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EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Street. 55" 343‘), Tue Sat 10am (\plll‘

Fresh: Contemporary British

Artists in Print l‘ntil Sat I3 Scp, i‘tll'

the l’i'intinakei'x‘ l-'c\ti\a| \hou. .1 \election ot pl‘lllh h} conieinpoi'ai'} Bi'itixh :\i’ti\t\. The line-up l\ iinpi’cxxne and includex “orb h) ('lane Bai'cla}. ('hi‘ixtine Boi‘land. Martin Bo} cc. Jake «K Dinm Chapman. Damien iIll'\l. .'\lll\il Kapooi'. (’hi'ix ()lili. 'l'oh} l’atei'xon. Ro“ Sinclair. l)a\id Shi‘igle} and Richard \Vi'ight.


4t) 44 'l'hixtlc Street. 335 l 181. Mon i‘i’i Illain 5.30pm,

Fresh l'ntil Sat 3” .-\ug. .-\n c\|iihition of neu pi'odiicix h} Blue Marmaladc


New paintings by Adrian Wiszniewski on show at the Edinburgh Gallery

“ho \[iccialixc in plaxticx including \\;i\lc paper him. ('I) holdei'x and lainpxhadcx


3 Dean l’ai‘k ('i‘excent. 333 4030 Hail} 3 (ipin.

New Scottish Paintings .\lon

4 Sun l“ .-\ug. .-\ xelling e\liihition ol‘ paintingx h} Scottixh :ll‘ll\l\ .\'oi‘niand llcggie and Jo} cc (ii‘ahain Heggie pi'cxeiitx Scottixh landxcapc and \ull lite \tudie\ and Graham \hou a selection ot \\;llL‘l‘L'UlUlll‘\

FOREST ARTS 'th l)a_\ :\\Cllll\l ('hui‘ch. Bi‘hto Place. 335 381)”. Had} noon midnight Care in the Community ’l‘hu

Sun 3| .-\ug. Houxcd in the lornici‘ Sexcnth Du} :\d\enti\t ('hui'ch. i‘oi'exl .-\i't~ celebrate the opening ot‘ lill\ ncu dl'l\ \pace \\ iih an e\hihition ot graphic- haxed “orb and hold paintingx h} o\ er Rtl .’tl'll\l\ including Kli‘xl} \Vhiien. .\lar_\ 'l‘i’odden. Mikel Kl’llllllll\ and .»\ihc Rutherford. \FT. SHUT.


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Hail}

I Iani 0.30pm.

0 After Image Sat 2 .-\ug Sat 27 Sep. (‘urated h} (ilenn Scott Wright oi l.t)lidtilt\ \‘ictoi'ia \Itt'ti (i;iiiCt'_\. .-I/!('r

Inuiei' hl‘lllg\ together the \Vork of I01”

\L‘lllillitl photogi'apherx \\ ho all ll\L‘ photograph) and their (m it hodiex to c\ploi'c l’enialc identit}. Needing no introduction. (ind) Sherman ix one ol‘ the moxt influential :ll‘ll\l\ norking toda} atid ix hext knonn It)!‘ hcr l'iiIiI/u/ I'i/m .S'i'ri'c'x. .-\ \clcclion ol ihexe uorkx are on dixpla} along uith \\Ul'i\\ li'oiii the iIl\lUl'_\ I’oi'traitx. ignition and .\iiI\I\\ \L'i‘icx. (her 30 \\Ul‘i\\ h} cult tigurc l-‘rancexca \Voodiiian \\ ill alm he prexented. Woodman coniniitied \uicidc at the tig‘L‘ til. 3] Nil \he iL'I-I behind a iL‘g‘uC) ol' \onie remarkable. mature photographx. .-\na .\lendieta u. ho alxo died in tragic circunixiances produced \onic incredible uoi'kx including I'tlt'ltl/ Hair TRUMP/(HHS t 1973 l. And tinall}. Siini‘}n (ilii \hous [hi/um. a

\ci‘iex ot 358 xnaphotx ol li\ ing iooni lllIL‘l'lUl\ and \t cannon. “illcit “I” he \houn at Habitat \ce lixting Sec tcatuic and IIlIll\l Ni V. 8‘


40a Raehui'n I’lacc. 3|5 3htl3

.\lon Sat Want 5 30pm

Jewellery of the World & Draped in Dreams i‘ll l \ug .\'.it i 3 SUP. .-\ c'UiiL‘cllUll HI llllt‘llldllt‘lliti \li\L‘l icucllci'} including a locux on \UIIIC Hi I’l‘l.III\I-\ ik‘\l \Ik'\|;3IIL'I\ .lllti tc\tile\ and \hau lx lioni ‘\\l.l


(ii'indl.i} Sti'cct (‘ouiL (iiindl.i\ Stiect lane. 32‘) “m ' UNLV Filmmakers Showcase 4 Sun 3k 'I'uc 5 'l‘hu " \ng

l3 30 3pm. (5. Digital \hoi'h cicach h} \tudcntx ol the l'nixeixit} ol \cutda. l ax Vegax


'l‘cnot Rn“ Home. Hi‘ixto Stiiiaic. 33¢ 3l5l. Hail) Ill 4ani

Finding Bin Laden - The Exhibition ill I Mon 35 .\ug \Vhilc i'cxcai'ching the pla} lint/me Ii’m [AH/(7]. photographer and diiectot Saiii .\la_\nai'd ti'a\el|cd to Kahlil to document the altci'inath ol the \\.U.


(iallei) tk Shop. 77 l)unda\ Sticct. 550 315‘). Mon i'l'l ltlani (lplll'. Sat Illaiii Spin

A Visionary Landscape Mon .1 .v\ug Wed 3 Sep. New ahxti'act and Iandxcapc paintingx h} Nicholax |)o\\n. Kii‘xt) ('ohen. linda Noi‘i‘ix. i.l\ .\lo\c|_\ and Allan Macdonald plux noodnoi'k h} .-\ngu\ ('|_\nc and ceraniicx h) l)a\ id ('ohen. Ni \'.'

Si {OW

Festival Exhibition Mon ‘1

Aug Wed 3 Sep .-\n e\lithitton ol interior-led productx including hand crafted cai'dx. line and applied ai'tx h} a \clcction ol' Iil'lli\il ai'tixtx.


33 Shandxxick Place. 335 ‘HSII Mon Wed & i'i'i Uaiii 5.30pm; 'l'ue 0.30am 5.30pm; 'l‘hu ‘lain 7pm; Sat 7 (ipin; Sun l|.3(lani 5.30pm. After Image at Habitat Sat 2 Aug Sat 37 Sep, :\\ part ol the Alter linage e\hihition at the lii‘uitniai'kcl. Siiiti'}'ii (iill'x \i'ct'lutmn \criex ol phnlugrupilx I\ on dixpla}. Sec l‘ruitinai'ket Gallery and feature


33a l)unda\ Street. 556 3l8l.

Mon Fri 10.30am 5.30pm; Sat l().3()ani Spin.

19th International Festival Exhibition Sat 3 Sat 3“ Aug. An c\hihition ol‘ oxer HX) paintings and printx h} over 50 galler} ill‘ll\l\ li‘oni Scotland and abroad encoinpaxxing a \iide range \uhicct iiiatter l'roni liguratne and \till lite \llltiiL’\ to land and \eacapes.


6 ('ai'lton 'I‘crracc. 556 444 1. Mon Sat 10am Spin.

0 Cralgle Aitchlson Wed (i

Aug Sat [3 Sep. With a career \panning o\ er 5“ )earx. lidinhui‘gh- horn artixt ('raigie .»\itchi\on \houx llL‘“ \H)fi\\ in lilix lirxt shim in the city for m er 3() _\'car\. The exhihition t'eaturcx IS recent paintings ranging from still lil'cs to criicilixionx and a \CrlCN ol' hand-painted etching» See prex‘icu and Hitlixi. NEW SHOW


38 Howe Street. 335 3888. Mon Sat 9.30am (ipin; Sun noon-5 in; Electric Light - The op 50 Mon 4 Sat 30 Aug. Inhouxe‘s Festival exhibition features a collection of 50 lighting icons from the turn of the l‘)th centur) to the present day.