
I Henry’s Late Nights at lleiir-yx .la/I (‘ellar \liditighl 3am £() £7 \Vcekl}. late ran and (lie houxe |)J\ lake _\ou into llte wee \rnall hourx. (‘olin Slt't'lc\ \lt'lltltg l’()l \cL'\ \(tlllc lit/l lunk and rocking le(Nt\L‘\ tron) trumpeter Steel and ~a\rnan Martin Kcrxhaw (2 Aug ); Rurnha ('aliarite inaxh l.atrit. (‘uhan and New York \ll‘L'\ together (0 Aug ).

I Hoflbeat at Berlin Bterhaux.

llprit 3am £5. 3 Aug. 'I'he l'tinkc}niagic guy and llollltcat pill on a rtew rugltt in a new \enue with more ol tltat deep hoti\e )oii |()\e \o rnuch learning tip will) the Stilthie‘x 'l'ltu night rexidentx l’llSll & l’till.

I The HOT Club at (iildcd Balloon. I 5am. £5 £1“ (£5 £9). ‘) Aug. See 'l‘hu,

I Thee Jailhoose at 'lhee l‘itder'world. 0.3” 3am. l-ree. \Veekl}. Rt'll'tt liea\} metal and (lid \c‘li()()l luck. 'I ltirtk big hair. lltink \pande\ and tonic there. i’l'lllL‘L‘\\ (’laii'e. 'lhec cRYl’tineixter arid a lew rii}\tet'} gucxtx take (are ()l the l‘ttckitl' action.

I Joy at tlte Venue. llprtt 5am. £15 (£I2 rneinherx). 2 Aug. l'p-lront. dirt} liltlISL‘ gt‘()()\e\ on tlte niaiit lloor lroin Alan ck Maggie .lo} and Brett King to work )ou tip irtto a lather on the riiaitt ll()()l‘. l’llh 'l't'end} Weird} arid Sall} l"\ cheek} llli\ ol \oul. liink and chart in the dow nxtairx \utle. .\'otc tltat Jo} ix a club tor ga} people arid their ll'iL'lltiS. 'I'enth hirthda} trrnc and a new \etiue lor Jo} gtiextx irtclude Queen Maxine and 'l'ok}oh|ii. See (im in )rnri-Iexlr'i'ul ntueurrne [or ln't'i'rt'tt.

I Messenger Sound System at Bongo ('luh. llprit 3am. £7. 2 Aug. l-'ortnightl'\. li;i\\ ol how el-xhilting proportionx ax the might} Mexxenger Soirrtd S}\lt'lll lilaxts otri the hext in righteoux r‘oolx and duh reggae w ith new regular .\l(' lxhu. l’liix to kick oil the lcxlluil we lt;i\ e gtl\l\ lllL‘ l)i\L'lPlC\ illltl their top t'()()l\ and dill) limit the Bot)iiixhackalackka \tahle.

I Mingin’ at Studio 24.

10.30pm 5am. £5 lk‘ltll't‘ midnight; £(t alter. ‘) Aug Rc‘\i(lcltl\ Brian l)c‘lltp\lcl' and Alan .lo} hmt tlte uxual .\lingin' tiiadricxx. tilth} ltUthL‘ and tw ixtcd ti'artce lor a lrixk} arid predotninatttl) ga) crowd.

I Mission Jnr at Studio 34. 7 lllpllt. £5. Weekl}. (ioth. rock. ptiiik and ol t‘()tll‘\L‘ all tltat nu ntetal \tull tltat tlte kidx crax e \o much. So il _\ou L‘\Cl' wondered where all lhoxe black-clad _\outlt\ limit the top ol ('ockhurn Street w cut alter dark. look no lui‘tlicr. 'l'he hext arid original urtder lS's riietal gatltering in towrt.

I Mission at Stirdio 34. l lprii 3am. £5 (£4 lltclttlk‘l'Sl. 3 Aug. Fortnightly Night ol ritetal ma}hern. gotlt rock arid tnore lront the darkxide a real lidinhurgh llt\llll|li(tll.

I Nuklear Puppy at ligo.

l lprn 5am. £8 (£7 ritemherx). 9 Aug. Rexidentx .laxon ('orte/ aitd l’hil York take on lid) 'l'r‘ackx lor \ortte dancellooi' dextruction ol tltc hard dance \ariet} ax llaxlarn take\ on the r'exidentx loi‘ a tltree hour hack-to-hack \L‘\\i()ri.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. lllpllt 3am. £5. \Veekl}. l)a\ e Slteddert witlt hix mix ol dixco aitd lllttk) hotixe tracks.

I Progression at tlte Liquid Room. ll).3(lpm 3am. £l4. 2 Aug. Derek Martin. (ia\ (irant arid Alan Dohxon teaiit tip with Tribal Sexxions leattiring (ireg Vickers. Wall} Lopez and King l'rtique. With pre-cltih \exxion at (‘ll'V ('ale lrotit 8pm. See prei'reti'.

I Redemption at 'I‘eviot Row l'nion. Input—3am. £2 (£1 mentherx). l .\'o\‘. (‘ioth and industrial club lrom lil)(}&R.



I SiLENCiO at ('ounting llouxc. 7.30pm 3am. £() (£5). 2 Aug. .\lonthl_\. .\li\ed hag ol perlor'inaiicex. muxic and lounging. .\l(' Ali arid D] Daniel are joined h} \;tl‘l()tl\ tlteatrc. \pokcn word. arid coined) perlormerx.

I Sistas at Marco'x l.ei\ure ('entre. lllprn 3am. £4 helore midnight: £5.50 alter (£2 with ll'ter'). \Veekl}. See l‘i‘i. I Sophistifunk at ('it}. I lprn-3aiit. £7. Weekl). \Vith rexident l)J~ pla} trig chart reini\e\ and lllllk} houxe in tlte main club and 'l‘okythlii irt Bar () with their deliciouxl} dillcrertt lilettd ol houxe ck garage.

I The Takeover Party at tlte lloneycoinh. l lpiit 3am. £7 (£(t). 2 Aug. 'l‘he Hone) conth mot ex ()\ er to Bohlt) .-\lttlc‘t\ott\ ll.;i Belle Angelc) cail'L‘ tiltd to mark the lact we ha\ e a big ol‘ part} lroiti \omc ol lidinhtirgh‘x hext l(t\ ed \pinnerx. ('raig Smith. llugg}. And} Baker. (i-Mac. (iitto and l’i'oltixee & l‘l. take care ()l' tlte mixed groin ex and L'L‘lclirliltit‘} \ iltcx.

I Tease Age at (‘itr'ux ('Iuh.

llpiit 3am. £5. \Veekl}. 'l‘hi\ indie xtalwart (llxltc‘x tip e\er_\lhing ll‘ttltl \winging (ilk ltil\ to ltagg} .\lanche\ter la\ ex ax well ax a hmt ol current .\'.lll: chart hotltererx.

I Ultragroove at (‘aharet Voltaire. midnight 5am. £l() (£8 with tl_xer). 2 Aug. l’or'tnightl}. l'ltragroote rexidentx \pecialixe iii real deal littlISL‘ action lront (iareth Somerx ille and ('olirt ('ook hoxting the third llhlullttc‘ltl ol Soulxonic‘x quarter'l} rexidenc) and l.oe lilxtoh arid Stuart l’atterxon return.

I Vain at 'l‘et iot Row l'nion.

9pm —3am. £4 (£3). 20 Sep. 'l‘echno. goth. induxtrial. Xllx and new rontarttic tunes. So that'll be cheery then?‘.’

I Vegas at ligo. llpm- 3am. £9 (£7 iii lancy dresx). 9 Aug. .\lonthl). llep dadd) \w ing. countr) clasxicx arid \leal} lixtening with your high-kicking lt(t\l\ - Frankie Sumatra. Bugs) Seagull. Dino Martini arid the stunning Vegax \lt(t\\girl\. And do tr} to make an elt'ort with the lane) drew code. eh'.’

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva at Cavendish/Dita. lllpm—3am. Free helore l lpm; £6 alter. \Veekl). The ltilly relurhixhed \pace hoxts a night or all the grom iest hitx lront the ()(l\—9(l\, with current chart la\e\ on the top floor. ()\ er 25.x onl}.

Moira Finucane appears at La Clique daily from Sat 2


I Disco at Jongleurs at .longlcur'x, rnrdrtigltt 3am. £4 (£3). 2 Aug. See 'l‘hu. I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood. 0pm 3am. l'ree helore llpnt; £3 alter (tree to rneniherx). \Veekl}. ('ltat't. part} and \(ttll llll\ lrorn l).l .\lartin.

I The Party Continues . . . at Peppermint Lounge. lllpm 3am. £3. \VCL‘hi}. See kit.

I Shake It at l.'Attachc.

lll.3(lpm 3am. 4 hclore | Ipnt; £5 alter. \Veekl}. l’ai't) rniixic limit the ()llS right up to l;t\t week. plilx l();i(l\ ()l (ll'ittk\ promm to w axh it all (low it w ith.

I Supernova at Reutltlltott.

Ill.3()pnt 3am. () hetore midnight: £7 alter (£4 £5). \Veekl}. (‘hart and part} hitx all night long.

I Why Not? at \Vh) .\'ot‘.’. lllprit 3am.

3 helore l lprn; £5 7.50 alter. \Veekl}. See l-ri.

Edinburgh Sundays Club

I Audio Tourism at l’ito liar ('ltih. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl). S-Arge arid Jamie Buchanan pla} out a \election ol heatx.

I The Bongo Club Cabaret at

Bongo('|uh. lllprn 5am. £7 £8 (£5 £7).

3 Aug. See 'l‘ltu.

I Boogie Express at (‘it_\. I 1pm- 3am. £5. \Veekl}. (iet down. lr'eak otit at llti\ glittering dtxco part) night like ito other. Dresx tip it _\oti dare.

I Bootylicious at llone}cornh. ll).3(lprn 3am. l-"ree helore midnight; £3 alter. \Veekl}. A three deck lreakshow ol Rth a cappella\ ctit tip arid \ct'atched o\ er hip hop hr'eakx lrottt Richie Rulltone arid Lyle} now houxed at llx new \ertue the Hone) comh.

I BootyLUSHous at ligo.

l lprit 3am. £3. \Veekl}. More ol a Sunda} Social than a lull on glam allair with [)1 Dale i.ll\lt arid ()L'L‘iixittltitl guext Supaxta'x mi\ing tip Rtkll. soul and lurtk. Drinkx lront £1.50 all night inc \‘odka. heer arid alcopm. Shooteh U

I Chocolate Sundae at l'iaith (lormerl) \Vilkie House). I lpm— 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. The Rth and hip hop Suit sexsion returnx with DJ Paul ‘l5o\}' l'()\ hack irt charge.

I La Clique at the Spiegeltent. llpm—3am. £ll) (£9). 3 Aug. See Thu. I Dazed at ligo. llprit-n3am. £5. \Veekl). With a w eekl} lite PA from l’huture B mixing up contemporar}

dance loop\ with t‘\c'i}tltritg troni clawrc \otll arid dixeo to pop and rock \llll‘l‘t‘l\ to create art original and ultra danceal‘le ltl\l(tll. hacked tip h} lok_\ol\lu with a \ltg'ltll} more tatlcoux houxe tnr\ tltaii ti\ual

I DKY at Studio 24 llpiii 3am

LI 5“ £2 \\eek|) Ilka \tridcx contidentl} into ll\ tlttrd \ear with ie~rdent Illx lord). (iareth arid Ilaxe pla_\ing lock. goth. metal. llltithllldl arid punk '1 liertie lllg‘lth and tree g‘llh coiiihine to keep lhnigx llllt‘lt'\llll}.'. week Ill. \\ L't‘k (till

I Fleamarket Funk at (‘ouriting llouxe "pin 3am £5 (£3 5”) 3 \ug See lltii

I Fresh al l’rne ('ouncil lltprn 3am £3 \\eekl_\ \\ ind down tour weekend in \t_\|e witlt l-dinlturgh‘x purext urltan \pol to) RA” and ltip hop on another le\e|. lion) the rotating l).l tearii l-altiilol. lax) ll. \aecrn. .-\lttl‘.t\\.ttlitl. Richie lx’ulttone. \l(' i'l()\\. .\li \igel and more

I Gotham at \iehol i'.ti\\.lltl\

lllpni iani £o £.\ (£5 inentlterx) 3Aug \lonthl} Billed ax ‘a tettxh eliilt lor the rn~ane‘. llll\ l\ gothic decadence all night long will) goth. electro. llltlll\ arid lpli.\l and a leti\h theme trorti l).l.\. Sultle\el3 arid HzKlllzl). l’lu\ a \peeial appearance h} lzlaine l)a\ |(l\(tll (the (illlllt'H lil'l‘fkI’ll\}(‘((”(1\ill‘ikik'i lHl [‘lt‘lt'lltg‘Nl. Stiiell} entorced goth arid lell\li (ll'c'\\c()(le

I The .ll (illtlt'tl litilltmtt. l 5am. £5 £llli£5 £‘l). 3Aug. See 'I'hii.

I I Love Music at ()pal lounge. noon 3am. l'i'cc hetore lllpni; 3. \\‘eekl_\ (iar'eth Soiiiriienille (l'llragrootei hoxtx an all-da} “Noon that cr‘()\\e\ the middle ground between cluhlting and chilling. teatui‘iiig gtie\t l)J\ arid a plethora ot lllll\lL‘;tl \t}le\ including houxe. latin. ran} gliunc'x, dixco and Rik”.

I Kayos at ()pitin). llpin 3am l'ree \Veckl). Metal and rock l).l\ ('ltlllt' .\lollat and John trorti llogxhead keep the crowd\ a rnoxliiitg.

I Quirky at I’i'ixe (‘otincil

lll.3l)pnt 4am. l'ree lielore midnight; £2.50 alter. Ill Aug. l‘oi'tnightl}. Izclectic lllllSlc polic} taking in C\Cl"\llllllg tron) Sergio .\lcnde/ to a (in) ('alled (ier'ald ti'om .\la\\ (('aniel Beatx). Neil \urnlt (litixh Halt) ) and Kenn} l’lantaxia (underground).

I Salsa Romantica at Iago. S I lplii. £S (£7 ). lll Aug, You'll neter guexx wltal krrtd ot rnuxrc the} pla} here. eh" Yep. ltot l,atin l'lt}lltllt\. will) a hegrnncrx claxx at 5pm (under the tutelage ()l \(niie ot St‘ttllttlttl'x ltcxl (iilllL'L' coacltex) lltt'lt l)J\ Jarnex (‘ornlx \ant) liei'itandeL l)r Salxa and g‘llL‘Sh \pinnrng the hext iit Latino \oundx lroin (tpni (not torgetting the light hullet. \lll'pl'l\L‘\. caharet and denim olt ()llct‘l.

I Sunday Social at (Erharet Voltaire. riiidrtrgltt 5am. l'r'ee. \Veekl}. A ll\L' l.atin extratagan/a w ill) tlanthotaitt ltirik and \earrrtg. tropical. \otll proxrding the lllllSIL‘ul hackdrop tor a iiigltt ()l xenxational \tllllltlL'l'lllllL' llltl teaturing ll\L‘ lllllSlL‘ lrorit hip hop ttpex Sin (it) will) the Sinxtar lircaket\ and DJ (‘rixpt (under le I).\l(‘ tinaltxt) plux i’rolect ('ee. l)ea(l|_\ Sins and Killer .\lo\e\..

I Taste at the Liquid Room.

I lprii 3am. £5 helore l l.3l)prn; £8 alter (£(i irieinherx). Weekl}. The capital'\ inlantous Sun riigltt \L'\\l()lt ((tllllllllL'N apace. l‘ixher t’t l’rrce \tippl} a prttngSSHC lttl\ ol house arid garage in the rriairt room while Martin Valentine arid Stet e Wanelexx wows the mixed/gay crowd with hix lllllk’} l'S house gems through the hack.

I Wanton&Bllthe at the l‘ndcrhell)‘. lll.3l)prtt- 4am. £7. It) Aug ()rtl). (‘nming the dnide between down heat. break heat and big heart. l.i\e drumx, hasx. cello arid harp \et the playground

for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine