\ l1} .\11:1 .\ICIIIIICIU. I-'I':111ccxc:1\Vnnthiiun:iiitl Siiiii'}11(iill.

‘Shcriiiun hclpcll In p:1\ c lhc \\:1_\ Int Ihix I‘cc\:1lll:1linn nl IIIL‘ \Hll'lx nl' :II‘lixlx llle‘ .\lcmliclu :1I11l \\'nnll111:111_ilixl hccuuxc lhc liming \\:1x :1 lilllc hil hullci' l'ni' ('i111l_\.' x;l}\ St‘nll \Vi'ighl. ‘Sllt‘ IIIH\L‘1I [U \L‘“ \iiil‘k Ill “)77 :1111l lh:II'x \xhcn xhc xI:1I'lctl \xni'king nn lhc ("Hill/ml l'i/m .\t'rii'x and \\:1x I:1l\u11 up h} Ihc :1I'l \\lll'ltl. 'l‘hc 1.1.1 Ih:1l(‘i111l}'x \\lll'l\ h:1x xn much pi‘nmiiicnt'c mm and xhc ix t'nnxitlcrml nnc nl the 111an impni‘luiil :II'lixlx til the |:1xl 3i) _\L':1I‘x. h:1x :lllnuul lIx In lnnlx hut'k.‘

l11l1'ig11i11g. iiixpii'ulinnul. iIIl‘lucnIiul. xhc L‘Hllllilllcx In lxccp 11x gucxxing. .\'nl lc:1xl in Ihc churnelci'x xhc cI‘culL‘x hill in hcr n‘.\ 11 L‘lll\l\L‘ :inil unigiiiulic lilc. \th ix(‘i11ll_\ and \\ h:1l‘x xhc:1ll :1hnuI'.’

Selected works by Cindy Sherman features in the After Image at the Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, Sat 2 Aug-Sat 27 Sep. The Cindy Sherman Serpentine Gallery retrospective exhibition travels to the National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 6 Dec-7 Mar. Thanks to GNER for travel to London. Contact 08547 225 225 or visit www.gner.co.uk

As well as Cindy Sherman, After Image brings together the work of three important artists who use photography and their own bodies to explore female identity. Words: Helen Monaghan.

Francesca Woodman In 1981. Woodman took her own life. She was 22. The work she left behind. which has only recently been released from her archive. was extraordinary. Influenced by the surrealist movement. she photographed her own body (frequently nude) in relation to space and objects. She would smear herself with paint. bind her legs with tape or envelope herself beneath peeling wallpaper. reducing her body to just a blur.

Ana Mendieta For so long. Mendieta was referred to only as Carl Andre’s partner but she was an artist in her own right. Her Facial Hair Transplants (1972) was inspired by Duchamp's postcard reproduction of Leonardo's Mona Use in which Duchamp added a moustache and beard. She did the same to her own face. transforming herself from a young girl to a young man. Mendieta died at the age of 36. the result of a tragic fall from an apartment.

Slmryn Gill Gill is of Indian origin, was born in Singapore. brought up in Malaysia and then moved to Australia. Her work is concerned with identity and the Vegetation series looks at cultural identity and ethnicity. Using indigenous plants to cover up her face. she looks at issues of belonging to a place. And in the series Dalam. she photographed 258 living rooms of complete strangers.